Білім күніне арналған республикалық бейбітшілік және келісім сабағы Тақырыбы:...Толекова Мария ИсабаевнаМақсаты: Оқушыларға отанын сүюге, бірлікке, ел тарихын білуге, елімізді өркендетуге білімді ұрпақ болуға тәрбиелеу. «Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыхалықтық идеясын жүзеге асыру жағдайында өскелең
ұрпақтың патриотизмін және тағаттылығын тәрбиелеу, рухани-адамгершілігін қалыптастыру
Hrm By MonikaFortune Institute of International BusinessThis document discusses key aspects of human resource management including recruitment, selection, employment legislation, discipline, development, and training. It describes the recruitment process of identifying job vacancies and notifying potential candidates. The selection process involves shortlisting applicants and using methods like interviews, tests, and exercises to assess suitability. It also outlines important areas of employment legislation around discrimination and disciplinary procedures employers must follow. Development and training of employees is discussed as investing in workers and improving skills.
школаLilia AyatskovaThe students describe their school, the 114-year-old Vnukovskaya School in Dmitrov. The two-floor school has big classrooms and several computer labs. It also has an assembly hall where students sing, dance and recite poems. The school grounds include a gym, sports field, and football field. Students wear a school uniform and study subjects like Russian, history, math, and more. Their favorite subjects are English, PE, music, IT and art.
Welcome-тактики из практики Emailmatrix 2015-2016EMAILMATRIXПрезентация Лены Пуляевой с EMAILSHOW 2016
Строим общение с клиентом с момента получения емейла:
–О важности прогрева и воспитания лидов
–Анализ эффективности реализованных welcome цепочек: A101, Viline, Allsoft, Aroma-butik и др.
Insertion classenricborraseuropeThe document outlines a plan for language and social cohesion in Catalonia that includes insertion classes to help immigrant students learn Catalan. It discusses the criteria for opening an insertion class, how the class is organized within a school, the roles of professionals involved like the tutor, and how the class is managed through organization, methodology, and evaluation to integrate students into regular classes. The goal is to welcome new students and help them achieve academic success while promoting social cohesion.
7 Secrets to Life (and your career)Ben SweatThis document shares 7 secrets to life and career success from various influential figures such as Stephen Covey, John Lennon, Steve Jobs, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. It also includes an anecdote about filling voids with things that matter, attributed to a former manager named Malcolm D., and advice to "just be nice" in relationships from Gordon B. Hinckley.
Білім күніне арналған республикалық бейбітшілік және келісім сабағы Тақырыбы:...Толекова Мария ИсабаевнаМақсаты: Оқушыларға отанын сүюге, бірлікке, ел тарихын білуге, елімізді өркендетуге білімді ұрпақ болуға тәрбиелеу. «Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыхалықтық идеясын жүзеге асыру жағдайында өскелең
ұрпақтың патриотизмін және тағаттылығын тәрбиелеу, рухани-адамгершілігін қалыптастыру
Hrm By MonikaFortune Institute of International BusinessThis document discusses key aspects of human resource management including recruitment, selection, employment legislation, discipline, development, and training. It describes the recruitment process of identifying job vacancies and notifying potential candidates. The selection process involves shortlisting applicants and using methods like interviews, tests, and exercises to assess suitability. It also outlines important areas of employment legislation around discrimination and disciplinary procedures employers must follow. Development and training of employees is discussed as investing in workers and improving skills.
школаLilia AyatskovaThe students describe their school, the 114-year-old Vnukovskaya School in Dmitrov. The two-floor school has big classrooms and several computer labs. It also has an assembly hall where students sing, dance and recite poems. The school grounds include a gym, sports field, and football field. Students wear a school uniform and study subjects like Russian, history, math, and more. Their favorite subjects are English, PE, music, IT and art.
Welcome-тактики из практики Emailmatrix 2015-2016EMAILMATRIXПрезентация Лены Пуляевой с EMAILSHOW 2016
Строим общение с клиентом с момента получения емейла:
–О важности прогрева и воспитания лидов
–Анализ эффективности реализованных welcome цепочек: A101, Viline, Allsoft, Aroma-butik и др.
Insertion classenricborraseuropeThe document outlines a plan for language and social cohesion in Catalonia that includes insertion classes to help immigrant students learn Catalan. It discusses the criteria for opening an insertion class, how the class is organized within a school, the roles of professionals involved like the tutor, and how the class is managed through organization, methodology, and evaluation to integrate students into regular classes. The goal is to welcome new students and help them achieve academic success while promoting social cohesion.
7 Secrets to Life (and your career)Ben SweatThis document shares 7 secrets to life and career success from various influential figures such as Stephen Covey, John Lennon, Steve Jobs, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. It also includes an anecdote about filling voids with things that matter, attributed to a former manager named Malcolm D., and advice to "just be nice" in relationships from Gordon B. Hinckley.
1. Ребус – это загадка, в которой искомое слово или
фраза изображены в виде комбинации фигур,
знаков, букв, т.е. «предметов». Одна из главных
трудностей при разгадывании ребусов – умение
правильно назвать изображённый на рисунке
предмет и понять, как соотносятся между собой
фрагменты рисунка. Необходимо учитывать наличие
синонимов, буквенная «дробь» может быть
прочитана по-разному. Кроме знания правил,
нужны еще смекалка и логика.