Білім күніне арналған республикалық бейбітшілік және келісім сабағы Тақырыбы:...Толекова Мария ИсабаевнаМақсаты: Оқушыларға отанын сүюге, бірлікке, ел тарихын білуге, елімізді өркендетуге білімді ұрпақ болуға тәрбиелеу. «Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыхалықтық идеясын жүзеге асыру жағдайында өскелең
ұрпақтың патриотизмін және тағаттылығын тәрбиелеу, рухани-адамгершілігін қалыптастыру
9а иванов никитаnew year in great britainLilia AyatskovaNew Year's Eve celebrations vary across Great Britain. In England, New Year's Eve is less important than Christmas, especially in southern and eastern areas, though its popularity is growing among younger people. Large crowds in London's Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square greet the new year singing, kissing strangers, blowing noisemakers, and lighting fireworks. In Scotland, New Year or Hogmanay is a major festival where visitors gift food and drink to friends after midnight according to tradition. Welsh homes unlock the back door at midnight to release the old year and lock it to keep in luck, then unlock the front at the last stroke to welcome the new year.
My town klimovsk(2)Lilia AyatskovaThis document summarizes a school project made by students in the 4th grade of Gymnasium named after the Podolsk Cadets. The project describes places in their town, including the park, river, library, and church. It discusses activities that can be done at each location such as playing, swimming, reading books, and attending Sunday school. The document lists the names of the students who worked on the project and their teacher.
степанова ирина 1Lilia AyatskovaStephanova Irina Gennadievna works as a teacher at School 196 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her supervisor is Yevgeniya Viktorovna Ivanova. The document discusses several types of pollution caused by cars, factories, power plants burning fossil fuels: air pollution and acid rain form when the emissions mix with water and oxygen in the atmosphere; acid rain then falls to the ground polluting water sources and soil. Urgent action is needed from all to address this growing environmental problem.
Portugalija - The Polytechnic Institute of ViseuKauno KolegijaPORTUGALIJA
The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu
Diana Lipilina
Verslo vadybos fakultetas, II kursas, Turizmo ir viešbučių vadyba
Apes mall projectDorian MomonThe document describes measurements taken to determine the height of trees using a clinometer and protractor. It provides the results of three measurements of tree heights ranging from 334.97 cm to 1012.91 cm. It also discusses a survey of people living near a shopping mall that was built, finding most were pleased with the mall but identified increased traffic, crime, and accidents as problems. Environmental impacts of the mall like water runoff and loss of habitat are mentioned.
Knye journal-tpd2016 (2)Marisa KnyeThe document describes a trainee teacher's observations of her English lessons with a group of 5 year old children in Argentina. During her first lessons, she found it difficult to keep the children engaged and focused due to their high energy levels and lack of English exposure. As she continued observing and then teaching, she worked to find activities and strategies to better connect with the students and reinforce their English vocabulary.
Білім күніне арналған республикалық бейбітшілік және келісім сабағы Тақырыбы:...Толекова Мария ИсабаевнаМақсаты: Оқушыларға отанын сүюге, бірлікке, ел тарихын білуге, елімізді өркендетуге білімді ұрпақ болуға тәрбиелеу. «Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыхалықтық идеясын жүзеге асыру жағдайында өскелең
ұрпақтың патриотизмін және тағаттылығын тәрбиелеу, рухани-адамгершілігін қалыптастыру
9а иванов никитаnew year in great britainLilia AyatskovaNew Year's Eve celebrations vary across Great Britain. In England, New Year's Eve is less important than Christmas, especially in southern and eastern areas, though its popularity is growing among younger people. Large crowds in London's Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square greet the new year singing, kissing strangers, blowing noisemakers, and lighting fireworks. In Scotland, New Year or Hogmanay is a major festival where visitors gift food and drink to friends after midnight according to tradition. Welsh homes unlock the back door at midnight to release the old year and lock it to keep in luck, then unlock the front at the last stroke to welcome the new year.
My town klimovsk(2)Lilia AyatskovaThis document summarizes a school project made by students in the 4th grade of Gymnasium named after the Podolsk Cadets. The project describes places in their town, including the park, river, library, and church. It discusses activities that can be done at each location such as playing, swimming, reading books, and attending Sunday school. The document lists the names of the students who worked on the project and their teacher.
степанова ирина 1Lilia AyatskovaStephanova Irina Gennadievna works as a teacher at School 196 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her supervisor is Yevgeniya Viktorovna Ivanova. The document discusses several types of pollution caused by cars, factories, power plants burning fossil fuels: air pollution and acid rain form when the emissions mix with water and oxygen in the atmosphere; acid rain then falls to the ground polluting water sources and soil. Urgent action is needed from all to address this growing environmental problem.
Portugalija - The Polytechnic Institute of ViseuKauno KolegijaPORTUGALIJA
The Polytechnic Institute of Viseu
Diana Lipilina
Verslo vadybos fakultetas, II kursas, Turizmo ir viešbučių vadyba
Apes mall projectDorian MomonThe document describes measurements taken to determine the height of trees using a clinometer and protractor. It provides the results of three measurements of tree heights ranging from 334.97 cm to 1012.91 cm. It also discusses a survey of people living near a shopping mall that was built, finding most were pleased with the mall but identified increased traffic, crime, and accidents as problems. Environmental impacts of the mall like water runoff and loss of habitat are mentioned.
Knye journal-tpd2016 (2)Marisa KnyeThe document describes a trainee teacher's observations of her English lessons with a group of 5 year old children in Argentina. During her first lessons, she found it difficult to keep the children engaged and focused due to their high energy levels and lack of English exposure. As she continued observing and then teaching, she worked to find activities and strategies to better connect with the students and reinforce their English vocabulary.