Raúl medinaRaúl Medina AbreuLa respuesta en frecuencia describe cómo un sistema responde a señales de entrada de diferentes frecuencias. Se mide el espectro de la fuerza de entrada y la vibración de salida, usualmente usando un analizador de frecuencia. La respuesta ideal es plana, pero los equipos reales varían en dB entre frecuencias bajas y altas, afectando la calidad del sonido.
My Resume 2016 JulyEngr. Jerome LantotThis document provides a summary of Jerome A. Lantot's qualifications and experience. It outlines his educational background and licenses as a Registered Mechanical Engineer in the Philippines and member of the Saudi Counsel of Engineers. It then details his over 8 years of work experience in mechanical engineering roles in Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and UAE, focusing on construction, quality assurance, and piping work.
Super contabilidad presentaciónLUIS ENRIQUE SOTO OSUNAEl documento describe un software de contabilidad llamado SuperCONTABILIDAD. Ofrece módulos para contabilidad electrónica, presupuestos, cuentas por cobrar y pagar, cheques, bancos, y reportes fiscales. Incluye características como captura rápida de pólizas, reportes financieros, y envío de contabilidad electrónica al SAT. El software es adecuado para empresas privadas, gobierno, y despachos contables.
Krasilnikov global soil securityLandDegradationThe document discusses land degradation and soil security in Eurasia. While Northern Eurasia was previously considered stable, soil degradation is active in Russia, driven by natural and socioeconomic factors like water erosion, salinity, stoniness, desertification, and low organic carbon content. The costs of land degradation in Russia from 2002-2010 were estimated at $189 billion annually or 16% of GDP. Taking action to address degradation costs $694 billion over 6 years but inaction costs $1.69 trillion. Addressing degradation requires improved management practices, education, investment, research, and information to establish the economic value of soils and ecosystem services.
StrokobLandDegradationThis document summarizes a study that evaluated the costs of action versus inaction for land degradation in the Azov district of Russia. It used the total economic value approach to estimate the value of ecosystem services for orchards and cropland. Based on surveys of ecosystem service coefficients from Russia and China, the total economic value of orchards was estimated to range from $1681 to $8004 per hectare, compared to $550 for cropland. Factoring in establishment and maintenance costs of restoring orchards, the cost of action over 20 years was estimated to be lower than the cost of inaction due to land degradation in all scenarios except when using market prices for orchards.
Vol vi-weingartenLandDegradation1. Agriculture in Germany has negatively impacted the environment, especially through water pollution from nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus and from pesticides. Nitrogen surpluses on farms have declined but remain an issue.
2. German and EU policies have aimed to reduce agriculture's impacts on soil and water through various policy tools, like taxes, subsidies, and regulations. Legislation sets standards for issues like manure spreading and animal densities.
3. Detection of pollutants in water has improved, finding issues that were previously unnoticed. Over a third of water samples had nitrate levels under recommended limits, but some areas had concentrations exceeding drinking water standards due to intensive agriculture.
Krasilnikov global soil securityLandDegradationThe document discusses land degradation and soil security in Eurasia. While Northern Eurasia was previously considered stable, soil degradation is active in Russia, driven by natural and socioeconomic factors like water erosion, salinity, stoniness, desertification, and low organic carbon content. The costs of land degradation in Russia from 2002-2010 were estimated at $189 billion annually or 16% of GDP. Taking action to address degradation costs $694 billion over 6 years but inaction costs $1.69 trillion. Addressing degradation requires improved management practices, education, investment, research, and information to establish the economic value of soils and ecosystem services.
StrokobLandDegradationThis document summarizes a study that evaluated the costs of action versus inaction for land degradation in the Azov district of Russia. It used the total economic value approach to estimate the value of ecosystem services for orchards and cropland. Based on surveys of ecosystem service coefficients from Russia and China, the total economic value of orchards was estimated to range from $1681 to $8004 per hectare, compared to $550 for cropland. Factoring in establishment and maintenance costs of restoring orchards, the cost of action over 20 years was estimated to be lower than the cost of inaction due to land degradation in all scenarios except when using market prices for orchards.
Vol vi-weingartenLandDegradation1. Agriculture in Germany has negatively impacted the environment, especially through water pollution from nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus and from pesticides. Nitrogen surpluses on farms have declined but remain an issue.
2. German and EU policies have aimed to reduce agriculture's impacts on soil and water through various policy tools, like taxes, subsidies, and regulations. Legislation sets standards for issues like manure spreading and animal densities.
3. Detection of pollutants in water has improved, finding issues that were previously unnoticed. Over a third of water samples had nitrate levels under recommended limits, but some areas had concentrations exceeding drinking water standards due to intensive agriculture.