cv2michael taylorMichael Taylor is currently studying for a BSc in games design at the University of Bolton. He has skills in programming, games design, 3D modeling, and narrative writing. He has worked on testing games like Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone. Additionally, he has worked at a care home and game retail store to gain experience in roles like maintenance, sales, and stocking. His education has included modules in sound design, mechanics, and level design. In his personal time, he enjoys playing, researching, and attending events related to games and comics.
Increasing Volunteer ParticipationMichelle HolcombHow to increase volunteer participation in your organization - written for cub scout leaders, but useful for anyone who needs to recruit and retain volunteers
Sistema per opzioni binarie profittevole e costante nel tempoopinioni prodottoIn questo articolo trovi il mio Sistema per opzioni binarie profittevole e costante nel tempo che genera ottimi guadagni.
Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Sustainable intelligent buildings for better hea...Derek Clements-CroomeThis document summarizes a report about how building design affects occupant well-being and productivity. Poor indoor environmental quality in buildings is estimated to cost the UK economy over £100 billion per year due to absenteeism and reduced productivity while occupied ("presenteeism"). Good design could save £135 billion annually. The report examines factors like air quality, lighting, noise levels and biophilic design that influence occupant health and recommends designs for sustainable, healthy buildings that consider energy efficiency without compromising indoor environmental quality.
How To Trade Stock MarketShiksha ChouhanThe Indian stock market indices closed marginally higher, with the Sensex up 0.12% and Nifty up 0.18%. Banking stocks gained, with the Bank Nifty rising 0.94%. Foreign institutional investors were net buyers of Indian stocks. Some individual stocks like Cipla, Reliance Capital, JSW Steel, and SKS Microfinance saw gains. The document provides analysis of market trends and technical levels, as well as recommendations for specific stocks.
Adopt Change responds to AIHW Adoptions Australia 2013-14 ReportSammwayThe advocacy group Adopt Change expressed disappointment with a report showing a decline in adoptions in Australia in 2013-14. The CEO of Adopt Change, Jane Hunt, said the findings were not good enough and more needs to be done to promote ethical adoption reform. Hunt welcomed the commitment of the Australian government to reforms aimed at reducing the time for adoption to 12 months. However, she noted more also needs to be done to help children over age 5 find permanent families.
Elba Iris Santiago-GM-OpsTati SantiagoElba Iris Santiago has over 30 years of experience in finance, operations, and general management. She is currently the Manufacturing Cost Section Manager at Abbvie, Ltd. where she manages six direct reports. Previously, she held the roles of General Manager and Controller at ADT Puerto Rico LLC where she led a successful reorganization and transition. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting from the University of Puerto Rico.
Investigacion sobre Seguridad InformaticaRubenchorn2010Este documento trata sobre la seguridad informática. Define la seguridad informática como la disciplina que se ocupa de diseñar normas, procedimientos, métodos y técnicas para conseguir un sistema de información seguro y confiable. Explica los tipos de amenazas a la seguridad informática como agujeros de seguridad, errores de configuración y falta de conocimiento de los usuarios. También describe las ventajas de la seguridad informática como asegurar la integridad y privacidad de la información y crear barreras de protección.
E learningMargoth Sofìa Benìtez CastroEl documento habla sobre las herramientas de e-learning y sus ventajas y desventajas. Explica que el e-learning permite acceder a la información de manera rápida e instantánea a través de Internet y cómo esto ha globalizado el acceso a la información. También incluye un mapa conceptual sobre el campus virtual de la UNAD y concluye que comprender las diferentes herramientas de e-learning es útil para la vida profesional.
El PacíficozomarosorioLa Institución Educativa "El Pacífico" es un centro educativo ubicado en el distrito de San Martín de Porres que brinda servicios educativos a la comunidad de la urbanización El Pacífico. Celebra su aniversario el 24 de noviembre con un festival de danzas folklóricas y en julio y noviembre realiza el Día del Logro para mostrar los aprendizajes y logros de los alumnos. También organiza la Semana de la Juventud con un concurso de declamación y ofrece charlas y asesorías
Class 3VivyKooThis document provides instructions for operating a camera during a lab session. It identifies the camera parts like the eyepiece and viewfinder. It explains that the viewfinder moves according to the panning bar. It outlines the procedure for adjusting the camera, starting recording after the word "ACTION" is called, and stopping recording after "Cut" is called to aid the editing process. It also defines what is meant by filming something "TOO Tight".
Tese MestradoLaura ChagasEste documento analisa os níveis de satisfação de estudantes e professores em cursos presenciais e a distância em uma universidade politécnica. Os resultados mostram níveis moderados de satisfação para ambos os grupos, com poucas diferenças entre os regimes. Estudantes a distância estão mais satisfeitos com conteúdos e apoio, enquanto presencialmente estão mais satisfeitos com professores. Professores também apresentam satisfação moderada, sendo importante a interação com estudantes. Recomenda-se melhorar feedback, criatividade e
SOCIAL MEDIA AND COLLEGE STUDENTSSheik Mohamed Shahul HameedThis document summarizes a study on the impact of social media usage on the academic progress of college students in Chennai, India. It found that the majority of male and female students agree that social media is spoiling their studying time and health by spending too much time on sites like Facebook and Twitter each day. While social media can be useful for sharing thoughts and developing friendships, it is also distracting students from educational activities and career development. The study concludes that social media should be better integrated to support education rather than solely used for entertainment and passing time.
Redes finalAllison Castro1. O documento discute as relações entre redes e territórios, definindo redes como infraestruturas que permitem o transporte de matéria, energia e informação através de um território.
2. As redes de informações são cruciais na sociedade contemporânea e influenciam os territórios ao selecionar locais para servir como nós das redes, modificando suas funções e conectividade.
3. Um exemplo é dado de uma rede social de amigos em diferentes cidades da região metropolitana de Belém, onde a inform
Resources and Tools For Website Development199.designThe document provides summaries of various web development tools and technologies, including:
- CSS Guidelines which provides up-to-date CSS information for developers.
- Play Framework for building scalable web applications in Java using a browser and text editor.
- Dimensions, an open source Chrome extension that allows measuring elements on web pages.
- Apache CouchDB which describes itself as a "database for the web" that stores and indexes JSON documents using JavaScript.
0.6 análisis térmicoCarlos QuiñonezEste documento introduce el concepto de análisis térmico en relación con el diseño de productos. Describe los principios de la conducción, convección y radiación de calor y cómo se pueden simular las condiciones térmicas utilizando software de validación de diseño. Explica cómo el análisis térmico es importante para una variedad de productos, incluidos dispositivos electrónicos, máquinas, implantes médicos y electrodomésticos.
Elba Iris Santiago-GM-OpsTati SantiagoElba Iris Santiago has over 30 years of experience in finance, operations, and general management. She is currently the Manufacturing Cost Section Manager at Abbvie, Ltd. where she manages six direct reports. Previously, she held the roles of General Manager and Controller at ADT Puerto Rico LLC where she led a successful reorganization and transition. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, majoring in Accounting from the University of Puerto Rico.
Investigacion sobre Seguridad InformaticaRubenchorn2010Este documento trata sobre la seguridad informática. Define la seguridad informática como la disciplina que se ocupa de diseñar normas, procedimientos, métodos y técnicas para conseguir un sistema de información seguro y confiable. Explica los tipos de amenazas a la seguridad informática como agujeros de seguridad, errores de configuración y falta de conocimiento de los usuarios. También describe las ventajas de la seguridad informática como asegurar la integridad y privacidad de la información y crear barreras de protección.
E learningMargoth Sofìa Benìtez CastroEl documento habla sobre las herramientas de e-learning y sus ventajas y desventajas. Explica que el e-learning permite acceder a la información de manera rápida e instantánea a través de Internet y cómo esto ha globalizado el acceso a la información. También incluye un mapa conceptual sobre el campus virtual de la UNAD y concluye que comprender las diferentes herramientas de e-learning es útil para la vida profesional.
El PacíficozomarosorioLa Institución Educativa "El Pacífico" es un centro educativo ubicado en el distrito de San Martín de Porres que brinda servicios educativos a la comunidad de la urbanización El Pacífico. Celebra su aniversario el 24 de noviembre con un festival de danzas folklóricas y en julio y noviembre realiza el Día del Logro para mostrar los aprendizajes y logros de los alumnos. También organiza la Semana de la Juventud con un concurso de declamación y ofrece charlas y asesorías
Class 3VivyKooThis document provides instructions for operating a camera during a lab session. It identifies the camera parts like the eyepiece and viewfinder. It explains that the viewfinder moves according to the panning bar. It outlines the procedure for adjusting the camera, starting recording after the word "ACTION" is called, and stopping recording after "Cut" is called to aid the editing process. It also defines what is meant by filming something "TOO Tight".
Tese MestradoLaura ChagasEste documento analisa os níveis de satisfação de estudantes e professores em cursos presenciais e a distância em uma universidade politécnica. Os resultados mostram níveis moderados de satisfação para ambos os grupos, com poucas diferenças entre os regimes. Estudantes a distância estão mais satisfeitos com conteúdos e apoio, enquanto presencialmente estão mais satisfeitos com professores. Professores também apresentam satisfação moderada, sendo importante a interação com estudantes. Recomenda-se melhorar feedback, criatividade e
SOCIAL MEDIA AND COLLEGE STUDENTSSheik Mohamed Shahul HameedThis document summarizes a study on the impact of social media usage on the academic progress of college students in Chennai, India. It found that the majority of male and female students agree that social media is spoiling their studying time and health by spending too much time on sites like Facebook and Twitter each day. While social media can be useful for sharing thoughts and developing friendships, it is also distracting students from educational activities and career development. The study concludes that social media should be better integrated to support education rather than solely used for entertainment and passing time.
Redes finalAllison Castro1. O documento discute as relações entre redes e territórios, definindo redes como infraestruturas que permitem o transporte de matéria, energia e informação através de um território.
2. As redes de informações são cruciais na sociedade contemporânea e influenciam os territórios ao selecionar locais para servir como nós das redes, modificando suas funções e conectividade.
3. Um exemplo é dado de uma rede social de amigos em diferentes cidades da região metropolitana de Belém, onde a inform
Resources and Tools For Website Development199.designThe document provides summaries of various web development tools and technologies, including:
- CSS Guidelines which provides up-to-date CSS information for developers.
- Play Framework for building scalable web applications in Java using a browser and text editor.
- Dimensions, an open source Chrome extension that allows measuring elements on web pages.
- Apache CouchDB which describes itself as a "database for the web" that stores and indexes JSON documents using JavaScript.
0.6 análisis térmicoCarlos QuiñonezEste documento introduce el concepto de análisis térmico en relación con el diseño de productos. Describe los principios de la conducción, convección y radiación de calor y cómo se pueden simular las condiciones térmicas utilizando software de validación de diseño. Explica cómo el análisis térmico es importante para una variedad de productos, incluidos dispositivos electrónicos, máquinas, implantes médicos y electrodomésticos.