2 класс. lesson 53 54. очень большое яблоко. что в коробке для завтрака у максаshpinatПрезентация хода урока по темам "Очень большое яблоко. Что в коробке у Макса?"
Урок русского языка "Главные и второстепенные члены предложения"uhitelГришина Т.В., учитель начальных классов Панского филиала МБОУ Заворонежской СОШ Мичуринского района Тамбовской области. Урок русского языка "Главные и второстепенные члены предлоожения"
2 ayf vYchebnikRUThis textbook is the first in the "Forward" series, which provides a progressive approach to learning English from grades 2 to 11. The textbook includes 14 chapters in the first part and 14 chapters in the second part. It corresponds to the federal component of state educational standards for primary general education.
Confederation collegeDhrron ConsultancyThis document summarizes the admission requirements and programs offered at Confederation College in Canada. Applicants must be 19 years or older and have an HSC, AISSCE, PU or intermediate certificate from India. English language requirements are an IELTS score of 6.5 overall and 5.5 in each module, or 6.0 for health programs. The college offers over 80 programs across various fields including aboriginal studies, aviation, business, community services, engineering, general arts and science, health sciences, hospitality, media arts, natural resources, protective services, skilled trades, and access and upgrading programs. Students who join Dhrron Consultancy receive benefits like free IELTS coaching, career counseling, accommodation
Enhancing employability presentation_2011arnesjogrenThe document summarizes various projects funded by the UK's Prime Minister's Initiative to enhance the employability of international students. It discusses projects conducted by organizations like AGCAS, NASES, HECSU that included developing online resources, conducting employer events, building international alumni networks, and creating databases to connect students and employers globally. It highlights lessons learned around meeting student and employer expectations as well as future challenges in sustaining projects and skills development.
Fresh ones tissuesSubhash GuptaThis document summarizes a design project to redesign the packaging for Fresh Ones wet tissues. The current packaging has issues with imagery, size, ergonomics, and user interface. Students were tasked with researching users and redesigning the packaging to be more compact, easy to use with one hand, and appealing to both men and women. They developed design briefs, generated concepts, created prototypes, and presented their solutions. Their final redesign improved on the packaging size, opening mechanism, graphics, and other factors based on user research and testing concepts.
The next wave: understanding how IT developments are changing the future of m...Erin LyonsDemand is exploding in the field of medical translation with the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device sectors representing the second-largest market share in the industry. Despite fast-growing demand and higher volumes of translation services in both traditional and emerging markets, the life sciences vertical is set to face new challenges in an expanding geographic environment that has become increasingly regulated and quality-driven.
We will take a closer look at the trends currently driving the medical translation industry, including the recent push towards multilingual harmonization through controlled language and the implementation of common technological applications. Recent changes in the regulatory environment, transitions to e-documentation, and new approaches to terminology management as determinants of quality and consistency will also be explored.
Sonipat utility p pt.9215811330Best hoardings at national highway no-1, Best outdoor media hoardings unipole in Sonipat, business process outdoor media, display hoardings, effective hoarding design. Specialist hoarding board, Haryana hoardings, hoarding definition, Hoardings, Hoardings advertising agencies in Sonipat. Hoardings, hoardings advertising agencies in Sonipat, hoardings design and poster, outdoor adverting, outdoor media, outdoor media agencies, outdoor media agencies in Sonipat. Best hoardings, outdoor media plan, real estate hoarding design, sing world outdoor media, top advertising agency, trends in modern marketing.
Infectious // August // 2010mindshareinfectiousThis document provides brief summaries of several communications and marketing news stories from August 2010, including:
1) The launch of Flipboard, a new app for the iPad that aggregates social media and website content into a magazine-style format.
2) Outdoor advertising campaigns by Schweppes in Portugal and Mini USA that used digital technologies to personalize messages.
3) The launch of Facebook Places, allowing users to share their location and discover places through check-ins.
4) Continued success of Amazon's Kindle e-reader and growth of digital book and newspaper sales.
5) The viral marketing campaign for Old Spice that achieved over 1 billion impressions across YouTube and social media.
2 класс. lesson 53 54. очень большое яблоко. что в коробке для завтрака у максаshpinatПрезентация хода урока по темам "Очень большое яблоко. Что в коробке у Макса?"
Урок русского языка "Главные и второстепенные члены предложения"uhitelГришина Т.В., учитель начальных классов Панского филиала МБОУ Заворонежской СОШ Мичуринского района Тамбовской области. Урок русского языка "Главные и второстепенные члены предлоожения"
2 ayf vYchebnikRUThis textbook is the first in the "Forward" series, which provides a progressive approach to learning English from grades 2 to 11. The textbook includes 14 chapters in the first part and 14 chapters in the second part. It corresponds to the federal component of state educational standards for primary general education.
Confederation collegeDhrron ConsultancyThis document summarizes the admission requirements and programs offered at Confederation College in Canada. Applicants must be 19 years or older and have an HSC, AISSCE, PU or intermediate certificate from India. English language requirements are an IELTS score of 6.5 overall and 5.5 in each module, or 6.0 for health programs. The college offers over 80 programs across various fields including aboriginal studies, aviation, business, community services, engineering, general arts and science, health sciences, hospitality, media arts, natural resources, protective services, skilled trades, and access and upgrading programs. Students who join Dhrron Consultancy receive benefits like free IELTS coaching, career counseling, accommodation
Enhancing employability presentation_2011arnesjogrenThe document summarizes various projects funded by the UK's Prime Minister's Initiative to enhance the employability of international students. It discusses projects conducted by organizations like AGCAS, NASES, HECSU that included developing online resources, conducting employer events, building international alumni networks, and creating databases to connect students and employers globally. It highlights lessons learned around meeting student and employer expectations as well as future challenges in sustaining projects and skills development.
Fresh ones tissuesSubhash GuptaThis document summarizes a design project to redesign the packaging for Fresh Ones wet tissues. The current packaging has issues with imagery, size, ergonomics, and user interface. Students were tasked with researching users and redesigning the packaging to be more compact, easy to use with one hand, and appealing to both men and women. They developed design briefs, generated concepts, created prototypes, and presented their solutions. Their final redesign improved on the packaging size, opening mechanism, graphics, and other factors based on user research and testing concepts.
The next wave: understanding how IT developments are changing the future of m...Erin LyonsDemand is exploding in the field of medical translation with the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device sectors representing the second-largest market share in the industry. Despite fast-growing demand and higher volumes of translation services in both traditional and emerging markets, the life sciences vertical is set to face new challenges in an expanding geographic environment that has become increasingly regulated and quality-driven.
We will take a closer look at the trends currently driving the medical translation industry, including the recent push towards multilingual harmonization through controlled language and the implementation of common technological applications. Recent changes in the regulatory environment, transitions to e-documentation, and new approaches to terminology management as determinants of quality and consistency will also be explored.
Sonipat utility p pt.9215811330Best hoardings at national highway no-1, Best outdoor media hoardings unipole in Sonipat, business process outdoor media, display hoardings, effective hoarding design. Specialist hoarding board, Haryana hoardings, hoarding definition, Hoardings, Hoardings advertising agencies in Sonipat. Hoardings, hoardings advertising agencies in Sonipat, hoardings design and poster, outdoor adverting, outdoor media, outdoor media agencies, outdoor media agencies in Sonipat. Best hoardings, outdoor media plan, real estate hoarding design, sing world outdoor media, top advertising agency, trends in modern marketing.
Infectious // August // 2010mindshareinfectiousThis document provides brief summaries of several communications and marketing news stories from August 2010, including:
1) The launch of Flipboard, a new app for the iPad that aggregates social media and website content into a magazine-style format.
2) Outdoor advertising campaigns by Schweppes in Portugal and Mini USA that used digital technologies to personalize messages.
3) The launch of Facebook Places, allowing users to share their location and discover places through check-ins.
4) Continued success of Amazon's Kindle e-reader and growth of digital book and newspaper sales.
5) The viral marketing campaign for Old Spice that achieved over 1 billion impressions across YouTube and social media.
Achilddiesofextremepoverty 090505012736-phpapp02abhishek1606The document discusses the issues of extreme poverty, lack of access to education and basic sanitation, and corruption around the world. It states that a child dies every 3 seconds due to extreme poverty and over 800 million people go to bed hungry daily, including 300 million children. It also mentions that over 40% of the world's population lacks access to basic sanitation. The document advocates taking action against corruption by filing Right to Information requests and using development integrity pacts. It encourages citizens to stand up against poverty, plant trees, and work towards achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals.
2. Общая экономика, 2017: Товар - "молекула ДНК" модели капитала. Два фактора...Moscow State UniversityCommodity as the unity of use value and value becomes the basic category, DNA molecule of the model. It contains potentially the whole economic organism. The first chapter of first volume of "Capital" is called “Commodities” and the first paragraph of this chapter "The Two Factors of a Commodity: Use Value and Value". 1) Use Value – thing with useful properties, satisfying a social need, "a useful thing for others"; 2) Value – crystallization of the “one and the same sort of labour, human labour in the abstract”, required for the production of a given set of use values. Commodity as the unity of use value and value.
Sd 1Mora SimanjuntakDokumen ini membahas tentang materi IPS kelas 1 SD yaitu identitas diri. Identitas diri meliputi nama, nama orang tua, umur, tanggal dan tempat lahir, serta alamat rumah. Siswa diajak untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada guru dan teman, serta menuliskan identitas diri dan orang tuanya.
InteligenciaswmendietaEl documento describe las diferentes inteligencias múltiples identificadas por Howard Gardner, incluyendo la inteligencia lingüística, lógico-matemática, espacial, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, emocional, naturalista y artificial. Se define cada tipo de inteligencia y se dan ejemplos de personas que destacan en cada una.
Internet niinske003The documents summarize several educational resources that involve interactive lessons, activities, and games related to various subjects. Some key details include:
- An interactive turtle pond game to estimate length and width, relating to measuring a human heart.
- A game to identify musical notes and their position on the musical staff.
- An activity having students care for a plant to learn observation and measuring skills.
- Resources on the civil rights movement, such as recreating a segregated lunch counter.
- Interactive tools for creating Venn diagrams and analyzing words.
Flashcards the starsshpinatThis document introduces several characters: Suzy, Simon, Stella, Mrs Star, Mr Star, Grandma Star, and Grandpa Star. It also mentions "A star". The document indicates that descriptions of each character and their age or status will be provided.
2 класс. lesson 59 60. большой улов. большой улов мигеляshpinatThis document appears to be notes from an English textbook on the topic of Granny's farm. It includes exercises, reading passages, and discussion questions about characters Maria and Miguel who live and work on a potato farm. References are made to the potato being introduced from South America to Europe and activities like dreaming of different houses and jobs involved in farming potatoes.
2 класс. lesson 51. кафе нашего маленького повараshpinatThis document appears to be notes from an English lesson about food. It includes the date of April 9th and section headings about homework, dictation, food and drinks, a listening activity about a cafe, and pronunciation practice of food-related words. Exercises are described to identify favorite foods of characters Wendy and her mom from a reading and to guess what parents are saying in a picture. Homework assigned is reading and translating pages 92-93 of the PB textbook.
2 класс. lesson 46. голодное привидениеshpinatThis document appears to be notes from a Russian language class. It includes assignments and exercises for students from textbooks pages 47-48 and 84. The teacher's name, dates, and page numbers are referenced throughout. One exercise involves a story about a hungry ghost stealing a cake. Homework is assigned to read from the textbooks for Monday.
1. У тебя есть маленькая собака? Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Мой домашний питомец
2. Ex. 1 p. 40 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Послушайте историю и скажите, где находятся дети. A pet for Tommy Запись диска № 58
3. Ex. 1 p. 40 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Посмотрите на картинку в учебнике и проверьте свои ответы A pet for Tommy
4. Ex. 1 p. 40 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Послушайте историю и скажите, какие животные нравятся Томми. A pet for Tommy Запись диска № 58
5. Ex. 1 p. 40 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 What’s his favourite colour? What’s his favourite size ( размер )? Big or small? Is it a lizard/ snake? Is it a crocodile? A pet for Tommy
6. Ex. 1 p. 40 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Послушайте рассказ еще раз, затем прочитайте вопросы на картинках и допишите их. Ответы на следующем слайде A pet for Tommy Запись диска № 58
7. Ex. 1 p. 40 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 A pet for Tommy rat parrot hamster big
8. p.40 ex.2 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Послушайте стихотворение и назовите, какой питомец есть у Стива и у Венди. Запись диска № 61 Steve’s got a… (big frog) Wendy’s got a … (little cat)
9. p.40 ex.2 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Послушайте стихотворение и прохлопайте ритм. Запись диска № 61
10. p.40 ex.2 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Повторите стихотворение вместе с записью на диске Запись диска № 61
11. p.41 ex.3 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Прочитайте диалог. Поиграйте в игру с членами своей семьи, сделав карточки со словами, обозначающими животных
12. We can read p. 41 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Кто изображен на картинке?
13. We can read p. 41 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Прочитайте предложение ребенку. Какой звук ему слышится чаще всего?
14. We can read p. 41 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Назовите, какая буква напечатана красным цветом [p]
15. We can read p. 41 Воронцова Н.С. 2011-2012 Читаем вместе [p]