O relat坦rio descreve a organiza巽達o t叩tica defensiva e ofensiva do Wolfsburg na 辿poca 2015-2016, com foco nas a巽探es do jogador Kevin Bruyne. Resume a organiza巽達o defensiva em 1x4x4x2 e a press達o com 5 jogadores. Descreve tamb辿m a organiza巽達o ofensiva em 4+2 e o princ鱈pio de liga巽達o profundidade utilizando Bruyne.
The document provides guidance on creating effective soccer practice sessions and developing a weekly training schedule. Some key points:
- Practice objectives include improving skills, tactics, conditioning, and position-specific training. Weekly sessions focus on concepts from the last match and preparing for upcoming games.
- A sample weekly schedule includes technique training on Tuesdays, tactics on Thursdays, and focusing on the next opponent on Fridays.
- Effective practices have warm-ups involving the ball, focus on 1-2 concepts in the main session, and conclude with a game related to the concepts practiced.
- Team meetings should review the last match on Tuesdays and preview the upcoming game on Fridays. The schedule
The 2v2 defensive situation is one of the most important for players to master. For successful defending, the 1st defender must apply pressure to the ball carrier while the 2nd defender covers by maintaining proper distance and communication. The defenders must be prepared to switch roles when the ball is passed. Repeated practice in small sided games allows players to learn the roles of applying pressure as the 1st defender and providing cover as the 2nd defender through first-hand experience.
1) The document outlines 4 phases of soccer: possession, losing the ball (transition), opposition in possession, and winning the ball (transition). It discusses tactics for each phase with a focus on transitioning smoothly between offense and defense.
2) Exercises are presented to train players ages 12-16 on transitioning quickly after losing or gaining possession, including small-sided games emphasizing playing the ball forward.
3) Warm-ups and main sessions are described to help players of ages 14-16 improve technical skills like passing and developing an understanding of transitioning between phases through drills and scrimmages.
This document provides an itinerary and summaries of coaching sessions observed in the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. The itinerary includes visits to youth clubs, stadium tours, and training sessions with teams ranging from youth to professional levels. Key observations are noted on youth development approaches, coaching styles, and soccer culture in each location.
Over 500 coaches from around the world attended the WORLD CLASS COACHING International Coaching Seminar in Kansas City. The seminar featured sessions led by influential coaches from clubs like West Ham United, Ajax, and SMU. Tony Carr from West Ham conducted sessions on their youth development and combination plays. Jan Pruijn from Ajax discussed their small-sided games and technical training. Schellas Hyndman from SMU held sessions on tactics for the 4-4-2 formation and improving the speed of play. Wayne Harrison also presented on his "Soccer Awareness" coaching methods. The seminar provided coaches opportunities to learn from top coaches through practical coaching sessions.
This document provides a table of contents and introduction for a book titled "42 Soccer Drills & Practice Plans That Will Help You Develop a Winning Soccer Team!". It includes 19 soccer drills divided into categories like shooting, passing, dribbling, and team play. Each drill is also labeled with a suggested skill level of beginner, intermediate, or advanced. It encourages coaches to consider their players' actual skill levels rather than age when selecting drills. The document also provides copyright information and legal disclaimers for the content.
This document provides details on a 12-week individual soccer training program offered by North Shelby Soccer. The program consists of 3-5 workouts per week, with each workout focusing on different skills for 15 minutes each like juggling, dribbling, shooting, and passing. Completion of the program requires 3 workouts per week. Players will be recognized for completing the standard program or for doing additional workouts. The program aims to help players improve their individual skills and become better soccer players through self-directed training.
The 2v2 defensive situation is one of the most important for players to master. For successful defending, the 1st defender must apply pressure to the ball carrier while the 2nd defender covers by maintaining proper distance and communication. The defenders must be prepared to switch roles when the ball is passed. Repeated practice in small sided games allows players to learn the roles of applying pressure as the 1st defender and providing cover as the 2nd defender through first-hand experience.
1) The document outlines 4 phases of soccer: possession, losing the ball (transition), opposition in possession, and winning the ball (transition). It discusses tactics for each phase with a focus on transitioning smoothly between offense and defense.
2) Exercises are presented to train players ages 12-16 on transitioning quickly after losing or gaining possession, including small-sided games emphasizing playing the ball forward.
3) Warm-ups and main sessions are described to help players of ages 14-16 improve technical skills like passing and developing an understanding of transitioning between phases through drills and scrimmages.
This document provides an itinerary and summaries of coaching sessions observed in the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. The itinerary includes visits to youth clubs, stadium tours, and training sessions with teams ranging from youth to professional levels. Key observations are noted on youth development approaches, coaching styles, and soccer culture in each location.
Over 500 coaches from around the world attended the WORLD CLASS COACHING International Coaching Seminar in Kansas City. The seminar featured sessions led by influential coaches from clubs like West Ham United, Ajax, and SMU. Tony Carr from West Ham conducted sessions on their youth development and combination plays. Jan Pruijn from Ajax discussed their small-sided games and technical training. Schellas Hyndman from SMU held sessions on tactics for the 4-4-2 formation and improving the speed of play. Wayne Harrison also presented on his "Soccer Awareness" coaching methods. The seminar provided coaches opportunities to learn from top coaches through practical coaching sessions.
This document provides a table of contents and introduction for a book titled "42 Soccer Drills & Practice Plans That Will Help You Develop a Winning Soccer Team!". It includes 19 soccer drills divided into categories like shooting, passing, dribbling, and team play. Each drill is also labeled with a suggested skill level of beginner, intermediate, or advanced. It encourages coaches to consider their players' actual skill levels rather than age when selecting drills. The document also provides copyright information and legal disclaimers for the content.
This document provides details on a 12-week individual soccer training program offered by North Shelby Soccer. The program consists of 3-5 workouts per week, with each workout focusing on different skills for 15 minutes each like juggling, dribbling, shooting, and passing. Completion of the program requires 3 workouts per week. Players will be recognized for completing the standard program or for doing additional workouts. The program aims to help players improve their individual skills and become better soccer players through self-directed training.
Kre邸imir amija Prethodno priopenje
Goran Spori邸
Sposobnosti nogometa邸a naje邸e se provjeravaju laboratorijskim i bazinim
testovima (Shephard, 1999.; Helgerud, et al. 2001.). Takvi testovi ne daju pravu sliku
o razini kondicijskih sposobnosti nogometa邸a. Veina trenera se sla転e u jednom,
najbolji test pripremljenosti nogometa邸a je utakmica. U situaciji kad nas zanimaju
pojedine motorike i funkcionalne sposobnosti, pametnije je promijeniti specifine
(terenske) nogometne testove. Problem je 邸to se ti testovi rijetko primjenjuju, a
njihovi rezultati jo邸 rjee objavljuju. Autori su se odluili na provjeru metrijskih
karakteristika SPRINT testa, testa za procjenu brzinske izdr転ljivosti. S ciljem,
utvrivanja je li taj test bolji od esto primjenjivanog beep testa.
2.1. Uzorak ispitanika
Testiranje je provedeno u prvom mjesecu 2006. godine u kampu HNS-ovih
reprezentacija u Poreu. Metrijskih karakteristika SPRINT testa analizirane su na
reprezentaciji U-15 (n = 33).
2.2. Uzorak varijabli
SPRINT test spada u skupinu specifinih nogometnih testova za procjenu
brzinske izdr転ljivosti. Igra iz pozicije visokog starta sprinta 20 m pravocrtno. Zatim
slijedi promjena smjera u lijevo pod kutom od 450
. Nastavlja trati 15 m u lijevo i
radi sljedeu promjenu u desno pod kutom od 450
. Nakon 15 m ponovo radi zadnju
promjenu smjera pod kutom od 450
, nastavlja sprintati jo邸 10 m, nakon eka se u
laganom trku vraa na poetnu poziciju. Test se ponavlja sedam puta.
Beep test - spada u skupinu specifinih nogometnih testova za procjenu brzinske
izdr転ljivosti. Igrai moraju trati u koridoru koji je omeen s dvije linije udaljene 20
m. Igrai moraju stii s jedne na drugu stranu prije signala beep koji se pojavljuje
tono u odreenim razmacima. Ti razmaci izmeu signala postaju sve krai kako
test odmie.
2.3. Metode obrade podataka
Za sve estice, i ukupni rezultat na testu, izraunate su prosjene vrijednost
i mjere disperzije. Metrijske karakteristike utvrene su programom RTT12G
(Momirovi, 1999.). U sklopu programa izraunate su mjere reprezentativnosti,
pouzdanosti, homogenosti, konvergencije indikatora i interne valjanosti kompozitnog
SPRINT testa.
Tablica 1. Deskriptivna statistika
Raspon Min Max AS S.D.
SPRINTT1 2,87 6,46 9,33 7,502 ,555
SPRINTT2 1,85 6,74 8,59 7,505 ,490
SPRINTT3 1,47 6,87 8,34 7,520 ,442
SPRINTT4 1,56 6,93 8,49 7,695 ,485
SPRINTT5 2,00 6,80 8,80 7,663 ,536
SPRINTT6 1,43 6,97 8,40 7,648 ,411
SPRINTT7 1,80 7,00 8,80 7,758 ,545
SPRINTT 1,49 7,00 8,49 7,613 ,403
Tablica 2. Metrijske karakteristike testa SPRINT
Mjera reprezentativnosti testa psi5 ,997
Mjera konvergencije indikatora phi4 ,953
Mjera pouzdanosti sumacijskog skora lambda2 ,954
Mjera pouzdanosti komponentnog skora beta2 ,955
Mjera pouzdanosti Harrisovog komponentnog skora rhomax ,997
Mjera homogenosti testa h2 ,869
Harrisova informativnost infu 19.420
SPRINT test ima zadovoljavajue mjere homogenost, pouzdanost, reprezen-
tativnosti i informativnosti. Mjere interne valjanosti estica testa pokazuju visoku
razinu slaganja estica s glavnim predmetom mjerenja.
Tablica 3. Metrijske karakteristike estica SPRINT testa
SPRINTT1 ,982 ,867 ,786 ,830 ,830 ,810
SPRINTT2 ,985 ,695 ,646 ,694 ,694 ,675
SPRINTT3 ,989 ,889 ,862 ,917 ,917 ,906
SPRINTT4 ,987 ,695 ,653 ,691 ,691 ,674
SPRINTT5 ,993 ,879 ,855 ,890 ,890 ,903
SPRINTT6 ,990 ,918 ,868 ,894 ,919 ,930
SPRINTT7 ,980 ,814 ,714 ,737 ,737 ,765
REPmjera reprezentativnosti; RELINDmjera pouzdanosti; HOMmjera
homogenosti; H-Hottelingova mjera interne valjanosti estica; G-Guttmanova mjera
interne valjanosti estica; U-Harrisova mjera interne valjanosti estica
Sprint test ima statistiki znaajnu povezanost s Beep testom (tablica 4.). Beep
test i sprint test mjere istu sposobnost - brzinsku izdr転ljivost. Meutim, sprint test je
mnogo jednostavniji test za primjenu i specifiniji od beep testa za potrebe procjene
brzinske izdr転ljivosti nogometa邸a. Nogomet je kompleksan sport, tako i unutar testova
nogometnih sposobnosti potrebno je uvrstiti 邸to vi邸e specifinih nogometnih sadr転aja,
koji e nam dati jasniju sliku o sposobnostima nogometa邸a. Veina autora (Shephard,
1999.; Helgerud, 2001.) se sla転u u jednom da nogometni trening treba pribli転iti
nogometnoj realnosti, pa tako i tijekom konstrukcije nogometnih testova. est je
sluaj da nogometa邸i, koji posti転i odline rezultate u bazinim testovima, nisu u stanju
te sposobnosti iskazati na nogometnoj utakmici (Bangsbo, 1991.). Takvi rezultati
jasan su dokaz nedostataka primjene bazinih nogometnih testova tijekom testiranja
nogometa邸a. Va転no je imati na umu da se nogomet igra na vanjskim terenima, a da
Tablica 4. Matrica korelacija
BEEP 1 ,424(*)
SPRINTT ,424(*) 1
*Koeficijenti korelacije znaajni na razini znaajnosti 0,05
uspjeh u nogometu najvi邸e ovisi u suradnji igraa, tako da je tijekom konstrukcije
nogometnih testova potrebno uzeti u obzir i taj segment nogometne igre.
Najbolji testovi za procjenu kondicijskih i inih sposobnosti nogometa邸a su
terenski testovi. Testovi koji imaju sadr転anu specifinu strukturu nogometnih kretnji.
Sprint test je jedan od tih testova. Jednostavan za primjenu, sa zadovoljavajuim
metrijskim karakteristikama, kojim na br転i i jednako precizan nain mo転emo utvrditi
razinu brzinske izdr転ljivosti nogometa邸a.
1. Momirovic,K., Wolf, B. i Popovic, A. (1999.). Uvod u teoriju merenja.
I.Interne metrijske karakteristike kompozitnih mernih instrumenata. Pristina:
Univerzitet u Pristini.
2. Shephard, R.J. (1999.). Biology and medicine of soccer. An update. Journal of
Sport Science; 17: 757-86.
3. Helgerud, J., Engen, L.C., Wislff, U. et al. (2001.) Aerobic endurance training
improves soccer performance. Medicine & Science & Sport & Exercise, 33:
4. Bangsbo J, Nrregaard L, Thorse F, et al. (1991.). Activity profile of
competitive soccer. Canadian Journal of Sport Science; 16: 110-6.