Globally 165 million children under-five
years of age are stunted. Hence development of local
therapeutic nutritional intervention is recommended by WHO.
Present study was designed to find the efficacy of the
nutritional intervention for the recovery of impaired lipid
metabolism and correlation of weight for height% with
cholesterol, triglyceride in malnourished children. 105 test and
100 control SAM children without infection, of 1 to 5 years of
age and either sex were enrolled. Test group was given
treatment of nutritional intervention therapy, providing 2.5 to
3gm Protein and 90-100 kcal /kg body Weight/day, for the
three months. Their Anthropometric, and Biochemical
parameters were measured before and after the nutritional
therapy. Before the nutritional intervention treatment P values
for Serum Total cholesterol, Triglyceride, Weight for height
%, were insignificant suggestive of similar baseline
characteristics at enrollment. After nutritional intervention
treatment P values for Serum Total cholesterol, Triglyceride,
Weight for height % were highly significant. The r value of
Pearson correlation coefficient for triglycerides in the study
group and its ANOVA model was very significant, showing
poor positive correlation with weight for height % while for
total cholesterol it was found to be insignificant. Depending on
results we conclude that it is the most effective food supplement
for the speedy recovery of the impaired lipid metabolism in
SAM children and the use of weight for height % as a
anthropometric marker for the pre-indication of fatty liver in
malnourished children
Protecting the private data from publishing has
become a requisite in today's world of data. This solves the
problem of divulging the sensitive data when it is mined.
Amongst the prevailing privacy models, 狼-differential privacy
outfits one of the strongest privacy guarantees. In this paper,
we address the problem of private data publishing on vertically
partitioned data, where different attributes exist for same set of
individuals. This operation is simulated between two parties. In
specific, we present an algorithm with differentially private
data release for vertically partitioned data between two parties
in the semi-honest adversary model. First step towards
achieving this is to present a two party protocol for exponential
mechanism. By the same token, a two-party algorithm that
releases differentially private data in a secure way following
secure multiparty computation is implemented. A set of
investigational results on the real-life data indicate that the
proposed algorithm can effectively safeguard the information
for a data mining task.
A dominating set is a split dominating
set in . If the induced subgraph is
disconnected in The split domination number of
is denoted by , is the minimum cardinality of
a split dominating set in . In this paper, some results on
were obtained in terms of vertices, blocks, and other
different parameters of but not members of
Further, we develop its relationship with other different
domination parameters of
Software testing means to cut errors, reduce
maintenances and to short the cost of software development. Many
software development and testing methods are used from many
past years to improve software quality and software reliability. The
major problem arises in the field of software testing is to find the
best test case to performs testing of software. There are many kind
of testing methods used for making a best case. Teasing is a
important part of software development cycle .The process of
testing is not bounded to detection of error in software but also
enhances the surety of proper functioning and help to find out the
functional and non functional particularities .Testing activities
focuses on the overall progress of software.
Berdasarkan dokumen soal ujian akhir semester mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian, mahasiswa diminta untuk merangkum karya ilmiah hasil penelitian di bidang manajemen kesehatan dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan terkait temuan, pendekatan, variabel, dan metodologi penelitian.
The document describes a training program held at Graco European Headquarters in Belgium. Trainees are greeted upon arrival and given name badges and backpacks. They receive classroom training on theory and different equipment, including spray booths, texture application, striping, and the ExactaBlend system. Hands-on training is provided on passive fire protection, 2K finishing, windmill lubrication, food processing sanitation, and the InvisiPac system. Trainees also tour the warehouse facilities to see assembly of pumps and the goods distribution system. Recreational activities like table tennis are provided as well.
Background: Septoplasty is a common surgical
procedure performed by otolaryngologists for the correction of
deviated nasal septum. This surgery may be associated with
numerous complications. To minimize these complications,
otolaryngologists frequently pack both nasal cavities with
different types of nasal packing. Despite all its advantages,
nasal packing is also associated with some disadvantages. To
avoid these issues, many surgeons use suturing techniques to
obviate the need for packing after surgery.
Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of trans-septal
suture technique in preventing complications and decreasing
morbidity after septoplasty in comparison with nasal packing.
Patients and methods: Prospective comparative study. This
study was conducted in the department of Otolaryngology -
Head and Neck Surgery, Rizgary Teaching Hospital - Erbil,
from the 6th of May 2014 to the 30th of November 2014.
A total of 60 patients aged 18-45 years, undergoing septoplasty,
were included in the study. Before surgery, patients were
randomly divided into two equal groups. Group (A) with transseptal
suture technique was compared with group (B) in which
nasal packing with Merocel was done. Postoperative morbidity
in terms of pain, bleeding, postnasal drip, sleep disturbance,
dysphagia, headache and epiphora along with postoperative
complications including septal hematoma, septal perforation,
crustation and synechiae formation were assessed over a follow
up period of four weeks.
Results: Out of 60 patients, 37 patients were males (61.7%)
and 23 patients were females (38.3%). Patients with nasal
packing had significantly more postoperative pain (P<0.05)><0.05). There was no significant difference between
the two groups with respect to nasal bleeding, septal
hematoma, septal perforation, crustation and synechiae
Conclusion: Septoplasty can be safely performed using transseptal
suturing technique without nasal packing.
Globally 165 million children under-five
years of age are stunted. Hence development of local
therapeutic nutritional intervention is recommended by WHO.
Present study was designed to find the efficacy of the
nutritional intervention for the recovery of impaired lipid
metabolism and correlation of weight for height% with
cholesterol, triglyceride in malnourished children. 105 test and
100 control SAM children without infection, of 1 to 5 years of
age and either sex were enrolled. Test group was given
treatment of nutritional intervention therapy, providing 2.5 to
3gm Protein and 90-100 kcal /kg body Weight/day, for the
three months. Their Anthropometric, and Biochemical
parameters were measured before and after the nutritional
therapy. Before the nutritional intervention treatment P values
for Serum Total cholesterol, Triglyceride, Weight for height
%, were insignificant suggestive of similar baseline
characteristics at enrollment. After nutritional intervention
treatment P values for Serum Total cholesterol, Triglyceride,
Weight for height % were highly significant. The r value of
Pearson correlation coefficient for triglycerides in the study
group and its ANOVA model was very significant, showing
poor positive correlation with weight for height % while for
total cholesterol it was found to be insignificant. Depending on
results we conclude that it is the most effective food supplement
for the speedy recovery of the impaired lipid metabolism in
SAM children and the use of weight for height % as a
anthropometric marker for the pre-indication of fatty liver in
malnourished children
Protecting the private data from publishing has
become a requisite in today's world of data. This solves the
problem of divulging the sensitive data when it is mined.
Amongst the prevailing privacy models, 狼-differential privacy
outfits one of the strongest privacy guarantees. In this paper,
we address the problem of private data publishing on vertically
partitioned data, where different attributes exist for same set of
individuals. This operation is simulated between two parties. In
specific, we present an algorithm with differentially private
data release for vertically partitioned data between two parties
in the semi-honest adversary model. First step towards
achieving this is to present a two party protocol for exponential
mechanism. By the same token, a two-party algorithm that
releases differentially private data in a secure way following
secure multiparty computation is implemented. A set of
investigational results on the real-life data indicate that the
proposed algorithm can effectively safeguard the information
for a data mining task.
A dominating set is a split dominating
set in . If the induced subgraph is
disconnected in The split domination number of
is denoted by , is the minimum cardinality of
a split dominating set in . In this paper, some results on
were obtained in terms of vertices, blocks, and other
different parameters of but not members of
Further, we develop its relationship with other different
domination parameters of
Software testing means to cut errors, reduce
maintenances and to short the cost of software development. Many
software development and testing methods are used from many
past years to improve software quality and software reliability. The
major problem arises in the field of software testing is to find the
best test case to performs testing of software. There are many kind
of testing methods used for making a best case. Teasing is a
important part of software development cycle .The process of
testing is not bounded to detection of error in software but also
enhances the surety of proper functioning and help to find out the
functional and non functional particularities .Testing activities
focuses on the overall progress of software.
Berdasarkan dokumen soal ujian akhir semester mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian, mahasiswa diminta untuk merangkum karya ilmiah hasil penelitian di bidang manajemen kesehatan dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan terkait temuan, pendekatan, variabel, dan metodologi penelitian.
The document describes a training program held at Graco European Headquarters in Belgium. Trainees are greeted upon arrival and given name badges and backpacks. They receive classroom training on theory and different equipment, including spray booths, texture application, striping, and the ExactaBlend system. Hands-on training is provided on passive fire protection, 2K finishing, windmill lubrication, food processing sanitation, and the InvisiPac system. Trainees also tour the warehouse facilities to see assembly of pumps and the goods distribution system. Recreational activities like table tennis are provided as well.
Background: Septoplasty is a common surgical
procedure performed by otolaryngologists for the correction of
deviated nasal septum. This surgery may be associated with
numerous complications. To minimize these complications,
otolaryngologists frequently pack both nasal cavities with
different types of nasal packing. Despite all its advantages,
nasal packing is also associated with some disadvantages. To
avoid these issues, many surgeons use suturing techniques to
obviate the need for packing after surgery.
Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of trans-septal
suture technique in preventing complications and decreasing
morbidity after septoplasty in comparison with nasal packing.
Patients and methods: Prospective comparative study. This
study was conducted in the department of Otolaryngology -
Head and Neck Surgery, Rizgary Teaching Hospital - Erbil,
from the 6th of May 2014 to the 30th of November 2014.
A total of 60 patients aged 18-45 years, undergoing septoplasty,
were included in the study. Before surgery, patients were
randomly divided into two equal groups. Group (A) with transseptal
suture technique was compared with group (B) in which
nasal packing with Merocel was done. Postoperative morbidity
in terms of pain, bleeding, postnasal drip, sleep disturbance,
dysphagia, headache and epiphora along with postoperative
complications including septal hematoma, septal perforation,
crustation and synechiae formation were assessed over a follow
up period of four weeks.
Results: Out of 60 patients, 37 patients were males (61.7%)
and 23 patients were females (38.3%). Patients with nasal
packing had significantly more postoperative pain (P<0.05)><0.05). There was no significant difference between
the two groups with respect to nasal bleeding, septal
hematoma, septal perforation, crustation and synechiae
Conclusion: Septoplasty can be safely performed using transseptal
suturing technique without nasal packing.
Nowadays digital cameras are equipped with a
single sensor (CCD/CMOS), to reduce the size and cost of the
camera. The color filter array (CFA) is used to cover the sensor
and it consist of three primary colors such as red, green and blue
and it samples only one color component at each pixel location.
The process of estimating the other two missing color components
at each pixel location is known as demosaicing. The proposed
algorithm uses the directional color difference and multiscale
gradient method for green plane interpolation, this type of
interpolation method is used to reduce the artifacts and improve
the image quality. The red and blue plane are interpolated using
the estimated green plane, the bayer pattern is used for the
interpolation technique. The performance of the image is
measured using the CPSNR value
- Security is a concept similar to being cautious
or alert against any danger. Network security is the condition of
being protected against any danger or loss. Thus safety plays a
important role in bank transactions where disclosure of any data
results in big loss. We can define networking as the combination
of two or more computers for the purpose of resource sharing.
Resources here include files, database, emails etc. It is the
protection of these resources from unauthorized users that
brought the development of network security. It is a measure
incorporated to protect data during their transmission and also
to ensure the transmitted is protected and authentic.
Security of online bank transactions here has been
improved by increasing the number of bits while establishing the
SSL connection as well as in RSA asymmetric key encryption
along with SHA1 used for digital signature to authenticate the
The software industry has had significant progress
in recent years. The entire life of software includes two phases:
Production and Maintenance. Software maintenance cost is
increasingly growing and estimates showed that about 90%, if
software life cost is related to its maintenance phase. Extraction
and considering the factors affecting software maintenance cost
help to estimate the cost and reduce it by controlling the factors.
Cost estimation of maintenance phase is necessary to predict the
reliability, improve the productivity, project planning, controlling
and adaptability of the software. Though there are various models
to estimate the maintenance cost of traditional software like
COCOMO, SLIM, Function Point etc., but till now there is no
such model to estimate the maintenance cost using fourth
generation language environment. Software maintenance will
continue to exist in the fourth generation environment, as systems
will still be required to evolve. In this kind of situation there is
needed to develop a model to estimate the maintenance cost using
fourth generation environment. We propose a systematic
approach and development for software maintenance cost
estimation model using fourth generation language environment
on the basis of COCOMO II. This model is based on three
parameters: SMCE with Fourth Generation Language
Environment, ACT (Annual Change Traffic), Technical and NonTechnical
factors which affect the maintenance cost. The
favorable results closely matching and it can be achieved by using
model implementation.
The YMCA will hold its 10th Annual Convention and familiarization tour in Cebu and Bohol for one week. They would like to have their first day of business session through a floating convention and continue the convention in either Cebu or Bohol on the 2nd. A total of 250 participants will be joining the event. The rest of the time will be spent for some adventure some activities. They require the cheapest rate possible on a full-board basis using one-way air and water transportation and with tour guides on selected destinations.
Flaws: Interval between arrivals on ports and transportation. Must be an hour or two hours because of the line of passengers that will be waiting and the number of participants are high. Consider the departure time.
- This paper shows an approach for designing a
system which implement a microcontroller-based control module
that receives its instructions and commands from a cellular phone
over the GSM (Global system for mobile communication)
network. The microcontroller then will carry out the issued
commands and then communicate the status of a given appliance
or device back to the cellular phone.This device allows a user to
remotely control and monitor multiple home/office appliances
using a cellular phone. This system will be a powerful and flexible
tool that will offer this service at any time, and from anywhere
that has network coverage. Due to the fact that the combination
and sequential logic circuits have more components soldered
together, inflexible, more difficult to the user, and not
programmable, the 8951 micro controller was chosen because it
can be written to and read from and also has an internal memory
which makes it to be versatile in application and user
friendly. Apart from the micro controller, other electrical /
electronic components used include: resistors, filters, voltage
regulator, transformer, rectifiers, capacitors, DTMF (Dual Tone
Multi Frequency) Integrated circuit etc.
As we know polyester is a synthetic fiber and has
more crystalline structure than natural fibers. In continuous
dyeing of polyester by pad-Thermosol process, there are many
advantages such as bulk production, low-cost, good efficiency etc.
But during dyeing process there is a severe problem occurs that
is dye migration .in order to control the dye migration different
migration inhibitors are used in this project. Both natural and
synthetic migration inhibitors are applied on the 100% polyester
fabric in order to compare that which migration inhibitor hives
better results on the pad-Thermosol process.
After comparing the different properties of the both migration
inhibitors the synthetic inhibitors found more efficient then the
natural one. The following tests were conducted during project:
Migration test, tensile strength, color strength, bending length,
light fatness.
Synthetic migration inhibitors gives better results for the tests
which were conducted .but there is a problem that the synthetic
migration inhibitors are not environmental friendly and they are
costly then natural migration inhibitors.
Este documento discute el aprendizaje aut坦nomo y c坦mo las TIC pueden facilitar el aprendizaje independiente. El aprendizaje aut坦nomo permite a los estudiantes establecer sus propios objetivos, ser creativos e interactuar con otros mediante herramientas digitales. Tambi辿n los hace m叩s responsables al evaluarse a s鱈 mismos.
The abnormal condition of electrical activity of
the heart given by ECG (Electrocardiogram) shows the cardiac
diseases affecting the human being. The P, QRS, T wave shape,
amplitude and time intervals between its various peaks contains
useful information about the nature of disease.
This paper presents wavelet technique to analyze ECG signal.
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is employed as noise
removal and feature extraction tool to achieve efficient design.
Daubechies wavelet of order 10 has been designed using Verilog
Hardware Description Language (HDL) and ModelSim Altera
6.4a is used as simulator. MIT-BIH database has been used for
the analysis
Investment is defining as asset or item that is
purchased with the hope that it will generate income or
appreciate in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is
the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are
used in the future to create with. In finance an investment is a
monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will
provide income in the future or appreciate and be sold at a
higher price. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the
impact of investment (public and private) on economic growth
in Sudan during the period 1999-2011. Date were collected
from central bureau of statistics. Using these data ordinary
least squares method was applied to the linear form of the
model. The obtained results showed that: investment has
positive impact on economic growth measured by nominal
gross domestic product, real gross domestic product and
growth rate of gross domestic product. This is similar to what
mentioned in economic theory.
The document compares the experimental performance of a thermoelectric refrigerator to a vapor compression refrigerator. It finds that for 325 ml of water cooled from 32属C to below 6属C:
- In the commercial refrigerator's freezer compartment, the water temperature decreased linearly with time, taking 61 minutes to reach 6属C.
- In the thermoelectric refrigerator, the water temperature decreased exponentially with time, taking 69 minutes to reach 6属C.
- For most of the cooling time, the thermoelectric refrigerator cooled at a faster rate than the commercial refrigerator.