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Abstract: Culture
Culture is the background of every human communication. Cultural embedding as a feature of texts
in general is also valid in technical and scientific texts. As translation by humans is based on
understanding, the translator needs knowledge in order to detect cultural aspects. This is possible by
putting down implicit cultural references to certain structures on the text level. Cultural elements
appear in the text on all levels  from the concept and form of words, to the sentence and text
structure, to pragmatics. Examples for the various appearances are presented in the first part of the
The second part discusses translation as a writing process. Here the categories of attention governing
the translator's approach are...show more content...
That means that understanding can be put down to linguistic structures on the text level that first
triggered the respective cognitive reaction. Culture will be present in texts, even in technical ones.
And culturally based conventions of text construction may even constitute a major translation
problem for scientific communication. Detecting cultural elements in texts therefore is decisive for
Chapter 1
Cultural elements in texts
A key question is what are cultural elements and how are they visible in texts? Cultural elements
cannot be reduced to strange objects that would be unknown elsewhere. Cultural elements are a
background of knowledge which is generally relevant for adequate communication within a society:
Culture, being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must consist of the
end product of learning: knowledge, in a most general, if relative, sense of the term. By this
definition, we should note that culture is not a material phenomenon; it does not consist of things,
people, behaviour, or emotions. It is rather an organization of these things. It is the forms of things
that people have in mind, their models for perceiving, relating, and otherwise interpreting them
(Goodenough 1964: 36).
Culture determines how people speak and write and perceive each other. Consequently, cultural
elements, therefore, must be present implicitly in texts, but as a
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The Meaning of Abstract Art Essay
There are generally two types of paintings representational and abstract. While representational
painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract painting does not look like a particular object.
Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors. (http://www.harley.com/art/abstractart
/ ) The meaning of abstract art is, in its most simplified form, art that relies on the emotions of the
artist and the elements of design rather than exact representation. This broad definition allows artists
almost unlimited freedom of expression. Some abstract artists create compositions that have no
precedent in nature. Other abstract artists work from nature and then interpret their subjects in a
nonrepresentational manner. In other words,...show more content...
Abstractart.20m.com divides abstract art into 3 main classifications: Abstract Expressionism,
Neoplasticism and Cubism. (http://abstractart.20m.com/) Cubism focused on analyzing the subject
using geometry. (http://abstractart.20m.com/cubism.htm) Neoplasticists believed that only
horizontal and vertical lines with primary colors should be used in order to represent the "absolutes
of life." (http://abstractart.20m.com/Neoplasticism.html) The spontaneous nature of Abstract
Expressionism allowed the painter to show feeling and personality. (http://abstractart.20m.com
/expressionism.html) Examples of each of these classifications can be found at the links provided.
Art is important to us because it reaches inside of us to our unconscious feelings. This power is very
clear when studied in regards to abstract art. "The reason abstract art has the potential to be so
powerful is that it keeps the conscious distractions to a minimum." (www.harley.com/art/abstractart
/) Instead of focusing on a particular image, like a fruit of flower, abstraction allows us to feel the
energy of the painting. Because abstract art is not limited by precise or even realistic representation,
the artist is free to analyze objects from various angles and show situations that may appear stilted in
representational works. For example, in Fernand Leger's The City, (http://filebox.vt.edu/users
/nayoung3/city.jpg), the
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Essay on Abstract Post-traumatic Stress
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Melissa DiMichele
Psychology 100
June 10, 2011
PostTraumatic Stress Disorder also known as PTSD is an emotional condition that can develop
following a terrifying or traumatic event.
PostTraumatic Stress Disorder also known as PTSD is an emotional condition that can develop
following a traumatic or terrifying event. PTSD has only been recognized as a diagnosis since
1980. This emotional disorder was brought to public attention after soldiers would return home and
often referred to as "shell shock or combat fatigue".
This Disorder can occur at any age and affects approximately eight percent of the adult population.
...show more content...
First, 2000). Some people may even try to block out part of the events that occurred all together. A
similar disorder in symptoms is known as Acute Stress Disorder. The difference between these two
diagnoses is that acute stress disorder only last two days to four weeks and requires less symptoms
to make a diagnosis.
Research has indicated that people who have experienced and extreme amount of stress or
traumatic event sometimes have a smaller hippocampus region of the brain in adults with chronic
PTSD and early childhood trauma. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for memory. The
reduction in size may be caused by a combination of the environment and genetics (NARSAD.com).
People who are diagnosed with this disorder are more likely to have trouble with relationships,
smoke cigarettes, abuse drugs and or alcohol use. If PTSD is left untreated it can have devastating
lasting effects.
PTSD is not easily treated. Sometimes people can not only suffer mentally but have physical
impairments from the event as well. This can make it hard for them to obtain the treatment they
need. A combination of medications andpsychotherapy is usually recommended and is the most
effect form of treatment for PTSD. The earlier a person seeks treatment for this disorder the better
the outcome will be. The medications are used to help people cope with their emotions while the
psychotherapy will help
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Standard deviation abstract
Standard Deviation Abstract
Standard Deviation Abstract
Standard Deviations Are Not Perverse
The purpose of this article is to illustrate how using statistical data, such as standard deviation, can
help a cattleman choose the best lot of calf's at auction. The statistical data used in these decision
making processes can also help the cattleman with future analysis of the lots purchased and existing
Research Question:
How can understanding the standard deviation of weights in a lot of calf's be used to determine
which lot should be purchased?
The hypothesis proposed in this article is that in using the group average and standard deviation a
cattleman can choose a lot of calf's...show more content...
For example a customer can complain about the service received and the employee can try their
best to make the situation better this is where double deviation plays. There is no right way to make
the situation better, it just has to be handled and keep it moving with the service to make the
business move forward.
The research questions(s):
What is the best way to handle a complaint or something that went wrong with the question?
The hypothesis:
To come together with the business and come up with different ways to handle different situations
that may come up with handling the customers. Brainstorm about different ways to solve the
questions if a customer is dissatisfied with their service. Make sure that the customers leaves
satisfied and to make it a possibly that they will come back.
The main finding of the study:
If the customer can be recovered a second time, after the same unfavorable service experience, it
represents a double service recovery, whereas a failure of this outcome or process constitutes a triple
deviation. The concepts of double service recovery and triple deviation thus extend the
well于known concepts of service recovery and double deviation. Because customers seldom are
pleased with service recoveries (Rust et al., 1992), double deviations are frequent, often caused by
the same factors that initiated the first failure.
Relative deviation metrics and the problem of strategy replication,
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Abstract Paper On Stress
Abstract Stress is not always a shortlived. Some negative effects on a person's body, such as
memory issues and a slower learning pace, are longterm. Longterm stress issues include nervous
system issues; High Blood Pressure (HBP). Because your body is tired you are more likely to get
sick and may have a higher chance of becoming ill; Skin problems can be a side effect of stress.
Diabetes is a risk from chronic stress due to the immune system fighting and affecting insulin
cells. While stress will not make a person infertile, if it is a stressful time such as holiday, major
family illness, or major life event the ability to become, pregnant may decrease. Research shows
certain stages of life are more susceptible to stress such as prenatal, adolescence, and elderly, this
can result in reduced hippocampal size, which can also lead to depression later in life. A person is
more likely to have a reduced immunity to contagious disease. Treatment plans may involve
medication, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exercise, focused deep breathing, rest, there are
alternative treatments such as acupuncture, reflexology, essential oil use, diet changes, keeping a
journal, or adding a multivitamin to your daily routine may help cope with stress. Key words:
Stress, HBP, Diabetes, hippocampal, treatments Stress is one of the most common emotions many
times we don't even realize we are stressed; this can be hard to explain because stress isn't an
emotion that we visibly express.
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Abstract Expressionism is considered a triumph in American Painting. It is still the most discussed
and debated form of twentieth century American art, and still influences generations of artists. It
used the cultural references of the tragic, the unconscious, the sublime and the primitive to create a
unique and evocative style of painting that was unique in the art world.
Though some may view Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism as similar, the thing that made it
fundamentally different, according to Motherwell, was that the artists worked more `directly' and
`violently' and on a `much larger scale physically than the surrealists ever had.' (Page 40, David and
Cecil) It also seems important to Motherwell to have a style that...show more content...
That a painting could be read in this way reveals its sublime aura.
Rothko saw the `clouds of colour' in his paintings as abstract `performers possessing tragic or
ethereal demeanours.' (Page 23, Hopkins) The size of the paintings functioned as a
representation of scale. Viewers could measure themselves against the coloured blocks. `This
could lead to the feeling of being enveloped or transported out of the body,' (Page 23, Hopkins)
Frank O'Hara also considered scale important in Pollock's paintings, because of the `emotional
effect of the painting upon the spectator.' (Page 28, O'Hara) `Blue Poles', by Pollock is seven feet
high and some sixteen feet across. Robertson describes it as a `world self contained and utterly
convincing which the spectator should be flexible to enter, explore and move about in.' (Page 29,
Gottlieb and Rothko were inspired by primitive and archaic art, but removed any symbols from their
original context, making their connotations inaccessible to the general public. The viewer could not
tell what these symbols meant to the artist by simply viewing the painting, but this was perhaps not
their intention. The artists themselves viewed their work as a `poetic expression of the essence of
the myth.' (Page 10, David and Cecil) Primitive mythology often inspired the Abstract Expressionist's
painting, including
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Abstract On Depression
Depression have become a major problem in our society today. People who haven't experience
depression will not understand how it feel and what it can do to a person. Many people also doesn't
understand what depression is, or how it can related to suicidal ideation. In fact, studies have
documented that the majority of young suicide victims had depression at the time of death and most
suicide survivors were diagnosed with symptoms of clinical depression at the time of their
attempt (Mojs, Biederman, Gowacka, Strzelecki, Ziemska, Samborski 2015). It can affect
anyone, from young adolescents to college students to the elderly people. There are many reasons
that can make someone have major depression. Such as financial problems, family problems,
social problems, school, work, etc. These stressors in our daily life can cause anxiety which can
increase our stress level significantly, which then can lead to depression. A research said that
anxiety disorder have a high comorbidity with depression and that anxiety occur prior to the onset
of depressive disorders in many individuals (Batterham, Christensen, Calear 2013). People who
experience depression must find way to cope with depression and know how to get help in order to
prevent suicidal ideation. The people surroundings, friends and family, must also find ways to
recognize the symptoms of depression, and show understandings in order to help those suffering.
This research project will help people understand more about
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Extended Essay Abstract Example

  • 1. Abstract: Culture ABSTRACT Culture is the background of every human communication. Cultural embedding as a feature of texts in general is also valid in technical and scientific texts. As translation by humans is based on understanding, the translator needs knowledge in order to detect cultural aspects. This is possible by putting down implicit cultural references to certain structures on the text level. Cultural elements appear in the text on all levels from the concept and form of words, to the sentence and text structure, to pragmatics. Examples for the various appearances are presented in the first part of the paper. The second part discusses translation as a writing process. Here the categories of attention governing the translator's approach are...show more content... That means that understanding can be put down to linguistic structures on the text level that first triggered the respective cognitive reaction. Culture will be present in texts, even in technical ones. And culturally based conventions of text construction may even constitute a major translation problem for scientific communication. Detecting cultural elements in texts therefore is decisive for translation. Chapter 1 Cultural elements in texts A key question is what are cultural elements and how are they visible in texts? Cultural elements cannot be reduced to strange objects that would be unknown elsewhere. Cultural elements are a background of knowledge which is generally relevant for adequate communication within a society: Culture, being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must consist of the end product of learning: knowledge, in a most general, if relative, sense of the term. By this definition, we should note that culture is not a material phenomenon; it does not consist of things, people, behaviour, or emotions. It is rather an organization of these things. It is the forms of things that people have in mind, their models for perceiving, relating, and otherwise interpreting them (Goodenough 1964: 36). Culture determines how people speak and write and perceive each other. Consequently, cultural elements, therefore, must be present implicitly in texts, but as a Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. The Meaning of Abstract Art Essay There are generally two types of paintings representational and abstract. While representational painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract painting does not look like a particular object. Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors. (http://www.harley.com/art/abstractart / ) The meaning of abstract art is, in its most simplified form, art that relies on the emotions of the artist and the elements of design rather than exact representation. This broad definition allows artists almost unlimited freedom of expression. Some abstract artists create compositions that have no precedent in nature. Other abstract artists work from nature and then interpret their subjects in a nonrepresentational manner. In other words,...show more content... Abstractart.20m.com divides abstract art into 3 main classifications: Abstract Expressionism, Neoplasticism and Cubism. (http://abstractart.20m.com/) Cubism focused on analyzing the subject using geometry. (http://abstractart.20m.com/cubism.htm) Neoplasticists believed that only horizontal and vertical lines with primary colors should be used in order to represent the "absolutes of life." (http://abstractart.20m.com/Neoplasticism.html) The spontaneous nature of Abstract Expressionism allowed the painter to show feeling and personality. (http://abstractart.20m.com /expressionism.html) Examples of each of these classifications can be found at the links provided. Art is important to us because it reaches inside of us to our unconscious feelings. This power is very clear when studied in regards to abstract art. "The reason abstract art has the potential to be so powerful is that it keeps the conscious distractions to a minimum." (www.harley.com/art/abstractart /) Instead of focusing on a particular image, like a fruit of flower, abstraction allows us to feel the energy of the painting. Because abstract art is not limited by precise or even realistic representation, the artist is free to analyze objects from various angles and show situations that may appear stilted in representational works. For example, in Fernand Leger's The City, (http://filebox.vt.edu/users /nayoung3/city.jpg), the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Essay on Abstract Post-traumatic Stress Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Melissa DiMichele Psychology 100 June 10, 2011 Abstract PostTraumatic Stress Disorder also known as PTSD is an emotional condition that can develop following a terrifying or traumatic event. PostTraumatic Stress Disorder also known as PTSD is an emotional condition that can develop following a traumatic or terrifying event. PTSD has only been recognized as a diagnosis since 1980. This emotional disorder was brought to public attention after soldiers would return home and often referred to as "shell shock or combat fatigue". This Disorder can occur at any age and affects approximately eight percent of the adult population. ...show more content... First, 2000). Some people may even try to block out part of the events that occurred all together. A similar disorder in symptoms is known as Acute Stress Disorder. The difference between these two diagnoses is that acute stress disorder only last two days to four weeks and requires less symptoms to make a diagnosis. Research has indicated that people who have experienced and extreme amount of stress or traumatic event sometimes have a smaller hippocampus region of the brain in adults with chronic PTSD and early childhood trauma. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for memory. The reduction in size may be caused by a combination of the environment and genetics (NARSAD.com). People who are diagnosed with this disorder are more likely to have trouble with relationships, smoke cigarettes, abuse drugs and or alcohol use. If PTSD is left untreated it can have devastating lasting effects. PTSD is not easily treated. Sometimes people can not only suffer mentally but have physical impairments from the event as well. This can make it hard for them to obtain the treatment they need. A combination of medications andpsychotherapy is usually recommended and is the most effect form of treatment for PTSD. The earlier a person seeks treatment for this disorder the better the outcome will be. The medications are used to help people cope with their emotions while the psychotherapy will help Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Standard deviation abstract Standard Deviation Abstract QRB/501 Standard Deviation Abstract Standard Deviations Are Not Perverse Purpose: The purpose of this article is to illustrate how using statistical data, such as standard deviation, can help a cattleman choose the best lot of calf's at auction. The statistical data used in these decision making processes can also help the cattleman with future analysis of the lots purchased and existing stock. Research Question: How can understanding the standard deviation of weights in a lot of calf's be used to determine which lot should be purchased? Hypothesis: The hypothesis proposed in this article is that in using the group average and standard deviation a cattleman can choose a lot of calf's...show more content... For example a customer can complain about the service received and the employee can try their best to make the situation better this is where double deviation plays. There is no right way to make the situation better, it just has to be handled and keep it moving with the service to make the business move forward. The research questions(s): What is the best way to handle a complaint or something that went wrong with the question? The hypothesis: To come together with the business and come up with different ways to handle different situations that may come up with handling the customers. Brainstorm about different ways to solve the questions if a customer is dissatisfied with their service. Make sure that the customers leaves satisfied and to make it a possibly that they will come back. The main finding of the study: If the customer can be recovered a second time, after the same unfavorable service experience, it represents a double service recovery, whereas a failure of this outcome or process constitutes a triple deviation. The concepts of double service recovery and triple deviation thus extend the well于known concepts of service recovery and double deviation. Because customers seldom are pleased with service recoveries (Rust et al., 1992), double deviations are frequent, often caused by the same factors that initiated the first failure. Relative deviation metrics and the problem of strategy replication, Purpose: Funds
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  • 6. Abstract Paper On Stress Abstract Stress is not always a shortlived. Some negative effects on a person's body, such as memory issues and a slower learning pace, are longterm. Longterm stress issues include nervous system issues; High Blood Pressure (HBP). Because your body is tired you are more likely to get sick and may have a higher chance of becoming ill; Skin problems can be a side effect of stress. Diabetes is a risk from chronic stress due to the immune system fighting and affecting insulin cells. While stress will not make a person infertile, if it is a stressful time such as holiday, major family illness, or major life event the ability to become, pregnant may decrease. Research shows certain stages of life are more susceptible to stress such as prenatal, adolescence, and elderly, this can result in reduced hippocampal size, which can also lead to depression later in life. A person is more likely to have a reduced immunity to contagious disease. Treatment plans may involve medication, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exercise, focused deep breathing, rest, there are alternative treatments such as acupuncture, reflexology, essential oil use, diet changes, keeping a journal, or adding a multivitamin to your daily routine may help cope with stress. Key words: Stress, HBP, Diabetes, hippocampal, treatments Stress is one of the most common emotions many times we don't even realize we are stressed; this can be hard to explain because stress isn't an emotion that we visibly express. Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Abstract Expressionism is considered a triumph in American Painting. It is still the most discussed and debated form of twentieth century American art, and still influences generations of artists. It used the cultural references of the tragic, the unconscious, the sublime and the primitive to create a unique and evocative style of painting that was unique in the art world. Though some may view Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism as similar, the thing that made it fundamentally different, according to Motherwell, was that the artists worked more `directly' and `violently' and on a `much larger scale physically than the surrealists ever had.' (Page 40, David and Cecil) It also seems important to Motherwell to have a style that...show more content... That a painting could be read in this way reveals its sublime aura. Rothko saw the `clouds of colour' in his paintings as abstract `performers possessing tragic or ethereal demeanours.' (Page 23, Hopkins) The size of the paintings functioned as a representation of scale. Viewers could measure themselves against the coloured blocks. `This could lead to the feeling of being enveloped or transported out of the body,' (Page 23, Hopkins) Frank O'Hara also considered scale important in Pollock's paintings, because of the `emotional effect of the painting upon the spectator.' (Page 28, O'Hara) `Blue Poles', by Pollock is seven feet high and some sixteen feet across. Robertson describes it as a `world self contained and utterly convincing which the spectator should be flexible to enter, explore and move about in.' (Page 29, Robertson) Gottlieb and Rothko were inspired by primitive and archaic art, but removed any symbols from their original context, making their connotations inaccessible to the general public. The viewer could not tell what these symbols meant to the artist by simply viewing the painting, but this was perhaps not their intention. The artists themselves viewed their work as a `poetic expression of the essence of the myth.' (Page 10, David and Cecil) Primitive mythology often inspired the Abstract Expressionist's painting, including Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Abstract On Depression Depression have become a major problem in our society today. People who haven't experience depression will not understand how it feel and what it can do to a person. Many people also doesn't understand what depression is, or how it can related to suicidal ideation. In fact, studies have documented that the majority of young suicide victims had depression at the time of death and most suicide survivors were diagnosed with symptoms of clinical depression at the time of their attempt (Mojs, Biederman, Gowacka, Strzelecki, Ziemska, Samborski 2015). It can affect anyone, from young adolescents to college students to the elderly people. There are many reasons that can make someone have major depression. Such as financial problems, family problems, social problems, school, work, etc. These stressors in our daily life can cause anxiety which can increase our stress level significantly, which then can lead to depression. A research said that anxiety disorder have a high comorbidity with depression and that anxiety occur prior to the onset of depressive disorders in many individuals (Batterham, Christensen, Calear 2013). People who experience depression must find way to cope with depression and know how to get help in order to prevent suicidal ideation. The people surroundings, friends and family, must also find ways to recognize the symptoms of depression, and show understandings in order to help those suffering. This research project will help people understand more about Get more content on HelpWriting.net