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Beyond Pretty Pictures:
A Remote Telescope Manager's Advice
Richard Gelderman
Western Kentucky University
1.3-m Robotically Controlled Telescope
$4,000,000 observatory
$50,000/year budget
A	broad	base	of	participation...
 All	over	the	world	we	find	examples	of	youth	sports	
leagues	being	established	for	a	new	sport.
 They	provide	a	scaffolded series	of	increasing	
challenges	to	inspire	and	motivate	the	players	to	build	
their	skills,	as	well	as	a	framework	of	competitions	
and	opportunities	for	players	to	test	their	mastery	of	
the	game.
Correspondingly, the number and satisfaction of the
participants in astronomy-based science education will
continue to increase if we provide:
(1) open and easy entry level recreational opportunities;
(2) a series of challenging activities with steadily increasing
challenge and reward; and
(3) high level competitive experiences to allow the best, most
motivated students to test their limits and progress toward
rewarding careers in our high-tech culture.
Steadily	increasing	the	level	of	challenge	is	
accomplished	through	carefully	designed	
experiences	and	play.	
Skilled	coaches	must	guide	the	practice	and	
games	so	that	everyone	gets	the	plenty	of	
opportunity	to	learn.	
Drills	must	be	both	engaging	and	challenging,	
with	plenty	of	flexibility	to	explore	various	
talents	while	allowing	the	less	precocious	
players	to	catch	up.
 National, Developmental Teams (USA U16 soccer team)
 Autonomous observatories  student research projects
 Traveling, Competitive Leagues (summer training camps)
 Computer controlled telescopes  peer presentations
 Local, Competitive Leagues (try-out based club leagues)
 GalileoScopes, smartphones & Web Accessed Observatories
 ownership of pretty pictures
 Recreational Leagues (everyone welcome, city leagues)
 Internet and hardcopy resources  classroom activities
 The	students	who	play	at	low	levels	with	astronomy	
will	be	the	base	of	scientifically	literate	citizens	that	
support	tomorrows	world.	
Youths	who	played	
in	Recreation	League	sports
are	the	base	for	Professional	leagues
Good	sketching	requires	accurate	rendering	of:	
 shape	and	proportion	(relative	height	versus	width),	
 separation	and	orientation,	
 lightness	and	darkness,	and	
 color	(possibly).	
We need to use all our faculties to the full 
to assimilate with the scientists brain,
the poets heart, and
the painters eyes.
-- Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man
William	Parsons,	3rd	Earl	of	Rosse (1800	 1867)	
oversaw	construction	in	1845	of	Leviathan,	a	72-inch	
telescope,	world's	largest	until	the	early	20th century.
Beyond Pretty Pictures: A Remote Telescope Manager's Advice by Richard Gelderman
Hand over the learning
"Holmes, you see everything."
"I see no more than you, but I have trained myself
to notice what I see."
-- Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the
Blanched Soldier

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