Salma Durrani is seeking a position where she can utilize her exceptional customer service skills and experience in logistics, administration, and data entry. She has over 10 years of experience in operations, sales coordination, and customer service roles in logistics and survey companies. Her resume details employment history at Phoenix Logistics, DNATA Cargo Partners, HKDC Tahseel, and Ipsos Survey Company. She has a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology and skills in Microsoft Office, internet, various operating systems, and languages including English, Hindi, and Arabic.
This document shows how to edit language files using JINI for Joomla 3.x by selecting an extension, selecting a language, using the search function to find the key for the article view title "Article Manager: Articles", modifying the translation value to "Article Manager: List of Articles", and clicking synchronize to apply the change so the page title is updated.
This document summarizes research on how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affected unauthorized immigrants' access to healthcare in the United States. It discusses how the ACA formally excluded unauthorized immigrants, 'brightening' the boundary between them and those eligible for coverage. While some localities pursued more inclusive policies, formal barriers to specialty care remained. Informal barriers like documentation requirements also deterred some unauthorized immigrants from seeking preventive care. The research examined these issues through interviews in San Francisco and Boston with immigrants, healthcare providers, and leaders."
The document summarizes scenes from multiple movies and identifies communication theories that can help explain elements of those scenes. It discusses scenes from the movies Blue Bustamante and Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon? and analyzes them through the lenses of theories like uncertainty reduction theory, expectancy violation theory, attribution theory, and social penetration theory. The document demonstrates how communication theories can be applied to understand interactions and relationships portrayed in movies.
This document discusses social networks and their usage. It defines a social network as a social structure made up of individuals and connections between them. It provides examples of popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ and describes how they allow users to connect online, share multimedia, create groups, exchange ideas and advertise. The document also notes some risks of using social networks like stalking and identity theft if private details are shared. It provides statistics on social network usage, finding that 47% of online adults and 73% of teens/young adults use social media, with many businesses and people spending significant time on platforms like Facebook.
Salma Durrani is seeking a position where she can utilize her exceptional customer service skills and experience in logistics, administration, and data entry. She has over 10 years of experience in operations, sales coordination, and customer service roles in logistics and survey companies. Her resume details employment history at Phoenix Logistics, DNATA Cargo Partners, HKDC Tahseel, and Ipsos Survey Company. She has a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology and skills in Microsoft Office, internet, various operating systems, and languages including English, Hindi, and Arabic.
This document shows how to edit language files using JINI for Joomla 3.x by selecting an extension, selecting a language, using the search function to find the key for the article view title "Article Manager: Articles", modifying the translation value to "Article Manager: List of Articles", and clicking synchronize to apply the change so the page title is updated.
This document summarizes research on how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affected unauthorized immigrants' access to healthcare in the United States. It discusses how the ACA formally excluded unauthorized immigrants, 'brightening' the boundary between them and those eligible for coverage. While some localities pursued more inclusive policies, formal barriers to specialty care remained. Informal barriers like documentation requirements also deterred some unauthorized immigrants from seeking preventive care. The research examined these issues through interviews in San Francisco and Boston with immigrants, healthcare providers, and leaders."
The document summarizes scenes from multiple movies and identifies communication theories that can help explain elements of those scenes. It discusses scenes from the movies Blue Bustamante and Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon? and analyzes them through the lenses of theories like uncertainty reduction theory, expectancy violation theory, attribution theory, and social penetration theory. The document demonstrates how communication theories can be applied to understand interactions and relationships portrayed in movies.
This document discusses social networks and their usage. It defines a social network as a social structure made up of individuals and connections between them. It provides examples of popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ and describes how they allow users to connect online, share multimedia, create groups, exchange ideas and advertise. The document also notes some risks of using social networks like stalking and identity theft if private details are shared. It provides statistics on social network usage, finding that 47% of online adults and 73% of teens/young adults use social media, with many businesses and people spending significant time on platforms like Facebook.
This document provides advice for a new manager transitioning into their role. It begins with 10 tips for success, such as believing in yourself, accepting there will be struggles, and getting to know the people and culture. It then lists 10 common mistakes made by new managers, such as thinking you know everything, not taking time to learn about your employees, and avoiding responsibility. The overall message is that new managers should seek input from others, focus on developing relationships, make gradual changes, and take responsibility for their team.
This document discusses the concept of "ev-ent-anglement", which examines how affect moves through feminist social networks. It includes snippets of text from various social media posts and discussions about concepts like cutting/editing, circulation of emotions, queer pleasures/politics in academia, and an affective approach to images. The document serves as an example of using cut-ups and pasting together snippets from different sources to explore these ideas about affect and feminist networks.
HTML provides semantic tags that describe the meaning of content on webpages. These tags include <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, and <h1> for main headings. HTML5 introduced new semantic tags like <section> and <figure> to further reinforce the meaning of different types of content. The Document Object Model (DOM) allows programs to access and manipulate HTML documents and content. Web components use newer technologies like shadow DOM to encapsulate different functional areas and allow reusability on webpages.
Periodic impulsive noise reduction in ofdm based power line communicationeSAT Publishing House
This document presents a method for reducing periodic impulsive noise in OFDM-based power line communication systems. It uses an adaptive notch filter and adaptive LMS filter to detect and remove periodic impulsive noise from OFDM signals transmitted over power lines. Simulation results show that both filtering methods improve the bit error rate of the power line communication system compared to no filtering. The adaptive LMS filter provides better noise reduction and lower bit error rates than the adaptive notch filter alone. The proposed noise filtering approach improves the performance of OFDM power line communication systems operating in noisy power line environments.
The document summarizes a student's trip through Europe and the Middle East from August 12th to September 3rd. They traveled from Perth to Dubai, then Geneva, Venice, various locations in Switzerland, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Dubai again, and back to Perth. Along the way, they documented sights seen, activities done each day, food tried, and reflections. They provided maps tracing their routes and circled or marked important locations. The student concluded with a high-level summary of their favorite and least favorite parts of the trip, what they learned, and how the experience changed them.
Qual 辿 o desejo dos Seres Humanos extraterrestres para os Seres Humanos da Terra.
15. Hat der einzelne Mensch das Bed端rfnis, tatkr辰ftig etwas zu tun, um die Welt zu 辰ndern resp. die Menschen, dann liegt das tats辰chlich in seiner Macht, jedoch immer nur in der Form, indem er dem und den N辰chsten ein Vorbild ist. Also hat jeder Mensch mit der 辰nderung zum Besseren, Friedlichen, Liebevollen, Freiheitlichen, Fortschrittlichen sowie zum Wissen und zur Weisheit bei sich selbst zu beginnen. Jeder muss bei sich selbst den Anfang machen und sich selbst sowie den Weg zu einem freien und gl端cklichen Leben entdecken. Erst nur f端r sich selbst muss jeder Mensch eine optimistische Einstellung gewinnen, und erst daraus ergibt sich jener Fortschritt der Erweiterung, durch den die N辰chsten animiert und mitgezogen werden. Und denken die Menschen bewusst in dieser Richtung, dann machen sie die erstaunliche Entdeckung, dass alle Mittel und alle Hoffnungen f端r ein wahres Fortkommen nur darin bestehen, wenn sie mit allem bei sich selbst beginnen.
15. Se uma pessoa, individualmente, sente a necessidade de ativamente fazer alguma coisa para mudar o mundo, e os seus seres humanos em particular, isto est叩 na verdade dentro de seus poderes, mas somente de maneira tal que ele possa ser um exemplo para os seus semelhantes. Assim cada pessoa possui dentro de si mesma a capacidade de mudar para melhor, rumo 叩 Paz, ao Amor, a Liberdade, ao Progresso, e tamb辿m rumo ao Conhecimento e a Sabedoria. Cada um deve iniciar, por si pr坦prio, e tamb辿m descobrir o caminho para uma Vida livre e feliz por si mesmo. Cada pessoa deve, primeiro, adquirir uma atitude otimista somente por si mesmo e, a partir da鱈, ir叩 iniciar o resultado do progresso da expans達o atrav辿s da qual o seu semelhante ser叩 induzido e ir叩 se juntar a ela. E se as pessoas pensarem conscientemente nesta dire巽達o, ent達o elas far達o a surpreendente descoberta de que todos os meios e toda a esperan巽a para um verdadeiro progresso existe somente quando elas d達o inicio a tudo.