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Whats is True Peace? Essay
The definition of peace means being free from disturbance. From a biblical perspective, the
absence of conflict is only the beginning of peace. True peace includes personal wholeness,
righteousness, political justice, and prosperity for all creation. That's the way God intended things to
be when he created his garden, his paradise. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do
not give to you as the world gives." (John 14:27) The word "Islam" literally means "peace" as well as
"submission." The word "Islam," therefore, helps define peace and how it is attained. The Islamic
perspective is as well about peace and knowledge and true Muslims are peaceloving people. Peace
is promoted as Allah (S.W.T) says in the Quran "God does not...show more content...
The word Islam means 'surrender' or 'submission,' submission to the will of Allah, the one God.
Being a Muslim requires wilful submission and active obedience to God and living in accordance
with His message and that can be translated into following the Qur'an and the hadith. The Qur'an and
the hadith are the two texts which are the fundamental text for all Muslims as it is believed to
contain the revelation of Allah, and the teachings of the 'sunnah' which is the teachings of Prophet
Muhammad (s.a.w) complete and unaltered as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Peace is
achieved through submission to Allah and this is reinforced through the principal teachings of Islam
and the 5 pillars of Islam.
Principal teachings in Christianity and Islam teach adherents to be kind, loving and peaceful
towards each other. Key teachings such as loving each other is an important aspect as it was one
of Jesus' teaching as it says in the bible "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have
loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if
you love one another." This shows that Peace is a foundational element of the Christian communities.
In Islam principal teachings tell Muslims the things they can do which are Halal and the things that
are forbidden which is Haram. Peace is integrated as Allah) S.W.T) tells Muslims that "And the case
of those
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Islam: A Religion of Peace
Islam: A Religion of Peace
What is a Muslim? In what do the followers of Islam believe? In today's world, people should be
asking these questions, if only to learn more about the world around them. In this paper, I will
discuss how the basic ideas of Islam compare to the six bases of religion listed in our textbook.
The six bases are: (1) deal in some way with peoples' relationship to the unseen world of spirits,
ancestors, gods and demons; (2) developed a system of myths about the unseen world and rituals
designed for communing with or propitiating the spirits; (3) developed a system of organized rituals,
temples, priests and scriptures at some point in their history; (4) usually have some statement about
life beyond death, either...show more content...
(Dodge75). Muslims pray five times a day. That is the number that was revealed to the Prophet on
the Night of Ascent (Maqsood56). Along with the prayer five times a day, Muslims have a
congregational prayer at midday on Friday. They must go to their mosque and pray with the people
of their community. Islam does not have priests. One of the foundations of this religion is that your
relationship with God is your own. The Imam (person who leads prayer) is not a priest; they are
usually someone who volunteered, or someone who is knowledgeable enough to be able to recite
from the Qur'an. (Maqsood59). Prayer is not only way to worship Allah, fasting is another way that
Muslims can show their devotion to God.
The third pillar is fasting. Once a year, during Ramadan all Muslims (with a few exceptions) must
fast between sunrise and sunset. Muslims believe that there are many benefits from fasting. Some
maintain that it is a healthy time, as the stomach is rested and Muslims eat more fruit and less spice
than they might do normally. The main benefits however are spiritual and mental. It takes excellent
disciple and self control. The feeling of community and togetherness that develops from sharing the
same experience as well as sharing food in the evenings. It helps them to appreciate what they have.
The wealthier people can learn a lot about what it is like to
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Peace of God Essay
Peace of God
The "Peace of God" encompasses a wide array of definitions. "Peace of God" is a gift from God. It
is simpler than the peace that we may think. For example, I picked a sample of three gentlemen in
my fraternity and asked them what is their first thought that arises with the phrase "Peace of God."
The responses in order was:
. A society without wars
. A God that condemns wars
. A union of all religions. As interesting as their responses are, my research has found that the peace
that God has endowed within his people are, "peace of mind and heart."
Site http://www.realtime.net/~wdoud/ice/peace.html exhibits an interesting viewpoint of "Peace of
God." It begins by defining peace from the...show more content...
"Quit quarreling with God. Agree with Him and you will have peace at last." The site continues
to define peace as making things right with God. That is by faith one will know what is God's
will and follow it, by this one makes things right with God. "So now, since we have been made
right in God's sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus
Christ our Lord has done for us" (Romans 5:1). And further the site continues to define peace as
obeying God's law. As in Psalm 119:165, "Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing
can make them stumble." In essence the scripture emphasizes that through following God's law one
will find everlasting peace. The different aspects of peace in this site is extremely relevant to the
chivalrous way of life. First of all, it is impossible to be a successful chivalrous knight when he is
constantly quarreling with God. Since it is God's will regarding if a knight wins or losses a war
or where his journey is to lead, the constant quarreling will only lead to a confused knight without
peace. Also under the chivalric code, knights are supposed to act on what is right with God. Only
through faith can they realize the true path, but all their deeds are supposed to be for God's glory.
And lastly, a chivalric knight always obeys God's laws without
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Peace In Judaism
Peace is a complex, multifaceted concept that is immensely central to every religious community.
Peace is the essence of all religions, the reason being that the objectives of religion can never be
fulfilled without peace. Each religion shares a similar purpose, to guide their adherents to achieving
peace through spiritual development and growth, allowing enlightenment among individuals and
creation. The idea of peace is commonly categorised into two main branches, inner peace and world
peace. Both branches have differentiating purposes and goals, however in many cases have the
potential to interconnect and greatly influence one another. Inner peace refers to the presence of
mindfulness, a state of calmness, security and a spiritual state of being with the...show more content...
Along with truth and justice, peace is one of the three key Jewish values, it is understood by
adherents that all Jews have a religious obligation to pursue peace and practice it within
themselves and in the world. The Hebrew word for peace is 'shalom,' meaning complete and
fulfilled. Shalom also conveys the sense of being at peace with God and involves forgiveness of
sin, fullness of life, prosperity, and peace. Jewish adherents are encouraged to live out shalom
and implement actions and practices of shalom into their lives where possible. Jews draw
inspiration from the sacred texts, especially focused on the Torah, of their tradition for their
understanding of what it is to lead purposeful and peaceful lives. The Torah acts as a guide to
shining light on peace and what it means to be in a state of shalom. Peace, according to the Jewish
sages, is the ultimate purpose of the whole Torah, as expressed in Deuteronomy Rabah 5:15, "God
announceth to Jerusalem that they [Israel] will be redeemed only through peace." Jewish adherents
are taught to follow a path of peace as it is only through the gift of peace that will save the Jewish
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Inner Peace- religion
Analyse how the individual is guided towards acheiving inner peace in TWO religious traditions. (18
/20)Inner peace is defined as an internal quality of calmness and security which puts the mind at ease
and fills the adherent with a sense of tranquility and assurance. For adherents to Christianity and
Islam, inner peace is an inevitable and hugely rewarding consequence of genuine faith. It is
developed rather than striven for, through a unique combination of personal, communal, scriptural
and doctrinal means. Christians believe that inner peace is obtained by being in a close relationship
with God. This involves accepting the gift of love from God and accepting that grace is given and
not earned. Christianity teaches God lives in the...show more content...
Jihad is central to this life of submission. Greater Jihad is the concept relating to the ongoing
struggle to make oneself and one's community 'perfectly' Muslim. It embodies peace on a
personal level, working through the individual and their role in the community.Inner peace is
only possible when the Five Pillars are lived in faithful obedience to God's will. Obligatory
prayers, known as Salat, remind Muslims of Allah's closeness to them. The Qur'an states:
"Perform the prayer for my remembrance" (Qur'an 20:40). Attention is drawn repeatedly to Allah,
marginalizing earthly distraction in order to devote more fully to the divine. Sawm or fasting,
reminds participants of those who do not have enough to eat or difficulty living. In being
reminded on these things, Muslims are reminded to place too much importance on material
goods. They are reminded to place their trust in God for provision of food, which can help them to
achieve inner peace. Hajj involves the spiritual, mental and physical journey from one's normal
place of living to Makkah. In the midst of a million pilgrims, the individual Muslim experiences the
inner peace of the Ummah. Sufism is an Islamic theology that began to develop in the first century
of Islam. Sufism stresses that the traveler on the spiritual path must first abandon himself or herself
to the will of God and then only will God's peace enter their heart. A frequent Sufi proclamation is:
"There will be no peace until there is
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Religion And Peace Essay

  • 1. Whats is True Peace? Essay The definition of peace means being free from disturbance. From a biblical perspective, the absence of conflict is only the beginning of peace. True peace includes personal wholeness, righteousness, political justice, and prosperity for all creation. That's the way God intended things to be when he created his garden, his paradise. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives." (John 14:27) The word "Islam" literally means "peace" as well as "submission." The word "Islam," therefore, helps define peace and how it is attained. The Islamic perspective is as well about peace and knowledge and true Muslims are peaceloving people. Peace is promoted as Allah (S.W.T) says in the Quran "God does not...show more content... The word Islam means 'surrender' or 'submission,' submission to the will of Allah, the one God. Being a Muslim requires wilful submission and active obedience to God and living in accordance with His message and that can be translated into following the Qur'an and the hadith. The Qur'an and the hadith are the two texts which are the fundamental text for all Muslims as it is believed to contain the revelation of Allah, and the teachings of the 'sunnah' which is the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) complete and unaltered as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Peace is achieved through submission to Allah and this is reinforced through the principal teachings of Islam and the 5 pillars of Islam. Principal teachings in Christianity and Islam teach adherents to be kind, loving and peaceful towards each other. Key teachings such as loving each other is an important aspect as it was one of Jesus' teaching as it says in the bible "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." This shows that Peace is a foundational element of the Christian communities. In Islam principal teachings tell Muslims the things they can do which are Halal and the things that are forbidden which is Haram. Peace is integrated as Allah) S.W.T) tells Muslims that "And the case of those Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Islam: A Religion of Peace Islam: A Religion of Peace What is a Muslim? In what do the followers of Islam believe? In today's world, people should be asking these questions, if only to learn more about the world around them. In this paper, I will discuss how the basic ideas of Islam compare to the six bases of religion listed in our textbook. The six bases are: (1) deal in some way with peoples' relationship to the unseen world of spirits, ancestors, gods and demons; (2) developed a system of myths about the unseen world and rituals designed for communing with or propitiating the spirits; (3) developed a system of organized rituals, temples, priests and scriptures at some point in their history; (4) usually have some statement about life beyond death, either...show more content... (Dodge75). Muslims pray five times a day. That is the number that was revealed to the Prophet on the Night of Ascent (Maqsood56). Along with the prayer five times a day, Muslims have a congregational prayer at midday on Friday. They must go to their mosque and pray with the people of their community. Islam does not have priests. One of the foundations of this religion is that your relationship with God is your own. The Imam (person who leads prayer) is not a priest; they are usually someone who volunteered, or someone who is knowledgeable enough to be able to recite from the Qur'an. (Maqsood59). Prayer is not only way to worship Allah, fasting is another way that Muslims can show their devotion to God. The third pillar is fasting. Once a year, during Ramadan all Muslims (with a few exceptions) must fast between sunrise and sunset. Muslims believe that there are many benefits from fasting. Some maintain that it is a healthy time, as the stomach is rested and Muslims eat more fruit and less spice than they might do normally. The main benefits however are spiritual and mental. It takes excellent disciple and self control. The feeling of community and togetherness that develops from sharing the same experience as well as sharing food in the evenings. It helps them to appreciate what they have. The wealthier people can learn a lot about what it is like to Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Peace of God Essay Peace of God The "Peace of God" encompasses a wide array of definitions. "Peace of God" is a gift from God. It is simpler than the peace that we may think. For example, I picked a sample of three gentlemen in my fraternity and asked them what is their first thought that arises with the phrase "Peace of God." The responses in order was: . A society without wars . A God that condemns wars . A union of all religions. As interesting as their responses are, my research has found that the peace that God has endowed within his people are, "peace of mind and heart." Site http://www.realtime.net/~wdoud/ice/peace.html exhibits an interesting viewpoint of "Peace of God." It begins by defining peace from the...show more content... "Quit quarreling with God. Agree with Him and you will have peace at last." The site continues to define peace as making things right with God. That is by faith one will know what is God's will and follow it, by this one makes things right with God. "So now, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us" (Romans 5:1). And further the site continues to define peace as obeying God's law. As in Psalm 119:165, "Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble." In essence the scripture emphasizes that through following God's law one will find everlasting peace. The different aspects of peace in this site is extremely relevant to the chivalrous way of life. First of all, it is impossible to be a successful chivalrous knight when he is constantly quarreling with God. Since it is God's will regarding if a knight wins or losses a war or where his journey is to lead, the constant quarreling will only lead to a confused knight without peace. Also under the chivalric code, knights are supposed to act on what is right with God. Only through faith can they realize the true path, but all their deeds are supposed to be for God's glory. And lastly, a chivalric knight always obeys God's laws without Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Peace In Judaism Peace is a complex, multifaceted concept that is immensely central to every religious community. Peace is the essence of all religions, the reason being that the objectives of religion can never be fulfilled without peace. Each religion shares a similar purpose, to guide their adherents to achieving peace through spiritual development and growth, allowing enlightenment among individuals and creation. The idea of peace is commonly categorised into two main branches, inner peace and world peace. Both branches have differentiating purposes and goals, however in many cases have the potential to interconnect and greatly influence one another. Inner peace refers to the presence of mindfulness, a state of calmness, security and a spiritual state of being with the...show more content... Along with truth and justice, peace is one of the three key Jewish values, it is understood by adherents that all Jews have a religious obligation to pursue peace and practice it within themselves and in the world. The Hebrew word for peace is 'shalom,' meaning complete and fulfilled. Shalom also conveys the sense of being at peace with God and involves forgiveness of sin, fullness of life, prosperity, and peace. Jewish adherents are encouraged to live out shalom and implement actions and practices of shalom into their lives where possible. Jews draw inspiration from the sacred texts, especially focused on the Torah, of their tradition for their understanding of what it is to lead purposeful and peaceful lives. The Torah acts as a guide to shining light on peace and what it means to be in a state of shalom. Peace, according to the Jewish sages, is the ultimate purpose of the whole Torah, as expressed in Deuteronomy Rabah 5:15, "God announceth to Jerusalem that they [Israel] will be redeemed only through peace." Jewish adherents are taught to follow a path of peace as it is only through the gift of peace that will save the Jewish Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Inner Peace- religion Analyse how the individual is guided towards acheiving inner peace in TWO religious traditions. (18 /20)Inner peace is defined as an internal quality of calmness and security which puts the mind at ease and fills the adherent with a sense of tranquility and assurance. For adherents to Christianity and Islam, inner peace is an inevitable and hugely rewarding consequence of genuine faith. It is developed rather than striven for, through a unique combination of personal, communal, scriptural and doctrinal means. Christians believe that inner peace is obtained by being in a close relationship with God. This involves accepting the gift of love from God and accepting that grace is given and not earned. Christianity teaches God lives in the...show more content... Jihad is central to this life of submission. Greater Jihad is the concept relating to the ongoing struggle to make oneself and one's community 'perfectly' Muslim. It embodies peace on a personal level, working through the individual and their role in the community.Inner peace is only possible when the Five Pillars are lived in faithful obedience to God's will. Obligatory prayers, known as Salat, remind Muslims of Allah's closeness to them. The Qur'an states: "Perform the prayer for my remembrance" (Qur'an 20:40). Attention is drawn repeatedly to Allah, marginalizing earthly distraction in order to devote more fully to the divine. Sawm or fasting, reminds participants of those who do not have enough to eat or difficulty living. In being reminded on these things, Muslims are reminded to place too much importance on material goods. They are reminded to place their trust in God for provision of food, which can help them to achieve inner peace. Hajj involves the spiritual, mental and physical journey from one's normal place of living to Makkah. In the midst of a million pilgrims, the individual Muslim experiences the inner peace of the Ummah. Sufism is an Islamic theology that began to develop in the first century of Islam. Sufism stresses that the traveler on the spiritual path must first abandon himself or herself to the will of God and then only will God's peace enter their heart. A frequent Sufi proclamation is: "There will be no peace until there is Get more content on HelpWriting.net