NickKallen_DataArchitectureAtTwitterScaleKostas MavridisThis document discusses how Twitter handles big data in real-time. It describes three key data problems: tweets, timelines, and social graphs. For tweets, the data was originally stored relationally but now uses partitioning by time and user ID to improve performance. Timelines were initially slow to retrieve but are now pre-computed and stored in memory. The social graph was challenging due to its unbounded nature; it is now partitioned and stored with edges in both directions. Principles for handling real-time big data at scale include partitioning, indexing, replication, and keeping working data in memory.
Ibe group 6Fortune Institute of International BusinessIndeutsch Industries is a Private Label Manufacturer of premium quality artist brushes and primed artist canvas. The leading Indian business house dealing in high quality artist and cosmetic brushes
Halloweenмушаков андрей 9бLilia AyatskovaHalloween is celebrated on October 31st in parts of the United States, Canada, Ireland and England. It marks the end of the lighter half of the year and the beginning of the darker half. The main symbol of Halloween is a pumpkin lantern used to ward off evil spirits. Children celebrate by dressing in costumes and going house to house asking for treats like candy with the question "trick or treat".
ProjectLilia AyatskovaVoikin Alexander, a 15-year-old student from School No19 in Novokuibyshevsk, Samara Region, chose environmental protection as the topic of his school project. He discusses how air pollution from vehicles, factories, and industrial plants is a major problem, especially in large cities, and causes health issues like lung disease. The Novokuibyshevsk Refinery near his home town processes crude oil and produces fuels, lubricants, bitumen, coke, and petrochemicals. While it's not possible to shut down industry, Voikin believes people must develop new pollution-free technologies to protect the environment.
MaltasusannefagerbakkeThe document provides an overview of Maltese culture, traditions, and history. It discusses the Maltese flag, anthem, cuisine, clothing, games, capital city of Valletta, places of interest, religious celebrations like Carnival, Christmas and Easter, means of transportation, national airline AirMalta, currency, feasts, and the Maltese language. Videos and links are included to showcase traditional games, feasts, and the national anthem of Malta.
CheetahLilia AyatskovaCheetah is a big African and Indian animal with black stripes on red, orange and white fur. It eats meat and is the fastest land animal. The document is from a student named Glebov A from class 5A of School No. 4 who is sharing facts about cheetahs.
завражнева м.о папанове.Lilia AyatskovaAnatoliy Papanov was a Soviet and Russian actor born on October 31, 1922 in Vyazma, Russia. He became famous for his comedic roles in films directed by Leonid Gaidai in the 1960s-1970s and for voicing Wolf in the animated series "Nu, pogodi!". Papanov passed away on August 7, 1987.
Play determined men ICARobin JohnsonRobin Johnson presented at the International Communication Association's 2011 conference on how work and play in the video game industry reproduces masculinity. Johnson, a professor at Sam Houston State University, argued that the culture of the industry emphasizes traits typically associated with masculinity, which influences both the games created and the workplace environment.
PanthersLilia AyatskovaThe document is a student report about panthers. It describes panthers as big black cats that are strong hunters and live in trees in Asia. It also notes that panthers have long tails, sharp teeth, and strong legs. While panther mothers are good, fathers may kill their young, and the population of panthers is decreasing so they need protection.
Final indian telecom - copyFortune Institute of International BusinessThe document summarizes recent trends in the Indian telecom industry. It notes that India has the second largest number of telephone subscribers worldwide, accounting for 12% of global subscribers. Mobile phones account for nearly 97% of telecom subscriptions in India. Key players in the mobile market include Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, and BSNL. Emerging trends include the growth of 3G technology, mobile apps, and smartphones. The telecom industry contributes to India's GDP and has attracted foreign investment, but also faces risks like increasing competition and regulatory uncertainty.
Transformer Protection FundamentalsHarjit BirdiThe document discusses transformer protection principles, including:
1. Transformer protection aims to limit damage from faults by identifying abnormal operating conditions. Differential, overcurrent, temperature and other protections are used.
2. Protections detect faults, overloads and minimize disconnection time to simplify repair and reduce failure risk.
3. GE Multilin relays provide comprehensive protection including differential, restricted ground fault, overflux and thermal protections in products like the T60 and T35.
NickKallen_DataArchitectureAtTwitterScaleKostas MavridisThis document discusses how Twitter handles big data in real-time. It describes three key data problems: tweets, timelines, and social graphs. For tweets, the data was originally stored relationally but now uses partitioning by time and user ID to improve performance. Timelines were initially slow to retrieve but are now pre-computed and stored in memory. The social graph was challenging due to its unbounded nature; it is now partitioned and stored with edges in both directions. Principles for handling real-time big data at scale include partitioning, indexing, replication, and keeping working data in memory.
Ibe group 6Fortune Institute of International BusinessIndeutsch Industries is a Private Label Manufacturer of premium quality artist brushes and primed artist canvas. The leading Indian business house dealing in high quality artist and cosmetic brushes
Halloweenмушаков андрей 9бLilia AyatskovaHalloween is celebrated on October 31st in parts of the United States, Canada, Ireland and England. It marks the end of the lighter half of the year and the beginning of the darker half. The main symbol of Halloween is a pumpkin lantern used to ward off evil spirits. Children celebrate by dressing in costumes and going house to house asking for treats like candy with the question "trick or treat".
ProjectLilia AyatskovaVoikin Alexander, a 15-year-old student from School No19 in Novokuibyshevsk, Samara Region, chose environmental protection as the topic of his school project. He discusses how air pollution from vehicles, factories, and industrial plants is a major problem, especially in large cities, and causes health issues like lung disease. The Novokuibyshevsk Refinery near his home town processes crude oil and produces fuels, lubricants, bitumen, coke, and petrochemicals. While it's not possible to shut down industry, Voikin believes people must develop new pollution-free technologies to protect the environment.
MaltasusannefagerbakkeThe document provides an overview of Maltese culture, traditions, and history. It discusses the Maltese flag, anthem, cuisine, clothing, games, capital city of Valletta, places of interest, religious celebrations like Carnival, Christmas and Easter, means of transportation, national airline AirMalta, currency, feasts, and the Maltese language. Videos and links are included to showcase traditional games, feasts, and the national anthem of Malta.
CheetahLilia AyatskovaCheetah is a big African and Indian animal with black stripes on red, orange and white fur. It eats meat and is the fastest land animal. The document is from a student named Glebov A from class 5A of School No. 4 who is sharing facts about cheetahs.
завражнева м.о папанове.Lilia AyatskovaAnatoliy Papanov was a Soviet and Russian actor born on October 31, 1922 in Vyazma, Russia. He became famous for his comedic roles in films directed by Leonid Gaidai in the 1960s-1970s and for voicing Wolf in the animated series "Nu, pogodi!". Papanov passed away on August 7, 1987.
Play determined men ICARobin JohnsonRobin Johnson presented at the International Communication Association's 2011 conference on how work and play in the video game industry reproduces masculinity. Johnson, a professor at Sam Houston State University, argued that the culture of the industry emphasizes traits typically associated with masculinity, which influences both the games created and the workplace environment.
PanthersLilia AyatskovaThe document is a student report about panthers. It describes panthers as big black cats that are strong hunters and live in trees in Asia. It also notes that panthers have long tails, sharp teeth, and strong legs. While panther mothers are good, fathers may kill their young, and the population of panthers is decreasing so they need protection.
Final indian telecom - copyFortune Institute of International BusinessThe document summarizes recent trends in the Indian telecom industry. It notes that India has the second largest number of telephone subscribers worldwide, accounting for 12% of global subscribers. Mobile phones account for nearly 97% of telecom subscriptions in India. Key players in the mobile market include Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, and BSNL. Emerging trends include the growth of 3G technology, mobile apps, and smartphones. The telecom industry contributes to India's GDP and has attracted foreign investment, but also faces risks like increasing competition and regulatory uncertainty.
Transformer Protection FundamentalsHarjit BirdiThe document discusses transformer protection principles, including:
1. Transformer protection aims to limit damage from faults by identifying abnormal operating conditions. Differential, overcurrent, temperature and other protections are used.
2. Protections detect faults, overloads and minimize disconnection time to simplify repair and reduce failure risk.
3. GE Multilin relays provide comprehensive protection including differential, restricted ground fault, overflux and thermal protections in products like the T60 and T35.
Брошюра правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспортеIlay EvteevБрошюра правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте
правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте
1. Правила безопасного поведения детей на
железнодорожном транспорте
30 мая 2015 г.
Дорожная научно-техническая библиотека
2. 2
Железная дорога - удобный и востребованный вид
Повышение скоростей на транспорте решило множество
проблем, сократив время пребывания пассажиров в пути и
доставки грузов, и в то же время породило массу опасностей
для человека.
|Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |
На большинстве участков железных
дорог скорость поездов достигает до 140
км/ч. При огромных объемах перевозок,
высокой интенсивности и повышенных
скоростях движения поездов железные
дороги являются зоной повышенной
Для остановки поезда, движущегося со
60-70 км/ч, необходимо 600-700 метров.
Масса локомотива превышает 500 тонн,
а грузового состава – 5 тысяч тонн!
Напряжение в проводах контактной сети
чрезвычайно высокое: до 27500 вольт.
Поезд, идущий со скоростью 100-120
км/час, за одну секунду преодолевает
30 метров. А пешеходу, для того чтобы
перейти через железнодорожный путь,
требуется не менее пяти-шести секунд.
3. Тормозной
путь поезда
порядка 1
км. Даже
захочет, он
не сможет
жные пути в
ренных для
этого местах.
Переходить железнодорожные пути можно только в
установленных местах, пользуясь при этом пешеходными
мостами, тоннелями, переездами.
3 |Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |
4. Уровень шума
в наушниках
100 децибел.
На железной
важнее, чем
музыку. Это
может спасти
вашу жизнь.
Приближаясь к железной дороге - снимите наушники - в них
можно не услышать сигналов поезда!
|Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |4
5. Рельсы
скользкие и
летом, и
зимой. Если
вам все-таки
через пути,
ни в коем
случае не
на них и
пути только
под прямым
углом и
в отсутствии
Ходить по железнодорожным путям категорически
|Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |5
6. Минимальное
расстояние от
окна поезда до
сооружений на
улице — 72
см. Не
в окно:
с наружным
даже на
нанесет вам
Стоя, держитесь за поручни!
|Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |6
7. Вагон весит
в среднем 60
тонн, а
грузовой —
порядка 22
е давление,
1,4 тонны.
Не нужно
через пути
под поездом:
если он
тронется —
вы не
Категорически запрещается на станциях и перегонах
подлезать под вагоны и перелезать через автосцепки для
прохода через путь.
|Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |7
8. Ограничитель
ная линия
находится на
75 см от края
зону, в
не заденут
части поезда.
ную линию:
вы можете
Не заходи за линию безопасности у края пассажирской
|Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |8
9. Напряжение в
дороги — 27
000 вольт.
такой удар -
все равно что
вилки в 122
к контактной
сети железной
дороги на
ближе 2
метров опасно
для жизни.
Запрещается в охранных зонах контактной сети набрасывать
на провода контактной сети, опоры и приближать к ним
посторонние предметы, а также подниматься на опоры.
|Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |9
11. |Правила безопасного поведения детей на железнодорожном транспорте| 30/05/15 |
Нет ничего важнее человеческой жизни, а детские жизни -
это самое ценное. Будьте внимательны и бдительны,
помните, что железная дорога - не место для игр.
12. 12 | Тема презентации | xx/xx/xx | 175 лет железным дорогам России
Западно-Сибирская железная дорога
630004, Россия, г.Новосибирск,
ул.Дм.Шамшурина, №39
тел. 4-54-56
Благодарим за внимание!