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Louis XIV Essay examples
Louis XIV
After being ruled by a prime minister for so long, France needed some changes. That is exactly
what Louis the XIV would bring to France. In an age of separation, Louis wanted to start a
unification process. He started this by giving himself sole power and also only having one religion
for the country. The king is always the center of attention good or bad. Louis was prepared to take
the good with the bad, and handled it well. He emphasized the king as the center of attention. While
some see him as egotistical and greedy, Louis was one king who knew how to make improvements.
At four years and eight months, Louis XIV became King. His mother, Anne ofAustria, ruled until he
could take the...show more content...
Many think he left France worse off than it started because of the way he left the treasury. It was
thought that he spent the money only on himself, leaving the peasants with no money. It is also
said that he spent the money on building his residences (Versailles and Marly) and supporting his
luxurious lifestyle. Another argument brought up is how he was so egotistical. One reason for
his being egotistical was the fact that he was thought of as "God Given" because the court was
hoping that Louis XIII would have a child before he died. People talk about how he compared
himself to the sun. As ruler Louis, thought of himself as the sun, which meant he was the center
of the kingdom and his subjects rotated around him. Some see this as incredibly egotistical and
thought that made him less of a ruler. One aspect of his being the sun was the fact that his
bedroom was placed in the middle of the castle; he was always center of attention, as the sun
would be. The other reason people think he was a negative influence on France was the fact that
as soon as the last Prime minister died, Louis made himself the ruler. He decided to make all the
decisions by himself, with no help. Some think this was a bad idea because he had no previous
ruling experience by himself. These same people were angered when Louis reestablished
Catholicism, nullifying the Edict of Nantes. Some of the people of
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Essay on Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky is considered by many the greatest composer of the 20th Century. Several
composers have made breakthroughs and great accomplishments in the past 100 years, but
Stravinsky has dominated nearly every trend set. He was born near St. Petersburg, Russia in
Oranienbaum, on June 17, 1882. He was born to a famous Russian bass opera singer, Fyodor
Ignatyevich Stravinsky.
Igor Stravinsky was third of a family of four boys. He grew up hearing his father practicing his opera
and attending local ballets. He also started taking piano lessons when he was 9 years old and
continued on with musical notation and composition instruction. All throughout his early life he
studied music. However, although he had been brought...show more content...
He was so impressed by Stravinsky's promise as a composer that he invited him to join his small
group of artistic assistants. For the rest of the 1909 season Diaghilev asked Stravinsky to compose
various pieces of ballet music. Then, in 1910, Diaghilev commissioned Stravinsky to compose his
new ballet, The Firebird.
The result of his commission was the first real modern ballet. It set the example of the composer
consulting both with the choreographer and the stage/costuming artist during the composition.
	For the next few years, Stravinsky and Diaghilev worked very closely together.
Diaghilev wanted all of Stravinsky's new works to be produced by his company. Stravinsky's next
two works for the ballet, Petrouchka (191011) and The Rite of Spring (191213) are perfectly
crafted, powerful pieces, drawing on Stravinsky's rhythmic and harmonic imagination. The most
amazing part is that Stravinsky had not even reached middle age at the time he composed these
pieces. The Rite of Spring created a violent reaction because no one had ever heard music that
carried this much premature power. It was almost as though there was a sense of jealousy from his
colleagues. The entire musical establishment criticized stravinsky, but he didn't really seem to care.
	During World War I, Stravinsky lived in Switzerland. There he concentrated on
smallerscale chamber pieces, piano works, and songs. One of these, The Soldier's Tale,
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Anthony Giddens: A Sociological Study
By the definition, science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study
of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment
(Oxford dictionary). This crude definition is elaborated further by a worldfamous sociologist
Anthony Giddens as 'the scientific study of human social life, groups, and societies. It is dazzling
and compelling enterprise, as its subject matter is our own behavior as social beings. The scope of
sociological study is extremely wide, ranging from the analysis of passing encounters between
individuals on the street to the investigation of global social processes such as the rise of Islamic
fundamentalism.' (Giddens: 2006)
Before the rise in...show more content...
He believed that all scientific methods share a common logical method aimed to reveal universal
laws. Therefore Comte believed that sociology should apply the same strict scientific methods to
the study of society that physics or chemistry use to study the physical world. He called all
sciences the "law of the three stages" which claims that world has passed through three stages:
theological (guided by religious ideas and the belief that society was an expression of God's will),
metaphysical (this stage is modification of the first one, from supernatural to natural. The beginning
of a world that questioned religion and authority.), and positive (the final stage compared to earlier
stages is truly scientific, and what is now understood while we peak of an explanation of facts is
simply the establishment of a connection between single phenomena and some general facts, the
number of which continually diminishes with the progress of science.) (Comte 1855: 26)
In a very similar manner to the other social sciences, sociology is rather distinctive from natural
sciences. Firstly, it is impossible to collect data on social facts as opposed to the physical world.
Social facts, unlike the natural ones, are not objective. On the contrary, social facts are reproducible
as well as created by humans. Secondly, it is not only human beings
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Enzymes Essay
Enzymes are an important part of all metabolic reactions in the body. They are catalytic proteins,
able to increase the rate of a reaction, without being consumed in the process of doing so (Campbell
96). This allows the enzyme to be used again in another reaction. Enzymes speed up reactions by
lowering the activation energy, the energy needed to break the chemical bonds between reactants
allowing them to combine with other substances and form products (Campbell 100). In this
experiment the enzyme used was acid phosphates (ACP), and the substrate was pnitrophenyl
Enzymes are very specific in nature, which helps them in reactions. When an enzyme recognizes its
specific substrate, the...show more content...
In this experiment, NaOH was the inhibitor used to stop the enzymatic reactions. NaOH is very
basic and when added to a solution, will cause a drastic increase in pH, causing denaturation of the
enzyme. The amount of product formed could be calculated by placing the test tube in a
spectrometer after the addition on NaOH. A spectrometer measures the absorbance of a solution,
which helps compare how much of a substance is in a solution.
I hypothesized that the rate of the reaction would increase, producing more product as the amount of
ACP in solution was increased because more enzymes allow for more substrate to be converted to
product. The same hypothesis was made that when we increased the substrate, pnitrophenyl
phosphate, the amount of product produced would increase as well because there would be more
substrate that could bind to the enzyme and be converted to product. For the environmental
experiments, both temperature and pH, I predicted that the amount of product formed would
increase with the temperature and pH, but then begin to decline after the enzymes reached optimal
conditions. In other words, at the optimal temperature and pH, the enzyme velocity would be
greatest, producing the most pnitrophenol. Also, I predicted when the pH and temperature
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Essay on Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plant, algae, and some bacteria harness the energy
of light to produce food. Nearly all living things depend on energy produced from photosynthesis for
their nourishment, making it vital to life on Earth. It is also responsible for producing the oxygen
that makes up a large portion of the Earthミ側s atmosphere. Factors that affect photosynthesis are
light intensity and wave length, carbon dioxide concentration, and temperature.
Plants are autotrophs that mean they are able to synthesize food directly from inorganic compounds,
instead of relying on other organisms. They use carbon dioxide gas and water to produce sugars and
oxygen...show more content...
The surface of the leaf is uniformly coated with a waterresistant waxy cuticle that protects the leaf
from excessive absorption of light and evaporation of water. The transparent, colourless epidermis
layer allows light to pass through to the mesophyll cells where most of the photosynthesis takes
To metabolic pathways involved in photosynthesis are light reaction and dark reaction. The first
stage of the photosynthetic system is the lightdependent reaction, which converts solar energy into
chemical energy. Light absorbed by chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments is used to drive
a transfer of electrons and hydrogen from water to and acceptor called NADP , reducing it to the
form of NADPH by adding a pair of electrons and a single proton. The water or some other donor
molecule is split in the process. The light reaction also generates ADP, a process called
photophosphorylation. ATP is a versatile source of chemical energy used in most biological
processes. The light reaction produces no carbohydrates such as sugars.
In photosynthesis, the dark reactions are chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and other
compounds into glucose. These reactions unlike lightdependent reactions do not need light to
occur. These reactions take the products of the lightdependent reactions and perform further
chemical processes on
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Humanistic Psychology Essay examples
In general, human nature consists of three main parts: the mind (intellect), the body (biological
makeup) and the spirit (emotional makeup). As the mind and the body are being well explored in
behaviorism and psychoanalysis, the spirit of a person has been increasingly popular from the
mid20th century. In the early 1960s, a movement named thirdforce psychology started as a
reaction to the defect of behaviorism and psychoanalysis to deal fully with the human condition
(Hergenhahn, 2008). This thirdforce movement is humanistic psychology, which refers to the
combination of the philosophy of romanticism and existentialism. Humanistic psychology instead
paid more attention to each individual's potentials and highlighted the importance...show more
The major difference between existential and humanistic psychology is that the former views human
nature as neutral whereas the latter views it as basically good (Hergenhahn, 2008). There is no right
to determine which one is correct. I prefer believing that people at birth are naturally kindhearted.
No one is born for being evil, and I think the reason why a man will become evil is their experiences
in nurturing. This reminds me of the Three Character Classic that is one of the Chinese classic texts.
The first four verses tell us the core of Confucianism: human nature is inherently good, which is
similar to the humanistic psychology in the Western country. This idea was written in the 13th
century and has come down to us. Although there are many other opposite statements of human
nature, I believe that thinking positively is better, especially for health.
When it comes back to existential psychology, the first person I want to talk about is Rollo May, an
American existential psychologist. May (1967) and other existentialists emphasized the importance
of freedom and life meaning. The dual aspect of human nature is that people exist physically in the
sense and they also make the experiences meaningful by interpreting, valuing, and making decisions.
In my opinion, people have the basic rights to make their own decisions. Because of the participation
of humans, the tasks needed to be done become significant.
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College Level Reflection Paper
While registering for a collegelevel course, last year, I questioned how difficult the class would be.
I had taken a course the previous semester that had covered the basics in business and economy, yet
this would be the first course in Englisha topic that I had been told, on many occasions, that I
excelled in. Because of this, I came into this year's English class confident and sure that I would
receive top marks easily. Unfortunately, it was not so. I struggled through several of the assignments
given to me, yet I learned several new techniques and gained insight in what a collegelevel essay
truly consists of. Because of this class, I learned of the importance of transitions between points, the
importance of reducing wordiness in sentences, and the importance of explaining information and
quotations fully.
Over the course of this class, my essays have changed and improved in the way of transitions. At the
beginning of the semester, I wrote an introductory reflective essay that covered how I felt about
reading or writing. While I enjoyed researching and thinking over the topic thoroughly, the actual
act of writing it went poorly, according to the feedback I received from my teacher. The paper was
riddled with pencil marks describing issues, the most prevalent of these being transitions between
points and paragraphs. I had been previously taught to write a sentence at the end of a paragraph
explaining all that I covered in it, to sum it up. Unfortunately, academic,
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Law, Fault Essay (Aqa)
Fault Essay (30 marks) Fault can be defined as legal responsibility or blame for an offence or
misdeed. It also refers to the mental state of the defendant. The basic principle is that a D should
be able to contemplate the harm that his actions may cause and should therefore aim to avoid such
actions. In general, a person cannot be criminally liable and subjected to criminal sanctions unless
it can be proved that he carried out an illegal act in a blameworthy manner. An act does not make a
man guilty of a crime unless his mind is also guilty. The state of mind of the D is hugely important
in assessing whether or not he is at fault. However, to be found guilty of most criminal offences
(true crimes) both an AR and MR must be proved. The...show more content...
There are a few absolute liability offences, so convictions like these are rare. There is no liability for
omissions to act, even if the D is morally at fault, for example, no bystander can be compelled by
law to save a drowning child. Exceptions to this general rule have been created where the law has
imposed a duty to act. Pittwood and Miller. Generally a failure, such as in these cases, will be
punished less severely than where a positive voluntary action has been committed. Causation: in
result of factual and legal causation must be established. In other words there will be no liability
if the D did not cause the result White. The decision on whether the D is at fault may depend on
which test for legal causation is used by the courts; a D may escape liability if the 'daftness' test in
Roberts/Williams is applied, whereas the harsher thins skull rule in Blaue may result in liability as
it involves taking your victim as you find him however daft or unpredictable they are. The MR is
the mental or fault element of the crime and is of key importance in establishing fault. All of the
nonfatal offences require proof of fault for a conviction. For a s.18 offence, direct intention
Mohan (highest level of fault as it is deliberate) or oblique intention (lower level of fault as it was
not the D's aim, but the D appreciated the result was a virtual certainty Woollin) is required. This is
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A Level Essay

  • 1. Louis XIV Essay examples Louis XIV After being ruled by a prime minister for so long, France needed some changes. That is exactly what Louis the XIV would bring to France. In an age of separation, Louis wanted to start a unification process. He started this by giving himself sole power and also only having one religion for the country. The king is always the center of attention good or bad. Louis was prepared to take the good with the bad, and handled it well. He emphasized the king as the center of attention. While some see him as egotistical and greedy, Louis was one king who knew how to make improvements. At four years and eight months, Louis XIV became King. His mother, Anne ofAustria, ruled until he could take the...show more content... Many think he left France worse off than it started because of the way he left the treasury. It was thought that he spent the money only on himself, leaving the peasants with no money. It is also said that he spent the money on building his residences (Versailles and Marly) and supporting his luxurious lifestyle. Another argument brought up is how he was so egotistical. One reason for his being egotistical was the fact that he was thought of as "God Given" because the court was hoping that Louis XIII would have a child before he died. People talk about how he compared himself to the sun. As ruler Louis, thought of himself as the sun, which meant he was the center of the kingdom and his subjects rotated around him. Some see this as incredibly egotistical and thought that made him less of a ruler. One aspect of his being the sun was the fact that his bedroom was placed in the middle of the castle; he was always center of attention, as the sun would be. The other reason people think he was a negative influence on France was the fact that as soon as the last Prime minister died, Louis made himself the ruler. He decided to make all the decisions by himself, with no help. Some think this was a bad idea because he had no previous ruling experience by himself. These same people were angered when Louis reestablished Catholicism, nullifying the Edict of Nantes. Some of the people of Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Essay on Igor Stravinsky IGOR STRAVINSKY Igor Stravinsky is considered by many the greatest composer of the 20th Century. Several composers have made breakthroughs and great accomplishments in the past 100 years, but Stravinsky has dominated nearly every trend set. He was born near St. Petersburg, Russia in Oranienbaum, on June 17, 1882. He was born to a famous Russian bass opera singer, Fyodor Ignatyevich Stravinsky. Igor Stravinsky was third of a family of four boys. He grew up hearing his father practicing his opera and attending local ballets. He also started taking piano lessons when he was 9 years old and continued on with musical notation and composition instruction. All throughout his early life he studied music. However, although he had been brought...show more content... He was so impressed by Stravinsky's promise as a composer that he invited him to join his small group of artistic assistants. For the rest of the 1909 season Diaghilev asked Stravinsky to compose various pieces of ballet music. Then, in 1910, Diaghilev commissioned Stravinsky to compose his new ballet, The Firebird. The result of his commission was the first real modern ballet. It set the example of the composer consulting both with the choreographer and the stage/costuming artist during the composition. 	For the next few years, Stravinsky and Diaghilev worked very closely together. Diaghilev wanted all of Stravinsky's new works to be produced by his company. Stravinsky's next two works for the ballet, Petrouchka (191011) and The Rite of Spring (191213) are perfectly crafted, powerful pieces, drawing on Stravinsky's rhythmic and harmonic imagination. The most amazing part is that Stravinsky had not even reached middle age at the time he composed these pieces. The Rite of Spring created a violent reaction because no one had ever heard music that carried this much premature power. It was almost as though there was a sense of jealousy from his colleagues. The entire musical establishment criticized stravinsky, but he didn't really seem to care. 	During World War I, Stravinsky lived in Switzerland. There he concentrated on smallerscale chamber pieces, piano works, and songs. One of these, The Soldier's Tale, Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Anthony Giddens: A Sociological Study By the definition, science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment (Oxford dictionary). This crude definition is elaborated further by a worldfamous sociologist Anthony Giddens as 'the scientific study of human social life, groups, and societies. It is dazzling and compelling enterprise, as its subject matter is our own behavior as social beings. The scope of sociological study is extremely wide, ranging from the analysis of passing encounters between individuals on the street to the investigation of global social processes such as the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.' (Giddens: 2006) Before the rise in...show more content... He believed that all scientific methods share a common logical method aimed to reveal universal laws. Therefore Comte believed that sociology should apply the same strict scientific methods to the study of society that physics or chemistry use to study the physical world. He called all sciences the "law of the three stages" which claims that world has passed through three stages: theological (guided by religious ideas and the belief that society was an expression of God's will), metaphysical (this stage is modification of the first one, from supernatural to natural. The beginning of a world that questioned religion and authority.), and positive (the final stage compared to earlier stages is truly scientific, and what is now understood while we peak of an explanation of facts is simply the establishment of a connection between single phenomena and some general facts, the number of which continually diminishes with the progress of science.) (Comte 1855: 26) In a very similar manner to the other social sciences, sociology is rather distinctive from natural sciences. Firstly, it is impossible to collect data on social facts as opposed to the physical world. Social facts, unlike the natural ones, are not objective. On the contrary, social facts are reproducible as well as created by humans. Secondly, it is not only human beings Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Enzymes Essay Introduction: Enzymes are an important part of all metabolic reactions in the body. They are catalytic proteins, able to increase the rate of a reaction, without being consumed in the process of doing so (Campbell 96). This allows the enzyme to be used again in another reaction. Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy, the energy needed to break the chemical bonds between reactants allowing them to combine with other substances and form products (Campbell 100). In this experiment the enzyme used was acid phosphates (ACP), and the substrate was pnitrophenyl phosphate. Enzymes are very specific in nature, which helps them in reactions. When an enzyme recognizes its specific substrate, the...show more content... In this experiment, NaOH was the inhibitor used to stop the enzymatic reactions. NaOH is very basic and when added to a solution, will cause a drastic increase in pH, causing denaturation of the enzyme. The amount of product formed could be calculated by placing the test tube in a spectrometer after the addition on NaOH. A spectrometer measures the absorbance of a solution, which helps compare how much of a substance is in a solution. I hypothesized that the rate of the reaction would increase, producing more product as the amount of ACP in solution was increased because more enzymes allow for more substrate to be converted to product. The same hypothesis was made that when we increased the substrate, pnitrophenyl phosphate, the amount of product produced would increase as well because there would be more substrate that could bind to the enzyme and be converted to product. For the environmental experiments, both temperature and pH, I predicted that the amount of product formed would increase with the temperature and pH, but then begin to decline after the enzymes reached optimal conditions. In other words, at the optimal temperature and pH, the enzyme velocity would be greatest, producing the most pnitrophenol. Also, I predicted when the pH and temperature Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Essay on Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is a biochemical process in which plant, algae, and some bacteria harness the energy of light to produce food. Nearly all living things depend on energy produced from photosynthesis for their nourishment, making it vital to life on Earth. It is also responsible for producing the oxygen that makes up a large portion of the Earthミ側s atmosphere. Factors that affect photosynthesis are light intensity and wave length, carbon dioxide concentration, and temperature. Plants are autotrophs that mean they are able to synthesize food directly from inorganic compounds, instead of relying on other organisms. They use carbon dioxide gas and water to produce sugars and oxygen...show more content... The surface of the leaf is uniformly coated with a waterresistant waxy cuticle that protects the leaf from excessive absorption of light and evaporation of water. The transparent, colourless epidermis layer allows light to pass through to the mesophyll cells where most of the photosynthesis takes place. To metabolic pathways involved in photosynthesis are light reaction and dark reaction. The first stage of the photosynthetic system is the lightdependent reaction, which converts solar energy into chemical energy. Light absorbed by chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments is used to drive a transfer of electrons and hydrogen from water to and acceptor called NADP , reducing it to the form of NADPH by adding a pair of electrons and a single proton. The water or some other donor molecule is split in the process. The light reaction also generates ADP, a process called photophosphorylation. ATP is a versatile source of chemical energy used in most biological processes. The light reaction produces no carbohydrates such as sugars. In photosynthesis, the dark reactions are chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and other compounds into glucose. These reactions unlike lightdependent reactions do not need light to occur. These reactions take the products of the lightdependent reactions and perform further chemical processes on Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Humanistic Psychology Essay examples In general, human nature consists of three main parts: the mind (intellect), the body (biological makeup) and the spirit (emotional makeup). As the mind and the body are being well explored in behaviorism and psychoanalysis, the spirit of a person has been increasingly popular from the mid20th century. In the early 1960s, a movement named thirdforce psychology started as a reaction to the defect of behaviorism and psychoanalysis to deal fully with the human condition (Hergenhahn, 2008). This thirdforce movement is humanistic psychology, which refers to the combination of the philosophy of romanticism and existentialism. Humanistic psychology instead paid more attention to each individual's potentials and highlighted the importance...show more content... The major difference between existential and humanistic psychology is that the former views human nature as neutral whereas the latter views it as basically good (Hergenhahn, 2008). There is no right to determine which one is correct. I prefer believing that people at birth are naturally kindhearted. No one is born for being evil, and I think the reason why a man will become evil is their experiences in nurturing. This reminds me of the Three Character Classic that is one of the Chinese classic texts. The first four verses tell us the core of Confucianism: human nature is inherently good, which is similar to the humanistic psychology in the Western country. This idea was written in the 13th century and has come down to us. Although there are many other opposite statements of human nature, I believe that thinking positively is better, especially for health. When it comes back to existential psychology, the first person I want to talk about is Rollo May, an American existential psychologist. May (1967) and other existentialists emphasized the importance of freedom and life meaning. The dual aspect of human nature is that people exist physically in the sense and they also make the experiences meaningful by interpreting, valuing, and making decisions. In my opinion, people have the basic rights to make their own decisions. Because of the participation of humans, the tasks needed to be done become significant. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. College Level Reflection Paper While registering for a collegelevel course, last year, I questioned how difficult the class would be. I had taken a course the previous semester that had covered the basics in business and economy, yet this would be the first course in Englisha topic that I had been told, on many occasions, that I excelled in. Because of this, I came into this year's English class confident and sure that I would receive top marks easily. Unfortunately, it was not so. I struggled through several of the assignments given to me, yet I learned several new techniques and gained insight in what a collegelevel essay truly consists of. Because of this class, I learned of the importance of transitions between points, the importance of reducing wordiness in sentences, and the importance of explaining information and quotations fully. Over the course of this class, my essays have changed and improved in the way of transitions. At the beginning of the semester, I wrote an introductory reflective essay that covered how I felt about reading or writing. While I enjoyed researching and thinking over the topic thoroughly, the actual act of writing it went poorly, according to the feedback I received from my teacher. The paper was riddled with pencil marks describing issues, the most prevalent of these being transitions between points and paragraphs. I had been previously taught to write a sentence at the end of a paragraph explaining all that I covered in it, to sum it up. Unfortunately, academic, Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Law, Fault Essay (Aqa) Fault Essay (30 marks) Fault can be defined as legal responsibility or blame for an offence or misdeed. It also refers to the mental state of the defendant. The basic principle is that a D should be able to contemplate the harm that his actions may cause and should therefore aim to avoid such actions. In general, a person cannot be criminally liable and subjected to criminal sanctions unless it can be proved that he carried out an illegal act in a blameworthy manner. An act does not make a man guilty of a crime unless his mind is also guilty. The state of mind of the D is hugely important in assessing whether or not he is at fault. However, to be found guilty of most criminal offences (true crimes) both an AR and MR must be proved. The...show more content... There are a few absolute liability offences, so convictions like these are rare. There is no liability for omissions to act, even if the D is morally at fault, for example, no bystander can be compelled by law to save a drowning child. Exceptions to this general rule have been created where the law has imposed a duty to act. Pittwood and Miller. Generally a failure, such as in these cases, will be punished less severely than where a positive voluntary action has been committed. Causation: in result of factual and legal causation must be established. In other words there will be no liability if the D did not cause the result White. The decision on whether the D is at fault may depend on which test for legal causation is used by the courts; a D may escape liability if the 'daftness' test in Roberts/Williams is applied, whereas the harsher thins skull rule in Blaue may result in liability as it involves taking your victim as you find him however daft or unpredictable they are. The MR is the mental or fault element of the crime and is of key importance in establishing fault. All of the nonfatal offences require proof of fault for a conviction. For a s.18 offence, direct intention Mohan (highest level of fault as it is deliberate) or oblique intention (lower level of fault as it was not the D's aim, but the D appreciated the result was a virtual certainty Woollin) is required. This is because Get more content on HelpWriting.net