Конспект урока по теме: «Сложение и вычитание в случаях вида 10+7, 17-7, 17-10»preemstvennostКонспект урока по теме: «Сложение и вычитание в случаях вида 10+7, 17-7, 17-10»
Конспект урока по теме: «Сложение и вычитание в случаях вида 10+7, 17-7, 17-10»preemstvennostКонспект урока по теме: «Сложение и вычитание в случаях вида 10+7, 17-7, 17-10»
Білім күніне арналған республикалық бейбітшілік және келісім сабағы Тақырыбы:...Толекова Мария ИсабаевнаМақсаты: Оқушыларға отанын сүюге, бірлікке, ел тарихын білуге, елімізді өркендетуге білімді ұрпақ болуға тәрбиелеу. «Мәңгілік Ел» жалпыхалықтық идеясын жүзеге асыру жағдайында өскелең
ұрпақтың патриотизмін және тағаттылығын тәрбиелеу, рухани-адамгершілігін қалыптастыру
Media docݺߣhare12This document discusses the use of new media technologies in creating a music video. It summarizes:
1) Various technologies were used including cameras, editing software like Final Cut Express and Photoshop, Wordle, social media sites like Facebook, and websites like YouTube, Google, and ݺߣShare for research and planning.
2) Cameras including an HD video camera and still camera were used to film footage and locations. Editing software allowed editing of the music video and creation of graphics.
3) Online resources provided inspiration, information for the project, and helped advertise and get feedback on the music video. A wide range of new media technologies were effectively used throughout the process.
презентация1 (1)Lilia AyatskovaPyatigorsk is described as a beautiful town in Stavropol, Russia known for its mineral springs and historical significance. The town is home to monuments and museums dedicated to famous writers and poets who visited, such as Lermontov's museum. Pyatigorsk's mineral waters are celebrated for their health benefits, attracting many visitors throughout the year who drink and swim in the warm waters. Several landmarks are also mentioned, including the Savior Cathedral, Diana's Grotto, and the Grandfathers Fountain.
даурбеков латипLilia AyatskovaA 7th grade student named Latip Daurbekov gave a presentation. His teacher was Yevgeniya Viktorovna Ivanova. The presentation discussed how polluted clouds from emissions can travel long distances in the winds and form acid rain when the pollutants fall as rain, fog, or sleet. It explained that acid rain can pollute water and soil by poisoning trees, plants, and flowing through the soil. It also causes serious damage to important buildings and objects.
My native land lyceum № 5 mtsensk oryol region (1)Lilia AyatskovaThis document is a letter from a group of students from Lyceum No. 5 in Mtsensk, Oryol region, Russia. It introduces the 14 students and provides background about their native town of Mtsensk, including that it is over 850 years old and located on the Zusha River. It highlights some famous people from Mtsensk like writers Turgenev and Fet and composer Kalinnikov, and describes local landmarks like the village of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, Turgenev's birthplace. It also shares the town's coat of arms showing an eagle on a fortress wall with wheat sheaves.
1. Числа в ребусах,загадкахребусах,загадках
и песняхи песнях
Подготовила Шабалина Мария 5 А классПодготовила Шабалина Мария 5 А класс
Гимназия № 166 г.НовоалтайскГимназия № 166 г.Новоалтайск
8. И уносят меня, и
уносят меня
В звенящую снежную
Три белых коня, эх,
три белых коня
Декабрь, январь и
9. Сегодня праздник у девчат
Сегодня будут танцы
И щеки девушек горят с утра
горят румянцем
Пришли девчонки стоят в
Платочки в руках теребят
Потому что на 10 девчонок
По статистике 9 ребят
11. Миллион, миллион,
Алых роз
Из окна, из окна, из окна
видишь ты.
Кто влюблен, кто
влюблен, кто влюблен и
Свою жизнь для тебя
превратил в цветы.