3. Ket辰 voit 辰辰nest辰辰 kuntavaaleissa?
Who to vote for in the municipal elections?
You can only vote for a candidate standing for election in your municipality of residence.
By voting for a candidate, your vote also goes to a political party or a constituency association.
Vote for the candidate and party that advocate for matters important to you in your municipality of residence.
Use a vote compass and attend election panels online.
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3. Who can you vote for in the municipal elections?
1. Who can you vote for
in the municipal elections?
2. You can only vote for
a candidate standing for election
in your municipality of residence.
3. By voting for a candidate,
your vote also goes to
a political party or
a constituency association.
16.4.2021 Alatunnisteen paikka
4. Vote for the candidate and party
that advocate for
matters important to you
in your municipality of residence.
5. Use a vote compass and
attend election panels online.
#2: Who can you vote for in the municipal elections?
Ket辰 voit 辰辰nest辰辰 kuntavaaleissa?
#3: You can only vote for a candidate standing for election in your municipality of residence.
Voit 辰辰nest辰辰 vain kotikuntasi ehdokasta.
#4: By voting for a candidate, your vote also goes to a political party or a constituency association.
辰nest辰m辰ll辰 ehdokasta 辰辰nest辰t samalla my旦s puoluetta tai valitsijayhdistyst辰.
#5: Vote for the candidate and party that advocate for matters important to you in your municipality of residence.
辰nest辰 ehdokasta ja puoluetta, jotka ajavat sinulle t辰rkeit辰 asioita kotikunnassa.
#6: Use a vote compass and attend election panels online.
Hy旦dynn辰 vaalikoneita ja osallistu vaalipaneeleihin verkossa.
#7: Registered political parties in Finland: www.vaalit.fi/en/list-of-registered-parties
Rekister旦idyt puolueet Suomessa: www.vaalit.fi/rekisteroidyt-puolueet
#8: Who to vote for in the municipal elections?
You can only vote for a candidate standing for election in your municipality of residence.
By voting for a candidate, your vote also goes to a political party or a constituency association.
Vote for the candidate and party that advocate for matters important to you in your municipality of residence.
Use a vote compass and attend election panels online.