This document outlines the five main food groups and recommendations for daily portions. It discusses cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat as the five groups. It provides serving recommendations for each group and notes fibers help digestion while minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates provide various health benefits like energy, growth, repair, blood health, and bone/tooth/skin maintenance.
Este documento habla brevemente sobre el desarrollo de multitudes inteligentes y ciberturbas en México a través de Internet y las redes sociales. Menciona el uso de Facebook, SMS, flashmobs y foros en línea para convocar a la gente y organizar campa?as y protestas sobre temas como Televisa, emos y elecciones. También describe algunos eventos de violencia que ocurrieron como resultado de la ira y movilización en línea.
Este documento presenta los resultados de la fase final de la Liga 2007/08 en el cuadro A. Se muestra el número, nombre y resultado de cada uno de los seis partidos jugados. El ganador de la primera ronda fue Joaquín Rolán y Carlos Aznar, que derrotaron a su oponente por un marcador de 6-1 y 6-0.
El documento describe diferentes propiedades CSS para personalizar barras de desplazamiento, campos de formularios, botones y centrar elementos. Se explican propiedades como SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR y SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR para cambiar el aspecto de las barras de desplazamiento. También se detallan clases CSS como .campo y .bot para modificar el estilo de campos de formularios y botones. Por último, se indica que para centrar un elemento div basta con establecer margin: 0 auto.
This document discusses balancing responsibilities to shareholders and employees in corporate culture while maintaining a positive public image. It raises the question of whether responsibilities to shareholders outweigh those to employees. It also mentions alternatives to confrontational dispute resolution.
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects 4-6% of women. It is characterized by chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries. The cause is unknown but involves abnormal gonadotropin secretion and insulin resistance. Treatment focuses on weight loss, lifestyle changes, and medication to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce excess androgen levels. Women with PCOS have increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial cancer. Management involves screening, lifestyle interventions, and medication to treat symptoms and prevent complications.
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects 4-6% of women. It is characterized by chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries. The cause is unclear but involves abnormal gonadotropin secretion and insulin resistance. Treatment focuses on weight loss, lifestyle changes, and medication to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce excess androgen levels. Women with PCOS have increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial cancer. Management involves screening, lifestyle interventions, and medication to treat symptoms and prevent complications.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common cause of irregular periods and infertility in women of reproductive age, affecting 5-10% of women. It is associated with increased levels of androgens and insulin resistance. Women with PCOS have an increased risk of health issues like endometrial cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome. Diagnosis involves evaluating symptoms, family history, ultrasound of ovaries, and hormone levels. Treatment focuses on lifestyle changes, oral contraceptives, and medications to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce androgen levels.
This document discusses several topics related to induced abortion including:
- Common maternal complications of induced abortion such as infection, incomplete abortion, hemorrhaging, and tissue damage.
- Long-term physical and psychological health consequences of induced abortion.
- Ethical considerations regarding prenatal diagnosis, screening, and decisions around continuing or terminating pregnancies due to fetal anomalies.
- Dilemmas that can arise for doctors and patients in counseling and decision making when fetal abnormalities are discovered.
This document discusses research into cardiovascular risk factors in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The study found that PCOS women have higher rates of subclinical atherosclerosis, as measured by increased carotid intima-media thickness (CAI), compared to age-matched controls, especially in women over 40. Regression analysis showed that age, BMI, diastolic blood pressure, and higher LDL cholesterol levels are predictors of increased CAI. Having PCOS status further increased CAI levels after accounting for these risk factors. The implications are that interventions to lower LDLc and control weight in younger PCOS women may help reduce their future cardiovascular disease risk.
6. 二、系谱分析 ??? ? 系谱分析是指通过调查先证者家庭成员的发病情况,绘出系谱,以确定疾病遗传方式的一种方法。经过分析有助于判断某种疾病是否为遗传病;又有助于确定其类型,即是单基因病还是多基因病,或是染色体病;如果是单基因病,还可进一步确定该病的遗传方式(常显、常隐、 X 显、 X 隐、 Y 连锁遗传)。系谱分析时应注意的事项是: ????①要注意系谱的准确性、完整性。一个完整的系谱应有三代以上家庭成员的患病情况、婚姻状况及生育情况;还要注意了解家系往往由患者或代述人因顾虑而提供的虚假资料,影响分析结果的准确性。 ????②遇到“隔代遗传”时,要注意区分是显性遗传病外显不全,还是隐性遗传所致。 ????③当系谱中除先证者外,找不到其他患者,呈散发现象时,须认真分析是常染色体隐性遗传所致,还是新基因突变所致。
7. 叁、细胞遗传学检查 ???? 主要适用于染色体异常综合征的诊断。它可以从形态学的角度直接观察染色体数目、结构等是否出现异常。主要包括以下两种检查方法。 ???? (一)染色体检查或称核型分析 ???? (二)性染色质 ( 包括 X 染色质和 Y 染色质 ) 的检查
28. (五)产前诊断的方法 ??? ?① 细胞遗传学诊断:在产前诊断中最常用。以羊水中胎儿脱落细胞、绒毛细胞等为材料,对胎儿的染色体或性染色质进行检查,以确定胎儿是否患有染色体病或鉴定 X 连锁遗传病的胎儿性别。 ??? ②生物化学诊断:应用生物化学技术测定羊水、绒毛、孕妇血清、尿中等的某些酶的活性或某些代谢产物的水平,以确定胎儿是否患有遗传性代谢病和分子病。例如,甲胎蛋白 (AFP) 、乙酰胆碱酯酶( AchE )、蛋白质(酶)的测定可以初筛开放性神经管畸形或缺陷、先天愚型、地中海贫血和异常血红蛋白症。 ??? ③仪器诊断:是直接观察胎儿表型是否改变的主要方法。利用 X 线或超声波( A 、 M 、 B 和超声多普勒仪)、胎儿镜等方法观察胎儿的外部形态及骨骼、心脏等内部结构是否正常。 B 型超声仪更具有无创伤、效果好的优点,现已普遍使用。 ??? ④产前基因诊断:以羊水细胞、绒毛细胞等为研究材料,进行 DNA 分析,以检测出患有遗传病的胎儿。特别适用于常规诊断方法无法取材或确诊的情况。
62. 例 7. 一位 23 岁的男青年,因患严重的佝偻病并有骨骼畸形、骨痛而行走困难,故前来咨询,询问这种病是否为遗传病?怎样传递的?能否治疗?他的子女将来是否患这种病? ???? 佝偻病是婴儿中常见的一种疾病,一般是由于缺少维生素 D 和缺钙所引起,服用维生素 D 和钙片容易治疗,不是遗传病。而这位青年所患的佝偻病病情严重,查体可见身材矮小,下肢进行性弯曲, O 形腿,骨痛,行走困难,且病情进行加重。实验室检查表明血钙正常,血磷低、尿磷高、血清碱性磷酸酶增高,服用维生素 D 制剂不能提高血磷,故可确诊为抗维生素 D 性佝偻病。这是一种 X 连锁显性遗传病,病因是由于肾小管对磷酸盐的重吸收障碍和肠对钙的吸收不良,故又称低磷酸盐血症性佝偻病。 ???? 经详细问诊广泛收集家族史,绘制系谱。 ( 见下图 )