French establishments continue to grow in India. linked to 394 major French conglomerates, there are now 1051 establishments or French entities in India, which are subsidiaries of either the companies or the Groups based in France. These numbers are undergoing a constant increase as the research data is from the year 2013, which actually reflects the data of 2012, and a list of 750 establishments linked to 350 parent companies. According to the current estimates, the French companies in India today employ around 300 000 people (240 000 in the year 2013), have a turnover of more than 20 billion USD (18.5 billion USD in the year 2013) and have a minimum stock investment portfolio of 19 billion USD (17 billion USD in 2013).
iNaturalist Workshop (IACD Conference February 2020)cassi saari
An approximately 1 hour introduction to the iNaturalist website and apps, with a bit more focus on geoprivacy and projects, for a land manager audience. Co-presented by cassi saari and Patrick McCrea at the Illinois Association of Conservation Districts Conference in February 2020 at Starved Rock State Park.