El documento lista cuatro palabras clave: movimiento, mecanismo, funcionamiento y definición. No proporciona más detalles sobre el tema o contenido del documento.
This document provides biographical information about Samuel Taylor Coleridge and analyzes some of his famous poems. It notes that Coleridge was a leading figure of English Romantic literature and co-wrote Lyrical Ballads with William Wordsworth in 1798. It describes Coleridge's poems The Rime of the Ancient Marine, Christable, Kubla Khan, Forest At Midnight, and Work Without Hope. The document highlights Coleridge's intense imaginative power and superb control of language in these poems, which incorporate supernatural elements and imagery.
El documento lista cuatro palabras clave: movimiento, mecanismo, funcionamiento y definición. No proporciona más detalles sobre el tema o contenido del documento.
This document provides biographical information about Samuel Taylor Coleridge and analyzes some of his famous poems. It notes that Coleridge was a leading figure of English Romantic literature and co-wrote Lyrical Ballads with William Wordsworth in 1798. It describes Coleridge's poems The Rime of the Ancient Marine, Christable, Kubla Khan, Forest At Midnight, and Work Without Hope. The document highlights Coleridge's intense imaginative power and superb control of language in these poems, which incorporate supernatural elements and imagery.
Marios Stylianou_Paper II_ Novel High-Throughput Screening Method for Identif...Marios Stylianou
This document describes the development of a new high-throughput screening method to identify inhibitors of the yeast-to-hypha morphological transition in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans. The method uses automated microscopy and image analysis to quantitatively measure morphological parameters that distinguish between yeast and hyphal forms. Parameters like length/width ratio and mean object shape are calculated from images of fluorescently stained cells. Cell viability is also measured to identify inhibitors that block morphological transition without affecting growth. The method is validated using known inhibitors like farnesol and shown to be suitable for high-throughput screening through calculation of the Z-factor metric. This screening method could help identify new antifungal drug candidates that target virulence traits rather
The document describes the animation workflow process at a visual effects company. It involves animators working with scenes, publishing their work, getting reviews from other animators and directors, and rendering quality check videos. Issues arose from changes between publishes causing bad outputs and render failures, wasting time. To solve this, a pre-publish process was implemented to sync the render recipe with each scene's contents, reducing variability and repetitions in the workflow and cutting down process time and overtime.
Penelitian ini membuat model spasial ketersediaan air tanah dan intrusi air laut di kawasan pantai Kota Semarang dengan mengambil sampel air dari 65 sumur. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar air sumur berasa payau sampai asin akibat intrusi air laut, dengan nilai DHL 6,448-5,7 ms/cm. Analisis geolistrik menunjukkan akuifer di kawasan pantai terdiri dari aluvium campuran pasir dan lempung. Penelit
The document describes the compilation process from original code to machine code using LLVM. It involves frontends that translate code into LLVM intermediate representation (IR), the LLVM optimizer, and backends that target specific processors like ARM or x86 by translating LLVM IR into machine code. The LLVM compiler infrastructure can be used across many languages and platforms including C/C++, Swift, and through projects like Electron and Emscripten for additional platforms like web apps.
Este documento describe un protocolo pre-hospitalario para la reperfusión en pacientes con infarto agudo al miocardio. El protocolo incluye realizar un electrocardiograma de 12 derivaciones en la escena, comunicar los resultados al hospital, administrar terapia trombolítica y medicamentos adjuntos como aspirina y nitroglicerina, y trasladar al paciente a un hospital equipado para angiografía de rescate. El objetivo es reducir el tiempo hasta la reperfusión mediante la administración temprana de trombolíticos, lo que ha demost
The document describes a library database project developed in 2008 by Rasheed Ahmed and Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan for two institutions in Karachi, Pakistan. The database allows for data entry, barcode scanning, and searching by accession number, author, or title. It can print records, track periodicals, enter circulation data, generate overdue notices, and reserve books. Data entry for students is also included, and the database uses Z39.50 software.