Et hefte med prinsipper og metoder for vurdering for l脱ring. Heftet er distribuert blant l脱rere i grunnskolen i Trondheim kommune som del av den store satsingen p奪 formativ vurdering.
See the entire list of 195 Countries by tax rates here:
Visit the FINANCIAL FREEDOM INDEX for 185 countries by cost of living and numerous other indicators such as currency convertibility, taxation and investor protection.
This document contains three journal entries by Graciela M. Marrero Collazo about her best friend, how she spends her weekends, and her dog Jack. In the first entry, she describes her best friend Omarys Nicole Lopez Martinez as a loyal friend who is always there for her in good and bad times. The second entry details how she enjoys spending time with family, relaxing at home, and going to church on weekends. The third entry is about her dog Jack, who was born in 2008 and brings her joy, affection, and plays vigorously with her family.
Et hefte med prinsipper og metoder for vurdering for l脱ring. Heftet er distribuert blant l脱rere i grunnskolen i Trondheim kommune som del av den store satsingen p奪 formativ vurdering.
See the entire list of 195 Countries by tax rates here:
Visit the FINANCIAL FREEDOM INDEX for 185 countries by cost of living and numerous other indicators such as currency convertibility, taxation and investor protection.
This document contains three journal entries by Graciela M. Marrero Collazo about her best friend, how she spends her weekends, and her dog Jack. In the first entry, she describes her best friend Omarys Nicole Lopez Martinez as a loyal friend who is always there for her in good and bad times. The second entry details how she enjoys spending time with family, relaxing at home, and going to church on weekends. The third entry is about her dog Jack, who was born in 2008 and brings her joy, affection, and plays vigorously with her family.
See the entire list of 185 Countries by cost of living here:
Visit the FINANCIAL FREEDOM INDEX for 185 countries by cost of living and numerous other indicators such as currency convertibility, taxation and investor protection.
CSCMP 2014: Water and Sustainability in the Supply ChainTaylor Wilkerson
Introduction for the "Supply Chain in Places You Least Expect It" panel discussion. Topics covered include sustainability, water consumption, developing country operations, and emergency response.
Managing Updates with System Center Configuration Manager 2012JasonCondo
The document discusses managing software updates with System Center Configuration Manager R2. It covers common patch management approaches, the security review/approval process, an overview of the Configuration Manager software update point role, tips for ongoing management of updates, and troubleshooting techniques. The software update point allows for acquiring, assigning risk levels, assessing, applying, and assimilating software updates across an organization's devices.
The document discusses facial nerve anatomy and Bell's palsy. It notes that the facial nerve controls blinking, eye closing, smiling, frowning, and eyebrow raising. Bell's palsy is a type of facial paralysis caused by dysfunction of the 7th cranial nerve, resulting in an inability to control facial muscles on one side of the face. While the cause is often unknown, it may be due to viral infections like herpes or Lyme disease. Common treatments include corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and antiviral drugs to limit viral spread. Physical therapy can help prevent paralyzed muscles from shrinking.
The document discusses different types of economic activities and farming. It describes primary activities as involving extraction and production of natural resources, such as agriculture, fishing, and gathering. Secondary activities process natural resources through manufacturing. Tertiary activities provide support services to primary and secondary activities, including transport, trade, banking, and advertising. The document also outlines different types of farming, including subsistence farming, which aims to meet a family's needs, and intensive subsistence farming, which uses small plots of land intensively. Shifting cultivation and nomadic herding are also discussed as types of subsistence farming.
Volkswagen is a German automaker founded in 1937 that produces cars, trucks, and buses. It had total revenue of 202 billion in 2014. Some of its major acquisitions include Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, and Scania. The presentation provides an overview of Volkswagen's history, revenue, acquisitions, shares, employees, profit, and compares it to other automakers.
Endringsledelse. Nyttige tips p奪 hva
skoleleder/skoleeier kan gj淡re for 奪 sikre
en god implementering av VfL.
Elin Bonde med utvalgte skoleleder og l脱rere
i B脱rumsskolen
Presentasjonen som kollega Anne Cathrine Gotaas og jeg holdt p奪 It's Learnings brukerkonferanse 2012. Den er praksisn脱r og viser hvordan vi tenker om og gjennomf淡rer formativ vurdering i egen undervisning i norsk og matematikk. Enkelte eksempler er utelatt av hensyn til elevenes personvern.
Presentasjon om det britiske rockebandet Pink Floydtarzanol
Arbeidskrav g
1. Gruppearbeid didaktisk arbeid
Arbeidskrav G
Kompetansem奪l etter 7. trinn matte:
束velje h淡velege m奪leiningar og rekne om
mellom ulike m奪leiningar損
Laget av: Mina Steve, Ingrid B淡e Jacobsen, Anne
- Marte . Olsen og Anne Sofie Korsg奪rd
Reidun Hoff-Jenssen PEL 101 h淡st 2014
2. Hva betyr didaktikk
Didaktikk er l脱ren om 奪 l脱re bort.
Samspillet mellom innhold, elev og l脱rer.
Hva elevene skal l脱re, hvordan de skal l脱re og
hvorfor de skal l脱re.
3. Valgte arbeidsm奪ter
Muntlig presentasjon
Vi velger disse arbeidsm奪tene ut i fra
kompetansem奪let som er gitt og med
bakgrunn i MAKVISE
9. forts. presentasjon
Samarbeide om 奪 lage en felles presentasjon
Vise resultat av gruppearbeid
Evaluere det arbeidet som ble gjort i gruppa
11. Egenjobbing
Finn situasjoner fra hverdagen hvor man m奪
kunne gj淡re om m奪leenhetene.
12. Diskusjonspunkter
B淡r man starte med tavleundervisning? Er det
inspirerende eller demontiverende ?
Omfavner disse arbeidsm奪tene alle
ferdighetsniv奪er i en klasse?
Hvordan kan man best sikre at
kompetansem奪let er n奪dd?
13. Oppsummering
Etter presentasjon og diskusjon med annen
gruppe kom disse synspunktene frem:
- Man m奪 sikre at alle elevene har
grunnleggende forst奪else av emne f淡r man g奪r
- Egenjobbing m奪 v脱re individuelt tilpasset
ulike ferdighetsniv奪er
- Individuell oppgave tilslutt vil ogs奪 gi en
oppsummerende effekt
14. Dato og for hvem
Framf淡ring gjennomf淡rt 26.aug 2014
Framf淡rt for: Oskari Jerkrot, Fredrik Skjerve,
Elsa str淡m, Rikke Melby