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Introduction To Dermatology
Dr D J Barker
Dr D J Barker
St Lukes Hospital, Bradford
St Lukes Hospital, Bradford
What Are the Functions of the
 Temperature regulation
Temperature regulation
 Water conservation
Water conservation
 Protection (mechanical, UV, microbes)
Protection (mechanical, UV, microbes)
 Synthesis & storage
Synthesis & storage
Why Refer to a
 Diagnostic difficulty
Diagnostic difficulty
 Management advice
Management advice
 Failure of agreed treatment protocol
Failure of agreed treatment protocol
 Patient counselling or education
Patient counselling or education
 Increasing use of potent topical steroids
Increasing use of potent topical steroids
 Special treatment e.g. PUVA
Special treatment e.g. PUVA
 Special investigation e.g. Patch Tests
Special investigation e.g. Patch Tests
In-patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
In-patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Infections - Erysipelas
 Fever & Rigor
Fever & Rigor
 Defined erythematous rash
Defined erythematous rash
 Leg > face >elsewhere
Leg > face >elsewhere
 Haemolytic streptococcus
Haemolytic streptococcus
 Mild pre-existing skin disease
Mild pre-existing skin disease
 IV Benzyl penicillin
IV Benzyl penicillin
 Lymphoedema and relapse
Lymphoedema and relapse
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Infections  Herpes simplex
 Severe primary infection
Severe primary infection
 Kaposis varicelliform eruption
Kaposis varicelliform eruption
 Atopic eczema
Atopic eczema
 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
 Dariers disease
Dariers disease
 IV Aciclovir
IV Aciclovir
 Anti-staphylococcal antibiotic
Anti-staphylococcal antibiotic
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Infections - Herpes Zoster
 Varicella  Zoster virus
Varicella  Zoster virus
 Pain confined to a single dermatome
Pain confined to a single dermatome
 Vesicles confined to single dermatome
Vesicles confined to single dermatome
 Patients are infectious
Patients are infectious
 IV Aciclovir
IV Aciclovir
In-Patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
 May be associated with angioedema
May be associated with angioedema
 Vasoactive amine release from mast
Vasoactive amine release from mast
 Acute attacks frightening, not
Acute attacks frightening, not
 Most attacks have no simple cause
Most attacks have no simple cause
 Urticaria  angioedema
Urticaria  angioedema
 Bronchospasm, Laryngeal obstruction
Bronchospasm, Laryngeal obstruction
 Penicillin, peanuts, latex, insect stings
Penicillin, peanuts, latex, insect stings
 Hydrocortisone & antihistamines
Hydrocortisone & antihistamines
 Oxygen & IV fluids
Oxygen & IV fluids
In-Patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Drug eruptions - 1
 Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
 Fixed drug eruption
Fixed drug eruption
 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
 Lichenoid drug rash
Lichenoid drug rash
Drug eruptions - 2
 Any drug, any rash, any time
Any drug, any rash, any time
 Likely: sulphonamides, penicillins
Likely: sulphonamides, penicillins
 Unlikely: digoxin, insulin
Unlikely: digoxin, insulin
 Suspect recent agents
Suspect recent agents
 Stop inessential drugs
Stop inessential drugs
 A dermatologist may not solve your
A dermatologist may not solve your
In-Patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Connective tissue diseases
 Lupus erythematosus
Lupus erythematosus
 Systemic sclerosis
Systemic sclerosis
 PAN  Wegeners granulomatosis
PAN  Wegeners granulomatosis
In-Patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Erythema nodosum
 Inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease
 Histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis
Histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis
Erythema multiforme
 Oral, Ano-genital & Cutaneous
Oral, Ano-genital & Cutaneous
Target lesions are acral
Target lesions are acral
 Often follows herpes simplex
Often follows herpes simplex
 Lasts 10-14 days
Lasts 10-14 days
 May be recurrent
May be recurrent
In-Patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Cutaneous markers
 Acanthosis nigricans, Dermatomyositis
Acanthosis nigricans, Dermatomyositis
 Secondaries & infiltrates
Secondaries & infiltrates
 Sarcoidosis and xanthomas,
Sarcoidosis and xanthomas,
 Endocrine: e.g. necrobiosis, PTM
Endocrine: e.g. necrobiosis, PTM
 Inherited conditions
Inherited conditions
 Tuberous sclerosis
Tuberous sclerosis
In-Patient Dermatology
 Urticaria & angioedema
Urticaria & angioedema
 Drug eruptions
Drug eruptions
 Connective tissue diseases
Connective tissue diseases
 Erythema nodosum & multiforme
Erythema nodosum & multiforme
 Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
Cutaneous marker of systemic disease
 Severe pre-existing skin disease
Severe pre-existing skin disease
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Severe pre-existing skin
 Extensive eczema
Extensive eczema
 Acute pustular psoriasis
Acute pustular psoriasis
 Leg ulcers  venous eczema
Leg ulcers  venous eczema
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt
Introduction To Dermatology
Department of Dermatology (D2:F4)
Department of Dermatology (D2:F4)
St Lukes Hospital, Bradford
St Lukes Hospital, Bradford
Derek Barker Andrew Wright
Derek Barker Andrew Wright
Kate London Suzanne Hatfield
Kate London Suzanne Hatfield

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an intro to dermatiology hfghgfgtggh.ppt

  • 1. Introduction To Dermatology Dr D J Barker Dr D J Barker St Lukes Hospital, Bradford St Lukes Hospital, Bradford
  • 2. What Are the Functions of the Skin? Temperature regulation Temperature regulation Water conservation Water conservation Protection (mechanical, UV, microbes) Protection (mechanical, UV, microbes) Sensation Sensation Synthesis & storage Synthesis & storage Psycho-sexual Psycho-sexual
  • 3. Why Refer to a Dermatologist? Diagnostic difficulty Diagnostic difficulty Management advice Management advice Failure of agreed treatment protocol Failure of agreed treatment protocol Patient counselling or education Patient counselling or education Increasing use of potent topical steroids Increasing use of potent topical steroids Special treatment e.g. PUVA Special treatment e.g. PUVA Special investigation e.g. Patch Tests Special investigation e.g. Patch Tests
  • 4. In-patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 5. In-patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 8. Infections - Erysipelas Fever & Rigor Fever & Rigor Defined erythematous rash Defined erythematous rash Leg > face >elsewhere Leg > face >elsewhere Haemolytic streptococcus Haemolytic streptococcus Mild pre-existing skin disease Mild pre-existing skin disease IV Benzyl penicillin IV Benzyl penicillin Lymphoedema and relapse Lymphoedema and relapse
  • 11. Infections Herpes simplex Severe primary infection Severe primary infection Kaposis varicelliform eruption Kaposis varicelliform eruption Atopic eczema Atopic eczema Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Dariers disease Dariers disease IV Aciclovir IV Aciclovir Anti-staphylococcal antibiotic Anti-staphylococcal antibiotic
  • 13. Infections - Herpes Zoster Varicella Zoster virus Varicella Zoster virus Pain confined to a single dermatome Pain confined to a single dermatome Vesicles confined to single dermatome Vesicles confined to single dermatome Patients are infectious Patients are infectious IV Aciclovir IV Aciclovir
  • 14. In-Patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 17. Urticaria May be associated with angioedema May be associated with angioedema Vasoactive amine release from mast Vasoactive amine release from mast cells cells Acute attacks frightening, not Acute attacks frightening, not dangerous dangerous Most attacks have no simple cause Most attacks have no simple cause Antihistamines Antihistamines
  • 18. Anaphylaxis Urticaria angioedema Urticaria angioedema Bronchospasm, Laryngeal obstruction Bronchospasm, Laryngeal obstruction Hypotension Hypotension Penicillin, peanuts, latex, insect stings Penicillin, peanuts, latex, insect stings Adrenaline Adrenaline Hydrocortisone & antihistamines Hydrocortisone & antihistamines Oxygen & IV fluids Oxygen & IV fluids
  • 19. In-Patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 22. Drug eruptions - 1 Morbilliform Morbilliform Toxic epidermal necrolysis Toxic epidermal necrolysis Fixed drug eruption Fixed drug eruption Stevens-Johnson syndrome Stevens-Johnson syndrome Lichenoid drug rash Lichenoid drug rash Acneiform Acneiform
  • 23. Drug eruptions - 2 Any drug, any rash, any time Any drug, any rash, any time Likely: sulphonamides, penicillins Likely: sulphonamides, penicillins Unlikely: digoxin, insulin Unlikely: digoxin, insulin Suspect recent agents Suspect recent agents Stop inessential drugs Stop inessential drugs A dermatologist may not solve your A dermatologist may not solve your problem problem
  • 24. In-Patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 28. Connective tissue diseases Lupus erythematosus Lupus erythematosus Dermatomyositis Dermatomyositis Systemic sclerosis Systemic sclerosis PAN Wegeners granulomatosis PAN Wegeners granulomatosis
  • 29. In-Patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 32. Erythema nodosum Sarcoidosis Sarcoidosis Post-streptococcal Post-streptococcal TB TB Inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory bowel disease Leprosy Leprosy Histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis Histoplasmosis, coccidiomycosis
  • 33. Erythema multiforme Oral, Ano-genital & Cutaneous Oral, Ano-genital & Cutaneous Target lesions are acral Target lesions are acral Often follows herpes simplex Often follows herpes simplex Lasts 10-14 days Lasts 10-14 days May be recurrent May be recurrent
  • 34. In-Patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 40. Cutaneous markers Neoplasia Neoplasia Acanthosis nigricans, Dermatomyositis Acanthosis nigricans, Dermatomyositis Secondaries & infiltrates Secondaries & infiltrates Non-neoplastic Non-neoplastic Sarcoidosis and xanthomas, Sarcoidosis and xanthomas, Endocrine: e.g. necrobiosis, PTM Endocrine: e.g. necrobiosis, PTM Inherited conditions Inherited conditions Neurofibromatosis Neurofibromatosis Tuberous sclerosis Tuberous sclerosis
  • 41. In-Patient Dermatology Infections Infections Urticaria & angioedema Urticaria & angioedema Drug eruptions Drug eruptions Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases Erythema nodosum & multiforme Erythema nodosum & multiforme Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Cutaneous marker of systemic disease Severe pre-existing skin disease Severe pre-existing skin disease
  • 44. Severe pre-existing skin disease Erythroderma Erythroderma Extensive eczema Extensive eczema Acute pustular psoriasis Acute pustular psoriasis Leg ulcers venous eczema Leg ulcers venous eczema Photosensitivity Photosensitivity
  • 47. Introduction To Dermatology Department of Dermatology (D2:F4) Department of Dermatology (D2:F4) St Lukes Hospital, Bradford St Lukes Hospital, Bradford Derek Barker Andrew Wright Derek Barker Andrew Wright Kate London Suzanne Hatfield Kate London Suzanne Hatfield