Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perusahaan investasi GoldenBird yang berbasis di Singapura dan memiliki kantor di berbagai negara. Perusahaan ini menawarkan berbagai program investasi seperti saham pra-IPO, waran saham, dan bisnis patungan yang dijanjikan dapat memberikan dividen bulanan dan potensi keuntungan jangka panjang.
Lebih dari 70 juta orang di dunia sudah mempercayakan dananya untuk dikelola di Generali sebagai dana yang akan memberikan nilai jaminan diri dari berbagai resiko jiwa dan memberikan keuntungan investasi yang signifikan.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan presentasi mengenai program asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun untuk karyawan yang ditawarkan oleh Panin Life Syariah. Presentasi ini menjelaskan manfaat, premi, dan contoh perhitungan nilai tunai yang akan didapat peserta.
>> Presentasi Generali Asuransi Indonesia versi 1308 final.
>> Upload by - disain website super Wow ... dengan biaya terjangkau
>> Upload khusus untuk web support
>> Ingin punya website seperti
kunjungi ................. now!
The document discusses landscape plans for Patterson Technologies' new LEED Silver certified facility located in Effingham, Illinois. It includes conceptual landscape plans, a formal native landscape design, a naturalized detention basin, and an all native green roof to support the building's sustainability certification.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan untuk menghasilkan presentasi yang berkesan dengan menekankan struktur slaid yang jelas, penggunaan ilustrasi dan grafik, pilihan font dan warna yang sesuai, serta pendekatan yang tepat dalam menyampaikan presentasi.
The storyboard draft outlines various shots that will be used in a music video, including a close-up of the upset vocalist sitting on a sofa, a midshot of him drinking whiskey to drown his sorrows, and a longshot of him throwing the empty bottle before being stopped by a close friend. Additional shots show performances by the band from different angles and a point of view shot of band members convincing the isolated vocalist to rejoin them.
This training for Pick.Click.Give. nonprofits shares ideas and strategies for using the tools we provide on your social media platforms. Digital media consultant Slavik Boyechko of Video Dads leads this presentation.
This document discusses motivation and demotivation. It begins with Adrian Hawkes, director of a training company, introducing the topic and sharing a personal story of feeling demotivated. True success comes from pursuing passions that connect to one's heart. Factors that can demotivate include upbringing, school experiences, insecurity, negative thinking, and inaction. The document provides tips for becoming motivated such as changing negative thoughts to positives, focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses, and taking action towards goals and dreams.
Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp Toronto 2014Adrian Roselli
- The document provides an overview of a presentation on accessibility given by Adrian Roselli. It discusses statistics on disabilities, techniques for making websites accessible, and ways to motivate accessibility work.
- Basic statistics are given on the prevalence of vision, hearing, mobility, and cognitive disabilities both in the US and worldwide. Over 10% of working-age US adults have some form of disability.
- Techniques for testing accessibility are covered, including checking label-field relationships, keyboard-only use, disabling images/CSS, high contrast mode, and ensuring captions and transcripts.
- Motivations discussed include the likelihood of developing a disability over time, accidents that could cause impairment, and how accessibility benefits future and injured
Este documento resume los principales atractivos tur鱈sticos naturales y culturales del cant坦n Cayambe en Ecuador. Entre los atractivos naturales se encuentran el nevado Cayambe, una monta単a de 5,790 metros de altura ideal para el andinismo, y la laguna de San Marcos donde se pueden realizar paseos en bote y pesca deportiva. Los atractivos culturales incluyen la Bola de Guachala, un globo de piedra de 1.8 metros, y el castillo de Guachala que pronto se convertir叩 en un hotel. El
This document provides an overview of basic number systems and data representation in computing. It discusses:
- Number systems including decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Binary uses two digits (0,1) while other systems use higher radix numbers.
- Data representation including fixed point using unsigned magnitude, signed magnitude, one's complement, and two's complement encoding of integers. It also discusses floating point representation and the IEEE 754 standard.
- Conversions between number systems like decimal to binary using division. Arithmetic operations for binary including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Non-numeric data representation and how data is stored as sequences of 0s and 1s to represent various data
Olesja Lami / Urban Healer: a dialog between permanent and temporary architec...Olesja Lami
This was my final PPT Diploma Presentation (some effects removed due to file size). The Topic is about an application of a Temporary architectural intervention as a revitalizer of an ex-industrial site. Site: TECI Kombinat, Tirana-Albania
The document discusses the plans for a music video. It will feature a band performing outside at Playing Aloud studios in Lincoln. The band members will wear black clothes and makeup to look sad and fit the glam metal genre. In the storyline, the distressed vocalist will be comforted by the other band members, who ask him to join their band.
If you're familiar with accessibility, you may know some of the basics already. We'll review some newer or more obscure techniques that can help prime you to look at the new hotness features with a more critical eye.
This document provides a posting report and transaction report for a store called "Toko Berkat Laris" for the month of January 2012. It details the store's cash, bank, accounts receivable, inventory, and expense transactions for the month through a series of vouchers. Major transactions include opening cash and inventory balances, purchases and sales recorded to accounts receivable, expenses paid from cash and bank, and closing balances at the end of the month.
Skeptics oct16'12 ten truths you think you know about energy fnlrosellasagall
This document appears to be a slide presentation given by Jerrold Oppenheim and Theo MacGregor on October 16, 2012 in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The presentation aims to debunk common myths about energy and provide a fact-based perspective. It addresses 10 myths around topics like drilling, prices, renewables and efficiency. It then outlines 6 "truths" including that climate change is real, too much reliance is placed on oil, and energy will inevitably become more expensive. The presentation encourages democratic participation in energy regulation.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan profil dan layanan PT Inter Pan Pasifik Futures sebagai perusahaan pialang berjangka di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memiliki beberapa cabang dan menawarkan investasi berjangka dengan mata uang seperti AUD/USD beserta manfaat suku bunga carry trade. Dana nasabah disimpan dalam rekening terpisah yang diawasi oleh otoritas.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan untuk menghasilkan presentasi yang berkesan dengan menekankan struktur slaid yang jelas, penggunaan ilustrasi dan grafik, pilihan font dan warna yang sesuai, serta pendekatan yang tepat dalam menyampaikan presentasi.
The storyboard draft outlines various shots that will be used in a music video, including a close-up of the upset vocalist sitting on a sofa, a midshot of him drinking whiskey to drown his sorrows, and a longshot of him throwing the empty bottle before being stopped by a close friend. Additional shots show performances by the band from different angles and a point of view shot of band members convincing the isolated vocalist to rejoin them.
This training for Pick.Click.Give. nonprofits shares ideas and strategies for using the tools we provide on your social media platforms. Digital media consultant Slavik Boyechko of Video Dads leads this presentation.
This document discusses motivation and demotivation. It begins with Adrian Hawkes, director of a training company, introducing the topic and sharing a personal story of feeling demotivated. True success comes from pursuing passions that connect to one's heart. Factors that can demotivate include upbringing, school experiences, insecurity, negative thinking, and inaction. The document provides tips for becoming motivated such as changing negative thoughts to positives, focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses, and taking action towards goals and dreams.
Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp Toronto 2014Adrian Roselli
- The document provides an overview of a presentation on accessibility given by Adrian Roselli. It discusses statistics on disabilities, techniques for making websites accessible, and ways to motivate accessibility work.
- Basic statistics are given on the prevalence of vision, hearing, mobility, and cognitive disabilities both in the US and worldwide. Over 10% of working-age US adults have some form of disability.
- Techniques for testing accessibility are covered, including checking label-field relationships, keyboard-only use, disabling images/CSS, high contrast mode, and ensuring captions and transcripts.
- Motivations discussed include the likelihood of developing a disability over time, accidents that could cause impairment, and how accessibility benefits future and injured
Este documento resume los principales atractivos tur鱈sticos naturales y culturales del cant坦n Cayambe en Ecuador. Entre los atractivos naturales se encuentran el nevado Cayambe, una monta単a de 5,790 metros de altura ideal para el andinismo, y la laguna de San Marcos donde se pueden realizar paseos en bote y pesca deportiva. Los atractivos culturales incluyen la Bola de Guachala, un globo de piedra de 1.8 metros, y el castillo de Guachala que pronto se convertir叩 en un hotel. El
This document provides an overview of basic number systems and data representation in computing. It discusses:
- Number systems including decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Binary uses two digits (0,1) while other systems use higher radix numbers.
- Data representation including fixed point using unsigned magnitude, signed magnitude, one's complement, and two's complement encoding of integers. It also discusses floating point representation and the IEEE 754 standard.
- Conversions between number systems like decimal to binary using division. Arithmetic operations for binary including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Non-numeric data representation and how data is stored as sequences of 0s and 1s to represent various data
Olesja Lami / Urban Healer: a dialog between permanent and temporary architec...Olesja Lami
This was my final PPT Diploma Presentation (some effects removed due to file size). The Topic is about an application of a Temporary architectural intervention as a revitalizer of an ex-industrial site. Site: TECI Kombinat, Tirana-Albania
The document discusses the plans for a music video. It will feature a band performing outside at Playing Aloud studios in Lincoln. The band members will wear black clothes and makeup to look sad and fit the glam metal genre. In the storyline, the distressed vocalist will be comforted by the other band members, who ask him to join their band.
If you're familiar with accessibility, you may know some of the basics already. We'll review some newer or more obscure techniques that can help prime you to look at the new hotness features with a more critical eye.
This document provides a posting report and transaction report for a store called "Toko Berkat Laris" for the month of January 2012. It details the store's cash, bank, accounts receivable, inventory, and expense transactions for the month through a series of vouchers. Major transactions include opening cash and inventory balances, purchases and sales recorded to accounts receivable, expenses paid from cash and bank, and closing balances at the end of the month.
Skeptics oct16'12 ten truths you think you know about energy fnlrosellasagall
This document appears to be a slide presentation given by Jerrold Oppenheim and Theo MacGregor on October 16, 2012 in Gloucester, Massachusetts. The presentation aims to debunk common myths about energy and provide a fact-based perspective. It addresses 10 myths around topics like drilling, prices, renewables and efficiency. It then outlines 6 "truths" including that climate change is real, too much reliance is placed on oil, and energy will inevitably become more expensive. The presentation encourages democratic participation in energy regulation.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan profil dan layanan PT Inter Pan Pasifik Futures sebagai perusahaan pialang berjangka di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memiliki beberapa cabang dan menawarkan investasi berjangka dengan mata uang seperti AUD/USD beserta manfaat suku bunga carry trade. Dana nasabah disimpan dalam rekening terpisah yang diawasi oleh otoritas.
Dokumen tersebut berisi informasi tentang seminar bisnis Golden Brilliant yang diselenggarakan oleh GoldenBIRD Group Singapura. Dokumen ini juga memberikan informasi tentang produk, layanan, dan investasi yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan anak GoldenBIRD Group di berbagai negara seperti Singapura, Malaysia, China, Kamboja, Vietnam, dan Indonesia.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan presentasi mengenai bisnis grup perusahaan Golden Bird yang bergerak di berbagai bidang seperti kosmetik, properti, minyak, dan platform digital seperti EMS Mall Online dan GV Token. Grup ini memiliki jaringan bisnis di berbagai negara Asia Tenggara.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya menabung untuk menghadapi masa tua dan keadaan darurat, serta menjelaskan berbagai jenis tabungan dan program investasi token yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan."
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya menabung untuk kebutuhan masa depan, jenis-jenis tabungan yang tersedia, serta memperkenalkan konsep token sebagai alat investasi baru yang nilainya dapat meningkat seiring waktu melalui mekanisme splitting dan re-entry."
Aminullah assagaf mil5 manj inv lanjutan_ 12 april 2021Aminullah Assagaf
Investasi saham merupakan investasi dalam suatu perusahaan dengan membeli saham perusahaan tersebut. Untuk pemula, perlu memahami konsep dasar investasi saham sebagai bentuk kepemilikan atas perusahaan. Pemilihan saham blue-chip dan reksadana saham serta diversifikasi merupakan strategi awal untuk memulai investasi saham bagi pemula agar mendapatkan keuntungan dalam jangka panjang.
PT. Trijaya Pratama Futures menjelaskan beberapa pilihan investasi emas, seperti emas perhiasan, emas batangan, dan kontrak emas berjangka. Investasi emas batangan dianggap lebih baik dari emas perhiasan karena nilainya lebih mudah ditentukan dan dilepas. Kontrak emas berjangka memungkinkan investor untuk memperoleh keuntungan dari kenaikan atau penurunan harga emas tanpa harus memiliki emas fisik. PT. Tri
Aminullah Assagaf_P5_Manj Inv Lanjutan_ 12 April 2021.pptxAminullah Assagaf
Diversifikasi adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk mengelola risiko dalam berinvestasi saham. Berikut beberapa tips diversifikasi untuk pemula:
- Beli beberapa saham dari berbagai sektor, jangan sektor tunggal. Misalnya kombinasi saham konsumsi, keuangan, property dan lainnya.
- Jangan terlalu banyak modal di satu saham, sebisa mungkin ratakan. Misalnya bagi modal menjadi 4 bagian lalu beli 4 saham berbeda.
PT. Equityworld Futures (PT. EWF) adalah perusahaan jasa investasi yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan berjangka emas. Perusahaan ini memiliki reputasi baik dan memberikan layanan terbaik kepada pelanggan, termasuk layanan informasi pasar dan pendidikan tentang perdagangan berjangka secara online.
Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis? Podcast Ikatan Alumni Lemhannas RI IKAL Lem...Dadang Solihin
Keberadaan Danantara: Pesimis atau Optimis?
Pendekatan terbaik adalah realistis dengan kecenderungan optimis.
Jika Danantara memiliki perencanaan yang matang, dukungan kebijakan yang kuat, dan mampu beradaptasi dengan tantangan yang ada, maka peluang keberhasilannya besar.
Namun, jika implementasinya tidak disertai dengan strategi mitigasi risiko yang baik, maka pesimisme terhadap dampaknya juga cukup beralasan.
Pada akhirnya, kunci suksesnya adalah bagaimana Danantara bisa dikelola secara efektif, inklusif, dan berkelanjutan, sehingga dampak positifnya lebih dominan dibandingkan risikonya.
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Seminar dan油Knowledge Sharing Kepustakawanan yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Perpusdokinfo LPNK Ristek. Tanggal 28 November 2017
13. SAHAM ini biasanya diperebutkan oleh para Investor
karena berpotensi hasilkan keuntungan
sampai ribuan kali lipat
[cerita orang KAYA]-Beli Saham Garuda, CT Untung' Rp
222 Miliar dalam Setengah Hari
sekaligus Chairman CT Corp, Chairul Tanjung, baru saja memborong 10,9% saham PT. Garuda Indonesia Airlines Tbk
(GIAA) di
per lembar. Dalam setengah hari, sahamnya sudah naik ke
Berdasarkan data perdagangan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Jumat (27/4/2012), hingga penutupan perdagangan sesi I,
saham GIAA istirahat di Rp 710 per lembar.
Dengan demikian, CT sudah mengantongi potential gain sebanyak
Pengusaha nasional itu sebelumnya sudah membeli
saham GIAA.
Sehingga, total potensi keuntungan yang didapat CT sebanyak
hanya dalam setengah hari. Total nilai
saham yang dikantongi pun menggembung jadi
, dari nilai sebelumnya ketika pembelian di
Saham GIAA langsung menguat sejak pagi tadi dan mendekati harga penawaran umum saham perdananya (initial public
offering/IPO) di Rp 750 per lembar menyusul pembelian oleh CT.
Broker Credit Suisse Securities Indonesia (CS) memfasilitasi pembelian saham GIAA ini. Transaksi dilakukan sebanyak
empat kali di pasar negosiasi pada harga Rp 620 per lembar.
22. Google Perusahaan IT terbesar didunia
Larry Page
Google is now worth USD 200 billion!
Andy Bechtolsheim
鐚Angel Investor鐚
Year 1998
Sergey Brin
USD 100,000
Sosial Network Terbesar di Dunia Saat ini
Mark Zuckerberg
Statistik terakhir menunjukkan bahwa Facebook memiliki 500 juta pengguna s/d Februari 2010 dan sekarang nilai
estimasi dari Facebook adalah USD 80 milyar, Sehingga Nilai Pasar IPO dipastikan melebihi USD 100 Milyar !!
28. GoldenBIRD (S) Pte Ltd
200 Jalan Sultan, #01-30 Textile Center,
Singapore 199018
Tel: +65 63922713, Fax: +65 63922716
Office and Showroom
Gold G.B. Investmen Co. Ltd.
Office 1. Hanoi City: So nha 9, Ngo 9
PT. Burung Mas Indonesia
No. 262EO. St.217 Sangkat Orussey2
Ngach 9/24 Tran Quo Hoan, Cau Giay
Menara APL Lt.23 Unit 8
Khan 7 Makara, Cambodia
Hanoi, Vietnam
Central Park Jakarta Barat
GoldenBird Foodstuff(s) Pte Ltd.
GG Ideas Maeketing SDN Bhd.
China Showroom / Office :
Life-Unity Global Pte Ltd.
No: 53-01 Jalan Idaman 3
1/F Distric 5 Market
72, Bendemeer Road, Luzerne Building
Taman Larkin Idaman
Yiwu International Trade City
#05-23/24, Singapore 339941
80350 Johor Bharu, Johor - Malaysia
Imported Commodity Hall
Tel:+65 6392 2713 Fax:+65 6392 2716
Tel: +6 07 221 1871
Yiwu - China
Tel: +855 023213269 Fax: +855 023214197 Offie 2. Ho Chi Min City: 796/2A
By Edutainmen Francis Puah 013 744 3998 Su Van Hanh St., Ext Ward 12, Dist 10
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel:+62 2129034370 / +62 2143714372
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Blok A No.7
Pekan Baru - Indonesia
29. Singapore Office:
200 Jalan Sultan, #01-30 Textile Center, Singapore 199018
Tel: +65 63922713, Fax: +65 63922716
31. Live Unity Global Pte Ltd
GoldenBIRD Foodstuff(s) Pte Ltd.
Rumah Walet Profesional.
International Money
Transfer System
Perdagangan Fisik Emas
Lintas Benua
Swiftlet Resort
Fun Garden
J.V Co-operation
The Right Choice
Toko & Showroom di China
Physical Gold JV Trading
Paltform Warrants Share
Minimal 2,5 Cents , Maximal 10 Cents / lembar saham
( 4% sd 10% )
Contoh :
Paket 1.000 $ ( 10 Juta ),
Harga saham 0,74 $ per lembar saham
Jumlah saham yang anda dapatkan = 1000 : 0,74 = 1.352 lembar
Deviden akhir bulan September 2013 = 0,043 Cents
Deviden = 1.352 lembar x 0,043 Cents =58.14 iDollar
= 58,14 x kurs Rp 8.400 = Rp 488.376
39. Harga saham pada saat IPO 2016 : 3$ - 5 $
Jika anda memiliki jumlah saham 1.352 lembar
Dan P/E Ratio Perusahaan 20 kali lipat saja setelah IPO (Go Publik )
Maka jika anda melepas atau menjual saham anda
nilainya menjadi :
1.352 lembar x 3$ x 20 = 81.120 iDollar x Rp 8.400
= Rp 681.408.000
40. 1352 lembar x 5 $ x 20 = 135.200 iDollar x Rp 8400
= Rp.1.135.680.000
1352 lembar x 5 $ x 50 = 338.000 iDollar x Rp 8400
= Rp.2.839.200.000
42. K.T.60 Call Warrants Listing
GB Group K.T.60 European Style Cash-Settled
Structured Warrants
Instrument Type
Type Of Structure Warrants
Projecting Stock
Listing Date
Issue Size in Unit
Maturity Date
Conversion Ratio
Structured Warrants
Call Warrants
European Style Cash-Settled
Structured Warrants
GB Group
1 Feb 2012
31 Jan 2015
Star 1
Star 2
Star 3
100rb 300rb
215 juta
400rb 1jt
700 juta
1,5jt 3jt
2,1 Milyard
Star 4
2,5jt 5jt
3,6 Milyard
Star 5
3,5jt 7jt
5,1 Milyard
50. bukan untuk dihindari tetapi
Jika Anda investasikan uang Anda sebesar Rp.
10.000.000,- artinya Anda memiliki Resiko kehilangan
uang Rp. 10.000.000,
jika uang Anda Rp. 10.000.000,dalam 3 tahun berkembang menjadi
+ Rp. 700.000.000,- ditambah
DEVIDEN + Rp. 500.000/bulan
Apakah ini sebuah
56. Kesuksesan masa depan Anda,
ditentukan bagaimana
keputusan Anda saat ini
Bila anda berminat dan perlu info
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