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2 2 1 5 W E S T E R N O H I O A V E . L I M A , O H I O 4 5 8 0 5
4 1 9 - 3 7 1 - 3 5 7 9 揃 A J G A D E M E R @ U N O H . E D U
1 | P a g e
A S H L E I G H J . M A N G I N I
Dear Human Resources Manager,
I am excited to be able to speak with you about a possible internship or position with your
company in your business administration, marketing, or customer service departments.
My background in customer service stems from my experience via online, over the phone, and
face-to-face interpersonal communication. My positions at the Milano Cafe and The Met
utilized my skills of basic sales and customer service, as well as predicting customer needs and
handling service and expectation situations. I have been responsible for holding meetings with
possible clients or customers, as well as planning events.
My financial background consists of currency handling and responsibility, as well as budgeting,
account reconciliation, and accounts receivable and payable while at Milano Caf辿. I have been
entrusted with checking in deliveries, as well as organizing and displaying products while at
Milano Caf辿, Ruby Tuesday, and The Met.
My leadership and management skills were utilized and honed while training and leading work
teams and groups. Currently, at The Met I am a shift leader, co-front of the house manager, as
well as being a part of the management team. My input in weekly management meetings helps
The Met to grow and expand as a business.
I am quite proficient with Microsoft Office, QuickBooks as well other analytical and statistical
programs including PM-QM and IBM SPSS. These applications have been used in many of the
projects, classroom work, as well as in the workplace. My portfolio and other instruments
showcase some of this work, as well as my accomplishments and awards.
My experience in customer service, leadership, and analytical skills will be a great benefit to
your company, and I will utilize these skills to enhance your business. When you are prepared
for a strong positive change in your staff, please call me at 419-371-3579 or email me at
ajgademer@unoh.edu to request more information or to schedule an interview. Thank you for
your time and I look forward to helping to take your company to the next level!
Ashleigh Mangini
A S H L E I G H J . M A N G I N I
2 2 1 5 W E S T E R N O H I O A V E . L I M A , O H I O 4 5 8 0 5
4 1 9 - 3 7 1 - 3 5 7 9 揃 A J G A D E M E R @ U N O H . E D U
2 | P a g e
Professional with excellentcommunication skills and customer serviceskills. Ability to
predictconsumer behavior based on customer conflictresolution and management
experience. Employee traininginvolvingbuildingsuccessful teams and group decision
making. Financial responsibility,marketing, and organizational experiencebased on use of
MicrosoftWord, Excel, and PowerPoint.
University of Northwestern Ohio, Lima, Ohio
Bachelor of Science: Business-Specialized Studies, Marketing Concentration
Anticipated Graduation: June 2017
Associated Courses:
Corporate Finance, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, Group Dynamics, Legal Issue in Consumer
Sales Transactions, Strategic Management, Leadership, Marketing Research
Associate of Applied Business: Travel and Hospitality Management
Graduated: June 2015
Associated Courses:
Hotel Management, Hospitality Sales and Marketing, Restaurant Management, Hospitality Supervision, Event
Planning, Cruises and Tours
Sept. 2002-Jan. 2005 Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio
Political Science/Pre-Law
Sept. 2015-Present The Met Lima, Ohio
Server, Bartender, Shift Leader, Interim Server Manager
Customer Service, financial responsibility, training, management
July 2006-July 2015 Milano Cafe Lima, Ohio
Secretary/Accountant, Bartender
Customer service, accounts payable/receiveable,
beverage/food ordering and inventory, banquets.
Oct. 2003-May 2011 Ruby Tuesday, Inc. Lima, Ohio
Bartender, server, hostess, beverage manager
Customer service, food/drink handling and
presentation, financial responsibility, restaurant
management, training.
University of Northwestern Ohio Business Professionals of America
Member (Sept. 2013-May 2016) Secretary (June 2014-May 2016)
Ohio State Secretary (June 2015-May 2016)
2 2 1 5 W E S T E R N O H I O A V E . L I M A , O H I O 4 5 8 0 5
4 1 9 - 3 7 1 - 3 5 7 9 揃 A J G A D E M E R @ U N O H . E D U
3 | P a g e
Meeting Agenda/Minutes, Trip Logistics/Planning, Marketing/Open House, Fundraising Planning/Preparation
1St Place:Ethics and Professionalism(State) 2015
1st Place:Ethics and Professionalism(National) 2015
1st Place:Ethics and Professionalism(State) 2016
2nd Place:Business Meeting Management Concepts (National) 2016
Availableupon request.

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  • 1. A S H L E I G H M A N G I N I 2 2 1 5 W E S T E R N O H I O A V E . L I M A , O H I O 4 5 8 0 5 4 1 9 - 3 7 1 - 3 5 7 9 揃 A J G A D E M E R @ U N O H . E D U 1 | P a g e A S H L E I G H J . M A N G I N I Dear Human Resources Manager, I am excited to be able to speak with you about a possible internship or position with your company in your business administration, marketing, or customer service departments. My background in customer service stems from my experience via online, over the phone, and face-to-face interpersonal communication. My positions at the Milano Cafe and The Met utilized my skills of basic sales and customer service, as well as predicting customer needs and handling service and expectation situations. I have been responsible for holding meetings with possible clients or customers, as well as planning events. My financial background consists of currency handling and responsibility, as well as budgeting, account reconciliation, and accounts receivable and payable while at Milano Caf辿. I have been entrusted with checking in deliveries, as well as organizing and displaying products while at Milano Caf辿, Ruby Tuesday, and The Met. My leadership and management skills were utilized and honed while training and leading work teams and groups. Currently, at The Met I am a shift leader, co-front of the house manager, as well as being a part of the management team. My input in weekly management meetings helps The Met to grow and expand as a business. I am quite proficient with Microsoft Office, QuickBooks as well other analytical and statistical programs including PM-QM and IBM SPSS. These applications have been used in many of the projects, classroom work, as well as in the workplace. My portfolio and other instruments showcase some of this work, as well as my accomplishments and awards. My experience in customer service, leadership, and analytical skills will be a great benefit to your company, and I will utilize these skills to enhance your business. When you are prepared for a strong positive change in your staff, please call me at 419-371-3579 or email me at ajgademer@unoh.edu to request more information or to schedule an interview. Thank you for your time and I look forward to helping to take your company to the next level! Sincerely, Ashleigh Mangini A S H L E I G H J . M A N G I N I
  • 2. A S H L E I G H M A N G I N I 2 2 1 5 W E S T E R N O H I O A V E . L I M A , O H I O 4 5 8 0 5 4 1 9 - 3 7 1 - 3 5 7 9 揃 A J G A D E M E R @ U N O H . E D U 2 | P a g e SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATION Professional with excellentcommunication skills and customer serviceskills. Ability to predictconsumer behavior based on customer conflictresolution and management experience. Employee traininginvolvingbuildingsuccessful teams and group decision making. Financial responsibility,marketing, and organizational experiencebased on use of MicrosoftWord, Excel, and PowerPoint. EDUCATION University of Northwestern Ohio, Lima, Ohio Bachelor of Science: Business-Specialized Studies, Marketing Concentration Anticipated Graduation: June 2017 Associated Courses: Corporate Finance, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, Group Dynamics, Legal Issue in Consumer Sales Transactions, Strategic Management, Leadership, Marketing Research Associate of Applied Business: Travel and Hospitality Management Graduated: June 2015 Associated Courses: Hotel Management, Hospitality Sales and Marketing, Restaurant Management, Hospitality Supervision, Event Planning, Cruises and Tours Sept. 2002-Jan. 2005 Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio Political Science/Pre-Law WORK OF EXPERIENCE Sept. 2015-Present The Met Lima, Ohio Server, Bartender, Shift Leader, Interim Server Manager Customer Service, financial responsibility, training, management July 2006-July 2015 Milano Cafe Lima, Ohio Secretary/Accountant, Bartender Customer service, accounts payable/receiveable, beverage/food ordering and inventory, banquets. Oct. 2003-May 2011 Ruby Tuesday, Inc. Lima, Ohio Bartender, server, hostess, beverage manager Customer service, food/drink handling and presentation, financial responsibility, restaurant management, training. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS University of Northwestern Ohio Business Professionals of America Member (Sept. 2013-May 2016) Secretary (June 2014-May 2016) Ohio State Secretary (June 2015-May 2016)
  • 3. A S H L E I G H M A N G I N I 2 2 1 5 W E S T E R N O H I O A V E . L I M A , O H I O 4 5 8 0 5 4 1 9 - 3 7 1 - 3 5 7 9 揃 A J G A D E M E R @ U N O H . E D U 3 | P a g e Duties: Meeting Agenda/Minutes, Trip Logistics/Planning, Marketing/Open House, Fundraising Planning/Preparation Awards/Accolades: 1St Place:Ethics and Professionalism(State) 2015 1st Place:Ethics and Professionalism(National) 2015 1st Place:Ethics and Professionalism(State) 2016 2nd Place:Business Meeting Management Concepts (National) 2016 REFERENCES Availableupon request.