Harsh Pershad (Innovate UK) presenting 'Funding Opportunities from Innovate UK' at the UKCCSRC/IMechE/CO2Chem Air Capture Workshop on 20th February 2015 in London
Harsh Pershad (Innovate UK) presenting 'Funding Opportunities from Innovate UK' at the UKCCSRC/IMechE/CO2Chem Air Capture Workshop on 20th February 2015 in London
Los estudiantes de una escuela realizaron un proyecto sobre el reciclaje de residuos sólidos en su comunidad. Encuestaron a residentes para determinar por qué no disponían adecuadamente de la basura, lo que causaba contaminación. Luego desarrollaron manualidades reutilizando residuos y establecieron recipientes para seleccionar basura en la escuela y tiendas cercanas. El proyecto motivó a la comunidad a cuidar el medio ambiente.
Srijan Roy is seeking a job applying his technological skills and qualifications. He has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from MCKV Institute of Engineering. His areas of interest include manufacturing technology, IC engines, machine design, and CAD software like AutoCAD and CATIA. He has work experience with windows operating systems and underwent training in manufacturing processes. He is competent, honest, and committed with good communication skills.
This slide show was developed by middle school students working with volunteers from the biomedical company, Genzyme. The students created the show to teach back to other scientists what they had learned.
White hat SEO uses organic techniques that follow search engine guidelines and policies to improve a website's ranking. It focuses on quality content, proper use of keywords, and good site architecture, performance, and user experience. In contrast, black hat SEO violates search engine rules through manipulative techniques like keyword stuffing, hidden text, and link spamming, which can damage a site's ranking. Key aspects of white hat SEO include original, relevant content; proper use of images, video, and metadata; and social sharing to indicate that content is useful.