Saviour James Badohu is seeking a position where he can apply his experience in education to improve educational quality in Africa. He has a Master's degree in Education from SUNY Geneseo and over 15 years of experience in teaching, research, and coordinating educational programs in Ghana and the US. Currently he coordinates the Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development program in Ghana, helping students from multiple countries obtain admissions and providing academic support.
Dr. Kamran Ishfaq is seeking a position where he can utilize his expertise in sociology. He has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Peshawar and teaches sociology as a visiting lecturer at Bahauddin Zakariya University and the National College of Business Administration & Economics. He currently works as a Social Welfare Officer at The Children's Hospital & Institute of Child Health in Multan, providing assistance to patients.
Dr. Kamran Ishfaq is seeking a position where he can utilize his professional expertise and knowledge in sociology. He has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Peshawar and has worked as a Social Welfare Officer and Visiting Lecturer. He is experienced in teaching, research, monitoring and evaluation. He has participated in numerous workshops and trainings both nationally and internationally on topics related to sociology, gender studies, and research methodology.
This document provides a summary of Terri Nadine Thomas's education, experiences, and involvement. She has a Master of Science in Higher Education from Florida State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication from the University of the Ozarks. Her experiences include serving as a graduate assistant at Florida State University coordinating social justice programs and as a teaching assistant. She has also held internships in student government, residential life, and disability services. Thomas has been involved in several professional associations related to higher education and student affairs.
The document provides enrollment trends, faculty profiles, recipients of faculty development programs, campus awardees, and performance in licensure examinations for Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University for 2012 and 2013, showing increases in most areas from the previous year. Several faculty members and students received awards for research presentations. Campus awardees were recognized for achievements in various areas including research, system development, and competitions.
James Liszka has served as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUNY Plattsburgh since 2011. Prior to that, he was Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Alaska Anchorage from 2005-2011. As Provost at SUNY Plattsburgh, he led a successful reaccreditation effort, developed a new strategic plan through an innovative process, and implemented comprehensive data analytics. As Dean at UAA, he eliminated a $3.5 million deficit, increased revenue by 31% and research expenditures by 14%, and oversaw the establishment of new academic programs. He has over 35 years of experience in higher education administration and teaching.
The document outlines the research and extension agenda of the DMMMSU-SLUC College of Graduate Studies. It identifies 4 pillars for research: education and technology, personal health and wellness, stewardship and social responsibility, and cultural identity and global relevance. Under each pillar, it lists related research thrusts and extension thrusts that focus on areas like education, health, environment, culture, and community development. The overall goal is to conduct research and extensions that improve knowledge, skills, health, resource management, and quality of life through collaborative programs and projects.
Ngss implementation plan state of delawareC.R. McLeod
The document provides Delaware's plan for implementing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). It outlines the vision, leadership team, research base, and action plans for communication, assessment, instructional practices, curricular resources, and infrastructure. The research base discusses the need for professional development in science education to actively engage teachers in investigating phenomena, build understanding of science content and pedagogy, and promote collaboration. Effective professional development incorporates sustained learning over time, focuses on student and teacher needs, and supports lifelong learning. Video analysis, collaborative sensemaking, and technology-enabled environments are recommended strategies for professional development during NGSS implementation.
This document discusses incorporating archaeology into the classroom to increase students' enthusiasm for learning history. The study would measure students' enthusiasm through pre- and post-questionnaires before and after a virtual archaeology dig simulation. If successful, the study could lead to a county-wide archaeology program based on an award-winning program in another county. Teachers comment that students love learning through authentic archaeology projects and remember the content long-term.
Beth Guarriello is seeking a challenging position as a high school or middle school principal. She has over 25 years of experience in education, including serving as an assistant principal for the past 5 years with responsibilities in curriculum development, teacher supervision, student discipline and guidance. She has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Principal Certification K-12.
This document outlines the research and extension program of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University South La Union Campus for 2014-2017. It details two main thrusts, education and technology, and improving the quality of student teaching programs. Under thrust 1 are several programs, projects, and studies focused on improving instruction, delivering graduate education, integrating subjects, and using information technology. Thrust 2 involves investigating student teacher quality and relevance of field study courses. The program involves various faculty researchers and aims to enhance teaching practices and quality.
Larry LeFlore has over 40 years of experience in higher education administration and teaching. He received his PhD in Sociology from Florida State University and has held several leadership roles, including Dean of the Graduate School at Texas Woman's University from 2013 to present. He has extensive experience teaching, advising students, and serving on dissertation committees. His professional experiences also include directing outreach programs, managing large budgets, and developing academic programs.
This document provides a summary of Patricia A. O'Brien-Richardson's background and experience. It includes her education, publications, presentations, and professional experience. She has a PhD in Urban Systems from Rutgers University and over 10 years of experience developing and evaluating community health programs. Her research focuses on urban public health, education, and resiliency among urban adolescents and women of color. She currently teaches at Rutgers University and has taught at several other institutions.
This document provides a summary of Linda D. Barker's education and experience. She received her MA in Sociology from Northern Arizona University in 2011 and her BS in Sociology from the same institution in 2008. She has worked as a full-time faculty member in the Sociology department at Coconino Community College since 2010, teaching a variety of sociology courses. Her areas of research and interest include media and film, crime and delinquency, identity studies, and experiential teaching and learning.
Research Report_Identifying Impediments to Girls Education -KP (PDF)Affan Javed
This document summarizes a research study conducted in 4 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan to identify impediments to girls' education. The study found that poverty is a major barrier, as school expenses like uniforms and transportation are unaffordable for many families. Cultural factors also play a role, as girls are often withdrawn from school after primary level to get married. Distance to schools and safety concerns for traveling also impact enrollment. The quality of education in government schools, including issues with facilities, infrastructure and teaching, lead to low retention rates. While girls and parents value education, the realities of their economic circumstances and social norms prevent many from attending or continuing school. The study provides recommendations to address these challenges
Teachers in Cypriot primary schools teach the course on Environmental Education-Education for Sustainable Development (E.E.-E.S.D.) in various ways depending on the individual school and teacher. The course was introduced to the national curriculum in 2011. This research aims to understand teachers' perspectives and practices regarding the implementation of the course as well as their opinions on organizational aspects. Insights from teachers could help improve the implementation of the course going forward.
This document outlines the services provided by the College of Graduate Studies of DMMMSU-South La Union Campus. It offers advisory and consultancy services to individuals, groups, and institutions on topics such as pedagogy, curriculum development, counseling, career training, research, and community development. The services are provided through various programs and projects implemented in partnership with other colleges and external organizations, with the goal of informing, reforming, and transforming clients.
Cultural practices and education in ghana the effects of traditional culture...Alexander Decker
This document summarizes a study on the effects of traditional Ghanaian culture on parental involvement in education. The study used interviews and document analysis to examine perspectives of community elders, parents, teachers, and administrators at a community school. The study found that traditional cultural norms and beliefs strongly influence how parents allocate resources, with cultural conformity being prioritized over education. Specifically, parents provide little support for their children's education, like not providing books or school supplies. However, parents will spend money on cultural events. The study aims to understand this disconnect and how culture impacts the value parents place on education.
Jade Whitehead has over 10 years of experience as a secondary teacher in Australia. She has taught a variety of subjects including English, science, humanities, mathematics and music. She has held temporary positions as a College Organizer and enjoys developing positive relationships between staff, parents and students. Jade is committed to education and student achievement. She has undertaken extensive professional development training to enhance her teaching skills.
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes enfocado en motivar a los estudiantes de tercer ciclo de primaria en el 叩rea de lengua. Propone usar retos, las TIC y el trabajo colaborativo para que los estudiantes aprendan de forma competencial y creativa. Los estudiantes generan su propio blog como portafolio para la evaluaci坦n de su aprendizaje. El documento concluye que se necesitan met叩foras como la adquisici坦n de conocimiento, la participaci坦n social y la creaci坦n de conocimiento a trav辿s de procesos de mediaci坦n l坦
Este documento habla sobre el uso de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) en la ense単anza. Explica que las TIC son una fuente de informaci坦n y una forma de comunicarse y aprender, y que complementan pero no reemplazan a los docentes ni otras herramientas tradicionales. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo las TIC son 炭tiles para que los estudiantes siempre tengan acceso a materiales y puedan comunicarse con los profesores, y c坦mo permiten a las familias monitorear el progreso de sus hijos. Concluye que el
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes innovadores que busca ense単ar estrategias pedag坦gicas alternativas a las tradicionales para que los estudiantes encuentren m叩s sentido y significado en las actividades acad辿micas y se apropien de valores. Entre las estrategias se encuentran el trabajo por competencias, flipped classroom, aprendizaje colaborativo, trabajo por proyectos, gamificaci坦n y aprendizaje m坦vil. El documento concluye que las TIC pueden usarse como herramientas para cambiar el modelo tradicional de ense単anza
Este documento propone dos tareas para estudiantes de primaria que utilizan las herramientas Google Maps y Google Calendar. La primera tarea implica que los estudiantes crean una ruta tur鱈stica en una regi坦n utilizando Google Maps e incluyendo comentarios en ingl辿s en cada punto de inter辿s. La segunda tarea implica que los estudiantes dise単en un calendario con los eventos planificados para un intercambio de cuatro d鱈as usando Google Calendar. El objetivo es que los estudiantes sean capaces de producir mensajes escritos adecuados al
Organizar y mantener limpia la oficina aumenta la productividad. Clasificar documentos por proyecto y categor鱈a, y limitar la retenci坦n de documentos viejos ayuda a mantener el orden. Adem叩s, segmentar el espacio de trabajo por funci坦n espec鱈fica y personalizar el 叩rea con herramientas y plantas crea un ambiente m叩s productivo.
Este documento describe las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) como una fuente de informaci坦n y una forma de acceder y compartir contenidos de manera sencilla. Explica que las TIC complementan pero no reemplazan a los docentes ni otros m辿todos tradicionales, y enriquecen los procesos de ense単anza y aprendizaje. Tambi辿n detalla c坦mo las TIC son 炭tiles para los estudiantes al permitirles acceder a materiales en cualquier momento y lugar, y comunicarse con los profesores, y c坦mo permiten a las familias monit
This document provides a summary of the candidate's experience in human resources management spanning over 27 years. The candidate has extensive experience in talent acquisition, performance management, compensation, and developing and implementing HR policies and processes. Some of their key responsibilities have included developing recruitment and succession plans, managing employee performance reviews, coordinating training programs, and ensuring compliance with HR policies and regulations. The candidate demonstrates strong skills in strategic HR, employee development, and maintaining positive employee relations.
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes innovadores que busca motivar a los alumnos en la lectura en el tercer ciclo de primaria. Propone el aprendizaje a trav辿s de retos, el uso de las TIC y el trabajo colaborativo para ayudar a los alumnos a aprender de forma competencial. Los alumnos deben afrontar retos en grupo aplicando los contenidos y generan su propio blog para la evaluaci坦n.
O documento descreve as principais classes de minerais e rochas, incluindo suas caracter鱈sticas e forma巽達o. Detalha as oito classes de minerais de acordo com Strunz (1941), desde elementos nativos at辿 silicatos, e fornece exemplos de minerais em cada classe. Tamb辿m discute as tr棚s principais origens de rochas - magm叩ticas, sedimentares e metam坦rficas - e fatores como composi巽達o mineral坦gica e textura que diferenciam cada tipo de rocha.
Este documento describe las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) como una fuente de informaci坦n y una forma de acceder y compartir contenidos de manera sencilla. Si bien las TIC no reemplazan al docente, pueden complementar y enriquecer los procesos de ense単anza y aprendizaje. El uso de las TIC en la ense単anza permite a los estudiantes acceder a materiales y recursos en l鱈nea de forma constante y a trav辿s de diferentes formatos, y tambi辿n comunicarse directamente con el profesor.
This document discusses incorporating archaeology into the classroom to increase students' enthusiasm for learning history. The study would measure students' enthusiasm through pre- and post-questionnaires before and after a virtual archaeology dig simulation. If successful, the study could lead to a county-wide archaeology program based on an award-winning program in another county. Teachers comment that students love learning through authentic archaeology projects and remember the content long-term.
Beth Guarriello is seeking a challenging position as a high school or middle school principal. She has over 25 years of experience in education, including serving as an assistant principal for the past 5 years with responsibilities in curriculum development, teacher supervision, student discipline and guidance. She has a Masters in Educational Leadership and Principal Certification K-12.
This document outlines the research and extension program of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University South La Union Campus for 2014-2017. It details two main thrusts, education and technology, and improving the quality of student teaching programs. Under thrust 1 are several programs, projects, and studies focused on improving instruction, delivering graduate education, integrating subjects, and using information technology. Thrust 2 involves investigating student teacher quality and relevance of field study courses. The program involves various faculty researchers and aims to enhance teaching practices and quality.
Larry LeFlore has over 40 years of experience in higher education administration and teaching. He received his PhD in Sociology from Florida State University and has held several leadership roles, including Dean of the Graduate School at Texas Woman's University from 2013 to present. He has extensive experience teaching, advising students, and serving on dissertation committees. His professional experiences also include directing outreach programs, managing large budgets, and developing academic programs.
This document provides a summary of Patricia A. O'Brien-Richardson's background and experience. It includes her education, publications, presentations, and professional experience. She has a PhD in Urban Systems from Rutgers University and over 10 years of experience developing and evaluating community health programs. Her research focuses on urban public health, education, and resiliency among urban adolescents and women of color. She currently teaches at Rutgers University and has taught at several other institutions.
This document provides a summary of Linda D. Barker's education and experience. She received her MA in Sociology from Northern Arizona University in 2011 and her BS in Sociology from the same institution in 2008. She has worked as a full-time faculty member in the Sociology department at Coconino Community College since 2010, teaching a variety of sociology courses. Her areas of research and interest include media and film, crime and delinquency, identity studies, and experiential teaching and learning.
Research Report_Identifying Impediments to Girls Education -KP (PDF)Affan Javed
This document summarizes a research study conducted in 4 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan to identify impediments to girls' education. The study found that poverty is a major barrier, as school expenses like uniforms and transportation are unaffordable for many families. Cultural factors also play a role, as girls are often withdrawn from school after primary level to get married. Distance to schools and safety concerns for traveling also impact enrollment. The quality of education in government schools, including issues with facilities, infrastructure and teaching, lead to low retention rates. While girls and parents value education, the realities of their economic circumstances and social norms prevent many from attending or continuing school. The study provides recommendations to address these challenges
Teachers in Cypriot primary schools teach the course on Environmental Education-Education for Sustainable Development (E.E.-E.S.D.) in various ways depending on the individual school and teacher. The course was introduced to the national curriculum in 2011. This research aims to understand teachers' perspectives and practices regarding the implementation of the course as well as their opinions on organizational aspects. Insights from teachers could help improve the implementation of the course going forward.
This document outlines the services provided by the College of Graduate Studies of DMMMSU-South La Union Campus. It offers advisory and consultancy services to individuals, groups, and institutions on topics such as pedagogy, curriculum development, counseling, career training, research, and community development. The services are provided through various programs and projects implemented in partnership with other colleges and external organizations, with the goal of informing, reforming, and transforming clients.
Cultural practices and education in ghana the effects of traditional culture...Alexander Decker
This document summarizes a study on the effects of traditional Ghanaian culture on parental involvement in education. The study used interviews and document analysis to examine perspectives of community elders, parents, teachers, and administrators at a community school. The study found that traditional cultural norms and beliefs strongly influence how parents allocate resources, with cultural conformity being prioritized over education. Specifically, parents provide little support for their children's education, like not providing books or school supplies. However, parents will spend money on cultural events. The study aims to understand this disconnect and how culture impacts the value parents place on education.
Jade Whitehead has over 10 years of experience as a secondary teacher in Australia. She has taught a variety of subjects including English, science, humanities, mathematics and music. She has held temporary positions as a College Organizer and enjoys developing positive relationships between staff, parents and students. Jade is committed to education and student achievement. She has undertaken extensive professional development training to enhance her teaching skills.
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes enfocado en motivar a los estudiantes de tercer ciclo de primaria en el 叩rea de lengua. Propone usar retos, las TIC y el trabajo colaborativo para que los estudiantes aprendan de forma competencial y creativa. Los estudiantes generan su propio blog como portafolio para la evaluaci坦n de su aprendizaje. El documento concluye que se necesitan met叩foras como la adquisici坦n de conocimiento, la participaci坦n social y la creaci坦n de conocimiento a trav辿s de procesos de mediaci坦n l坦
Este documento habla sobre el uso de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) en la ense単anza. Explica que las TIC son una fuente de informaci坦n y una forma de comunicarse y aprender, y que complementan pero no reemplazan a los docentes ni otras herramientas tradicionales. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo las TIC son 炭tiles para que los estudiantes siempre tengan acceso a materiales y puedan comunicarse con los profesores, y c坦mo permiten a las familias monitorear el progreso de sus hijos. Concluye que el
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes innovadores que busca ense単ar estrategias pedag坦gicas alternativas a las tradicionales para que los estudiantes encuentren m叩s sentido y significado en las actividades acad辿micas y se apropien de valores. Entre las estrategias se encuentran el trabajo por competencias, flipped classroom, aprendizaje colaborativo, trabajo por proyectos, gamificaci坦n y aprendizaje m坦vil. El documento concluye que las TIC pueden usarse como herramientas para cambiar el modelo tradicional de ense単anza
Este documento propone dos tareas para estudiantes de primaria que utilizan las herramientas Google Maps y Google Calendar. La primera tarea implica que los estudiantes crean una ruta tur鱈stica en una regi坦n utilizando Google Maps e incluyendo comentarios en ingl辿s en cada punto de inter辿s. La segunda tarea implica que los estudiantes dise単en un calendario con los eventos planificados para un intercambio de cuatro d鱈as usando Google Calendar. El objetivo es que los estudiantes sean capaces de producir mensajes escritos adecuados al
Organizar y mantener limpia la oficina aumenta la productividad. Clasificar documentos por proyecto y categor鱈a, y limitar la retenci坦n de documentos viejos ayuda a mantener el orden. Adem叩s, segmentar el espacio de trabajo por funci坦n espec鱈fica y personalizar el 叩rea con herramientas y plantas crea un ambiente m叩s productivo.
Este documento describe las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) como una fuente de informaci坦n y una forma de acceder y compartir contenidos de manera sencilla. Explica que las TIC complementan pero no reemplazan a los docentes ni otros m辿todos tradicionales, y enriquecen los procesos de ense単anza y aprendizaje. Tambi辿n detalla c坦mo las TIC son 炭tiles para los estudiantes al permitirles acceder a materiales en cualquier momento y lugar, y comunicarse con los profesores, y c坦mo permiten a las familias monit
This document provides a summary of the candidate's experience in human resources management spanning over 27 years. The candidate has extensive experience in talent acquisition, performance management, compensation, and developing and implementing HR policies and processes. Some of their key responsibilities have included developing recruitment and succession plans, managing employee performance reviews, coordinating training programs, and ensuring compliance with HR policies and regulations. The candidate demonstrates strong skills in strategic HR, employee development, and maintaining positive employee relations.
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes innovadores que busca motivar a los alumnos en la lectura en el tercer ciclo de primaria. Propone el aprendizaje a trav辿s de retos, el uso de las TIC y el trabajo colaborativo para ayudar a los alumnos a aprender de forma competencial. Los alumnos deben afrontar retos en grupo aplicando los contenidos y generan su propio blog para la evaluaci坦n.
O documento descreve as principais classes de minerais e rochas, incluindo suas caracter鱈sticas e forma巽達o. Detalha as oito classes de minerais de acordo com Strunz (1941), desde elementos nativos at辿 silicatos, e fornece exemplos de minerais em cada classe. Tamb辿m discute as tr棚s principais origens de rochas - magm叩ticas, sedimentares e metam坦rficas - e fatores como composi巽達o mineral坦gica e textura que diferenciam cada tipo de rocha.
Este documento describe las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n (TIC) como una fuente de informaci坦n y una forma de acceder y compartir contenidos de manera sencilla. Si bien las TIC no reemplazan al docente, pueden complementar y enriquecer los procesos de ense単anza y aprendizaje. El uso de las TIC en la ense単anza permite a los estudiantes acceder a materiales y recursos en l鱈nea de forma constante y a trav辿s de diferentes formatos, y tambi辿n comunicarse directamente con el profesor.
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes innovadores que busca motivar a los alumnos en la lectura en el tercer ciclo de primaria a trav辿s del aprendizaje basado en retos, el uso de las TIC y el trabajo colaborativo. Los estudiantes enfrentan actividades creativas y retos en grupo aplicando los contenidos, y generan su propio blog como portafolio para la evaluaci坦n. Adicionalmente, el documento discute que las met叩foras del aprendizaje como adquisici坦n y participaci坦n no son suficientes, y que es neces
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes innovadores que busca motivar a los alumnos en la lectura en el tercer ciclo de primaria a trav辿s del aprendizaje basado en retos, el uso de las TIC y el trabajo colaborativo. Los alumnos enfrentan actividades creativas y retos en grupo aplicando los contenidos, y generan su propio blog como portafolio para la evaluaci坦n. Adem叩s, el documento discute que las met叩foras del aprendizaje como adquisici坦n y participaci坦n no son suficientes, y propone incluir
Este documento propone dos tareas para estudiantes de primaria que utilizan Google Maps y Google Calendar. La primera tarea implica que los estudiantes creen una ruta tur鱈stica en un mapa y proporcionen comentarios en ingl辿s sobre puntos de inter辿s. La segunda tarea implica que los estudiantes creen un calendario con eventos planificados para un intercambio de cuatro d鱈as. El objetivo es desarrollar la capacidad de los estudiantes para comunicarse en un idioma extranjero en diferentes contextos e interactuar con otros.
Este documento discute el uso de las TIC (tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n) para mejorar la ense単anza de las ciencias sociales. Explica que las TIC pueden enriquecer el aprendizaje a trav辿s de proyectos colaborativos, WebQuest y recursos en l鱈nea como mapas y simulaciones. Tambi辿n desarrollan habilidades de investigaci坦n, an叩lisis y comunicaci坦n en los estudiantes. El software de productividad apoya la elaboraci坦n de ensayos y proyectos.
El documento describe un diplomado para docentes innovadores. Propone varias estrategias pedag坦gicas innovadoras como el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, flipped classroom, aprendizaje colaborativo y gamificaci坦n. El objetivo es que los docentes utilicen estas estrategias y las TIC para cambiar de un modelo tradicional de ense単anza a uno m叩s centrado en desarrollar la creatividad y capacidad de resoluci坦n de problemas en los estudiantes.
This document provides an international marketing plan for St. Augustine Distillery, a craft distillery located in Florida. It analyzes the company, the alcohol industry, and potential international markets. Based on factors such as population, GDP, and alcohol consumption, Japan is identified as the best target market. The plan recommends entering the Japanese market through licensing to take advantage of low risks and costs. The marketing strategy focuses on product, price, promotion, and placement considerations for the Japanese market.
El documento describe las actividades realizadas por Ledy Yohana Pinz坦n para fomentar la motivaci坦n por la lectura en estudiantes de tercer ciclo de primaria. Estas actividades incluyen la creaci坦n de un blog con ejercicios de lectura, matem叩ticas y conocimiento del medio ambiente, as鱈 como la grabaci坦n de juegos en el aula para subirlos al sitio web. El documento concluye que tanto maestros como estudiantes deben usar las TIC para acceder y compartir conocimiento de manera colaborativa.
Crystal Beverly has experience in several roles related to education and social services. She worked as a project manager overseeing education programs and clinics for refugees in West Africa, coordinating fundraising and building medical clinics. In another role, she recruited and advised students for college, maintaining records and finding jobs. She also has experience developing academic curriculum, empowerment programs, and training teaching staff and parents. Currently, she works as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for children.
Kijua Sanders-McMurtry has extensive experience in higher education administration and research. She currently serves as Associate Dean of Students and Special Assistant to the President on Diversity at Agnes Scott College. Previously, she held roles as Director of Multicultural Affairs and research positions at ORC Macro International and Georgia State University. She has taught courses in sociology as an adjunct faculty member at several institutions.
Bruce McNalty is an Australian biology teacher currently working at St Joseph's Institution International in Singapore. He has over 15 years of teaching experience in international schools in Singapore, China, and Australia. He teaches a variety of science subjects from junior high to IB diploma level and has held positions including Head of Welfare and Head of Curriculum Development. McNalty is committed to hands-on, inquiry-based learning and using technology to enhance student engagement.
Consuella Lewis has over 30 years of experience in higher education administration, student affairs, faculty roles, and policy work. She has held leadership positions at various institutions and organizations and has taught courses on topics such as leadership, student development, and policy. Lewis has conducted research on issues of access and diversity in higher education. She holds a Ph.D. in Education from Claremont Graduate University and has received several honors and fellowships for her work.
Jude Edem Govinah is a Ghanaian national seeking a position in leadership. He has over 10 years of experience in leadership roles with various organizations. He has a background in human resources and religion/ethics. His education includes an incomplete MBA, certificates in human resources and teaching, and a BA in religion. He is proficient in Microsoft Office and seeks to further develop his skills and experience.
Melissa Usiak is an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University who has over 20 years of experience in K-12 education. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from MSU and has worked as an elementary teacher, assistant principal, principal, and district coach. Her research and dissertation focused on the relationship between principal literacy content knowledge and implementing multi-tiered systems of support. She is interested in building leadership capacity and facilitating professional learning communities to improve schools.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Prudence Komujinya that summarizes her career objective, expertise, personal attributes, awards, education, and professional experience. She has over 8 years of experience in development programming focused on women and children's rights. Her areas of expertise include gender-based violence prevention and response, RMNCH, child protection, education, and advocacy. She has held roles such as Project Manager, Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator, Project Coordinator, and Regional Child Protection and Advocacy Coordinator for organizations including Amref Health Africa, World Vision Uganda, and CARE International in Uganda.
Markis Edwards
EDU 695: Supporting Diversity through 21st Century Teaching and Learning
Dr. Sherry Leialoha-Waipa
April 9, 2018
Personal information
Name: Markis G. Edwards
Gender: Male
Residence: United States of America
Phone: (601) 500- 2537
Email: [email油protected]
Educational background
Ashford University October 2016-May 2018
揃 Major: Higher Education
揃 GPA: 3.9
揃 Honor Society (2017-2019)
揃 Golden Key International Honor Society (2017)
The University of Southern Mississippi August 2010-December 2015
揃 Major:Communication Studies, Fall 2015
揃 GPA: 2.52
Lakeside School, Seattle WA
揃 Certificate of secondary education August 2014- May 2015
I am a person who is highly responsible for anything that I am doing. Like being punctual both in time and my work, because this is the only way I can meet objectives that I set each day I start work. I am given to changing the education system and in bringing positive changes that can make the system better for both the learners and the teachers. Over the past years, I have been involved in deep research that is aimed at inventing new and better ways of teaching especially to the children with special needs who need special attention. In addition, I am highly disciplined ensuring that I team with the rest of the relevant stakeholders so as to make the system better. In addition, following hierarchy is one thing that I so much observe due to the fact that it can help me to reduce conflicts with both the high and lower administration.
Professional Experience
The Learning Tree, Inc., Mobile, AL Jan.2017-Present
Teacher Assistant
揃 Working one on one with students in the classroom environment
揃 Running teaching trials of educational goals as outlined in each students individual plan
揃 Working cooperatively with other teacher assistants and supervisors during the shift
Greek-life coordinator 2016- 2017
揃 Member of the Greek community
揃 Serving on the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and
揃 Taking one-year internship under Southern Miss Greek-Lifes coordinator
The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS Dec.2012-Nov. 2014
Desk Assistant
揃 Greeted visitors and provided them with required information
揃 Assisted in managing inventory of office supplies
揃 Check students in/out of dorm
Leadership & Volunteer Experience
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. August 2014 May 2015Vice President
揃 Elected by peers to lead the fraternity at the University. Managed a board of 7 and over 31 collegiate members.
Tatiana Ochoa has over 20 years of experience in education and early childhood intervention. She is currently a teaching assistant at Scholarship Lighthouse where she assists with graduate psychology courses and provides feedback to students. Previously, she worked for over 15 years as a service coordinator for an early intervention program and as an elementary special education teacher. She holds a Ed.D. in Leadership and Curriculum Development from the University of Phoenix and multiple other degrees in education, psychology, and special education.
Marisela Lozano has over 5 years of experience in leadership development, event coordination, and administrative support roles at the University of Arizona. She holds a Master's degree in Higher Education and currently serves as the Program Coordinator for the Leadership and Career Education department where she oversees recruitment, events, teaching and financial administration. Previously she held roles as an Office Specialist and has extensive experience coordinating large scale events and developing marketing materials. She also has research experience in neuroscience and pharmacology labs.
Youngstown State University is celebrating outstanding research and scholarship through its new publication called "New Frontiers." The publication highlights several research projects and programs happening at YSU including:
1) A chemistry student researching safer organic synthesis methods to reduce explosion risks when working with dangerous chemicals.
2) A literacy tutoring program called Project PASS that provides tutoring to elementary students in Youngstown while giving education students hands-on experience.
3) A history internship program funded by the Home Savings Foundation to preserve the records and archives of the organization.
4) Research by gerontology students evaluating a veterans home care program to identify areas for improvement.
Donna Casula seeks a leadership position in higher education to continue developing international experiences for students. She has over 18 years of experience in international education, including increasing international enrollment at two universities by 30-44% through marketing. She is skilled in advising international students, budget management, collaboration, and visual communication. Casula holds a Master's degree in Higher Education Leadership and has taught various courses as an adjunct faculty member.
Raji Suresh has over 15 years of experience as a learning support teacher. She has a strong background in special education and has worked with students with learning disabilities. She is pursuing further education in psychology while continuing her work providing learning support.
Wenonah Washington has over 30 years of experience in education, including 15 years teaching public school and developing curricula. She holds a Master's degree in Education and post-graduate certificates in Library Media Specialist and Educational Leadership. Currently she is a lead teacher at Armstrong High School, where she coordinates the childcare lab and early childhood education program. She has extensive experience teaching family and consumer sciences, career development, nutrition, and life sciences.
Jonathon Nicholas Lundy has over 10 years of experience in higher education, including experience in residence life, academic advising, teaching, and library work. He holds a Master's degree in Communication from Boise State University and currently works as an instructor at both Boise State University and the College of Western Idaho, where he has taught courses in public speaking, media studies, and communication theory. He has also worked as an academic advisor and transfer student specialist, helping to improve advising services and the transfer student experience.
Janine Moz辿e has extensive experience as an educator and administrator. She currently works as an adjunct professor at Brandman University and Touro University, where she teaches courses in liberal studies, social sciences, education, and cultural competence. Prior to that, she held roles as an administrator, teacher, counselor, and director of various educational programs, focusing on serving diverse student populations.
Morgan Breen is seeking a full-time position to further develop her skills in community engagement and development. She has a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences from Kansas State University and relevant experience through internships, research, and work. Her profile highlights skills in communication, collaboration, and Microsoft Office as well as interests in public health and alternative activities.
Javed Siddiqui is an education professional with over 16 years of experience in curriculum design, policy analysis, project management, teaching, and research. He has a Masters in Development Management from the Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines and other postgraduate degrees. Siddiqui has worked extensively in India on science education projects, teacher training, and developing educational resources. He currently resides in the Philippines while pursuing additional studies.
Nicole Haahr is seeking a position with a non-profit or higher education institution that aligns with her values of youth development, international exchange, outdoor sports, and the environment. She has a Master's degree in Recreation Management & Policy from UNH and a Bachelor's degree in English from Alfred University. Her experience includes leading international youth programs in countries like Australia, Japan, and New Zealand as well as coordinating teen programs and outdoor education.
Zachary Ockunzzi is seeking a teaching position in Northeast Ohio. He has a Bachelor's degree in Education from Franciscan University of Steubenville with a 3.76 GPA. He currently teaches 6th grade science at Grant Middle School where he plans lessons, evaluates students, and collaborates with other teachers. Previously he has worked as a resident assistant, sanitation worker, and facilitator for an after school program. He is proficient in various technologies and applications relevant to education.
1. 1
Saviour James Badohu
C/o Global Evangelical Church
P.O.Box KW 296
My professional goal is to contribute positively to the improvement of the quality of Education in Africa.
I aspire to a position (of educational excellence) where I can apply modern quality assurance and
assessment techniques, effective educational policies and modern and effective pedagogical approaches
that will actively engage students and help them to be creative, critical thinkers, innovators and problem
solvers who have developed a deep understanding and love for quality Education in Ghana and Africa at
large. I also want to share my experience, knowledge and skills with colleague stakeholders in the
educational sector and others who share my vision of raising the educational standards of Ghana,
including policy makers and national leaders.
2013 - 2014 MS, Education, Science Literacy Focus
State University of New York, Geneseo, NY
2006 - 2012 BSc, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Hons) Second Class Lower
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
Kumasi, Ghana
1999 - 2002 Teacher Certificate A
Wesley College of Education, Kumasi Ghana.
2016 - Present Member-Board of Directors & Scientific Committee - Convention for Biomedical
Research, Ghana (CoBReG)
As part of my duties as a board member;
I helped in planning the 2016 CoBReG conference in choosing a theme for the conference,
identifying and recruiting Keynote speakers, Guess speakers, and workshop providers.
I also helped by word of mouth and emails in telling my colleagues about CoBReG and
encouraged them to submit abstracts.
I reviewed abstracts for acceptance and presentation in the Capacity Building category at the
2016 CoBReG conference.
I am currently helping in planning the 2017 CoBReG conference.
2. 2
2015 - Present Coordinator Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development-
Michigan State University
As part of my duties as a Coordinator,
I helped two cohorts of 16 BHEARD Masters and PhD students acquire their admissions into two
Universities in Ghana.
I gave all BHEARD students orientation on schooling in Ghana as a foreigner.
I organized supplementary English class for the Mali and Liberia students in addition to other
academic supports and mentoring.
I also arranged for accommodation for all the BHEARD students.
I facilitated the procurement of non-citizen Ghana card and every required paper work for the
BHEARD students international student status and resident permit.
I managed and disbursed BHEARD funds for stipends, research allowances, text books and other
I assisted in interviewing and selection of the second cohort of Ghana BHEARD students who were
sent MSU for their degrees.
I organized workshops to help the students develop effective study and language skills while
partially acting as their academic advisor as well.
I arranged research trips for the BHEARD research students and their supervisors.
2013 - 2014 Graduate Research Assistant State University of New York-Geneseo
As part of my duties as a graduate research assistant,
I assisted my boss in developing a voluntary teaching programs for the less endowed schools in
Rochester, NY.
I organized workshops for student teachers and Study Abroad participants of SUNY Geneseo
Studey Abroad Program.
I facilitated and provided logistic support for SUNY-Geneseo Study Abroad participants. I
arranged accommodation, educational/field trips for the Study Abroad Students in Ghana.
I evaluated undergraduate reflective essays and provided feedback to students and my boss.
I Coordinated the Rochester Young Scholars Academic School (RYSASS) project, which
provided academic support and mentoring for middle and high school students in Rochester, NY.
I recruited, trained and provided logistic supports for volunteer student teachers of the RYSASS
I planned and designed a pilot research to evaluate the efficiency of the RYSASS project.
I organized and analyzed RYSASS survey data for research purposes.
I collected and organized data for future accreditation requirements for the SUNY Geneseo
School of Education.
2009 - 2013 Project Consultant (part-time until 8/2012, then full time)
Metanoia Educational and Research Solutions, Keta, Ghana
As part of my duties as a consultant,
I developed and planned workshops for local and international teachers, students and NGO
volunteers who wanted to teach in Ghana.
3. 3
I provided career counseling and mentoring for high schoolers in workshop or individual format.
I identified opportunities for interactions between international NGOs and local communities.
I facilitated International scholars visits to Ghana, including arranging logistics tours and
accommodations for them.
2011 - 2012 National Service Research and Teaching Assistant - Kumasi Centre for
Collaborative Research and KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
As part of my duties as a research and teaching assistant,
I processed microscopic images to analyze early events in viral infections.
I assisted undergraduate students gather samples at various field sites for their research.
I participated in laboratory cleaning and maintenance activities for tissue culture, parasitology,
immunology, molecular biology, and entomology labs.
I also assisted in logistics for various exchange programs on campus.
I reviewing and graded undergraduate essays.
2008 Volunteer Teacher - Keta Academy Senior High School, Keta, Ghana
Subjects taught included: Science and Mathematics
2005 - 2006 Subject Teacher - Ketasco Junior High School, Keta, Ghana
I taught : Integrated Science, Mathematics, English and Social
2002 2004 Class Teacher Ghana Education Service - Huu Akwanserem R/C Basic School,
Near Obuasi, Ghana
I taught: English (reading comprehension, writing, composition, and
conversation), Mathematics, Basic Science, Social Studies, Cultural Studies,
Environmental Studies, Ghanaian Language and Culture, Music and Dance, and Arts and
1998 - 1999 Assistant Teacher - Keta Secondary School, Keta, Ghana
I taught: Integrated Science
1996 - 2002 Part-Time Summer Volunteer Teacher Ghana Education Service, Keta Anlo
State School (Basic), Keta
I taught: General Science and Mathematics
1993 2000 Volunteer Teacher: Ghana Education Service, Vui A.M.E Zion Basic School, Ghana
I taught: General Science and Mathematics
BHEARD Scholars Conference 2017: Part of a team of six who organized and planned the 2017
scholars conference for the students of Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and
Development program of the Michigan State University, to be held in Nairobi-Kenya.
4. 4
Professional Development Workshop: Organized and planned professional development workshop for
the 2016 cohort of BHEARD masters and PhD students in November 2016.
Technician Training Workshop: Organized and planned in collaboration with USAID Ghana, a
capacity building technician training workshop in bioanalytical chemistry for Laboratory technicians
all over Ghana in July 2016.
Teachers Workshop: Organized a workshop for four Private Schools on Effective Teaching
Techniques and Classroom Management in the Keta District in October 2016.
Youth Advocacy Group: Advocates and educates the community youth against violence and drug
abuse especially towards the December 2016 elections in Ghana.
Private Tutoring: Helped students prepare for their final exams conducted by the West African
Examinations Council and the Basic Education Certificate Examinations Council, respectively
Voluntary Community Public Health Education: Raised awareness of communicable diseases, sexually
transmitted infections, the six child killer diseases and malaria in villages in Keta District, V/R
2009 - Present Convention for Biomedical Research, Ghana (CoBReG)
2016 - Present Youth Against Violence, Volta Region, Keta District, Ghana.
2006 - 2012 Science Student Association (SCISA), KNUST Chapter
2006 - 2012 Ghana Biochemistry Student Association (GBSA), KNUST Chapter
1993 - Present Youth for AIDS Keta Branch
Education Related
Methodological Facets of Interviewing and Qualitative Data Analysis 1 week workshop African
Doctoral Academy Summer School (January 2017)
Preparing for PhD 1 week workshop African Doctoral Academy Summer School (January 2017)
NIH Extramural Research: Protecting Human Research Subjects State University of New York
(January 2014)
Good Teaching Methods -1 month workshop, (August 2005)
Domestic and Juvenile Violence Management -3 weeks workshop, (January 2005)
Management of Exceptional Children -3 days Seminar, (September 2004)
Teacher Community Relationships -1 month workshop (June 2002)
Parent Teacher Relationships 1 month workshop (June 2003)
Science and Professional Development Related
Internship: Virginia Tech, USA, Cell Biology and Virology, Science Education (3 months), 2006
Seminar: Virginia Tech, USA, GLP Compliance, (2 days) 2006
5. 5
Course: University of Massachusetts, audited elementary statistics (1 month) 2007
Course: Tufts University, USA, audited laboratory course in DNA technology (1 month) 2007
Workshop: Tufts Medical School, USA, Time Series Modeling of Epidemiological Data (1 week) 2007
Internship: Keta Government Hospital Public Health Centre, Ghana, (2 months), 2008
Ghana Biomedical Convention (1week Scientific and Professional Development Conference, August
Workshop: State University of New York, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1 day), 2013
Ghana Biomedical Convention (1week Scientific and Professional Development Conference, July
Ghana Biomedical Convention (1week Scientific and Professional Development Conference, July
Convention for Biomedical Research, Ghana. (1week Scientific and Professional Development
conference, July 2016)
Work and Work Place Related
Workshop: Occupational Safety and Hazard Management State University of New York (October
Course: Drug Free Work Place State University of New York (November 2013)
Course: Sexual Abuse Awareness and Management State University of New York (November 2013)
Course: Domestic Violence Awareness and Management at Work Place - State University of New York
(March 2014)
Workshop: Internal Controls Essentials - State University of New York (September 2014)
Teaching Fractions in Basic School
Best Teacher Award 2002 Conference, Kumasi, Ghana
The Role of Teaching Aids in Interactive Teaching
Interactive Teaching Workshop, Keta, Ghana, August 2005
The Menace of HIV/AIDS
The HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign, Keta, Ghana, 2007
Towards a method for characterization of complex phenotypes: quantitative imaging of viral spread,
initial immune responses and competition in vitro
Ghana Biomedical Convention, Accra, Ghana, 2009
Complex host-virus phenotypes: quantitative imaging of viral infections as a tool for drug testing
3rd African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation Stakeholders Meeting and High Level
Forum, Nairobi, Kenya 2010
The Role of the Community in Effective Education in Ghana
Study Abroad Work Shop Series, SUNY- Geneseo, 2013
Making Science Teaching and Outreach Fun and Enjoyable
6. 6
Ghana Biomedical Convention, Cape Coast, Ghana, 2014
Best Oral Presentation in Pharmaceutical R&D Category
3rd Stakeholders Meeting and High Level Forum, African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics
Innovation, Nairobi, Kenya, 2010
Best Student Oral Presentation
2nd Ghana Biomedical Convention; Accra, Ghana August 2009
Best Student Teacher, Mampongteng District, 2001 2002
First Runner Up, 150th Anniversary National Essay Competition of the E.P Church of Ghana, 1997
English, Ewe, Twi and some little French.
References Gladly Furnished Upon Request