екскурсія по школіHomichAllaOur school is a two-story building that was built in 1975 and will soon celebrate its 35th anniversary. It has a beautiful yard with trees and is located next to a sports ground. The school has a library, dining room, gymnasium, doctor's room, classrooms, computer lab, and rooms for administration and various subjects. Special attention is paid to making sure students have good facilities and opportunities to learn while also staying healthy. The students regularly participate in competitions and bring good results, prideing the school.
School staffHomichAllaThis document contains biographical information about 14 teachers at a school. It provides details such as their name, date of birth, family status, occupation, education history, years of experience, reasons for career choice, hobbies, and favorite qualities and traits in people.
School rulesHomichAllaThe document outlines rules for student behavior at school, including wearing the proper school uniform, not using electronic devices or talking in class, avoiding vandalism, cheating, swearing or bullying. It also lists common punishments schools use for breaking rules such as writing lines, detention, being reported to parents/teachers, or suspension from normal classes for a period of time.
презентацияHomichAllaThis document contains a list of random words with no clear theme or narrative. It includes common nouns like apple, milk, girl, bird, flower, tree, fish, fox, duck, chick, clock, twelve, table, bag, bed, bell, ball, desk, lion, letter, box, doll, dress, frog, berry, bear, and the exclamation "Молодець!!" in Cyrillic script.
екскурсія по школіHomichAllaOur school is a two-story building that was built in 1975 and will soon celebrate its 35th anniversary. It has a beautiful yard with trees and is located next to a sports ground. The school has a library, dining room, gymnasium, doctor's room, classrooms, computer lab, and rooms for administration and various subjects. Special attention is paid to making sure students have good facilities and opportunities to learn while also staying healthy. The students regularly participate in competitions and bring good results, prideing the school.
School staffHomichAllaThis document contains biographical information about 14 teachers at a school. It provides details such as their name, date of birth, family status, occupation, education history, years of experience, reasons for career choice, hobbies, and favorite qualities and traits in people.
School rulesHomichAllaThe document outlines rules for student behavior at school, including wearing the proper school uniform, not using electronic devices or talking in class, avoiding vandalism, cheating, swearing or bullying. It also lists common punishments schools use for breaking rules such as writing lines, detention, being reported to parents/teachers, or suspension from normal classes for a period of time.
презентацияHomichAllaThis document contains a list of random words with no clear theme or narrative. It includes common nouns like apple, milk, girl, bird, flower, tree, fish, fox, duck, chick, clock, twelve, table, bag, bed, bell, ball, desk, lion, letter, box, doll, dress, frog, berry, bear, and the exclamation "Молодець!!" in Cyrillic script.
5. Суффикс – это …
часть слова, которая
стоит за корнем и
служит для
образования новых
6. Приставка – это …
часть слова, которая
стоит перед корнем и
служит для
образования новых
7. Устная работа
• Вход без платы …
• Пустыня без воды …
• Движение без шума …
• Сбор сведений о противнике …
• Время перед восходом солнца …
• Предательство интересов родин, переход
на сторону врага…
• Нарушение верности кому-нибудь, чему-
• Внезапное чувство страха …
8. Работа с текстом
Перед нами мощный поток воды, который бурно
устремляется вниз с большой высоты. Далеко
разносится грохот низвергающейся с обрыва
воды. Всё кругом вздрагивает от шума.
Беспрерывно падает вода и рассыпается внизу
на миллиарды мелких брызг. Путешественники
смотрят в безмолвном оцепенении на это
чрезмерно величественное явление природы.
Особенное впечатление на зрителей водопад
производит в безоблачные дни, когда
бесчисленные капельки как бы растворяются в
9. Собери пословицу
• В свой умной набраться беседе ра..терять в
глупой а ума.
• Бе..делье не добра доводит до.
• Всю и..мучишь а себя хитрость не и..учишь.
10. Подведём итоги
• Над чем мы сегодня работали?
• В каких случаях на конце
приставки пишем букву з, а когда
– букву с?
• Приведите примеры слов, на
выученную орфограмму, которые
не звучали сегодня на уроке.
11. Домашнее задание
Составьте и запишите дома небольшой
рассказ на тему «В осеннем лесу», используя
слова и словосочетания, которые я вам
подготовила, предварительно вставив
пропущенные буквы.
Бе…шумный, бе..облачный, бе..жизненный,
бе..звучный, ра..двинул кусты,
ра..яренный волк, и..бежать встречи,
вскрикнуть от и..пуга.