This power point file presented by Dr. Greg Acciaioli, an anthropologist from the University of Western Australia in Seminar Week Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. He gave his perspective as Dr. Nicholas' supervisor and as an anthropologist after read "The Entangled State" (English version from "Negara vs Santet" - translated version).
Electric vehicle charging stationVishwaradhyaBhantanoExecutive summary of Electric vehicle charging station for business plan presentation in ICAR-NAARM and this was written by referring some of the business running models in abroad.
Tendencias 2020: Las diez áreas que más van a cambiar en nuestras bibliotecasJulián MarquinaEl pasado día 15 de octubre tuve el placer de participar en la mesa “Tendencias 2020: Las diez áreas que más van a cambiar en nuestras bibliotecas”, celebrada dentro de las 3as. Jornadas de Bibliotecas de Extremadura, como presentador de la misma y rodeado de grandes profesionales como Lorena Gómez, Cristina Novoa y Honorio Penadés.
Quantum Teachingtaytay09Quantum teaching is a philosophy that focuses on creating an engaging learning environment and presenting content in ways that allow students to take responsibility for their own learning. It has five tenets, including ensuring that everything in the classroom conveys an important message about learning. A Quantum classroom also has clear agreements, policies, procedures, and principles known as the 8 Keys of Excellence to guide student behavior and establish a supportive learning community. The teacher aims to orchestrate all elements of the classroom environment, content delivery, and life skills training to maximize student engagement and success.
Renaissance Humanismwilliam_viaThe document discusses several key aspects of Renaissance Humanism:
1) It promoted individualism, worldliness, learning, and a focus on antiquity and reform.
2) Several pieces of art are mentioned that exemplify Renaissance humanist ideals, including works by Raphael, Massys, da Vinci, Durer, and Brueghel.
3) Several documents from historical figures are summarized, including writings by Pico, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Erasmus, More, Vives, Columbus, Rabelais, that discuss humanist concepts of man's dignity, learning from history and philosophy, and skepticism of established institutions.
IL CORPO PARLA… e il tuo cosa dice? - 4° incontro del CorsoLorenzo Capello4° incontro del Corso: IL CORPO PARLA… e il tuo cosa dice?
Titolo: Diagnosi, cura, prevenzione e significati causali dei disturbi osteo-artro-mio-facciali
Corso in 7 incontri interattivi tenuto presso il Centro Studi di Olismologia
By hasan sherHaxan SherCr.PC , F.I.R, Investigation, Inquiry, Trial, framing of charge, bailable non bailable offenc, cognizable non cognizable, bail, law, Criminal procedure code,
Motivating studentsPeter FenrichIn this presentation, we discuss the ARCS motivation model and how it can be applied to address the attributes of attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. You will be asked to reflect on your own experiences and how the model applies to your own classes.
Climate Change: Its danger for our production and why it escapes our predictionMuki Trenggono WicaksonoOur planet earth has a unique but complicated climate that presently is changing due to the influence that mankind’s activities appear to have on the composition of its atmosphere. There is general and widely held scientific consensus that the observed trends in atmospheric
and ocean temperature as well as climate extremes during the last century cannot be
explained solely by natural climate processes. From worldwide observations WMO (World
Meteorological Organization) concluded a long time ago that our planet is warming up. This
has to be considered a fact. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), using
collected measurements of carbon dioxide, showed that it has increased from the start of the
industrial revolution, but that changes in land use have also played an important role. From
1960 till 2010 the average increase is estimated to have been less than a degree Celsius (0.7
ºC), while it was 0.85 ºC since 1880. The projection for the next 50 years is in the order of
one degree Celsius, with the emissions kept within the range of the IPCC scenarios.
It is generally accepted that, if for this century the temperature increase can be limited to 2
ºC, the damages will remain much more limited than when the scenarios give a 4 ºC increase
at the end of this century. Quantitative knowledge is helping us to find our way to policies
serving the purpose of adapting to the consequences of climate change. In the case of
temperature increases, for Arabica coffee in Tanzania and Apples in India, a solution could
be to go to higher, still colder grounds, although this disrupts living conditions and
biodiversity patterns. But if we think about the lowland tropics, there is no way out apart
from crop diversification and finding more heat tolerant varieties. This is abundantly
illustrated with rice in Indonesia and elsewhere, as well as maize in Africa and elsewhere. To
these effects of global warming, we have to add those from increasing climate variability and
more (and often more severe) extreme meteorological and climatological extreme events.
Examples from forestry and fisheries complement the picture of large scale upheavals of an
endangered production due to these consequences of climate change.
We must further note that since the very end of the previous century, the rate of global
warming has reduced by at least half of the rate in the last 50 years of that previous century.
This has been baptized “the hiatus”, a lack of continuity in the upgoing trend of global
temperature. So climate change rates reduce. Is this going to change our thinking? Many
explanations may actually be involved, including many oceanic and atmospheric processes.
But we have no clue about the ratios of their contributions, while the complexities are
enormous. However, we know so much less about how the sea surface temperatures are
determined by currents and deep waves than we understand on the atmospheric resultants.
Acciaioli et al asaa 2014 paper v5 jc_RegionalismMuki Trenggono WicaksonoThis power point file prepared by Dr. Greg Acciaioli, an anthropologist from the University of Western Australia in "Regionalism in State and non-State Perspective" seminar on Seminar Week Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, September 10th 2014. He shared his findings from ethnography research in Sulu Zone, the area termed by James Francis Warren. In this presentation, Acciaioli was showing to the audience how social exclusion happen in stateless local community in the area Borneo, Sulawesi, and the Southern Philippines. This presentation are showing to the audience about autocritic while the countries in Southeast Asia have campaign to build ASEAN Community 2015.
Quantum Teachingtaytay09Quantum teaching is a philosophy that focuses on creating an engaging learning environment and presenting content in ways that allow students to take responsibility for their own learning. It has five tenets, including ensuring that everything in the classroom conveys an important message about learning. A Quantum classroom also has clear agreements, policies, procedures, and principles known as the 8 Keys of Excellence to guide student behavior and establish a supportive learning community. The teacher aims to orchestrate all elements of the classroom environment, content delivery, and life skills training to maximize student engagement and success.
Renaissance Humanismwilliam_viaThe document discusses several key aspects of Renaissance Humanism:
1) It promoted individualism, worldliness, learning, and a focus on antiquity and reform.
2) Several pieces of art are mentioned that exemplify Renaissance humanist ideals, including works by Raphael, Massys, da Vinci, Durer, and Brueghel.
3) Several documents from historical figures are summarized, including writings by Pico, Petrarch, Shakespeare, Erasmus, More, Vives, Columbus, Rabelais, that discuss humanist concepts of man's dignity, learning from history and philosophy, and skepticism of established institutions.
IL CORPO PARLA… e il tuo cosa dice? - 4° incontro del CorsoLorenzo Capello4° incontro del Corso: IL CORPO PARLA… e il tuo cosa dice?
Titolo: Diagnosi, cura, prevenzione e significati causali dei disturbi osteo-artro-mio-facciali
Corso in 7 incontri interattivi tenuto presso il Centro Studi di Olismologia
By hasan sherHaxan SherCr.PC , F.I.R, Investigation, Inquiry, Trial, framing of charge, bailable non bailable offenc, cognizable non cognizable, bail, law, Criminal procedure code,
Motivating studentsPeter FenrichIn this presentation, we discuss the ARCS motivation model and how it can be applied to address the attributes of attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. You will be asked to reflect on your own experiences and how the model applies to your own classes.
Climate Change: Its danger for our production and why it escapes our predictionMuki Trenggono WicaksonoOur planet earth has a unique but complicated climate that presently is changing due to the influence that mankind’s activities appear to have on the composition of its atmosphere. There is general and widely held scientific consensus that the observed trends in atmospheric
and ocean temperature as well as climate extremes during the last century cannot be
explained solely by natural climate processes. From worldwide observations WMO (World
Meteorological Organization) concluded a long time ago that our planet is warming up. This
has to be considered a fact. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), using
collected measurements of carbon dioxide, showed that it has increased from the start of the
industrial revolution, but that changes in land use have also played an important role. From
1960 till 2010 the average increase is estimated to have been less than a degree Celsius (0.7
ºC), while it was 0.85 ºC since 1880. The projection for the next 50 years is in the order of
one degree Celsius, with the emissions kept within the range of the IPCC scenarios.
It is generally accepted that, if for this century the temperature increase can be limited to 2
ºC, the damages will remain much more limited than when the scenarios give a 4 ºC increase
at the end of this century. Quantitative knowledge is helping us to find our way to policies
serving the purpose of adapting to the consequences of climate change. In the case of
temperature increases, for Arabica coffee in Tanzania and Apples in India, a solution could
be to go to higher, still colder grounds, although this disrupts living conditions and
biodiversity patterns. But if we think about the lowland tropics, there is no way out apart
from crop diversification and finding more heat tolerant varieties. This is abundantly
illustrated with rice in Indonesia and elsewhere, as well as maize in Africa and elsewhere. To
these effects of global warming, we have to add those from increasing climate variability and
more (and often more severe) extreme meteorological and climatological extreme events.
Examples from forestry and fisheries complement the picture of large scale upheavals of an
endangered production due to these consequences of climate change.
We must further note that since the very end of the previous century, the rate of global
warming has reduced by at least half of the rate in the last 50 years of that previous century.
This has been baptized “the hiatus”, a lack of continuity in the upgoing trend of global
temperature. So climate change rates reduce. Is this going to change our thinking? Many
explanations may actually be involved, including many oceanic and atmospheric processes.
But we have no clue about the ratios of their contributions, while the complexities are
enormous. However, we know so much less about how the sea surface temperatures are
determined by currents and deep waves than we understand on the atmospheric resultants.
Acciaioli et al asaa 2014 paper v5 jc_RegionalismMuki Trenggono WicaksonoThis power point file prepared by Dr. Greg Acciaioli, an anthropologist from the University of Western Australia in "Regionalism in State and non-State Perspective" seminar on Seminar Week Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, September 10th 2014. He shared his findings from ethnography research in Sulu Zone, the area termed by James Francis Warren. In this presentation, Acciaioli was showing to the audience how social exclusion happen in stateless local community in the area Borneo, Sulawesi, and the Southern Philippines. This presentation are showing to the audience about autocritic while the countries in Southeast Asia have campaign to build ASEAN Community 2015.
Hutan adat kab.kerinci 2015Muki Trenggono WicaksonoDokumen tersebut merupakan ringkasan dari penelitian mengenai hutan adat di Kabupaten Kerinci, Sumatra Barat. Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang luas hutan adat di Kabupaten Kerinci, asal usul, lembaga pengelola, dan peraturan adat beberapa hutan adat di sana. Dokumen tersebut juga memberikan rekomendasi untuk riset dan kegiatan lebih lanjut mengenai pengelolaan hutan-hutan adat di daerah terse
Hutan Adat Kab.Kerinci_2015Muki Trenggono WicaksonoDokumen tersebut merangkum hasil penelitian mengenai hutan adat di Kabupaten Kerinci, Jawa Tengah. Terdapat delapan kasus hutan adat yang telah diidentifikasi dengan luasan total 2.398,14 hektar. Dokumen ini membahas proses pengukuhan hutan adat, peraturan adat yang mendukung pengelolaannya, serta berbagai aktor dan dinamika sosial yang terkait.
Pemetaan sosial eyas-2 desember 2015Muki Trenggono WicaksonoDokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemetaan sosial sebagai pendekatan untuk mempelajari kehidupan masyarakat setempat secara partisipatif. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur sosial, sistem tenurial tanah, dan hubungan masyarakat dengan hutan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan diskusi kelompok. Hasil pemetaan sosial bermanfaat untuk pengakuan masyarakat hukum adat dan penataan bat
Memahami produk hukum daerah sebagai medium resolusi konflik di kawasan kehut...Muki Trenggono WicaksonoTelaah produk hukum daerah sebagai medium resolusi konflik pada beberapa kawasan hutan di Indonesia.
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5. TThhee AAnntthhrrooppoollooggiissaattiioonn
CCrraasshh ccoouurrssee iinn lleeggaall aanntthhrrooppoollooggyy aanndd
eetthhnnooggrraapphhiicc aannaallyyssiiss
OOnnee--oonn--oonnee ttuuttoorriiaallss aafftteerr rreeaaddiinnggss iinn ccllaassssiiccss
ooff lleeggaall aanntthhrrooppoollooggyy aanndd mmoorree ggeenneerraall
NNiicckk’’ss ssyynntthheessiiss: ‘A Din of Whispers:
Community, State Control and Violence in
Indonesia’ (submitted 2007)
Australian Anthropological Society PhD thesis prize
6. EExxaammiinneerrss:: RRoobbeerrtt HHeeffnneerr
The interviews which provide the primary source of data
for the author’s argument are compelling, the data
collected are fascinating and rich, and the specific
argument as to who carried out the violence (local
villagers, the author shows, not armed-forces
conspirators) and why (villagers in Banyuwangi district
take sorcery quite seriously, and sanction the killing of
sorcerers) struck this reader as convincing. As a
contribution to the study of a particularly notorious
incident of violence in the early post-Soeharto period,
then, this is a significant, welcome, and highly original
7. OOtthheerr eexxaammiinneerrss ffrroomm oouuttssiiddee AAnntthhrrooppoollooggyy
Greg Barton (Political Scientist):
This is a truly outstanding PhD thesis. It is generally
very well written but more importantly it makes a very
significant, original contribution to our body of
knowledge at two levels.
Robert Cribb (Historian):
The thesis is a fine example of effective fieldwork
deployed to generate conclusions that are of
considerable broader significance. The candidate is
also to be congratulated for his intellectual and
practical courage in investigating a topic (sorcery)
which puts him outside the mainstream of
anthropological research…