การตัดสินใจของผู้บริโภค (Consumer's decision making : Ch 11)Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham Universityการตัดสินใจของผู้บริโภค (Consumer's decision making : Ch 11), Consumer Behavior Class, Aj. Watjana Poopanee, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
ทัศนคติกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภค (Attitude and Consumer Behavior : Ch 9)Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham Universityทัศนคติกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภค (Attitude and Consumer Behavior : Ch 9), Consumer Behavior Class, Aj. Watjana Poopanee, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
Reference Group and Consumer Behavior (Ch.4) - กลุ่มอ้างอิงกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภคMahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham UniversityReference Group and Consumer Behavior (Ch.4) - กลุ่มอ้างอิงกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภค, Consumer Behavior Class, Aj.Watjana Poopanee, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
Nordic APIs - Integrated Social Solutions for a Cloudy, Mobile WorldTwobo TechnologiesThe document discusses how emerging technologies like cloud computing, mobile, social networks and big data are disrupting the technology landscape. It argues that identity management is critical for managing these changes. The potential of social identity and integrating social login is highlighted, though integrating social can be difficult due to changing social networks and APIs. Janrain is presented as a solution that simplifies social integration through a single API and stores social data in the cloud. Combining Janrain with additional authentication provides a secure architecture and better user experience.
Indian & international toursplendourtoursSplendour Tours is a Delhi-based travel company that specializes in international and domestic tour packages. They offer tours to locations in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, Dubai, Goa, Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Their Indian tour packages include trips from Delhi to Agra to Jaipur, and their international tours include itineraries in Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. They provide luxury accommodations and work with local representatives to ensure customers receive high quality service. For more details on tour packages and rates, contact Splendour Tours at their listed address, phone numbers, or website.
State of APIs: Now & NextAndreas KrohnA walkthrough of the current state of APIs and the future trends of APIs. Presented at Nordic APIs in Stockholm in March 2013. More information about Nordic APIs at nordicapis.com or twitter.com/nordicapis.
Quant tips editedshwetavashishthaThe document provides an overview of topics covered in quantitative aptitude, including formulas and concepts for profit and loss, progressions, ratios and proportions, interest calculations, mensuration, number systems, probability, sets, time/speed/distance, time and work, trigonometry, general calculations tips, equations and algebra. It emphasizes important formulas to remember for quick solutions and provides examples to illustrate concepts and solution approaches for different types of problems commonly seen in quantitative aptitude assessments.
Transforming organizations into platformsTwobo TechnologiesCreating an API is not about the API, it's about the organization becoming a platform.
Presented by Jacob Ideskog at FINESCE in Malmö, October 2013
Twobo LDAP Attribute Store for ADFSTwobo TechnologiesThe document discusses the limitations of using non-Windows LDAP servers with ADFS and introduces the Twobo LDAP Attribute Store as an alternative. It allows ADFS to authenticate to and retrieve attributes from LDAP directories without Windows authentication by supporting simple and anonymous binding. The Twobo store is open source but also commercially supported. The document provides instructions for configuring and using the Twobo store within ADFS rules and policies.
OAuth and OpenID Connect for MicroservicesTwobo TechnologiesThe document discusses using OAuth and OpenID Connect to secure microservices. It describes how OAuth allows for scalable delegation of access across services. OpenID Connect builds on OAuth to also return identity information to clients in a JSON Web Token (JWT), allowing for single sign-on. The document recommends using OAuth/OIDC to authenticate users centrally and issuing JWTs to microservices, translating tokens through an API gateway for service-to-service communication.
Reference Group and Consumer Behavior (Ch.4) - กลุ่มอ้างอิงกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภคMahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham UniversityReference Group and Consumer Behavior (Ch.4) - กลุ่มอ้างอิงกับพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภค, Consumer Behavior Class, Aj.Watjana Poopanee, Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
Nordic APIs - Integrated Social Solutions for a Cloudy, Mobile WorldTwobo TechnologiesThe document discusses how emerging technologies like cloud computing, mobile, social networks and big data are disrupting the technology landscape. It argues that identity management is critical for managing these changes. The potential of social identity and integrating social login is highlighted, though integrating social can be difficult due to changing social networks and APIs. Janrain is presented as a solution that simplifies social integration through a single API and stores social data in the cloud. Combining Janrain with additional authentication provides a secure architecture and better user experience.
Indian & international toursplendourtoursSplendour Tours is a Delhi-based travel company that specializes in international and domestic tour packages. They offer tours to locations in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, Dubai, Goa, Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Their Indian tour packages include trips from Delhi to Agra to Jaipur, and their international tours include itineraries in Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. They provide luxury accommodations and work with local representatives to ensure customers receive high quality service. For more details on tour packages and rates, contact Splendour Tours at their listed address, phone numbers, or website.
State of APIs: Now & NextAndreas KrohnA walkthrough of the current state of APIs and the future trends of APIs. Presented at Nordic APIs in Stockholm in March 2013. More information about Nordic APIs at nordicapis.com or twitter.com/nordicapis.
Quant tips editedshwetavashishthaThe document provides an overview of topics covered in quantitative aptitude, including formulas and concepts for profit and loss, progressions, ratios and proportions, interest calculations, mensuration, number systems, probability, sets, time/speed/distance, time and work, trigonometry, general calculations tips, equations and algebra. It emphasizes important formulas to remember for quick solutions and provides examples to illustrate concepts and solution approaches for different types of problems commonly seen in quantitative aptitude assessments.
Transforming organizations into platformsTwobo TechnologiesCreating an API is not about the API, it's about the organization becoming a platform.
Presented by Jacob Ideskog at FINESCE in Malmö, October 2013
Twobo LDAP Attribute Store for ADFSTwobo TechnologiesThe document discusses the limitations of using non-Windows LDAP servers with ADFS and introduces the Twobo LDAP Attribute Store as an alternative. It allows ADFS to authenticate to and retrieve attributes from LDAP directories without Windows authentication by supporting simple and anonymous binding. The Twobo store is open source but also commercially supported. The document provides instructions for configuring and using the Twobo store within ADFS rules and policies.
OAuth and OpenID Connect for MicroservicesTwobo TechnologiesThe document discusses using OAuth and OpenID Connect to secure microservices. It describes how OAuth allows for scalable delegation of access across services. OpenID Connect builds on OAuth to also return identity information to clients in a JSON Web Token (JWT), allowing for single sign-on. The document recommends using OAuth/OIDC to authenticate users centrally and issuing JWTs to microservices, translating tokens through an API gateway for service-to-service communication.
11. ความพอใจ (Satisfaction)
ระยะเวลาทีซื้อ (Inter purchase Time)
การเปลี่ยนแปลงทางเลือก (Changes in the Mix of
ความแตกต่ างของปัญหา
12. 1. ปฏิกริยาของบุคคลทีมีต่อปัญหาใดปัญหาหนึ่ง (Individual reactions
ิ ่
to a given problem)
2. วิธีการลดความตึงเครียด (Modes of tension reduction)
3. การรับรู้ (การนึกเห็นภาพ)และการจัดการกับภัยหรือความไม่แน่ นอน
ที่จะเกิดขึน (Perception and handling of risk or uncertainty)