The World Bank works to end poverty by providing loans, policy advice, technical assistance, and knowledge sharing to middle- and low-income countries. It has supported projects in China, Ghana, and Yemen focused on poverty reduction, education, health, sanitation, agriculture, and private sector development. Key activities include microfinancing for small businesses, building schools and clinics, providing clean water, and strengthening national institutions. The overall goal is to promote economic growth and improve living standards around the world.
This document discusses modern slavery in the context of globalization and provides a Christian response. It defines various forms of modern slavery such as bonded labor, sex trafficking, child soldiers, and domestic servitude. The document argues that globalization has helped drive modern slavery by opening opportunities for exploitation, creating demand for cheap labor, and generating vast illicit profits. It calls Christians to love their global neighbors who are enslaved and oppressed, and discusses how to respond as the Good Samaritan by working to end slavery and promote freedom, dignity and justice for all people.
This document provides a critical assessment paper on Grameen Bank and Muhammad Yunus. It begins with a short history of Grameen Bank, including how Yunus started providing small loans to very poor women in Bangladesh who had no other access to credit. It then analyzes Yunus' views of poverty, comparing them to theories from Friedmann and Christian. Yunus focused on targeting the poorest populations, especially landless women. The paper also critically assesses Grameen Bank's development methodology, such as not requiring collateral, targeting women, and providing services directly to communities.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aims to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and ensure environmental sustainability through its work on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs were established based on commitments made in world summits in the 1990s and promote development targets focused on health, education, and income. UNDP supports national stakeholders and uses a 5-step process of engagement, assessment, response formulation, implementation, and evaluation to facilitate capacity development work within countries.