Presentation on importance of light for astronomy and society presented at "International Conference on Communication and Light" from 2 - 4 November in Braga, Portugal by Pedro Russo.
Digital Globe Presentation for Earth Observation in the Cloud Demo DayAmazon Web Services
The document discusses how crowdsourcing is generating massive amounts of geospatial data every day, including over 13 trillion pixels of imagery, and how this "big data" requires specialized platforms and computing resources to effectively store, process, and extract useful information at large scales. It provides examples of using a big data approach to analyze thousands of images over multiple years to identify water wasters in California through techniques like NDVI modeling.
Remote Sensing Data Instant Home Delivery!Safe Software
Satellites are gathering new information every second and you have access to it. The question: What will you do with it? Heres how to pull in remote sensed data from several sources, plus a real example of this in action.
Strategies for Hyperscale Data Centers to Approach Net ZeroMattias Ganslandt
Ganslandt and Bergquist presentation 22 February 2017 at Green Data Center Conference in San Diego and Di Data Center Conference in Stockholm #GDCON #didatacenter #cloudcomputing
Engaging earth observation in the platform economyterradue
This document discusses engaging earth observation data in the platform economy. It outlines three challenges: making data open, building on existing platforms through APIs, and exploiting network effects. The author describes their MELODIES project which developed a platform as a service for earth observation data. This allows rapid prototyping, seamless data access, and automated processing. Ongoing work involves furthering these outcomes and forming partnerships to ensure sustainability. The goal is to support open science, government, and commercial applications using earth observation data.
The NextGEOSS project, a European contribution to GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems), proposes to develop the next generation data hub for Earth Observations, where the users can connect to access data and deploy data-driven applications.
Sazal Sthapit, Project Manager, Kathmandu Living Labs, Nepal Earthquake Sessi...Kathmandu Living Labs
State of the Map Asia (SotM-Asia) is the annual regional conference of OpenStreetMap (OSM) organized by OSM communities in Asia. First SotM-Asia was organized in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2015, and the second was organized in Manila, Philippines in 2016. This years conference, third in the series, was organized in Kathmandu, Nepal on September 23 24, 2017 at Park Village Resort, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu, Nepal.
We brought nearly 200 Open Mapping enthusiasts from Asia and beyond to this years SotM-Asia. The event provided an opportunity to share knowledge and experience among mappers; expand their network; and generate ideas to expand map coverage and effective use of OSM data in Asian continent. We chose from creation to use of OSM data as the theme of this years conference, emphasizing on the effective use of OSM data. We also brought together a government panel from four different countries in this years SotM-Asia. We believe this event will deepen the bond and enhance collaboration among OSM communities across Asia.
More information about the conference can be found on:
The document discusses the impact and usage trends of the EGI (European Grid Initiative) federated cloud computing infrastructure. It notes that EGI has supported over 23,000 research papers since 2008. Usage of EGI resources has increased significantly in recent years across many research domains, with computing hours increasing by 40% from 2016 to 2017. EGI provides federated cloud computing resources to thousands of individual researchers and supports the long-tail of science through various applications and thematic services.
The LCH Grid - High Performance Computing in High Energy Particle PhysicsIT MegaMeet
Luke Kreczko of CERN, presented at Bristol ITMegaMeet 2013
CERN hosts many experiments and accelerators. One of them, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is the world's largest particle accelerator. Its experiments produce enormous amounts of data which is analysed using the LHC Grid. I will describe the Grid framework developed for the CMS experiment that produces around 20PB of data every year and processes it in regular intervals.
'UK Commercial Radio Sector: Current Indicators & Forecasts: January 2008' by...Grant Goddard
This document provides an overview of the current state of the UK commercial radio sector and forecasts for its future. It summarizes key indicators such as declining commercial radio revenues since 2005, uneven profitability among stations, and falling revenue yields. It also reviews listening trends, noting that commercial radio is losing share of listening to the BBC in important demographics like 25-34 year olds. The document aims to analyze the commercial radio sector and provide forecasts for revenues and listening in the coming years.
1. The document lists 23 shots used in a film title sequence and provides explanations for each shot.
2. It begins with establishing shots showing the environment and main character, and then uses mid shots, close ups, and extreme close ups to introduce the character and show important details.
3. Tension is built through shots of suspicious men, CCTV footage, and the character falling to the ground. The rest of the sequence uses point-of-view shots and close ups to show the character struggling with grief and depression after loss of his wife.
This document contains multiple charts and graphs summarizing real estate market trends in Houston, Texas from 2001 to 2016. It shows that drilling permits and rig counts in Texas peaked in the late 2000s and declined sharply after 2014. Houston gained over 100,000 jobs annually from 2009 to 2013 but saw job losses in the energy sector after 2014. Office vacancy rates doubled during the 1980s with an increase in inventory but have since declined. The industrial, retail, and multifamily sectors have been more stable with steady absorption and occupancy rates. The outlook for 2017 is for leveling vacancy rates in office and flat or increasing rents across property types.
Music is considered one of the highest art forms in India according to Swami Vivekananda. The document discusses the rich history and tradition of Indian classical music, including its origins in ancient scriptures like the Vedas. It covers various musical forms and composers from across different regions in India, including the contributions of saints like the Saiva Nalvars who composed hymns to Shiva (Tevaram). It also discusses elements of Carnatic music like ragas, talas, instruments and the classification systems for ragas.
The document provides guidelines for managing customer journeys from inquiries to matches. It begins by emphasizing synergy between marketing and sales teams. Marketing generates leads through content marketing while sales qualifies and converts leads. The document then details each stage of the inbound funnel: strangers become aware prospects who become marketing leads and then sales opportunities or matches. It focuses on sales' role in nurturing leads from inquiries to matches, including prioritizing high potential leads, cooperating to accelerate matching, and ensuring leads are not neglected. Two scenarios for lead delivery timing are suggested to balance resource use and matching timelines.
This document summarizes a presentation about how one college of education transformed its graduate enrollment management process from being admissions-focused to being more strategic and student-focused. It discusses stakeholders, where the process was previously and where it is now, changes made like increased collaboration and use of data, how the new process is working, key learnings, and lingering issues. The goal was to evolve from a passive to active approach through improved inquiry management, communication, and student care.
Este documento describe cuatro delitos contra la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de datos y sistemas inform叩ticos: acceso il鱈cito a sistemas inform叩ticos, interceptaci坦n il鱈cita de datos inform叩ticos, interferencia en el funcionamiento de un sistema inform叩tico y abuso de dispositivos que faciliten la comisi坦n de delitos. Adem叩s, menciona algunos de los hackers m叩s famosos como Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Poulsen y Stephen Wozniak.
Casual Shirts for Men are a perfect combination of class and elegance. These slim fit men's casual shirts are available in varied colors. Its sure to land you a sleek timeless look. They will surely make you feel more sophisticated while balancing your quirky style. It's a perfect party outfit to flaunt your strong style game.
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El documento describe los diferentes tipos de motores de combusti坦n interna, incluyendo motores Otto de gasolina, di辿sel, de 2 y 4 tiempos. Explica sus principales componentes como la c叩mara de combusti坦n, sistema de alimentaci坦n, distribuci坦n y encendido. Tambi辿n cubre el funcionamiento b叩sico de estos motores y sus sistemas de refrigeraci坦n.
Este documento descreve uma unidade de compet棚ncia relacionada com equipamentos e sistemas t辿cnicos. A unidade 辿 dividida em quatro dom鱈nios de refer棚ncia que abordam contextos dom辿sticos, profissionais, institucionais e macroestruturais. Para cada dom鱈nio s達o apresentados crit辿rios, evid棚ncias e elementos de complexidade relacionados com a opera巽達o e compreens達o de equipamentos t辿cnicos.
First impressions of your company start before visitors enter your front door. An orderly, well-manicured site conveys a respectable corporate image, creates a welcoming atmosphere for clients and visitors, and provides a peaceful, calming environment for employees.
Learn about how The Grounds Guys速 comprehensive commercial grounds care services can help you simplify your property management and impact your bottom line.
This document provides instructions for authenticating an official transcript from DeVry University. It explains that the transcript has a digital signature that can be validated by opening the document in Adobe Acrobat or Reader. If validated successfully, a blue ribbon symbol will appear indicating the document is authentic and unchanged. An invalid signature means the document is not an official transcript from DeVry University and should be rejected. Contact information is provided if further authentication is required.
Coupling Australias Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyLarry Smarr
Eighth Lecture in the
Australian American Leadership Dialogue Scholar Tour
Australian National University
Title: Coupling Australias Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Canberra, Australia
Building a Global Collaboration System for Data-Intensive DiscoveryLarry Smarr
Distinguished Lecture
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-44)
Title: Building a Global Collaboration System for Data-Intensive Discovery
Kauai, HI
The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way t...Larry Smarr
Keynote to the 15th Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Assembly Meeting: Linking Data and Information to Decision Makers
Title: The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way to the International LambdaGrid
San Diego, CA
Coupling Australias Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyLarry Smarr
The document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's lecture on connecting Australian researchers to the global innovation economy through high-performance networks. It discusses projects that established dedicated 1Gbps and 10Gbps connections between Australian universities and research centers and international partners. This infrastructure will allow Australian researchers to collaborate globally on issues like climate change, health care, and more. The goal is for Australia to have connectivity on par with the best in the world to attract top researchers and partners.
An Integrated Science Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive ResearchLarry Smarr
This document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's vision for an integrated science cyberinfrastructure to support data-intensive research. It discusses the exponential growth of digital data and need for dedicated high-bandwidth networks and data repositories. Specific examples are provided of initiatives at UCSD, regional optical networks connecting research institutions, and national projects like the Open Science Grid and Cancer Genomics Hub that are creating cyberinfrastructure to enable data-intensive scientific discovery.
'UK Commercial Radio Sector: Current Indicators & Forecasts: January 2008' by...Grant Goddard
This document provides an overview of the current state of the UK commercial radio sector and forecasts for its future. It summarizes key indicators such as declining commercial radio revenues since 2005, uneven profitability among stations, and falling revenue yields. It also reviews listening trends, noting that commercial radio is losing share of listening to the BBC in important demographics like 25-34 year olds. The document aims to analyze the commercial radio sector and provide forecasts for revenues and listening in the coming years.
1. The document lists 23 shots used in a film title sequence and provides explanations for each shot.
2. It begins with establishing shots showing the environment and main character, and then uses mid shots, close ups, and extreme close ups to introduce the character and show important details.
3. Tension is built through shots of suspicious men, CCTV footage, and the character falling to the ground. The rest of the sequence uses point-of-view shots and close ups to show the character struggling with grief and depression after loss of his wife.
This document contains multiple charts and graphs summarizing real estate market trends in Houston, Texas from 2001 to 2016. It shows that drilling permits and rig counts in Texas peaked in the late 2000s and declined sharply after 2014. Houston gained over 100,000 jobs annually from 2009 to 2013 but saw job losses in the energy sector after 2014. Office vacancy rates doubled during the 1980s with an increase in inventory but have since declined. The industrial, retail, and multifamily sectors have been more stable with steady absorption and occupancy rates. The outlook for 2017 is for leveling vacancy rates in office and flat or increasing rents across property types.
Music is considered one of the highest art forms in India according to Swami Vivekananda. The document discusses the rich history and tradition of Indian classical music, including its origins in ancient scriptures like the Vedas. It covers various musical forms and composers from across different regions in India, including the contributions of saints like the Saiva Nalvars who composed hymns to Shiva (Tevaram). It also discusses elements of Carnatic music like ragas, talas, instruments and the classification systems for ragas.
The document provides guidelines for managing customer journeys from inquiries to matches. It begins by emphasizing synergy between marketing and sales teams. Marketing generates leads through content marketing while sales qualifies and converts leads. The document then details each stage of the inbound funnel: strangers become aware prospects who become marketing leads and then sales opportunities or matches. It focuses on sales' role in nurturing leads from inquiries to matches, including prioritizing high potential leads, cooperating to accelerate matching, and ensuring leads are not neglected. Two scenarios for lead delivery timing are suggested to balance resource use and matching timelines.
This document summarizes a presentation about how one college of education transformed its graduate enrollment management process from being admissions-focused to being more strategic and student-focused. It discusses stakeholders, where the process was previously and where it is now, changes made like increased collaboration and use of data, how the new process is working, key learnings, and lingering issues. The goal was to evolve from a passive to active approach through improved inquiry management, communication, and student care.
Este documento describe cuatro delitos contra la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad de datos y sistemas inform叩ticos: acceso il鱈cito a sistemas inform叩ticos, interceptaci坦n il鱈cita de datos inform叩ticos, interferencia en el funcionamiento de un sistema inform叩tico y abuso de dispositivos que faciliten la comisi坦n de delitos. Adem叩s, menciona algunos de los hackers m叩s famosos como Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Poulsen y Stephen Wozniak.
Casual Shirts for Men are a perfect combination of class and elegance. These slim fit men's casual shirts are available in varied colors. Its sure to land you a sleek timeless look. They will surely make you feel more sophisticated while balancing your quirky style. It's a perfect party outfit to flaunt your strong style game.
shop now for men :
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El documento describe los diferentes tipos de motores de combusti坦n interna, incluyendo motores Otto de gasolina, di辿sel, de 2 y 4 tiempos. Explica sus principales componentes como la c叩mara de combusti坦n, sistema de alimentaci坦n, distribuci坦n y encendido. Tambi辿n cubre el funcionamiento b叩sico de estos motores y sus sistemas de refrigeraci坦n.
Este documento descreve uma unidade de compet棚ncia relacionada com equipamentos e sistemas t辿cnicos. A unidade 辿 dividida em quatro dom鱈nios de refer棚ncia que abordam contextos dom辿sticos, profissionais, institucionais e macroestruturais. Para cada dom鱈nio s達o apresentados crit辿rios, evid棚ncias e elementos de complexidade relacionados com a opera巽達o e compreens達o de equipamentos t辿cnicos.
First impressions of your company start before visitors enter your front door. An orderly, well-manicured site conveys a respectable corporate image, creates a welcoming atmosphere for clients and visitors, and provides a peaceful, calming environment for employees.
Learn about how The Grounds Guys速 comprehensive commercial grounds care services can help you simplify your property management and impact your bottom line.
This document provides instructions for authenticating an official transcript from DeVry University. It explains that the transcript has a digital signature that can be validated by opening the document in Adobe Acrobat or Reader. If validated successfully, a blue ribbon symbol will appear indicating the document is authentic and unchanged. An invalid signature means the document is not an official transcript from DeVry University and should be rejected. Contact information is provided if further authentication is required.
Coupling Australias Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyLarry Smarr
Eighth Lecture in the
Australian American Leadership Dialogue Scholar Tour
Australian National University
Title: Coupling Australias Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Canberra, Australia
Building a Global Collaboration System for Data-Intensive DiscoveryLarry Smarr
Distinguished Lecture
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-44)
Title: Building a Global Collaboration System for Data-Intensive Discovery
Kauai, HI
The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way t...Larry Smarr
Keynote to the 15th Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Assembly Meeting: Linking Data and Information to Decision Makers
Title: The Jump to Light Speed - Data Intensive Earth Sciences are Leading the Way to the International LambdaGrid
San Diego, CA
Coupling Australias Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyLarry Smarr
The document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's lecture on connecting Australian researchers to the global innovation economy through high-performance networks. It discusses projects that established dedicated 1Gbps and 10Gbps connections between Australian universities and research centers and international partners. This infrastructure will allow Australian researchers to collaborate globally on issues like climate change, health care, and more. The goal is for Australia to have connectivity on par with the best in the world to attract top researchers and partners.
An Integrated Science Cyberinfrastructure for Data-Intensive ResearchLarry Smarr
This document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's vision for an integrated science cyberinfrastructure to support data-intensive research. It discusses the exponential growth of digital data and need for dedicated high-bandwidth networks and data repositories. Specific examples are provided of initiatives at UCSD, regional optical networks connecting research institutions, and national projects like the Open Science Grid and Cancer Genomics Hub that are creating cyberinfrastructure to enable data-intensive scientific discovery.
Analyzing Large Earth Data Sets: New Tools from the OptiPuter and LOOKING Pro...Larry Smarr
The document discusses two projects, OptIPuter and LOOKING, that aim to analyze large earth data sets using optical networking and grid technologies. OptIPuter extends grid middleware to dedicated optical circuits for earth and medical sciences. LOOKING builds on OptIPuter to provide real-time control of ocean observatories through web and grid services integrated over optical networks. Both projects represent efforts to develop cyberinfrastructure for interactive analysis of remote earth science data and instruments.
LambdaGrids--Earth and Planetary Sciences Driving High Performance Networks a...Larry Smarr
Invited Talk to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Title: LambdaGrids--Earth and Planetary Sciences Driving High Performance Networks and High Resolution Visualizations
Pasadena, CA
Digital Infrastructure in a Carbon-Constrained WorldLarry Smarr
- The document discusses how digital infrastructure and information and communication technologies (ICT) can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change by enabling efficiencies in other sectors. ICT has the potential to deliver carbon savings five times larger than its own emissions footprint by 2020.
- The University of California San Diego (UCSD) is working to develop green ICT applications and smart grid technologies through its California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). Examples mentioned include smart transportation systems, virtual meetings to reduce travel, and instrumenting buildings and campuses as "living labs" of green technologies.
- UCSD is also working to establish a zero carbon emission campus through fuel cell and solar power installations,
Set My Data Free: High-Performance CI for Data-Intensive ResearchLarry Smarr
Keynote Speaker
Cyberinfrastructure Days
University of Michigan
Title: Set My Data Free: High-Performance CI for Data-Intensive Research
Ann Arbor, MI
Coupling Australias Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyLarry Smarr
The document summarizes a lecture given by Dr. Larry Smarr on coupling Australian researchers to the global innovation economy through high-performance networking. It discusses projects that have established dedicated 1Gbps and 10Gbps connections between Australian universities and research centers in the US. These connections allow data-intensive collaboration on issues like climate change. The document outlines steps to develop optical networks between campuses and globally through partnerships like AARNet, and argues that Australian researchers need dedicated high-bandwidth connections to fully participate in the global research community.
This is the keynote talk fkw gave at cloudnet 2020. It covers all three cloudbursts we did. As of early 2021, slides 26ff is still the most detailed documentation of the 3rd cloudburst. This material will be covered in a future conference paper.
Toward a Global Interactive Earth Observing CyberinfrastructureLarry Smarr
The document discusses the need for a new generation of cyberinfrastructure to support interactive global earth observation. It outlines several prototyping projects that are building examples of systems enabling real-time control of remote instruments, remote data access and analysis. These projects are driving the development of an emerging cyber-architecture using web and grid services to link distributed data repositories and simulations.
Promoting a Joint EU-BR Digital Future - High Performance ComputingATMOSPHERE .
This document discusses the importance of high performance computing (HPC) and summarizes some key applications and research areas that benefit from HPC, including science, engineering, chemistry, energy production, and metabolism. It also provides brief overviews of protein folding and degradation, which are important areas of study that involve complex simulations and modeling that require powerful supercomputing resources. Cooperation between the European Union and Brazil on HPC is discussed, noting some past successful collaborative projects, as well as opportunities for future cooperation.
The document discusses how emerging technologies are enabling new approaches to modeling complex systems using large numbers of autonomous agents. It describes efforts to develop agent-based modeling frameworks that can leverage exascale supercomputers to simulate phenomena like microbial ecosystems, cybersecurity, and energy systems at an unprecedented scale. These models incorporate hybrid discrete-continuous methods and very high-resolution data to better understand dynamic social and natural processes.
The 50 Hours for 50 Nations Program - Carl PennypackerGTTP-GHOU-NUCLIO
The document outlines the Global Hands-On Universe (GHOU) network, which connects over 20,000-40,000 teachers in over 100 nations. GHOU provides curriculum, activities, and teacher workshops that allow students to analyze real astronomical data using tools like robotic telescopes. Some accomplishments include activities being adopted into official curriculums in France and Bavaria. Future plans include expanding access to modeling instruction workshops, collaborating on new telescope projects, and using internet video conferences to reach more teachers globally.
This document summarizes the work of the NUCLIO project in Portugal between 2004-2008. It engaged over 3000 students through hands-on astronomy activities and trained over 100 teachers. The project collaborated with over 50 international partners and established a network of astronomy education across Europe and around the world. It provided opportunities for students and teachers to participate in real scientific research and discovery.
Presentation on the progress of Cosmic Light EDU kit presented at "International Conference on Communication and Light" from 2 - 4 November in Braga, Portugal by Thilina Heenatigala.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Fuel part 1.pptx........................ksbhattadcm
The Next Light Wave: Why Too Much Light is An Issue
1. Uma Nova Vaga de Luz
Porque Demasiada Luz 辿 um Problema.
Pedro Russo
Universidade de Leiden, Pa鱈ses Baixos
2. The Next Light Wave:
Why Too Much Light is An Issue.
Pedro Russo
Universidade de Leiden, Pa鱈ses Baixos
15. Big Data e o Square
Kilometre Array
Exabyte (=1billion gigabytes) a day of raw data
compressed to around 10 Petabytes
SKA will produce 10 times the current global internet tra鍖c.
850 Gb dados por dia
10 petabytes de
imagens ao longo da
miss達o (at辿 ao 鍖nal de
23. Challenges for Big Data in Astronomy
Visualisation of astronomical datasets
Creation and utilisation of e鍖cient algorithms for
processing large datasets.
The use of machine learning methodologies
Engage society with large astronomical datasets.
(Dillon, 2015)