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The document summarizes a proposed project to create a Construction Materials Nanocenter in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Nanocenter aims to develop nanotechnology infrastructure and production through organizing R&D and technology development. It will provide services and technology support to customers and develop and license 5-7 new technologies or companies per year. The Nanocenter will focus on developing nano-coatings and materials for applications such as transportation, real estate, shipbuilding and more.
MATSITI QUT Pre-service initial literature reviewMATSITI
The document discusses issues related to increasing Indigenous participation in higher education and teaching. It notes that while Indigenous students make up only 1.3% of all university students, their completion rates are lower than average. Key factors influencing retention and success of Indigenous students are discussed, including: ensuring Indigenous perspectives and knowledge are included in coursework; providing social and cultural support through mentoring and understanding local needs; offering timely academic and financial support; and creating a supportive institutional environment through community partnerships and policy.
One-shot Wonder: Integrating Chemical Information Literacy into the CurriculumLinda Galloway
This document discusses integrating chemical information literacy (CIL) instruction more thoroughly into undergraduate chemistry curricula. It proposes aligning CIL learning outcomes to specific chemistry courses and incorporating CIL through guest lectures, library-guided assignments, and multiple library instruction sessions. Barriers include concerns over faculty buy-in and class time. Studies show increased library instruction is associated with higher GPAs. The document outlines challenges in systematic CIL integration and gaining faculty support for the benefits of teaching students to effectively use scientific information resources.
Sergei Bobkov, a Russian secondary school teacher, has developed a unique technique for creating sculptures entirely out of cedar wood chips. He soaks the chips in water for several days and then surgically carves them into intricate shapes, taking around six months to complete each sculpture as he works 10-12 hours per day. Bobkov has only created 11 sculptures so far focusing on wildlife using extensive anatomical research before beginning each piece.
How to make products that don't suck - RISE Austin - Mar 30 2012CompellingPM
Most start-up companies begin with what they think is a brilliant idea and they immediately jump to building the product, and most of these products suck. Creating innovative products that result in market breakthrough requires a process of multiple iterations of discovery that drive you deeper into understanding the market problems and how to solve them with a differentiated solution. Breakthrough products are based upon solving a significant Market Problem with a Product and Business Model that create a competitive advantage and a Market Strategy that motivates buyers to purchases your product. In this session, learn this iterative discovery process that leads to breakthrough products and how to apply it to your own products.
This document outlines the agenda for a marketing class discussion on emerging and social media. It includes discussions on social bookmarking, social sharing, guest speakers on social media strategy, a case study on Coca-Cola's use of Tumblr, and an assignment for students to read and comment on class blogs. Key topics covered are how brands can engage audiences on social news and sharing sites, and how Coca-Cola aims to spread positivity on Tumblr by reposting fun user content.
The VL3 is a prototype virtual language learning lab built on Sintagma dialogue system technology. Sintagma allows for flexible natural language understanding through grammatical analysis. The VL3 features a lexicon of over 1.2 million words classified into 18 lexical categories. It represents language using 8 syntactic categories combined through rules. Specific scenarios are supported through rules incorporating syntactic categories and features, with feedback on agreement errors.
The document discusses the dynamics of same-gender sexual assaults, including that the majority of perpetrators and victims are heterosexual. It notes that same-gender stranger assaults usually involve male perpetrators and male victims, while same-gender acquaintance assaults often involve domestic violence in same-sex relationships. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals experience sexual assault at higher rates than heterosexual individuals. Filing a police report presents challenges like forced "outing." Recovery depends on community support, though fear of further stigma and loss of control can still impact victims. Adolescents exploring sexuality and lesbians assaulted by men face unique concerns.
The document outlines the process of creating an indie rock music magazine. The target audience is identified as males aged 12-18 interested in indie rock music, concerts, and festivals. Research was conducted on magazines like NME and Kerrang to understand codes and conventions for the front cover design. Feedback was gathered throughout the process, which resulted in changes like adhering more closely to typical magazine layouts and ensuring content would not be cut off when printed. The final magazine design incorporated lessons learned from research and feedback.
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The document summarizes a proposed project to create a Construction Materials Nanocenter in St. Petersburg, Russia. The Nanocenter aims to develop nanotechnology infrastructure and production through organizing R&D and technology development. It will provide services and technology support to customers and develop and license 5-7 new technologies or companies per year. The Nanocenter will focus on developing nano-coatings and materials for applications such as transportation, real estate, shipbuilding and more.
MATSITI QUT Pre-service initial literature reviewMATSITI
The document discusses issues related to increasing Indigenous participation in higher education and teaching. It notes that while Indigenous students make up only 1.3% of all university students, their completion rates are lower than average. Key factors influencing retention and success of Indigenous students are discussed, including: ensuring Indigenous perspectives and knowledge are included in coursework; providing social and cultural support through mentoring and understanding local needs; offering timely academic and financial support; and creating a supportive institutional environment through community partnerships and policy.
One-shot Wonder: Integrating Chemical Information Literacy into the CurriculumLinda Galloway
This document discusses integrating chemical information literacy (CIL) instruction more thoroughly into undergraduate chemistry curricula. It proposes aligning CIL learning outcomes to specific chemistry courses and incorporating CIL through guest lectures, library-guided assignments, and multiple library instruction sessions. Barriers include concerns over faculty buy-in and class time. Studies show increased library instruction is associated with higher GPAs. The document outlines challenges in systematic CIL integration and gaining faculty support for the benefits of teaching students to effectively use scientific information resources.
Sergei Bobkov, a Russian secondary school teacher, has developed a unique technique for creating sculptures entirely out of cedar wood chips. He soaks the chips in water for several days and then surgically carves them into intricate shapes, taking around six months to complete each sculpture as he works 10-12 hours per day. Bobkov has only created 11 sculptures so far focusing on wildlife using extensive anatomical research before beginning each piece.
How to make products that don't suck - RISE Austin - Mar 30 2012CompellingPM
Most start-up companies begin with what they think is a brilliant idea and they immediately jump to building the product, and most of these products suck. Creating innovative products that result in market breakthrough requires a process of multiple iterations of discovery that drive you deeper into understanding the market problems and how to solve them with a differentiated solution. Breakthrough products are based upon solving a significant Market Problem with a Product and Business Model that create a competitive advantage and a Market Strategy that motivates buyers to purchases your product. In this session, learn this iterative discovery process that leads to breakthrough products and how to apply it to your own products.
This document outlines the agenda for a marketing class discussion on emerging and social media. It includes discussions on social bookmarking, social sharing, guest speakers on social media strategy, a case study on Coca-Cola's use of Tumblr, and an assignment for students to read and comment on class blogs. Key topics covered are how brands can engage audiences on social news and sharing sites, and how Coca-Cola aims to spread positivity on Tumblr by reposting fun user content.
The VL3 is a prototype virtual language learning lab built on Sintagma dialogue system technology. Sintagma allows for flexible natural language understanding through grammatical analysis. The VL3 features a lexicon of over 1.2 million words classified into 18 lexical categories. It represents language using 8 syntactic categories combined through rules. Specific scenarios are supported through rules incorporating syntactic categories and features, with feedback on agreement errors.
The document discusses the dynamics of same-gender sexual assaults, including that the majority of perpetrators and victims are heterosexual. It notes that same-gender stranger assaults usually involve male perpetrators and male victims, while same-gender acquaintance assaults often involve domestic violence in same-sex relationships. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals experience sexual assault at higher rates than heterosexual individuals. Filing a police report presents challenges like forced "outing." Recovery depends on community support, though fear of further stigma and loss of control can still impact victims. Adolescents exploring sexuality and lesbians assaulted by men face unique concerns.
The document outlines the process of creating an indie rock music magazine. The target audience is identified as males aged 12-18 interested in indie rock music, concerts, and festivals. Research was conducted on magazines like NME and Kerrang to understand codes and conventions for the front cover design. Feedback was gathered throughout the process, which resulted in changes like adhering more closely to typical magazine layouts and ensuring content would not be cut off when printed. The final magazine design incorporated lessons learned from research and feedback.
This document summarizes Bob Dorf's presentation on business models and customer development. It emphasizes that most startups fail due to a lack of customers rather than product failures. It promotes applying a customer development process even for non-startups to test ideas and business models through customer feedback and pivoting. This process involves continuous discovery, validating hypotheses with customers, and adjusting plans based on what customers say, not what founders think.
Singularity University was founded in September 2008 by Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis to educate and inspire leaders about exponentially advancing technologies. The 10-week Graduate Studies Program brings together 80 rising leaders from 35 countries to work on interdisciplinary team projects focusing on grand challenges. Examples of projects include low-cost sensors for the Internet of Things, 3D printing, robotics, synthetic biology, and more. Several companies have been started from SU team projects, including Getaround, ACASA, and Made In Space. Participant feedback highlights themes of using new technologies to address problems like poverty, lack of infrastructure, and more.