Walk, Flow, and Creation: Toward Natural & Creative Living LabTakashi Iba
Keynote at Iba Lab conference (Academic Year 2016) by Takashi Iba, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Ph.D in Media and Governance
狠狠撸s written both in English and Japanese
井庭研 2016年度最終発表会における井庭崇の基調講演
Walk, Flow, and Creation: Toward Natural & Creative Living LabTakashi Iba
Keynote at Iba Lab conference (Academic Year 2016) by Takashi Iba, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Ph.D in Media and Governance
狠狠撸s written both in English and Japanese
井庭研 2016年度最終発表会における井庭崇の基調講演
Words for a Journey - The Art of Being with Dementia (旅のことば - 認知症とともによりよく生きるた...Takashi Iba
Talk at the session "Building Dementia-Friendly Society"(認知症フレンドリー社会をどのように実現するのか?), Roppongi, Tokyo. (Nov. 4th, 2014)
Presented by Takashi Iba & Makoto Okada
Greenz Weekend is an event that encourages attendees to think about the good things in Japan, talk to neighbors, and make the most of the chatty afternoon time. The schedule includes check-in, travel reports and Q&A, a break, fishbowl talks, and check-out. Attendees are asked to sit close together and consider "the good things about Japan" in preparation for discussions. The event aims to provide opportunities to talk, gain insights, and have an enjoyable afternoon.
The document appears to be a collection of slides from a presentation covering various topics including green drinks, global warming, never giving up, the environment, energy, politics, war, the local economy, human rights, chemical equations, hydrogen production amounts, microgrid control systems, carbon and hydrogen reactions, and types of people involved in movements and change such as entrepreneurs, designers, dancers, journalists, activists, engineers, politicians, students, and more. The slides contain images, text, and formatting but no clear overall narrative or message.