This document discusses how to collaborate with web designers. It lists an agenda with topics including conventional problems when collaborating, examples of using Smarty, PHP, and PHPTAL templating languages to separate design from coding. The document provides copyright information for and examples of code for each templating language to iterate through a list and display items.
This document discusses how to collaborate with web designers. It lists an agenda with topics including conventional problems when collaborating, examples of using Smarty, PHP, and PHPTAL templating languages to separate design from coding. The document provides copyright information for and examples of code for each templating language to iterate through a list and display items.
Visual Studio Online BUILD を本気で使いこなして品質&効率を劇的に上げる! [ Comm Tech Festival ] C-4慎一 古賀
Comm Tech Festival C-4 セッションのスライドです。
ソースバージョン管理?タスク管理からもう一歩先に進みたい開発チームを対象に、Visual Studio での設計?開発からテスト?リリースまでの流れと Visual Studio Online BUILDを使いこなすためのポイント、出来ること?出来ないこと、工夫の仕方を解説します。