Rozdzia "Blogi firmowe" z ksia甜ki "Content marketing po polsku"
Rozdzia "Blogi firmowe autorstwa Dominika Kaznowskiego pochodzcy z ksi甜ki Wydawnictwa Naukowego PWN "Content marketing po polsku. Jak przycign klient坦w." autorstwa Barbary Stawarz. Rozdzia udostpniony dziki uprzejmoci autorki ksi甜ki oraz Wydawnictwa Naukowego PWN. Wicej informacji na
Badanie U纏YTKOWNIKW BLOGW FIRMOWYCH 2015 to pierwsze tego typu badanie w Polsce. Jego celem bya pr坦ba uchwycenia profilu u甜ytkonika korzystajcego z blog坦w firm.
Badanie zrealizowane w dniach od 5 marca do 1 kwietnia 2015 roku. N=279. Wicej informacji na
Wyniki badania polskiej blogosfery firmowej 2009-2011
Prezentacja wynik坦w badania polskiej blogosfery firmowej 2009-2011. Prezentacja przygotowana z myl o przetumaczeniu caoci na jzyk angielski (na co nigdy nie starczyo czasu ;)
This document discusses the vision and function of Bethel as presented in the Bible. It describes Bethel as representing the experience of God both individually and corporately through the church. Bethel is where God speaks and is the house of God. Christ is likened to the drink offering poured out for God's satisfaction and to saturate believers. The function of Bethel is said to be to express Christ corporately through the church as His body. The document also briefly mentions the birth of Benjamin from Rachel and the meanings of his two names.
Rathish Karukayil Chandran provides his contact information and professional summary, noting his goal of adding value to organizations while upgrading his skills. His education includes an MCA from Sri Ram Engineering College and BCA from D.G.Vaishnav College. For work experience, he was a senior software engineer developing mobile applications. His skills include Android, Java, and web services APIs. For projects, he developed applications including an ebook reader, real estate directory, and medical records system. He contributes as an individual developer and helps design user interfaces.
This document contains a list of links to articles and videos about techniques for shooting video on smartphones and other portable devices. Some of the techniques mentioned include timelapses, hyperlapses, slow motion, stop motion, 360 degree rigs, gimbals for stabilization, mounting cameras on animals, and using cameras mounted on helmets or in mirrors for point-of-view shots. The links provide examples and information about creating professional-looking videos using only smartphones and basic equipment.
Catherine Tilley, Director of the McKinsey Knowledge Centre in Wroclaw, Poland, gave a presentation about blogging for leaders. She discussed how McKinsey provides an ideal environment for corporate blogging due to its emphasis on knowledge sharing. She started a blog one year ago to provide updates about the Knowledge Centre and life in Wroclaw. The blog helped address initial suspicions about the Centre, build commitment for a new project, and create a sense of community. Through blogging, Tilley learned that clear communication, reliability, and authentic writing are important for connecting with readers.
Blog Pastwowego Muzeum Etnograficznego w
Prezentacja na temat prowadzenia bloga Muzeum Etnograficznego w Warszawie wygoszona podczas seminarium podsumowujcego wyniki konkursu BLOG FIRMOWY ROKU 2014.
Blogi firmowe a employer branding, czyli jak blogi wpywaj na percepcj
Prezentacja na temat roi blog坦w w budowaniu wizerunku pracodawcy i proces坦w rekrutacyjnych wygoszona przez Agnieszk Guzek z InternetTalents podczas konferencji Social Media Day Poland (2001)
Internet w polskich firmach w wietle bada -
Prezentacja Andrzeja Garapicha, prezesa Polskich Bada Internetu wygoszona podczas Seminarium podsumowujcego wyniki konkursu na BLOG FIRMOWY ROKU 2012. Stycze 2013.
This document discusses the vision and function of Bethel as presented in the Bible. It describes Bethel as representing the experience of God both individually and corporately through the church. Bethel is where God speaks and is the house of God. Christ is likened to the drink offering poured out for God's satisfaction and to saturate believers. The function of Bethel is said to be to express Christ corporately through the church as His body. The document also briefly mentions the birth of Benjamin from Rachel and the meanings of his two names.
Rathish Karukayil Chandran provides his contact information and professional summary, noting his goal of adding value to organizations while upgrading his skills. His education includes an MCA from Sri Ram Engineering College and BCA from D.G.Vaishnav College. For work experience, he was a senior software engineer developing mobile applications. His skills include Android, Java, and web services APIs. For projects, he developed applications including an ebook reader, real estate directory, and medical records system. He contributes as an individual developer and helps design user interfaces.
This document contains a list of links to articles and videos about techniques for shooting video on smartphones and other portable devices. Some of the techniques mentioned include timelapses, hyperlapses, slow motion, stop motion, 360 degree rigs, gimbals for stabilization, mounting cameras on animals, and using cameras mounted on helmets or in mirrors for point-of-view shots. The links provide examples and information about creating professional-looking videos using only smartphones and basic equipment.
Catherine Tilley, Director of the McKinsey Knowledge Centre in Wroclaw, Poland, gave a presentation about blogging for leaders. She discussed how McKinsey provides an ideal environment for corporate blogging due to its emphasis on knowledge sharing. She started a blog one year ago to provide updates about the Knowledge Centre and life in Wroclaw. The blog helped address initial suspicions about the Centre, build commitment for a new project, and create a sense of community. Through blogging, Tilley learned that clear communication, reliability, and authentic writing are important for connecting with readers.
Blog Pastwowego Muzeum Etnograficznego w
Prezentacja na temat prowadzenia bloga Muzeum Etnograficznego w Warszawie wygoszona podczas seminarium podsumowujcego wyniki konkursu BLOG FIRMOWY ROKU 2014.
Blogi firmowe a employer branding, czyli jak blogi wpywaj na percepcj
Prezentacja na temat roi blog坦w w budowaniu wizerunku pracodawcy i proces坦w rekrutacyjnych wygoszona przez Agnieszk Guzek z InternetTalents podczas konferencji Social Media Day Poland (2001)
Internet w polskich firmach w wietle bada -
Prezentacja Andrzeja Garapicha, prezesa Polskich Bada Internetu wygoszona podczas Seminarium podsumowujcego wyniki konkursu na BLOG FIRMOWY ROKU 2012. Stycze 2013.
Prezentacja wygoszona przez Karola Wieczorka, rzecznika prasowego Netia, na temat prowadzenia bloga korporacyjnego marki Netia. Seminarium podsumowujce wyniki konkursu na BLOG FIRMOWY ROKU 2012.
Wyniki badania polskiej blogosfery firmowej
Wyniki badania blogosfery firmowej w Polsce. Prezentacja z Social Media Day Poland we Wrocawiu.
Oryginalna prezentacja:
(przeniesiona na dedykowany kana BF na slideshare)
22. u甜ytkownicy miesicznie: od ok. 200 (2012) do 2 000 (2014)
ponad 25% powracajcych
2,5 min to redni czas spdzony na blogu
23. Jak zrobi kaw w kawiarce
30 541 wywietle, 152 komentarze
Dripper-dobry spos坦b na kaw
8 510 wywietle, 11 komentarzy
Jak zrobi dobre espresso, czyli kawowe niebo i pieko 6 850 wywietle, 16 komentarzy
najpopularniejsze treci
24. interaktywno
10 20 komentarzy miesicznie
zakup sprztu
porady dla innych czytelnik坦w
wyb坦r kawy
25. wzrost liczby u甜ytkownik坦w sklepu:
2011 2012: 40%
2012 2013: 60%
2013 2014: 80%
wzrost liczby zam坦wie:
2011 2012: 50%
2012 2013: 300%
2013 2014: ok. 200%
26. wyzwania, plany
czstsze publikacje
wicej zdj, wideo
obecno i promocja bloga w serwisach spoecznociowych
przebudowa sklepu
27. Wojciech Machowski
Good Coffee
speciality coffee micro roasters
Flickr (Creative Commons),,,