Innovative teaching methods for 21st century teacherEkpo Etok Ekpo
This document discusses the role of the 21st century teacher. It explains that the 21st century teacher understands learners' backgrounds and uses pedagogies and technologies to create an enabling learning environment. The teacher considers each student's experiences and interests. The teacher must also adapt curricula and assessments to engage critically with students' existing knowledge and technological skills. The conclusion states that learning now occurs in various settings mediated by technology, so teachers must create an environment that allows learning outcomes to be achieved.
This document outlines a change model called the Day in a School Teacher Support (DiaS-TS) model. The model aims to provide teachers with support through classroom observations to improve lesson planning, delivery, and student engagement. Key aspects of the model include pre- and post-observation conferences to facilitate reflection, exposing students to active learning, and improving the classroom environment. The model also seeks to foster collaboration among teachers and encourage planning. Potential benefits include better monitoring practices, teamwork, and heightened student engagement. The document discusses implementing the model through change leaders and addressing possible challenges to success.
ACDE response to MATSITI initiative; Final stakeholder forum, Adelaide, 16 Ju...MATSITI
This document summarizes two projects funded by ACDE aimed at improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in initial teacher education. The first project conducted an audit and established plans to improve retention, success, and graduation rates. It identified four key areas for improvement. The second project aimed to improve engagement and success and close the gap in graduation rates. Outcomes included establishing networks and reviewing/implementing action plans. The evaluation found an increased awareness of importance of cultural safety but more work is still needed, including ensuring sustainable partnerships and representation of Indigenous knowledge, culture and peoples at all levels of teacher education.
The document summarizes research from Dr Ann Lawless, Charlotte Steer, and Claire Brooks at Charles Sturt University on good practices in transition pedagogy. It outlines several projects the researchers are working on, including online course innovation, student transition and retention recommendations, enhancing teaching and learning in large subjects, embedding digital literacy, and different orientation models. The researchers are also developing a faculty knowledge base, using learning analytics, and furthering scholarship around transition pedagogy.
Curriculum Innovation & Development (CID), located within Education Partnerships (EP), delivers collaborative curriculum activities for external pre-entry partners like schools and further education colleges. CID supports student progression, attainment, and retention from school to university through engaging products and bespoke provision including curriculum head start sessions, higher education modules in schools, mentoring, peer support, blended and distance delivery, academic skills support, and transition activities. CID also provides continuing professional development and research/evaluation opportunities for staff and students.
The document discusses the importance of teacher quality in achieving educational excellence. It notes that improving teacher education is central to educational reform efforts. Teachers must be able to take on greater responsibilities as they educate youth. Countries like Finland and Singapore recognize the high status of teachers and emphasize developing excellent teachers to meet future challenges. Studies show teachers with high performance can increase student achievement by 50% within 3 years. The goal of reforms in countries is to train quality teachers who can inspire students.
Presentation for HCM Sikkim on Singapore and Philippines Learning Visit 2015Bhim Thatal
Singapore and Philippines Learning Visit of the HRDD Delegates of Sikkim from January 11 to 18, 2015 Headed by the Hon'ble Minister for HRDD Sri RB Subba
Dr. mohamad nor bin mohamad taib ipg baa (pendidikan guru perlu relevan abad...muhammadakbarzahidi
This document summarizes the key points of a speech on transforming teacher education in Malaysia from 2013 to 2025 in line with the Malaysian Education Blueprint.
The summary is:
1. The speech discusses the need to transform teacher education to produce teachers who can think critically and creatively to meet the demands of the 21st century global workforce.
2. A three-wave approach is proposed from 2013-2015 focusing on review, 2016-2020 focusing on system improvements, and 2021-2025 focusing on achieving excellence.
3. Seven pillars of transformation are identified: curriculum, trainees, leaders, lecturers, facilities, institution, and innovation/R&D. The goal is to produce globally competent teachers
The document discusses an effective learning environment at Sunbeam School in Mughalsarai. It highlights three pillars of learning: the child at the heart of learning, the school and parents creating an effective environment, and parental support for the child. It provides details on the school's examination pattern, enrichment and remedial classes, external exams and projects. It also discusses non-scholastic training through workshops in areas like filmmaking, theatre, and sports. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of parental support through communication, monitoring academic progress, and connecting positively with the child.
Nick Beer: Teacher Training in the 21st Century is CELTA Still Relevanteaquals
CELTA remains highly relevant in teacher training, with over 10,000 teachers completing the course annually in over 70 countries. Employers highly value CELTA qualifications and graduates, seeing them as better organized and prepared teachers. While satisfaction with CELTA is very high, stakeholders provided some suggestions for potential updates, including greater focus on teaching young learners and integrating more digital skills as technology becomes more prevalent in classrooms. CELTA administrators will consider these recommendations as they work to ensure the course continues meeting the needs of diverse candidates and the evolving field of English language teaching.
National Education Policy-2020 (Teacher Education) .pptxJITENDRANATH GORAI
The NEP-2020 replaces the National Education Policy of 1986. In January 2015, a committee under former cabinet secretary T.S.R. Subramanian started the consultation process for the new education policy. Based on the committee report, the draft NEP was submitted in 2019 led by former ISRO chief Dr. Krishnaswami Kasturirangan. The new education policy was later released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), followed by a public consultation.
School Education
This policy envisages that extent 10+2 structure in school education will be modified with a new pedagogical and curricular restructuring (para 4.1) of 5+3+3+4 covering ages 3-18 as shown in the representative figure and elaborated in detail later under Chapter 4.
Secondary teachers training has become one of the key elements in educational
policies in Spain. For more than a decade, university and secondary education teachers
have claimed the need to design specific and quality based training for professionals
that wanted to become teachers in this specific level, giving special emphasis on the
didactics and the psychological aspects involved in the process of teaching and
learning with adolescents. In order to cope with this demand, a Master of Secondary
School Teacher Training was designed at a national level with specific criteria.
This master, as in other European countries, pretends to contribute to the
development of the teaching competencies that are necessary to succeed in teaching
at this complex educational level. It is addressed to different teaching disciplines, with
a general psychopedagogical approach and specific teaching competencies for each
domain (i.e. Mathematics, English, etc.)
Specifically, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) the masters programme
wants to contribute to the development of particular aspects such as: (a) Collaboration
between novice teachers from different disciplines simulating the real context at
schools. UOCs programme, as coordinator of the pychopedagogical training modules
addressed to students of different disciplines, has designed specific tasks that teach
and demand students to collaborate between them as interdisciplinary teams. (b) ICT
integration into the teaching and learning processes.
Sergio Cabezon: Building a Sustainable System for Teacher Training in Chile w...GTTP-GHOU-NUCLIO
Global Hands-On Universe Conference 2015. 4-5 August 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
For more than 5 years GTTP has been implemented in Chile with a relevant number of teachers attending from different private and public schools nationwide. The tools taught have been useful to improve not only the level of understanding in Astronomy among school students, but also the relevance of Math use on it.
It is necessary to reinforce following up and gathering methodologies, thus teachers can be supervised on their improvements by one hand, and also they can share successes and good practices with teachers in Chile and other countries.
Open educational resources sharing content and knowledge differently is a dri...EduSkills OECD
Why have ICT and the internet which profoundly changed production and distribution in so many sectors and improved productivity not had the same impact on education so far?
Open Educational Resources (OER) can be seen as a social innovation (not a technological one) with the potential of reforming (not revolutionising) education if they are linking to what we know about learning and to what teachers need
This document outlines the development of an impactful academic professional development program. It discusses key aspects of developing such a program including:
- Covering four main areas: teaching and learning, curriculum development, scholarship of teaching and learning, and academic leadership.
- Establishing three levels (basic, intermediate, advanced) of certification programs with modules mapping to competencies.
- Designing the program to improve teaching quality, shift focus to student learning, and build an institutional culture of intellectual dynamism.
- Highlighting factors for an effective program such as conducting needs assessments, preparing competent trainers, and establishing collaboration and feedback.
Mrs. Akhila Prabhakaran presented on reimagining education. She discussed how the current education system needs change to become more learner-centric and adaptive. She highlighted issues like lack of quality teachers and faculty, lack of employable skills in students, and absence of updated curriculum aligned to global standards based on surveys. She proposed building an education ecosystem that focuses on learner-centered approaches, uses technology to enable collaboration, understands social contexts of learning, improves teacher development, and leads to broader outcomes beyond standardized testing. She envisioned self-organizing learning centers that are integrated with communities and businesses to continuously improve based on evolving needs.
Dr. mohamad nor bin mohamad taib new paradigm of teachingmuhammadakbarzahidi
This document discusses the need for a new paradigm in teacher education and quality for the 21st century. It argues that teachers must be prepared to educate students for the future by facilitating lifelong learning, developing students' multiple intelligences, and utilizing globalized and localized resources. The traditional site-bounded model of teacher education is shifting toward a new "triplization" paradigm that individualizes, localizes, and globalizes learning. This involves transforming teachers' roles from knowledge deliverers to learning facilitators, and students' roles from knowledge receivers to self-directed learners. Teacher education programs must now focus on developing teachers' abilities to maximize learning opportunities and students' contextualized multiple intelligences through this new triplization approach.
2015 p. henderikx the changing pedagogical landscapeEADTU
The document discusses the changing pedagogical landscape in higher education. It summarizes a study commissioned by the European Commission on innovations in pedagogy and technology use. The study examined policies and developments in 8 European countries. While technology is increasingly used, traditional pedagogical approaches still dominate. Promising institutional strategies include developing institution-wide educational strategies and expanding online continuing education. Blended education combining online and face-to-face learning is growing. The study also discusses systemic innovations like online master's programs and formative assessment.
Day 4 and 6 school feedback november course 2018 zetabokola
The document provides an agenda and details for a workshop on November 21st and 23rd. On the 21st, the schedule includes school visit reviews, group tasks in the city center, lunch, and theme group activities. Participants will discuss their impressions of school visits and share key points with the group. On the 23rd, the agenda includes a school feedback session, coffee break, group work presentations, and a closing session with course certificates.
This document outlines a session on teaching excellence in middle and northern Europe. The session aims to increase understanding of educational development practices across the region and approaches to defining teaching excellence beyond the UK context. The presenters conducted a project reviewing literature and interviewing staff to explore notions of teaching excellence. They discuss findings on how excellence is described by practitioners and recognized institutionally in different countries. While some regions are striving to define and promote excellence, it remains challenging to clearly define and measure. The session encourages discussion on learning from examples and balancing support for good practice with recognition of excellence.
Session 1 defining teaching quality in a changing learning landscape march_2013Rajesh Dhimar
This document summarizes research on quality teaching in higher education from an international perspective. It discusses challenges in preparing lecturers for their roles and developing teaching quality. Key points addressed include the professionalization of academics as teachers, drivers for quality teaching in Europe, indicators of quality in the UK like the National Student Survey, and the impact of teaching development programs. Recommendations include prioritizing tools to assess program impact and establishing a focus on further improving evidence and policy regarding quality higher education.
This document outlines a multi-phase, international study on the relationship between school autonomy and student learning. The study will examine how school autonomy structures and cultures influence leadership practices around curriculum and learning across six different education systems. In Phase 1, researchers will synthesize existing evidence and examine approaches to school-based management, curriculum reform, and 21st century skills in each system. Phase 2 will involve in-depth case studies of high-performing schools in the six countries. Phase 3 will use large-scale surveys to test which autonomy practices are effective system-wide. Finally, Phase 4 will focus on teacher professional development for 21st century skills. The goal is to contribute to the understanding of how school autonomy can help adapt education to
The document discusses an effective learning environment at Sunbeam School in Mughalsarai. It highlights three pillars of learning: the child at the heart of learning, the school and parents creating an effective environment, and parental support for the child. It provides details on the school's examination pattern, enrichment and remedial classes, external exams and projects. It also discusses non-scholastic training through workshops in areas like filmmaking, theatre, and sports. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of parental support through communication, monitoring academic progress, and connecting positively with the child.
Nick Beer: Teacher Training in the 21st Century is CELTA Still Relevanteaquals
CELTA remains highly relevant in teacher training, with over 10,000 teachers completing the course annually in over 70 countries. Employers highly value CELTA qualifications and graduates, seeing them as better organized and prepared teachers. While satisfaction with CELTA is very high, stakeholders provided some suggestions for potential updates, including greater focus on teaching young learners and integrating more digital skills as technology becomes more prevalent in classrooms. CELTA administrators will consider these recommendations as they work to ensure the course continues meeting the needs of diverse candidates and the evolving field of English language teaching.
National Education Policy-2020 (Teacher Education) .pptxJITENDRANATH GORAI
The NEP-2020 replaces the National Education Policy of 1986. In January 2015, a committee under former cabinet secretary T.S.R. Subramanian started the consultation process for the new education policy. Based on the committee report, the draft NEP was submitted in 2019 led by former ISRO chief Dr. Krishnaswami Kasturirangan. The new education policy was later released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), followed by a public consultation.
School Education
This policy envisages that extent 10+2 structure in school education will be modified with a new pedagogical and curricular restructuring (para 4.1) of 5+3+3+4 covering ages 3-18 as shown in the representative figure and elaborated in detail later under Chapter 4.
Secondary teachers training has become one of the key elements in educational
policies in Spain. For more than a decade, university and secondary education teachers
have claimed the need to design specific and quality based training for professionals
that wanted to become teachers in this specific level, giving special emphasis on the
didactics and the psychological aspects involved in the process of teaching and
learning with adolescents. In order to cope with this demand, a Master of Secondary
School Teacher Training was designed at a national level with specific criteria.
This master, as in other European countries, pretends to contribute to the
development of the teaching competencies that are necessary to succeed in teaching
at this complex educational level. It is addressed to different teaching disciplines, with
a general psychopedagogical approach and specific teaching competencies for each
domain (i.e. Mathematics, English, etc.)
Specifically, at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) the masters programme
wants to contribute to the development of particular aspects such as: (a) Collaboration
between novice teachers from different disciplines simulating the real context at
schools. UOCs programme, as coordinator of the pychopedagogical training modules
addressed to students of different disciplines, has designed specific tasks that teach
and demand students to collaborate between them as interdisciplinary teams. (b) ICT
integration into the teaching and learning processes.
Sergio Cabezon: Building a Sustainable System for Teacher Training in Chile w...GTTP-GHOU-NUCLIO
Global Hands-On Universe Conference 2015. 4-5 August 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
For more than 5 years GTTP has been implemented in Chile with a relevant number of teachers attending from different private and public schools nationwide. The tools taught have been useful to improve not only the level of understanding in Astronomy among school students, but also the relevance of Math use on it.
It is necessary to reinforce following up and gathering methodologies, thus teachers can be supervised on their improvements by one hand, and also they can share successes and good practices with teachers in Chile and other countries.
Open educational resources sharing content and knowledge differently is a dri...EduSkills OECD
Why have ICT and the internet which profoundly changed production and distribution in so many sectors and improved productivity not had the same impact on education so far?
Open Educational Resources (OER) can be seen as a social innovation (not a technological one) with the potential of reforming (not revolutionising) education if they are linking to what we know about learning and to what teachers need
This document outlines the development of an impactful academic professional development program. It discusses key aspects of developing such a program including:
- Covering four main areas: teaching and learning, curriculum development, scholarship of teaching and learning, and academic leadership.
- Establishing three levels (basic, intermediate, advanced) of certification programs with modules mapping to competencies.
- Designing the program to improve teaching quality, shift focus to student learning, and build an institutional culture of intellectual dynamism.
- Highlighting factors for an effective program such as conducting needs assessments, preparing competent trainers, and establishing collaboration and feedback.
Mrs. Akhila Prabhakaran presented on reimagining education. She discussed how the current education system needs change to become more learner-centric and adaptive. She highlighted issues like lack of quality teachers and faculty, lack of employable skills in students, and absence of updated curriculum aligned to global standards based on surveys. She proposed building an education ecosystem that focuses on learner-centered approaches, uses technology to enable collaboration, understands social contexts of learning, improves teacher development, and leads to broader outcomes beyond standardized testing. She envisioned self-organizing learning centers that are integrated with communities and businesses to continuously improve based on evolving needs.
Dr. mohamad nor bin mohamad taib new paradigm of teachingmuhammadakbarzahidi
This document discusses the need for a new paradigm in teacher education and quality for the 21st century. It argues that teachers must be prepared to educate students for the future by facilitating lifelong learning, developing students' multiple intelligences, and utilizing globalized and localized resources. The traditional site-bounded model of teacher education is shifting toward a new "triplization" paradigm that individualizes, localizes, and globalizes learning. This involves transforming teachers' roles from knowledge deliverers to learning facilitators, and students' roles from knowledge receivers to self-directed learners. Teacher education programs must now focus on developing teachers' abilities to maximize learning opportunities and students' contextualized multiple intelligences through this new triplization approach.
2015 p. henderikx the changing pedagogical landscapeEADTU
The document discusses the changing pedagogical landscape in higher education. It summarizes a study commissioned by the European Commission on innovations in pedagogy and technology use. The study examined policies and developments in 8 European countries. While technology is increasingly used, traditional pedagogical approaches still dominate. Promising institutional strategies include developing institution-wide educational strategies and expanding online continuing education. Blended education combining online and face-to-face learning is growing. The study also discusses systemic innovations like online master's programs and formative assessment.
Day 4 and 6 school feedback november course 2018 zetabokola
The document provides an agenda and details for a workshop on November 21st and 23rd. On the 21st, the schedule includes school visit reviews, group tasks in the city center, lunch, and theme group activities. Participants will discuss their impressions of school visits and share key points with the group. On the 23rd, the agenda includes a school feedback session, coffee break, group work presentations, and a closing session with course certificates.
This document outlines a session on teaching excellence in middle and northern Europe. The session aims to increase understanding of educational development practices across the region and approaches to defining teaching excellence beyond the UK context. The presenters conducted a project reviewing literature and interviewing staff to explore notions of teaching excellence. They discuss findings on how excellence is described by practitioners and recognized institutionally in different countries. While some regions are striving to define and promote excellence, it remains challenging to clearly define and measure. The session encourages discussion on learning from examples and balancing support for good practice with recognition of excellence.
Session 1 defining teaching quality in a changing learning landscape march_2013Rajesh Dhimar
This document summarizes research on quality teaching in higher education from an international perspective. It discusses challenges in preparing lecturers for their roles and developing teaching quality. Key points addressed include the professionalization of academics as teachers, drivers for quality teaching in Europe, indicators of quality in the UK like the National Student Survey, and the impact of teaching development programs. Recommendations include prioritizing tools to assess program impact and establishing a focus on further improving evidence and policy regarding quality higher education.
This document outlines a multi-phase, international study on the relationship between school autonomy and student learning. The study will examine how school autonomy structures and cultures influence leadership practices around curriculum and learning across six different education systems. In Phase 1, researchers will synthesize existing evidence and examine approaches to school-based management, curriculum reform, and 21st century skills in each system. Phase 2 will involve in-depth case studies of high-performing schools in the six countries. Phase 3 will use large-scale surveys to test which autonomy practices are effective system-wide. Finally, Phase 4 will focus on teacher professional development for 21st century skills. The goal is to contribute to the understanding of how school autonomy can help adapt education to
The 50 Hours for 50 Nations Program - Carl PennypackerGTTP-GHOU-NUCLIO
The document outlines the Global Hands-On Universe (GHOU) network, which connects over 20,000-40,000 teachers in over 100 nations. GHOU provides curriculum, activities, and teacher workshops that allow students to analyze real astronomical data using tools like robotic telescopes. Some accomplishments include activities being adopted into official curriculums in France and Bavaria. Future plans include expanding access to modeling instruction workshops, collaborating on new telescope projects, and using internet video conferences to reach more teachers globally.
This document summarizes the work of the NUCLIO project in Portugal between 2004-2008. It engaged over 3000 students through hands-on astronomy activities and trained over 100 teachers. The project collaborated with over 50 international partners and established a network of astronomy education across Europe and around the world. It provided opportunities for students and teachers to participate in real scientific research and discovery.
The Next Light Wave: Why Too Much Light is An IssueGTTP-GHOU-NUCLIO
Presentation on importance of light for astronomy and society presented at "International Conference on Communication and Light" from 2 - 4 November in Braga, Portugal by Pedro Russo.
Presentation on the progress of Cosmic Light EDU kit presented at "International Conference on Communication and Light" from 2 - 4 November in Braga, Portugal by Thilina Heenatigala.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
11. Plans for 2019:
Training workshops for the 100 Years of IAU celebration
International Workshop/Forum on Teacher Training
Research on Competency Profile of 21st Centaury Teacher
GTTP Framework
12. They never learned
World is not the same 30 years ago
Student centered learning
Enhance the perspective and quality of life of students
Teachers hold the future
Support teachers
Everyone has to learn for life
New technological knowledge
Learning astronomy for a better world
New knowledge is very fun!
Astronomy grabs students in an inspiring way
Training and learning from one another
Provide a safe environment for learning
Passion to learn
Teachers are the pillars of the community