Ecuación de darcy weisbachRoberto MarcelinoEl ingeniero civil francés Henry Darcy estableció la ley fundamental que rige la filtración de agua a través de los suelos y determinó una ecuación para calcular la pérdida de carga debido a la fricción dentro de una tubería. Basado en experimentos de laboratorio, describió las características del movimiento del agua a través de un medio poroso, cuya ecuación fue inicialmente una variante de la ecuación de Prony y luego refinada por Julius Weisbach para incluir el coeficiente de fricción de Darcy.
글로컬마켓 볼가바구니-카다로그 (Bolga basket Catalog-GlocalMarket in Korea)glocalmk세계 곳곳의 수공예 생산자 조합과 직접 거래하고 있습니다.
글로컬마켓에서 만날 수 있는 '볼가바구니'를 소개합니다.
Downstream processingRashika rajThe document discusses various strategies for recovery and purification of bio-products from fermentation broth. It describes key unit operations like solid-liquid separation techniques like filtration, centrifugation and flocculation to remove cells and debris. Further purification techniques involve precipitation, solvent extraction, ultrafiltration to concentrate and purify the product. Final processing includes crystallization, drying techniques like lyophilization and spray drying to package the purified product. Cell disruption methods including homogenization, bead mills and ultrasonication are also summarized to release intracellular components.
Lamda phage[1]Rashika rajThe bacteriophage lambda can undergo either the lytic or lysogenic cycle. In the lytic cycle, infection leads to production of progeny phage and lysis of the host cell. In the lysogenic cycle, the phage DNA integrates into the host genome where it remains inactive until induced to enter the lytic cycle. Key genes involved include cI which promotes lysogeny, and cro which promotes lysis. The decision depends on the relative levels of these genes - high cro leads to lysis while high cI leads to lysogeny.
NF SKIN PRODUCTSsteffanthevin
Private Label Skin Care manufacturer NF Skin. NF SKIN is a prominent formulator and manufacturer of the highest quality skincare products in the industry.
Network Attached Storage (NAS) Kshitij SheteNetwork attached storage (NAS) allows multiple users to access files over a local area network. A NAS device contains one or more hard drives configured in a RAID array for redundancy. It connects directly to the network and has its own IP address. NAS provides a simple way for organizations to centralize, share, and protect their data. Common uses of NAS include file sharing, email storage, and databases. Maintenance includes monitoring performance, addressing failures, tuning storage usage, and supporting users. Future developments aim to improve NAS speed, flexibility, and functionality for high-security environments.
Electrical safety trainingMEHABOOB RAHMANThe document discusses electrical safety testing of medical equipment. It begins by introducing the importance of electrical safety testing to ensure patient safety and meet regulatory standards. It then covers common electrical hazards for medical devices, the physiological effects of electricity on the human body, and international standards for electrical safety testing (IEC 60601 and IEC 62353). The document concludes by describing the specific tests performed during an electrical safety test, including earth resistance testing, insulation testing, and leakage current testing.
Trypanosoma [1]Rashika rajTrypanosoma brucei causes African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) in humans. It is transmitted through bites from infected tsetse flies. In the first stage, symptoms may include fever and swollen lymph nodes. Later stages can affect the central nervous system, with symptoms like severe headaches, poor coordination, and changes in sleep patterns or behavior. Diagnosis involves examining blood, lymph node fluid, or spinal fluid under a microscope for the parasites. Treatment depends on the stage of disease and may include drugs like suramin, pentamidine, or eflornithine. Control efforts focus on reducing tsetse fly habitats and quickly treating infected people.
GoyacristinambozatifEl documento describe la trayectoria artística de Francisco de Goya. Goya fue un pintor innovador que anticipó estilos posteriores como el impresionismo, surrealismo y expresionismo a través de su ligera pincelada, fantasías oníricas y mundo interior desgarrado. Trabajó en diversos géneros como retratos, bodegones y escenas religiosas y costumbristas, dominando todas las técnicas. Sus cartones para tapices mostraron una crítica social de su época, mientras que sus pinturas negras ref
Oro dispersible films1918225The document discusses orodispersible films as a drug delivery system. It provides an introduction to orodispersible films, describes their advantages over other dosage forms like tablets, and discusses various aspects of formulation such as polymers, plasticizers, and drug loading. The document also summarizes evaluation methods for orodispersible films and provides examples of marketed products in this category. In conclusion, it states that orodispersible films are considered a promising drug delivery system, especially for pediatric and geriatric patients due to their ease of administration.
итоги олимпиады 2014 2015 18.03.2015 pptГаланина Елена АлександровнаСтатистика по итогам всероссийской олимпиады школьников в Курганской области 201402015 год
Компьютерные вирусы и методы защиты от нихobstinateВ презентации даны определения вируса, антивирусной программы. Рассмотрена классификация вирусов по различным параметрам. Перечислены механизмы распространения компьютерных вирусов. Представлены способы борьбы с вирусами.
El uso de las tic en la educación básica en mexico desde 2012.Francisco Dominguez VillaHago un resumen del tema desde mi punto de vista personal Si es importante y estoy a favor del uso de las TIC, esto creara competencias tecnológicas en los niños también es primordial capacitar a los docentes
Loreal Digital Game_Final_SYNERGY teamAnna Konovodova, MBAThis document outlines a marketing campaign for the Men Expert brand in Ukraine. It identifies weaknesses in brand awareness, involvement, and online presence. The campaign goals are to build engagement, attract new consumers, and stimulate sales. A 360 integrated marketing approach is proposed utilizing branding, creative merchandising, a website, email, online ads, content, and indoor ads. The target audience is men aged 18-35 in major cities. Key tactics include an adaptive website, a #ExtremeExpert promotional page and voting process, merchandising in stores, and indoor cinema ads. Key performance indicators focus on increases in market share, conversion rate, brand awareness, website traffic and email captures.
Планета ЗемляobstinateПрезентация по астрономии на тему Планета Земля. Презентация о нашей планете, ее характеристиках. Также есть слайд, посвященный спутнику Луне.
Plot ideasjasmineculleyThe document presents ideas for horror/thriller film plots involving teenage characters. Idea 1 involves a teenage party where a girl is found murdered with a threatening message. Suspicion falls on various party attendees. Idea 2 involves a "ditzy" high school girl who discovers her school is haunted at night. She accepts a dare to investigate. Idea 3 involves two girls being tormented over a webcam by an unknown girl. Idea 4 involves threatening texts being sent from the phone of a girl who committed suicide due to bullying. Idea 5 involves a bullied girl becoming obsessed with a strange symbol and seeking revenge against her bullies. Idea 6 similarly involves a bullied girl stopping her medication and seeking violent revenge against her main tormentors.
Democracy is mobocracy in indiaShivam SinghThis document discusses democracy and mobocracy in India. It defines democracy as rule by the people through elected representatives, while mobocracy is rule by an uncontrolled mob. The document notes that while India's roots in democracy are deep, the current state of affairs seems to be shifting towards mob rule or mobocracy. It provides examples of unruly behavior in legislative houses and notes factors contributing to mobocracy, such as personality cults, money in politics, and the infiltration of institutions. The document concludes that mobocracy can sometimes be more dangerous than dictatorship since a mob lacks rational thinking.
russia-kostumЕвгения tevg"Русский национальный костюм" - презентация ученицы школы п. Сафоново (Мурманская область) в рамках программы "Обучение для будущего"
Lamda phage[1]Rashika rajThe bacteriophage lambda can undergo either the lytic or lysogenic cycle. In the lytic cycle, infection leads to production of progeny phage and lysis of the host cell. In the lysogenic cycle, the phage DNA integrates into the host genome where it remains inactive until induced to enter the lytic cycle. Key genes involved include cI which promotes lysogeny, and cro which promotes lysis. The decision depends on the relative levels of these genes - high cro leads to lysis while high cI leads to lysogeny.
NF SKIN PRODUCTSsteffanthevin
Private Label Skin Care manufacturer NF Skin. NF SKIN is a prominent formulator and manufacturer of the highest quality skincare products in the industry.
Network Attached Storage (NAS) Kshitij SheteNetwork attached storage (NAS) allows multiple users to access files over a local area network. A NAS device contains one or more hard drives configured in a RAID array for redundancy. It connects directly to the network and has its own IP address. NAS provides a simple way for organizations to centralize, share, and protect their data. Common uses of NAS include file sharing, email storage, and databases. Maintenance includes monitoring performance, addressing failures, tuning storage usage, and supporting users. Future developments aim to improve NAS speed, flexibility, and functionality for high-security environments.
Electrical safety trainingMEHABOOB RAHMANThe document discusses electrical safety testing of medical equipment. It begins by introducing the importance of electrical safety testing to ensure patient safety and meet regulatory standards. It then covers common electrical hazards for medical devices, the physiological effects of electricity on the human body, and international standards for electrical safety testing (IEC 60601 and IEC 62353). The document concludes by describing the specific tests performed during an electrical safety test, including earth resistance testing, insulation testing, and leakage current testing.
Trypanosoma [1]Rashika rajTrypanosoma brucei causes African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) in humans. It is transmitted through bites from infected tsetse flies. In the first stage, symptoms may include fever and swollen lymph nodes. Later stages can affect the central nervous system, with symptoms like severe headaches, poor coordination, and changes in sleep patterns or behavior. Diagnosis involves examining blood, lymph node fluid, or spinal fluid under a microscope for the parasites. Treatment depends on the stage of disease and may include drugs like suramin, pentamidine, or eflornithine. Control efforts focus on reducing tsetse fly habitats and quickly treating infected people.
GoyacristinambozatifEl documento describe la trayectoria artística de Francisco de Goya. Goya fue un pintor innovador que anticipó estilos posteriores como el impresionismo, surrealismo y expresionismo a través de su ligera pincelada, fantasías oníricas y mundo interior desgarrado. Trabajó en diversos géneros como retratos, bodegones y escenas religiosas y costumbristas, dominando todas las técnicas. Sus cartones para tapices mostraron una crítica social de su época, mientras que sus pinturas negras ref
Oro dispersible films1918225The document discusses orodispersible films as a drug delivery system. It provides an introduction to orodispersible films, describes their advantages over other dosage forms like tablets, and discusses various aspects of formulation such as polymers, plasticizers, and drug loading. The document also summarizes evaluation methods for orodispersible films and provides examples of marketed products in this category. In conclusion, it states that orodispersible films are considered a promising drug delivery system, especially for pediatric and geriatric patients due to their ease of administration.
итоги олимпиады 2014 2015 18.03.2015 pptГаланина Елена АлександровнаСтатистика по итогам всероссийской олимпиады школьников в Курганской области 201402015 год
Компьютерные вирусы и методы защиты от нихobstinateВ презентации даны определения вируса, антивирусной программы. Рассмотрена классификация вирусов по различным параметрам. Перечислены механизмы распространения компьютерных вирусов. Представлены способы борьбы с вирусами.
El uso de las tic en la educación básica en mexico desde 2012.Francisco Dominguez VillaHago un resumen del tema desde mi punto de vista personal Si es importante y estoy a favor del uso de las TIC, esto creara competencias tecnológicas en los niños también es primordial capacitar a los docentes
Loreal Digital Game_Final_SYNERGY teamAnna Konovodova, MBAThis document outlines a marketing campaign for the Men Expert brand in Ukraine. It identifies weaknesses in brand awareness, involvement, and online presence. The campaign goals are to build engagement, attract new consumers, and stimulate sales. A 360 integrated marketing approach is proposed utilizing branding, creative merchandising, a website, email, online ads, content, and indoor ads. The target audience is men aged 18-35 in major cities. Key tactics include an adaptive website, a #ExtremeExpert promotional page and voting process, merchandising in stores, and indoor cinema ads. Key performance indicators focus on increases in market share, conversion rate, brand awareness, website traffic and email captures.
Планета ЗемляobstinateПрезентация по астрономии на тему Планета Земля. Презентация о нашей планете, ее характеристиках. Также есть слайд, посвященный спутнику Луне.
Plot ideasjasmineculleyThe document presents ideas for horror/thriller film plots involving teenage characters. Idea 1 involves a teenage party where a girl is found murdered with a threatening message. Suspicion falls on various party attendees. Idea 2 involves a "ditzy" high school girl who discovers her school is haunted at night. She accepts a dare to investigate. Idea 3 involves two girls being tormented over a webcam by an unknown girl. Idea 4 involves threatening texts being sent from the phone of a girl who committed suicide due to bullying. Idea 5 involves a bullied girl becoming obsessed with a strange symbol and seeking revenge against her bullies. Idea 6 similarly involves a bullied girl stopping her medication and seeking violent revenge against her main tormentors.
Democracy is mobocracy in indiaShivam SinghThis document discusses democracy and mobocracy in India. It defines democracy as rule by the people through elected representatives, while mobocracy is rule by an uncontrolled mob. The document notes that while India's roots in democracy are deep, the current state of affairs seems to be shifting towards mob rule or mobocracy. It provides examples of unruly behavior in legislative houses and notes factors contributing to mobocracy, such as personality cults, money in politics, and the infiltration of institutions. The document concludes that mobocracy can sometimes be more dangerous than dictatorship since a mob lacks rational thinking.
russia-kostumЕвгения tevg"Русский национальный костюм" - презентация ученицы школы п. Сафоново (Мурманская область) в рамках программы "Обучение для будущего"
3. Северные и южные костюмы
Юг Север
Женская понёва- это домотканая шерстяная юбка
(словарь С.И. Ожегова)
Сарафан-женская крестьянская одежда, род
платья без рукавов, надеваемая поверх рубашки с
длинными рукавами. (словарь С.И. Ожегова)
4. Головные Головные уборы
Юг Север
Рогатая кичка-старинный праздничный головной
убор замужной женщины.(словарь С.И.
Кокошник-нарядный женский головной убор с
разукрашенной и высоко поднятой надо лбом
передней частью, с лентами сзади.(С.И.
Простой головной платок
5. Мужской костюм
Мужской костюм
Кушак-пояс, обычно широкий, матерчатый.
Рубаха-косоворотка – мужская рубашка со стоячим воротом, застёгивающимся сбоку.
Зипун- кафтан из грубого толстого сукна, обычно без ворота.