This document summarizes information about a book that was scanned by Google as part of their project to make books discoverable online. It explains that the book is in the public domain since its copyright has expired. The summary also provides guidelines for using public domain books from Google, including maintaining attribution and not assuming works are legal to use anywhere.
This document provides details about an annual fundraising event called Kalakaar held on April 15th to support Vibha's mission of educating and empowering underprivileged children. It lists the Chief Operating Officer Leena Ghosh and Event Director Ashwini Kumar, and mentions an international photography contest with the theme "Colors of Life" was held from March 15th.
Mobupps is a one-stop shop for mobile marketing that operates a trading desk integrated with over 150 publisher networks. They manage an ad network platform including over 1500 direct app publishers. Mobupps specializes in quality user acquisition, app promotion, and chart-boosting campaigns on Apple and Google Play stores using proprietary traffic and in-house app development. They offer targeting capabilities across many dimensions and formats including banners, interstitials, videos, and native ads.
This document discusses Google Book Search, a project that scans books to make their contents searchable online. It notes that this digital copy of a book was preserved in a library collection before being scanned. The document provides information on usage guidelines, including maintaining attribution and ensuring legal use of any public domain materials.
The document discusses the history and evolution of chocolate over centuries. It details how chocolate originated from cacao beans used by the Olmecs and Mayans as currency and medicine. Later, chocolate drinks became popular among the Aztecs and Europeans discovered and imported cacao beans in the 16th century, leading to the widespread production and consumption of chocolate in Europe.
This document summarizes information about a book that was scanned by Google as part of their project to make books discoverable online. It explains that the book is in the public domain since its copyright has expired. The summary also provides guidelines for using public domain books from Google, including maintaining attribution and not assuming works are legal to use anywhere.
This document provides details about an annual fundraising event called Kalakaar held on April 15th to support Vibha's mission of educating and empowering underprivileged children. It lists the Chief Operating Officer Leena Ghosh and Event Director Ashwini Kumar, and mentions an international photography contest with the theme "Colors of Life" was held from March 15th.
Mobupps is a one-stop shop for mobile marketing that operates a trading desk integrated with over 150 publisher networks. They manage an ad network platform including over 1500 direct app publishers. Mobupps specializes in quality user acquisition, app promotion, and chart-boosting campaigns on Apple and Google Play stores using proprietary traffic and in-house app development. They offer targeting capabilities across many dimensions and formats including banners, interstitials, videos, and native ads.
This document discusses Google Book Search, a project that scans books to make their contents searchable online. It notes that this digital copy of a book was preserved in a library collection before being scanned. The document provides information on usage guidelines, including maintaining attribution and ensuring legal use of any public domain materials.
The document discusses the history and evolution of chocolate over centuries. It details how chocolate originated from cacao beans used by the Olmecs and Mayans as currency and medicine. Later, chocolate drinks became popular among the Aztecs and Europeans discovered and imported cacao beans in the 16th century, leading to the widespread production and consumption of chocolate in Europe.
This document contains a list of projects in different categories such as advertising, editorial, identity, and packaging. The projects were completed for various companies and organizations and include things like billboard advertising, web advertising, catalogue design, brand identity work, and product packaging design. The document provides high-level descriptions of the work but no additional details on the projects.
El documento resume la historia del desarrollo de Internet desde sus inicios como ARPANET hasta su uso generalizado a nivel mundial. Explica c┏mo se adopt┏ el protocolo TCP/IP y c┏mo crecieron aplicaciones como el correo electr┏nico y las redes de noticias Usenet. Tambi└n describe el desarrollo de sistemas para organizar la informaci┏n en Internet como Gopher y el nacimiento de la World Wide Web con su paradigma de hipertexto.
Introduccion a la informatica herramientas web (1)jimmyt23
El documento habla sobre las herramientas web. Explica que Internet es una red de redes creada en 1969 para encontrar alternativas ante una posible guerra. Describe las ventajas e inconvenientes de Internet, los requisitos para conectarse, ejemplos de buscadores web como Google y Bing, las siglas WWW, ejemplos de navegadores y la Web 2.0, que se basa en la interacci┏n entre usuarios a trav└s de blogs, redes sociales y otras herramientas.
El documento presenta las caracter┴sticas de varias obras arquitect┏nicas y art┴sticas del barroco como el Palacio P└saro de Venecia, la Capilla del Santo Sudario de Tur┴n, el Palacio de Versalles y el Antiguo Hospicio de Madrid. Tambi└n resume pinturas como la Adoraci┏n de los Reyes Magos de Rubens, la Guirnalda de flores con la Asunci┏n de la Virgen de Antonio Ponce y la Muerte de la Virgen de Caravaggio. Por ┣ltimo, describe esculturas como El rapto de Proserpina