O documento consiste em uma única linha contendo apenas o valor de R$ 20,00, indicando provavelmente um recibo ou comprovante de pagamento no valor de vinte reais.
This one-paragraph document provides a list of four topics: home, vocabulary, structure, and listening. It appears to be an outline or table of contents for an educational resource that covers these core language learning concepts in separate sections. The document itself does not contain much descriptive content beyond naming the section topics.
The document presents a pitch deck for OutSpace Business Centre, which aims to provide a flexible working space and support services tailored for female entrepreneurs and mothers. It outlines the problems women face in entrepreneurship like lack of confidence, support and affordable childcare. The target market is women aged 20-59 in Croydon, where only 7% are currently self-employed and there are no women-focused business environments. OutSpace will provide shared working spaces, training rooms, creche facilities, mentoring, networking and other services. It presents financial projections showing the business model will be profitable and an analysis of competitors currently offering more limited online or membership-based support.
Dokumen tersebut membahas proposal perubahan sistem kenaikan gaji umum (general increase) dari dua kali setahun menjadi satu kali setahun dimuka untuk pekerja perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi. Dibahas pula dampak keuangan dari perubahan tersebut, perbandingan dengan sistem lama, dan masalah-masalah yang mungkin timbul.
The document summarizes concerns with the Cross-Strait Service Trade Pact between Taiwan and China. It notes that [1] the agreement allows for unequal levels of openness, with Taiwan committing to open more sectors than China. [2] Many service sectors opened by Taiwan are not reciprocally opened by China, threatening Taiwan's tertiary industry. [3] The agreement needs to be renegotiated to promote more balanced openness and protect Taiwan's economic security and development.
Crisis and Renewal is an examination of the succession process in the ancient spiritual tradition of Sant mat, through the lens of a modern succession controversy. It is an attempt to unfold the overarching spirituality behind the political process that occurs around the personality of the Sant Sat Guru at the time of his passing.
Session 1 ramstetter&nguyen multinational enterprises and vietnam’s exportsntuperc
This paper examines the role of foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) have played in Vietnam’s exports in 1995-2014. Economy-wide estimates suggest MNE share of Vietnam’s export grew from about one quarter to about two-thirds during this period. MNE shares of GDP were much smaller (6 to 18 percent); correspondingly export-production ratios were much (4.7 to 9.6 times) higher in MNEs than in the non-MNEs sector. If comparisons are limited to formal enterprises, wholly-foreign MNEs (WFs), which account for the vast majority of MNEs in Vietnam, tend to have relatively high export propensities and account for the vast majority of MNE exports. These data thus suggest that MNEs, and particularly WFs, make unusually large direct contributions to exports in Vietnam compared to other economic activities. On the other hand, these compilations cannot establish how if export propensities differ significantly among ownership groups after accounting for other, related firm-level and industry-level characteristics. Moreover, this paper highlights several substantial problems revealed by compilations of the firm-data which much be addressed before more reliable, rigorous analysis of the firm-level data will be possible.
1) Jo March introduces herself and her new web series project adapting Little Women into short weekly episodes.
2) Jo's sister Amy bursts in and insists she will co-star, though Jo planned to direct and star alone.
3) Jo introduces Amy to the audience. Amy brags she will be the lead star and leaves abruptly, leaving Jo overwhelmed as usual by her sister.
Session 2 tanaka trade and investment in cambodiantuperc
This document summarizes trade and foreign direct investment in Cambodia. It finds that both exports and imports have increased substantially in recent decades. Major export partners are developed countries like the US and UK, while major import partners are East Asian countries like China and Vietnam. The largest exports are apparel, footwear and garments, while major imports include fabrics and fibers used to produce exports. Inward foreign direct investment has also grown rapidly, with the largest investors coming from China, Malaysia, South Korea and other East Asian countries. Much of the investment has been in the garment and footwear sectors.
Session 2 archanun how aec promote intra_asean trade evidence from thailandntuperc
To gain better understanding of prospects and challenges of AEC, the paper examines whether and how exporters actually respond to tariff preferential schemes of AEC. The core analysis in this paper is an analysis of FTA administrative records of Thailand over the decade ending in 2015. Firms applying AEC preferential schemes were for market access into the original ASEAN members. Products exported under the FTA preferential schemes are highly concentrated, dominated by 4 sectors, i.e. Automotive (both vehicles and auto parts), electrical appliances, petrochemical products, and processed foods. Among ASEAN members, Indonesia had the highest utilization rate, followed by the Philippines and Vietnam. By contrast, Malaysia, another major trading partners of Thailand within ASEAN, recorded rather low utilization rate, i.e. about one-fourth of total export. The high cost of compiling with ROO would explain the low utilization rate to a certain extent. There are also cumbersome in government procedures. The key policy inference is that ROO and their related administrative procedures would be an area where policy makers should pay attention.
Session 1 kumagai japanese ofdi and the industrialisation in east asia and as...ntuperc
Japanese outward FDI(OFDI) to East Asia is a source of export-oriented industrialisation in the region, especially for ASEAN member countries. Japanese OFDI increases significantly after the Plaza According 1985, then again peaked at the middle of the 1990’s and plunged after the Asian financial crisis 1997/98, then resurged in the first half of the 2000s. The formation of production networks through Japanese OFDI helps the export-oriented industrialization in East Asia and ASEAN countries, as well as it is a driving force of upgrading industrial structure in the region, a la Flying Geese pattern.
7. 論支付
? PayPal-like service(1998)
? 本質是 IP 對 IP 的轉帳
? 解除 merchant 框架
? 在原有金融架構上跑應用
? 兼有保付 (escrow) 效果
? Future Money
? Flexible, frictionless, and (almost) free…
? Anytime, anywhere, any device, and (almost)
? 上車、下車都經由金融機構
8. 論理財
? 既有雲端帳戶,其他金融行為隨之而來
? Joint account of saving and checking or
NOW account (negotiable order of
withdrawal, 1974)
? 餘額寶就是新式的 NOW account :電子錢包與
? 即時解約:保持支付彈性又有理財收益
? 基金只是其中一種模式:相對保守安全
? 可以延伸其他風險模式加上授信安排
9. 論貸款
? P2P 借貸平台: zopa, lending club
? 群眾募資平台: flying V, kickstarter
? 電商平台借貸:阿里小貸 , amazonlending
? 徵信:金融資訊 vs 交易資訊
? 中小企業的貸款困境
? 人工 vs IT 系統
? 一秒鐘可撥款