Religious believers claim their religions are peaceful and genuine believers
are peacekeepers and peacemakers. In substantiating justification to their claim, they
very often refer to religious scriptures. Yet, on the contrary, their claim is confronted
by an opposite claim: many wars were fought and are being fought in the name of religion;
and a great deal of violence can be ascribed to the religious believers. In addition,
religious scriptures and history of religions do attest, to a certain extent, permissibility
of using physical offence or defence. As a result, a question arises: Is the violence
credited to religious believers, due to religions? Or is it because of certain secular
causes in which religious texts get invoked very often? In responding to the question,
the study relied on the theoretical criticism and justification. The study argued that
religions, considering their historical inception, are fundamentally aimed at attaining
holistic peace for their immediate subjects and subsequent followers, both spiritually and physically. The study by referring to major religions of the world generally and Islam
particularly, argued that in contributing to build global peace, religious believers
can plausibly turn to primary peaceful intentions of the religions, if they are provided
with a feasible atmosphere.
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Peace In Judaism
Peace is a complex, multifaceted concept that is immensely central to every religious community. Peace is the essence of all religions, the reason being that the objectives of religion can never be fulfilled without peace. Each religion shares a similar purpose, to guide their adherents to achieving peace through spiritual development and growth, allowing enlightenment among individuals and creation.
The idea of peace is commonly categorised into two main branches, inner peace and world peace. Both branches have differentiating purposes and goals, however in many cases have the potential to interconnect and greatly influence one another. Inner peace refers to the presence of mindfulness, a state of calmness, security and a spiritual state of being with more content...Along with truth and justice, peace is one of the three key Jewish values, it is understood by adherents that all Jews have a religious obligation to pursue peace and practice it within themselves and in the world. The Hebrew word for peace is shalom, meaning complete and fulfilled. Shalom also conveys the sense of being at peace with God and involves forgiveness of sin, fullness of life, prosperity, and peace. Jewish adherents are encouraged to live out shalom and implement actions and practices of shalom into their lives where possible. Jews draw inspiration from the sacred texts, especially focused on the Torah, of their tradition for their understanding of what it is to lead purposeful and peaceful lives. The Torah acts as a guide to shining light on peace and what it means to be in a state of shalom. Peace, according to the Jewish sages, is the ultimate purpose of the whole Torah, as ex
Religious contribution for peace buildingMohamed Sajir
This document discusses how religion can contribute to social harmony and peace among multi-ethnic communities. It begins by defining key terms like religion, social harmony, and peacebuilding. It then outlines the world's most prevalent religions and their populations. The main body examines teachings around peace from Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. It argues that religious beliefs can support peacebuilding by addressing profound human issues and promoting values of empathy, forgiveness, and social justice. The conclusion states that most religions teach peace and following religious thoughts can enhance peace and harmony in the world.
Confucianism sees God as the Emperor, the Son of Heaven, who charges people through superiors and rulers to apply principles of conduct and morality rather than specific religious doctrines. Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was a private man in China from 551-479 BC who taught the sons of gentlemen. He relied on "Divine Sages" from the past and had around 20 disciples, with Master Tseng being the most important one recorded in Confucius' works.
Questionnaire Regarding Improving Classroom Management Practices Used by Secondary School Teachers in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Pakistan
The survey seeks to find your views on classroom management practices used in secondary schools. This will help for future planning.
(1) Tell me a little about yourself.
(a) Your Name: ------------------------------------------------------
(b) Gender: Male Female
(c) Your current post? C.T AT T.T S.E.T S.S.T SS
(d) Academic Qualification Bachelor Master M.Phil Ph.D
(e) Professional Qualification C.T B.Ed M.Ed
(f) How long have you been a teacher? < a year < 5 years < 10 years > 10 years
(g) Have you ever attended any formal classroom management training? Yes No
(h) If your answer Yes to the above statement, write in the approximate number of hours of training you have received in the past five years
(2) Tell me a little about your school.
COVID-19 and Education in Afghanistan: Responses and Obstacles
Questionnaire Regarding Improving Classroom Management Practices Used by Secondary School Teachers in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Pakistan
The survey seeks to find your views on classroom management practices used in secondary schools. This will help for future planning.
(1) Tell me a little about yourself.
(a) Your Name: ------------------------------------------------------
(b) Gender: Male Female
(c) Your current post? C.T AT T.T S.E.T S.S.T SS
(d) Academic Qualification Bachelor Master M.Phil Ph.D
(e) Professional Qualification C.T B.Ed M.Ed
(f) How long have you been a teacher? < a year < 5 years < 10 years > 10 years
(g) Have you ever attended any formal classroom management training? Yes No
(h) If your answer Yes to the above statement, write in the approximate number of hours of training you have received in the past five years
(2) Tell me a little about your school.
The document discusses Religions/Adyan, an annual publication that aims to provide a space for interreligious dialogue and understanding between religious faiths through comparative studies and discussions of their shared principles and values. As a refereed publication, Religions/Adyan seeks to promote mutual understanding between religious traditions by exploring their theological and spiritual commonalities as well as addressing current challenges like conflicts, atheism, and secularism. The essays published are meant to engage in an intellectual dialogue on religions and should not be taken as expressing the views of any sponsoring organization.
The document discusses how Christianity and Judaism promote peace at both the individual and global levels. It provides passages from scripture about peace from both traditions. Christianity teaches that peace is founded on justice and is exemplified through Jesus' life and teachings of nonviolence, love and forgiveness. Judaism's teachings emphasize gemilut chasidim or loving-kindness, social justice, and avoiding hatred and violence according to the Torah and prophets. Both traditions offer individuals inner peace through practices like prayer, study, reflection and living virtuously.
Islamic basic principles_and_characteristicsNoor Al Islam
The document discusses the key beliefs and principles of Islam. It begins by stating that Islam is the religion revealed by God to guide humanity. It then summarizes the three main beliefs in Islam: 1) belief in the oneness of God (tawhid), 2) belief in prophethood and following the guidance revealed through prophets, and 3) belief in the afterlife and being judged based on one's deeds. It explains how these beliefs are encapsulated in the declaration of faith ("There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet"). The document also outlines some basic characteristics of Islam, including its simplicity, rationality, and practical approach to religious teachings and way of life.
This document provides an overview of the key beliefs and principles of Islam according to Khurshid Ahmad of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. It discusses:
1) Islam is the final revelation from God to guide humanity, following revelations to previous prophets like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
2) The most fundamental Islamic concept is tawhid - the oneness and supremacy of God as the sole creator and sustainer of the universe.
3) Other core beliefs include prophethood, with Muhammad as the final prophet, and life after death with rewards and punishments determined by one's deeds.
4) Together, belief in God and Muhammad is summarized in the declaration of faith "There
Religion and Peace in Christianity Summaryanthony_morgan
Christianity teaches that peace is central to its message and derives from God and Jesus Christ. The Bible instructs Christians to pursue peace, promote reconciliation, love their neighbors, and be peacemakers. Christians believe inner peace comes through prayer, meditation, living according to Jesus' teachings, and focusing on others through charity. Christianity contributes to world peace through interfaith dialogue, initiatives against violence through groups like the World Council of Churches, and peace-focused events and organizations like the World Conference on Religion and Peace and Pax Christi International.
This document provides a table of contents for a book about Islam. The table of contents lists 37 chapters that will discuss various topics related to Islamic beliefs, practices, and contemporary issues. Some of the chapter topics include the six articles of faith in Islam, the five pillars of Islam, Islamic law, the story of Adam and Eve, Jesus in Islam, and terrorism. The document provides a high-level overview of the broad range of issues the book will address concerning the religion of Islam.
Milestone 3 Rough DraftSikhism is an Indian religion that wa.docxannandleola
Milestone 3 Rough Draft
Sikhism is an Indian religion that was started by Guru Nanak during the 15th century. It was founded in the Punjab region that is presently India and Pakistan. According to Sikhism, the same spirit was found in Guru Nanak and his nine successors. In the present times, this spirit can be found in various teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib: this is the fundamental scripture of the Sikh tradition. The main religions during the founding of Sikhism were Hindu and Islam. During this time, Guru Nanak began teaching people a faith that was quite different from Hinduism and Islam. Nine people, known as Gurus, followed Nanak and helped in the advancement of the Sikh faith over the next centuries. The religion of Sikhism was well established by the time the fifth Guru came into existence. He was known as Guru Arjan. He completed the work of constructing Amritsar, which formed the capital for Sikhism religion (Nesbitt, 2014). He was also instrumental in compiling of Sikh scripture: the first authorized book. However, during this time, there was resistance against Sikhism and the Guru was eventually executed because of his faith in 1606.
There were other occurrences during that time that created and shaped Sikhisms existence. The first military leader of the Sikhs led a successful campaign against the resistance until he was captured and eventually executed (Cole, 2013). The Sikhs continued fighting and took up more territory over the century. The Sikh religion started crumbling in 1839; after the death of Ranjit Singh. The religion was damaged by internal conflicts and battles for leadership. British troops defeated the Sikhs and took over quite a chunk of Sikh territory. After successfully overcoming internal and external conflicts, the Sikhs realized that they had a lot in common, and this fostered the development of healthy relationships. However through so much turmoil the Sikhism mirrored Islams views of military to defend the religion (TEXTBOOK).
The history of the Islamic faith concerns the religion of Islam and Muslims in general. Muslim is a word that has an Arabic descent; it means one who submits to God (Fariqi, 2009). It has been noted that Sikhism practice of having only one God, monotheism, played an important role in Islamic religion (TEXTBOOK). The Islamic religion and its adherents have significantly impacted the economic, political and military history of the world, especially the Middle East. This is where its roots lie. There is an inadequate presence of archeological and historical records to determine whether Islam originated from Mecca or Medina. The Islamic religion began expanding during the beginning of the 7th century. It expanded to incorporate adherents of the religion and eventually consumed non-Muslims that were living in those regions. The increase in Islamic civilization resulted in various centers of science and culture across the world. These centers produced prominent doctors, nurses, ...
What I Have Learned Essay
Studying Abroad Essay
Cohort Study Essay
Study Plan Essay
Methodology of Research Essay examples
International Students Essay example
Study Skills Essay
International Study Essay
Business Report Essay
Example of report Essay
Essay about Research Report
Ba Research Report Essay
Sample Report Essay
World War Ii Research Report Essay
Essay on Investigative Report
Career Research Essay
Quantitative Research Report Essay
This document provides an overview of rhetoric and argument essays. It discusses the essential elements of an argument, including the claim, evidence, counterargument, and rebuttal. It notes that a successful argument depends on balancing these elements. The document then outlines the typical sections of an argument essay, including an introduction with a thesis, presenting the position agreed with and supported by evidence, presenting the opposing position and circumstances where it could be valid, rebutting the opposition's stance, and providing a conclusion. It also briefly introduces the concept of a consensual or Rogerian argument.
The applicant wishes to attend the University of Michigan's School of Literature, Science, and the Arts due to its reputation and success over many decades. They have dreamed of becoming a Michigan Wolverine and studying biology and psychology. The school offers a wide range of majors and programs, as well as the opportunity to transfer to higher-level institutes. The applicant believes the school's comprehensive studies program and over 3,000 classes per semester will help ensure their future career success.
Definition Essay On Courage
Courage Research Papers
Definition Of Courage Essay
My Courage In Life
Crazy Courage Essay
Courage Definition Essay
What Is Courage Essay
The document is a personal reflection on the film "Touching the Void" about overcoming adversity. The key points made are:
- The film taught about the true meaning of adversity as any time of great misfortune, large or small.
- The biggest message was that persevering and not giving up allows one to overcome adversity through coping strategies.
- An example showed how being better prepared may have led to a better outcome when facing challenges or tests.
Essay on Personality in the Workplace
Theories Of Personality
Nature of Personality
Types of Personality Essay
Essay on Psychology: Personality Theories
Essay on Personality Types
Personal Integrity
Descriptive Essay About Personality
Introduction to Personality Essay
Human Personality Essay
Essay on The "Big Five" Personality Traits
Personality Reflection Essay
Essay on Personality Analysis
An Individual s Personality Change Essay
Personality Test Analysis Essay
Personality Paper Essay
Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits
The document discusses the development of one's sense of self. It explains that our interactions with others from a young age shape how we see ourselves and how we act around others. The "looking glass self" theory proposes that we see our self through the way we believe others perceive us based on their reactions. This leads us to develop either positive or negative self-concepts. Our sense of self continues changing throughout life as our environments and experiences change.
Louis XIV Essay examples
Essay on Igor Stravinsky
Anthony Giddens: A Sociological Study
Enzymes Essay
Essay on Photosynthesis
Humanistic Psychology Essay examples
College Level Reflection Paper
Law, Fault Essay (Aqa)
Soil erosion from farms can have negative environmental impacts by reducing nutrient-rich topsoil, increasing sedimentation in waterways which harms aquatic ecosystems, and allowing chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides to pollute drinking water sources as they run off from fields. Prevention methods for farms include maintaining ground cover through no-till practices and buffer zones, while damage control involves restoring eroded lands and setting limits on chemical usage to protect water quality.
Abstract: Culture
The Meaning of Abstract Art Essay
Essay on Abstract Post-traumatic Stress
Standard deviation abstract
Abstract Paper On Stress
Abstract On Depression
The document discusses how Christianity and Judaism promote peace at both the individual and global levels. It provides passages from scripture about peace from both traditions. Christianity teaches that peace is founded on justice and is exemplified through Jesus' life and teachings of nonviolence, love and forgiveness. Judaism's teachings emphasize gemilut chasidim or loving-kindness, social justice, and avoiding hatred and violence according to the Torah and prophets. Both traditions offer individuals inner peace through practices like prayer, study, reflection and living virtuously.
Islamic basic principles_and_characteristicsNoor Al Islam
The document discusses the key beliefs and principles of Islam. It begins by stating that Islam is the religion revealed by God to guide humanity. It then summarizes the three main beliefs in Islam: 1) belief in the oneness of God (tawhid), 2) belief in prophethood and following the guidance revealed through prophets, and 3) belief in the afterlife and being judged based on one's deeds. It explains how these beliefs are encapsulated in the declaration of faith ("There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet"). The document also outlines some basic characteristics of Islam, including its simplicity, rationality, and practical approach to religious teachings and way of life.
This document provides an overview of the key beliefs and principles of Islam according to Khurshid Ahmad of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth. It discusses:
1) Islam is the final revelation from God to guide humanity, following revelations to previous prophets like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.
2) The most fundamental Islamic concept is tawhid - the oneness and supremacy of God as the sole creator and sustainer of the universe.
3) Other core beliefs include prophethood, with Muhammad as the final prophet, and life after death with rewards and punishments determined by one's deeds.
4) Together, belief in God and Muhammad is summarized in the declaration of faith "There
Religion and Peace in Christianity Summaryanthony_morgan
Christianity teaches that peace is central to its message and derives from God and Jesus Christ. The Bible instructs Christians to pursue peace, promote reconciliation, love their neighbors, and be peacemakers. Christians believe inner peace comes through prayer, meditation, living according to Jesus' teachings, and focusing on others through charity. Christianity contributes to world peace through interfaith dialogue, initiatives against violence through groups like the World Council of Churches, and peace-focused events and organizations like the World Conference on Religion and Peace and Pax Christi International.
This document provides a table of contents for a book about Islam. The table of contents lists 37 chapters that will discuss various topics related to Islamic beliefs, practices, and contemporary issues. Some of the chapter topics include the six articles of faith in Islam, the five pillars of Islam, Islamic law, the story of Adam and Eve, Jesus in Islam, and terrorism. The document provides a high-level overview of the broad range of issues the book will address concerning the religion of Islam.
Milestone 3 Rough DraftSikhism is an Indian religion that wa.docxannandleola
Milestone 3 Rough Draft
Sikhism is an Indian religion that was started by Guru Nanak during the 15th century. It was founded in the Punjab region that is presently India and Pakistan. According to Sikhism, the same spirit was found in Guru Nanak and his nine successors. In the present times, this spirit can be found in various teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib: this is the fundamental scripture of the Sikh tradition. The main religions during the founding of Sikhism were Hindu and Islam. During this time, Guru Nanak began teaching people a faith that was quite different from Hinduism and Islam. Nine people, known as Gurus, followed Nanak and helped in the advancement of the Sikh faith over the next centuries. The religion of Sikhism was well established by the time the fifth Guru came into existence. He was known as Guru Arjan. He completed the work of constructing Amritsar, which formed the capital for Sikhism religion (Nesbitt, 2014). He was also instrumental in compiling of Sikh scripture: the first authorized book. However, during this time, there was resistance against Sikhism and the Guru was eventually executed because of his faith in 1606.
There were other occurrences during that time that created and shaped Sikhisms existence. The first military leader of the Sikhs led a successful campaign against the resistance until he was captured and eventually executed (Cole, 2013). The Sikhs continued fighting and took up more territory over the century. The Sikh religion started crumbling in 1839; after the death of Ranjit Singh. The religion was damaged by internal conflicts and battles for leadership. British troops defeated the Sikhs and took over quite a chunk of Sikh territory. After successfully overcoming internal and external conflicts, the Sikhs realized that they had a lot in common, and this fostered the development of healthy relationships. However through so much turmoil the Sikhism mirrored Islams views of military to defend the religion (TEXTBOOK).
The history of the Islamic faith concerns the religion of Islam and Muslims in general. Muslim is a word that has an Arabic descent; it means one who submits to God (Fariqi, 2009). It has been noted that Sikhism practice of having only one God, monotheism, played an important role in Islamic religion (TEXTBOOK). The Islamic religion and its adherents have significantly impacted the economic, political and military history of the world, especially the Middle East. This is where its roots lie. There is an inadequate presence of archeological and historical records to determine whether Islam originated from Mecca or Medina. The Islamic religion began expanding during the beginning of the 7th century. It expanded to incorporate adherents of the religion and eventually consumed non-Muslims that were living in those regions. The increase in Islamic civilization resulted in various centers of science and culture across the world. These centers produced prominent doctors, nurses, ...
What I Have Learned Essay
Studying Abroad Essay
Cohort Study Essay
Study Plan Essay
Methodology of Research Essay examples
International Students Essay example
Study Skills Essay
International Study Essay
Business Report Essay
Example of report Essay
Essay about Research Report
Ba Research Report Essay
Sample Report Essay
World War Ii Research Report Essay
Essay on Investigative Report
Career Research Essay
Quantitative Research Report Essay
This document provides an overview of rhetoric and argument essays. It discusses the essential elements of an argument, including the claim, evidence, counterargument, and rebuttal. It notes that a successful argument depends on balancing these elements. The document then outlines the typical sections of an argument essay, including an introduction with a thesis, presenting the position agreed with and supported by evidence, presenting the opposing position and circumstances where it could be valid, rebutting the opposition's stance, and providing a conclusion. It also briefly introduces the concept of a consensual or Rogerian argument.
The applicant wishes to attend the University of Michigan's School of Literature, Science, and the Arts due to its reputation and success over many decades. They have dreamed of becoming a Michigan Wolverine and studying biology and psychology. The school offers a wide range of majors and programs, as well as the opportunity to transfer to higher-level institutes. The applicant believes the school's comprehensive studies program and over 3,000 classes per semester will help ensure their future career success.
Definition Essay On Courage
Courage Research Papers
Definition Of Courage Essay
My Courage In Life
Crazy Courage Essay
Courage Definition Essay
What Is Courage Essay
The document is a personal reflection on the film "Touching the Void" about overcoming adversity. The key points made are:
- The film taught about the true meaning of adversity as any time of great misfortune, large or small.
- The biggest message was that persevering and not giving up allows one to overcome adversity through coping strategies.
- An example showed how being better prepared may have led to a better outcome when facing challenges or tests.
Essay on Personality in the Workplace
Theories Of Personality
Nature of Personality
Types of Personality Essay
Essay on Psychology: Personality Theories
Essay on Personality Types
Personal Integrity
Descriptive Essay About Personality
Introduction to Personality Essay
Human Personality Essay
Essay on The "Big Five" Personality Traits
Personality Reflection Essay
Essay on Personality Analysis
An Individual s Personality Change Essay
Personality Test Analysis Essay
Personality Paper Essay
Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits
The document discusses the development of one's sense of self. It explains that our interactions with others from a young age shape how we see ourselves and how we act around others. The "looking glass self" theory proposes that we see our self through the way we believe others perceive us based on their reactions. This leads us to develop either positive or negative self-concepts. Our sense of self continues changing throughout life as our environments and experiences change.
Louis XIV Essay examples
Essay on Igor Stravinsky
Anthony Giddens: A Sociological Study
Enzymes Essay
Essay on Photosynthesis
Humanistic Psychology Essay examples
College Level Reflection Paper
Law, Fault Essay (Aqa)
Soil erosion from farms can have negative environmental impacts by reducing nutrient-rich topsoil, increasing sedimentation in waterways which harms aquatic ecosystems, and allowing chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides to pollute drinking water sources as they run off from fields. Prevention methods for farms include maintaining ground cover through no-till practices and buffer zones, while damage control involves restoring eroded lands and setting limits on chemical usage to protect water quality.
Abstract: Culture
The Meaning of Abstract Art Essay
Essay on Abstract Post-traumatic Stress
Standard deviation abstract
Abstract Paper On Stress
Abstract On Depression
The document provides background information on Plato and discusses his work The Republic. It notes that Plato was born in Athens to a politically connected family. Events like the Peloponnesian War and execution of his mentor Socrates altered Plato's life path away from politics. The summary discusses how The Republic explores the concept of justice and how it exists in different forms. It argues that Plato believes justice is an intrinsic virtue that is necessary for achieving a good life and that his work is neither purely deontological nor consequentialist in nature.
High school and college have different levels of education but both aim to further students' knowledge. Some similarities are that they both have classrooms, assignments, and students. However, there are three main differences - teachers, classes, and responsibilities. In high school, teachers provide more structured lessons while professors typically focus on tests and papers. Class sizes are smaller in high school than college. Additionally, high school has more structured time and responsibility while college requires more independent time management and responsibility over one's schedule and studies.
Physics plays an important role in soccer. Kinetic and potential energy allow players to kick the ball with force and accuracy. The physics of projectile motion determines how far and where the ball will go when kicked. Friction between shoes and the ground enables players to change direction quickly and stop or start with precision. Understanding physics can help soccer players improve their skills and performance.
Cognitive development refers to gradual changes in mental processes that make thinking more complex and sophisticated over time. Jean Piaget studied cognitive development extensively and identified four stages through which children progress: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational. The preoperational stage from ages 2-7 is characterized by the emergence of symbolic thought and imagination, though children are still egocentric and unable to take others' perspectives.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
1. Whats is True Peace? Essay
The definition of peace means being free from disturbance. From a biblical perspective, the
absence of conflict is only the beginning of peace. True peace includes personal wholeness,
righteousness, political justice, and prosperity for all creation. That's the way God intended things to
be when he created his garden, his paradise. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do
not give to you as the world gives." (John 14:27) The word "Islam" literally means "peace" as well as
"submission." The word "Islam," therefore, helps define peace and how it is attained. The Islamic
perspective is as well about peace and knowledge and true Muslims are peaceloving people. Peace
is promoted as Allah (S.W.T) says in the Quran "God does more content...
The word Islam means 'surrender' or 'submission,' submission to the will of Allah, the one God.
Being a Muslim requires wilful submission and active obedience to God and living in accordance
with His message and that can be translated into following the Qur'an and the hadith. The Qur'an and
the hadith are the two texts which are the fundamental text for all Muslims as it is believed to
contain the revelation of Allah, and the teachings of the 'sunnah' which is the teachings of Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) complete and unaltered as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Peace is
achieved through submission to Allah and this is reinforced through the principal teachings of Islam
and the 5 pillars of Islam.
Principal teachings in Christianity and Islam teach adherents to be kind, loving and peaceful
towards each other. Key teachings such as loving each other is an important aspect as it was one
of Jesus' teaching as it says in the bible "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have
loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if
you love one another." This shows that Peace is a foundational element of the Christian communities.
In Islam principal teachings tell Muslims the things they can do which are Halal and the things that
are forbidden which is Haram. Peace is integrated as Allah) S.W.T) tells Muslims that "And the case
of those
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2. Islam: A Religion of Peace
Islam: A Religion of Peace
What is a Muslim? In what do the followers of Islam believe? In today's world, people should be
asking these questions, if only to learn more about the world around them. In this paper, I will
discuss how the basic ideas of Islam compare to the six bases of religion listed in our textbook.
The six bases are: (1) deal in some way with peoples' relationship to the unseen world of spirits,
ancestors, gods and demons; (2) developed a system of myths about the unseen world and rituals
designed for communing with or propitiating the spirits; (3) developed a system of organized rituals,
temples, priests and scriptures at some point in their history; (4) usually have some statement about
life beyond death, more content...
(Dodge75). Muslims pray five times a day. That is the number that was revealed to the Prophet on
the Night of Ascent (Maqsood56). Along with the prayer five times a day, Muslims have a
congregational prayer at midday on Friday. They must go to their mosque and pray with the people
of their community. Islam does not have priests. One of the foundations of this religion is that your
relationship with God is your own. The Imam (person who leads prayer) is not a priest; they are
usually someone who volunteered, or someone who is knowledgeable enough to be able to recite
from the Qur'an. (Maqsood59). Prayer is not only way to worship Allah, fasting is another way that
Muslims can show their devotion to God.
The third pillar is fasting. Once a year, during Ramadan all Muslims (with a few exceptions) must
fast between sunrise and sunset. Muslims believe that there are many benefits from fasting. Some
maintain that it is a healthy time, as the stomach is rested and Muslims eat more fruit and less spice
than they might do normally. The main benefits however are spiritual and mental. It takes excellent
disciple and self control. The feeling of community and togetherness that develops from sharing the
same experience as well as sharing food in the evenings. It helps them to appreciate what they have.
The wealthier people can learn a lot about what it is like to
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3. Peace of God Essay
Peace of God
The "Peace of God" encompasses a wide array of definitions. "Peace of God" is a gift from God. It
is simpler than the peace that we may think. For example, I picked a sample of three gentlemen in
my fraternity and asked them what is their first thought that arises with the phrase "Peace of God."
The responses in order was:
. A society without wars
. A God that condemns wars
. A union of all religions. As interesting as their responses are, my research has found that the peace
that God has endowed within his people are, "peace of mind and heart."
Site exhibits an interesting viewpoint of "Peace of
God." It begins by defining peace from more content...
"Quit quarreling with God. Agree with Him and you will have peace at last." The site continues
to define peace as making things right with God. That is by faith one will know what is God's
will and follow it, by this one makes things right with God. "So now, since we have been made
right in God's sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus
Christ our Lord has done for us" (Romans 5:1). And further the site continues to define peace as
obeying God's law. As in Psalm 119:165, "Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing
can make them stumble." In essence the scripture emphasizes that through following God's law one
will find everlasting peace. The different aspects of peace in this site is extremely relevant to the
chivalrous way of life. First of all, it is impossible to be a successful chivalrous knight when he is
constantly quarreling with God. Since it is God's will regarding if a knight wins or losses a war
or where his journey is to lead, the constant quarreling will only lead to a confused knight without
peace. Also under the chivalric code, knights are supposed to act on what is right with God. Only
through faith can they realize the true path, but all their deeds are supposed to be for God's glory.
And lastly, a chivalric knight always obeys God's laws without
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4. Peace In Judaism
Peace is a complex, multifaceted concept that is immensely central to every religious community.
Peace is the essence of all religions, the reason being that the objectives of religion can never be
fulfilled without peace. Each religion shares a similar purpose, to guide their adherents to achieving
peace through spiritual development and growth, allowing enlightenment among individuals and
creation. The idea of peace is commonly categorised into two main branches, inner peace and world
peace. Both branches have differentiating purposes and goals, however in many cases have the
potential to interconnect and greatly influence one another. Inner peace refers to the presence of
mindfulness, a state of calmness, security and a spiritual state of being with more content...
Along with truth and justice, peace is one of the three key Jewish values, it is understood by
adherents that all Jews have a religious obligation to pursue peace and practice it within
themselves and in the world. The Hebrew word for peace is 'shalom,' meaning complete and
fulfilled. Shalom also conveys the sense of being at peace with God and involves forgiveness of
sin, fullness of life, prosperity, and peace. Jewish adherents are encouraged to live out shalom
and implement actions and practices of shalom into their lives where possible. Jews draw
inspiration from the sacred texts, especially focused on the Torah, of their tradition for their
understanding of what it is to lead purposeful and peaceful lives. The Torah acts as a guide to
shining light on peace and what it means to be in a state of shalom. Peace, according to the Jewish
sages, is the ultimate purpose of the whole Torah, as expressed in Deuteronomy Rabah 5:15, "God
announceth to Jerusalem that they [Israel] will be redeemed only through peace." Jewish adherents
are taught to follow a path of peace as it is only through the gift of peace that will save the Jewish
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5. Inner Peace- religion
Analyse how the individual is guided towards acheiving inner peace in TWO religious traditions. (18
/20)Inner peace is defined as an internal quality of calmness and security which puts the mind at ease
and fills the adherent with a sense of tranquility and assurance. For adherents to Christianity and
Islam, inner peace is an inevitable and hugely rewarding consequence of genuine faith. It is
developed rather than striven for, through a unique combination of personal, communal, scriptural
and doctrinal means. Christians believe that inner peace is obtained by being in a close relationship
with God. This involves accepting the gift of love from God and accepting that grace is given and
not earned. Christianity teaches God lives in more content...
Jihad is central to this life of submission. Greater Jihad is the concept relating to the ongoing
struggle to make oneself and one's community 'perfectly' Muslim. It embodies peace on a
personal level, working through the individual and their role in the community.Inner peace is
only possible when the Five Pillars are lived in faithful obedience to God's will. Obligatory
prayers, known as Salat, remind Muslims of Allah's closeness to them. The Qur'an states:
"Perform the prayer for my remembrance" (Qur'an 20:40). Attention is drawn repeatedly to Allah,
marginalizing earthly distraction in order to devote more fully to the divine. Sawm or fasting,
reminds participants of those who do not have enough to eat or difficulty living. In being
reminded on these things, Muslims are reminded to place too much importance on material
goods. They are reminded to place their trust in God for provision of food, which can help them to
achieve inner peace. Hajj involves the spiritual, mental and physical journey from one's normal
place of living to Makkah. In the midst of a million pilgrims, the individual Muslim experiences the
inner peace of the Ummah. Sufism is an Islamic theology that began to develop in the first century
of Islam. Sufism stresses that the traveler on the spiritual path must first abandon himself or herself
to the will of God and then only will God's peace enter their heart. A frequent Sufi proclamation is:
"There will be no peace until there is
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