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Accurate Use of Language
Group 5 :
Alberta Siburian (221060042)
Chikal (221060048)
Fadli (221060051)
Vina Andelusiana (221060035)
Grammar: Problem Issues
Common Trouble Spot
Vocabulary: Word Use and Spelling
Table of contents
02 04
Sentence: Some Keys and Issues
1. Common Trouble Spot
Example :
Corrected text :
2. Grammar: Problem Issues
 Agreement : This relates to the concepts of singularity and plurality
which are expressed differently in other languages.
 Verb : In English, verbs carry much of the meaning of the sentence. The
most common problems relate to tense, and voice.
* Tense : (Common areas of confusion)
> between the present progressive and present simple
e.g. This graph (is showing | shows) the trends in internet use from 2005 to 2015.
ANSWER: shows
* Voice : In English, voice is concerned with emphasis. It is indicated by changing the form of
the verb. Use the active voice to emphasise the subject of the action. Use the passive voice
(two-part verb) to emphasise the action.
1. The government (has promised | has been) promised to monitor the housing market
situation closely.
ANSWER: Active voice  has promised (emphasising the doer: the government)
2. Close monitoring of the housing market has promised | has been promised by the
ANSWER: Passive voice  has been promised (emphasising the action, close monitoring)
 Articles : The articles (a, an, or the) are used before nouns to identify them in a
specific way.
* When to Use "A" or "An
1. "A" and "an" are used with singular countable nouns when the noun is
non specific or generic.
Example : I do not own a car.
2. "A" is used when the noun that follows begins with a consonant sound.
Example : a book, a pen.
3. "An" is used when the noun that follows begins with a vowel sound.
Example : an elephant, an egg.
* When to Use The"
1. "The" is used with both singular and plural nouns and with both countable
and uncountable nouns when the noun is specific.
Example : The book that I read last night was great.
* When to Use The"
2. "The" is often used with proper nouns that include an of phrase.
Example : The University of Minnesota.
3. "The" is used with superlative adjectives, which are necessarily unique (the
first, the second, the biggest, the smallest, the next, the only, etc.).
Example : She was the weakest participant.
 Prepositions : In English, prepositions are used to express relationships between
words in a sentence. One problem is with the common prepositions (e.g. at, in, on,
with, from, by, of) because they can be used to express different relationships,
e.g. at noon (expresses time)
at school (expresses a state or condition)
at the entrance (expresses a place)
Sentences : some key issues
 Punctuation Many punctuation errors relate to the use of commas. Commas have a
wide range of uses. Learn more about them in a good grammar book or a grammar
Here are two common errors :
 using a comma to separate two independent ideas (comma splice error)
Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem, third world economies cannot
survive without it.
 using no punctuation to separate two independent ideas (run-on/fused error)
Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem third world countries cannot
survive without it.
 Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem. Third world countries cannot
survive without it. (Write two sentences)
 Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem because third world countries
cannot survive without it. (join the sentences)
 Incomplete Sentences
A basic formal English sentence has three key elements: a subject, a verb, and an object:
More elements (an ADVERBIAL or COMPLEMENT) can be added to this basic sentence to give details and other
e.g. The government | passed | a new law | in order to tighten security. (Adverbial phrase to give reason
e.g. The new law | will make | the region | safe. (Safe completements the object region (i.e. the region is safe.)
The following problems arise when one or more basic elements are missing:
The major problem insufficient financial assistance.
 The major problem is insufficient financial assistance. (Missing verb is)
For example, insufficient financial assistance.
 For example, there is insufficient financial assistance. (Missing subject and verb)
Because there is insufficient medical assistance.
 Because there is insufficient medical assistance, the death toll continues to rise. (Missing
main clause)
 The death toll continues to rise because there is insufficient medical assistance.
People pursue wealth and status are unlikely to find happiness.
 People who pursue wealth and status are unlikely to find lasting happiness. (Missing Relative
 Wrong word order
This problem occurs in long or complex sentences when elements are misplaced or are in the
wrong order. The connection between the main idea and the subordinate idea becomes
unclear as a result.
In the sentence below, the two subordinate clauses (underlined) are not placed next to the
idea being
described. The sentence is also too long.
The camera cover is equivalent of a mans weight, which is made of strong plastic, must
be able to withstand a force of 750N, so that the sharp camera parts cannot fall out.
Correction Write two sentences and reposition the subordinate clauses.
The camera cover is made of strong plastic so that the camera parts
cannot fall out.
It must also be able to withstand a force of 750N, which is the equivalent
of a mans weight.
 Overlong or rambling sentences
The word rambling means confused and lacking order. Overlong or rambling sentences are caused by lack of
conciseness (using unnecessary words), repetition and insufficient or incorrect punctuation.
Example 1 This sentence consists of 47 words (from a 1st year Japanese Studies essay).
Throughout both the Tokugawa and Meiji periods, Japan was impacted by the presence of the
European powers and the United States who  from both within and outside the Japanese
realms  influenced the education of the Japanese people and consequently brought social
change to the entire Japanese realm.
Correction Remove repetition and unnecessary words:
During the Tokugawa and Meiji periods, the Japanese education system was influenced by the presence of
European powers and the United States, which brought social change to the entire realm. (28 words)
Example 2 This sentence about two urban planning projects consists of 57 words:
Generally speaking, the committee prefers developing the One Tree Hill project over the
Wilton Bush project but promoting the Wilton Bush redevelopment project will give the
government an important role to play in quality control because ineffective regulation and
implementation could exacerbate the negative impact and effective state legislation could
mitigate the impact of land ownership and land contamination issues.
Correction Break up the long sentence. Use logical connectors to link sentences. Remove
unnecessary words and repetition: The committee prefers developing One Tree Hill. However,
promoting the redevelopment of Wilton Bush will ensure effective state legislation and quality control of
land ownership and contamination issues.
4. Vocabulary : Word use and Spelling
 Be Concise
 Use the right word. In English, some pairs of words are often confused because they
are too similar in spelling and pronunciation. Here is a small sample, but always check in a good
dictionary if you are unsure.
 Use the correct form or part of speech. In English, the form of a word usually
changes according to its function in the sentence. It could be a naming function (noun), a noun
modifying function (adjective), an action function (verb), or a verb modifying function (adverb):
as a noun: The analysis of the findings took five days.
as an adjective: The problem needed a more analytical approach.
as a verb: A team of experts analysed the data.
as an adverb: The problem needs to be approached analytically.
 Use correct spelling. When you learn a word, learn how it is spelt too. Consult a
dictionary often. Here are some spelling points to look out for:

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  • 1. Accurate Use of Language Group 5 : Alberta Siburian (221060042) Chikal (221060048) Fadli (221060051) Vina Andelusiana (221060035)
  • 2. Grammar: Problem Issues 01 Common Trouble Spot Vocabulary: Word Use and Spelling Table of contents 03 02 04 Sentence: Some Keys and Issues
  • 3. 1. Common Trouble Spot Example :
  • 5. 2. Grammar: Problem Issues Agreement : This relates to the concepts of singularity and plurality which are expressed differently in other languages.
  • 6. Verb : In English, verbs carry much of the meaning of the sentence. The most common problems relate to tense, and voice. * Tense : (Common areas of confusion) > between the present progressive and present simple e.g. This graph (is showing | shows) the trends in internet use from 2005 to 2015. ANSWER: shows * Voice : In English, voice is concerned with emphasis. It is indicated by changing the form of the verb. Use the active voice to emphasise the subject of the action. Use the passive voice (two-part verb) to emphasise the action. Example: 1. The government (has promised | has been) promised to monitor the housing market situation closely. ANSWER: Active voice has promised (emphasising the doer: the government) 2. Close monitoring of the housing market has promised | has been promised by the government. ANSWER: Passive voice has been promised (emphasising the action, close monitoring)
  • 7. Articles : The articles (a, an, or the) are used before nouns to identify them in a specific way. * When to Use "A" or "An 1. "A" and "an" are used with singular countable nouns when the noun is non specific or generic. Example : I do not own a car. 2. "A" is used when the noun that follows begins with a consonant sound. Example : a book, a pen. 3. "An" is used when the noun that follows begins with a vowel sound. Example : an elephant, an egg. * When to Use The" 1. "The" is used with both singular and plural nouns and with both countable and uncountable nouns when the noun is specific. Example : The book that I read last night was great.
  • 8. * When to Use The" 2. "The" is often used with proper nouns that include an of phrase. Example : The University of Minnesota. 3. "The" is used with superlative adjectives, which are necessarily unique (the first, the second, the biggest, the smallest, the next, the only, etc.). Example : She was the weakest participant. Prepositions : In English, prepositions are used to express relationships between words in a sentence. One problem is with the common prepositions (e.g. at, in, on, with, from, by, of) because they can be used to express different relationships, e.g. at noon (expresses time) at school (expresses a state or condition) at the entrance (expresses a place)
  • 9. Sentences : some key issues Punctuation Many punctuation errors relate to the use of commas. Commas have a wide range of uses. Learn more about them in a good grammar book or a grammar website. Here are two common errors : using a comma to separate two independent ideas (comma splice error) Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem, third world economies cannot survive without it. using no punctuation to separate two independent ideas (run-on/fused error) Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem third world countries cannot survive without it. Correction Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem. Third world countries cannot survive without it. (Write two sentences) Insufficient financial assistance is a major problem because third world countries cannot survive without it. (join the sentences)
  • 10. Incomplete Sentences A basic formal English sentence has three key elements: a subject, a verb, and an object: SUBJECT | VERB | OBJECT More elements (an ADVERBIAL or COMPLEMENT) can be added to this basic sentence to give details and other information: SUBJECT | VERB | OBJECT | ADVERBIAL e.g. The government | passed | a new law | in order to tighten security. (Adverbial phrase to give reason purpose) SUBJECT | VERB | OBJECT | COMPLEMENT e.g. The new law | will make | the region | safe. (Safe completements the object region (i.e. the region is safe.) The following problems arise when one or more basic elements are missing: The major problem insufficient financial assistance. The major problem is insufficient financial assistance. (Missing verb is) For example, insufficient financial assistance. For example, there is insufficient financial assistance. (Missing subject and verb) Because there is insufficient medical assistance. Because there is insufficient medical assistance, the death toll continues to rise. (Missing main clause) The death toll continues to rise because there is insufficient medical assistance. People pursue wealth and status are unlikely to find happiness. People who pursue wealth and status are unlikely to find lasting happiness. (Missing Relative Pronoun)
  • 11. Wrong word order This problem occurs in long or complex sentences when elements are misplaced or are in the wrong order. The connection between the main idea and the subordinate idea becomes unclear as a result. In the sentence below, the two subordinate clauses (underlined) are not placed next to the idea being described. The sentence is also too long. The camera cover is equivalent of a mans weight, which is made of strong plastic, must be able to withstand a force of 750N, so that the sharp camera parts cannot fall out. Correction Write two sentences and reposition the subordinate clauses. The camera cover is made of strong plastic so that the camera parts cannot fall out. It must also be able to withstand a force of 750N, which is the equivalent of a mans weight.
  • 12. Overlong or rambling sentences The word rambling means confused and lacking order. Overlong or rambling sentences are caused by lack of conciseness (using unnecessary words), repetition and insufficient or incorrect punctuation. Example 1 This sentence consists of 47 words (from a 1st year Japanese Studies essay). Throughout both the Tokugawa and Meiji periods, Japan was impacted by the presence of the European powers and the United States who from both within and outside the Japanese realms influenced the education of the Japanese people and consequently brought social change to the entire Japanese realm. Correction Remove repetition and unnecessary words: During the Tokugawa and Meiji periods, the Japanese education system was influenced by the presence of European powers and the United States, which brought social change to the entire realm. (28 words) Example 2 This sentence about two urban planning projects consists of 57 words: Generally speaking, the committee prefers developing the One Tree Hill project over the Wilton Bush project but promoting the Wilton Bush redevelopment project will give the government an important role to play in quality control because ineffective regulation and implementation could exacerbate the negative impact and effective state legislation could mitigate the impact of land ownership and land contamination issues. Correction Break up the long sentence. Use logical connectors to link sentences. Remove unnecessary words and repetition: The committee prefers developing One Tree Hill. However, promoting the redevelopment of Wilton Bush will ensure effective state legislation and quality control of land ownership and contamination issues.
  • 13. 4. Vocabulary : Word use and Spelling Be Concise
  • 14. Use the right word. In English, some pairs of words are often confused because they are too similar in spelling and pronunciation. Here is a small sample, but always check in a good dictionary if you are unsure. Use the correct form or part of speech. In English, the form of a word usually changes according to its function in the sentence. It could be a naming function (noun), a noun modifying function (adjective), an action function (verb), or a verb modifying function (adverb): as a noun: The analysis of the findings took five days. as an adjective: The problem needed a more analytical approach. as a verb: A team of experts analysed the data. as an adverb: The problem needs to be approached analytically.
  • 15. Use correct spelling. When you learn a word, learn how it is spelt too. Consult a dictionary often. Here are some spelling points to look out for: