This document discusses a rezoning request for the Bridgewood and Barron Crossing developments. Staff recommends approval of the planned development district with conditions that pedestrian access be provided from the townhouse development to open space, and that right turn deceleration lanes be installed along William D. Fitch Parkway for the suburban commercial area. The request includes a meritorious modification to allow block lengths over 1,200 feet, which is normally the maximum in restricted suburban designations under the unified development ordinance.
The document discusses various teaching models, approaches, strategies and methods. It defines approaches as assumptions about language learning and teaching, and methods as plans for presenting language. Strategies are plans to ensure lessons are learned, and techniques are classroom activities. The models are grouped into behavioral, information processing, social, and personal families. Behavioral models use conditioning and stimuli, while information processing models emphasize acquiring and organizing data. Specific models discussed include mastery learning, simulations, advance organizers, and inquiry training.
This document discusses cognitive and social constructivism as approaches for an effective classroom. It explains that cognitive constructivism is based on Piaget's theory that learning is an individual process of constructing knowledge from experiences. Social constructivism, developed from Vygotsky's work, views learning as a social process where ideas are constructed through interactions with others. The document provides details on Piaget's stages of development and Vygotsky's theories of the zone of proximal development and social interaction to illustrate how these constructivist approaches can guide teaching methods and strategies.
This document discusses models of teaching and their components. It defines teaching models as instructional designs that specify environmental situations to cause specific changes in student behavior. There are four families of teaching models: information processing, personal, social, and behavioral systems. Each model has four key components - syntax, social system, principles of reaction, and support system. The document provides examples of models within each family and describes the components.
Social Constructivism & Cognitive Development TheorySinky Zh
Social Constructivism and Cognitive Development Theory are compared. Both theories view cognition as resulting from mental construction and believe learning depends on teaching context and student beliefs. However, Piaget focused on intellectual development mechanisms while Vygotsky emphasized culture's influence through language and social structures. Vygotsky placed more importance on social and cultural influences on development than Piaget. Vygotsky also highlighted the important roles of language and the Zone of Proximal Development in cognitive growth.
This document discusses a rezoning request for the Bridgewood and Barron Crossing developments. Staff recommends approval of the planned development district with conditions that pedestrian access be provided from the townhouse development to open space, and that right turn deceleration lanes be installed along William D. Fitch Parkway for the suburban commercial area. The request includes a meritorious modification to allow block lengths over 1,200 feet, which is normally the maximum in restricted suburban designations under the unified development ordinance.
The document discusses various teaching models, approaches, strategies and methods. It defines approaches as assumptions about language learning and teaching, and methods as plans for presenting language. Strategies are plans to ensure lessons are learned, and techniques are classroom activities. The models are grouped into behavioral, information processing, social, and personal families. Behavioral models use conditioning and stimuli, while information processing models emphasize acquiring and organizing data. Specific models discussed include mastery learning, simulations, advance organizers, and inquiry training.
This document discusses cognitive and social constructivism as approaches for an effective classroom. It explains that cognitive constructivism is based on Piaget's theory that learning is an individual process of constructing knowledge from experiences. Social constructivism, developed from Vygotsky's work, views learning as a social process where ideas are constructed through interactions with others. The document provides details on Piaget's stages of development and Vygotsky's theories of the zone of proximal development and social interaction to illustrate how these constructivist approaches can guide teaching methods and strategies.
This document discusses models of teaching and their components. It defines teaching models as instructional designs that specify environmental situations to cause specific changes in student behavior. There are four families of teaching models: information processing, personal, social, and behavioral systems. Each model has four key components - syntax, social system, principles of reaction, and support system. The document provides examples of models within each family and describes the components.
Social Constructivism & Cognitive Development TheorySinky Zh
Social Constructivism and Cognitive Development Theory are compared. Both theories view cognition as resulting from mental construction and believe learning depends on teaching context and student beliefs. However, Piaget focused on intellectual development mechanisms while Vygotsky emphasized culture's influence through language and social structures. Vygotsky placed more importance on social and cultural influences on development than Piaget. Vygotsky also highlighted the important roles of language and the Zone of Proximal Development in cognitive growth.
The document discusses models of teaching proposed by Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil. It aims to provide different teaching strategies to match various learning styles. Joyce and Weil developed several teaching models consisting of guidelines for designing educational activities and environments to achieve learning goals. The models fall into four families - information processing, personal, social interaction, and behavior modification. Each model has elements like focus, syntax, social system, and principles of reaction. One example provided is the concept attainment model, which helps teach concepts by having students categorize examples and form hypotheses to understand attributes and rules.
The document discusses various teaching models including information processing models, behavioural models, personal models, and social models.
It provides details on several information processing models such as Atkinson and Shiffrin's model of memory, Gagne's information processing model, and different types of inquiry teaching models. Behavioural models covered include direct instruction, mastery learning, and programmed instruction models. Personal models summarized are non-directive teaching, developing positive self-concepts, and the project model. Lastly, the social model discusses group teaching, cooperative learning, and simulation methods like sociodrama and role-play.
The document provides an overview of key teaching models with the goal of guiding teachers in planning and
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This document discusses the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) like e-books, e-learning and e-libraries. It provides two identification numbers, 553050057-2 and 553050069-5, that are related to the topic of e-learning.