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IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
Torgeir Waterhouse
Direkt淡r internett og nye medier
also hits the pecha kucha format
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
School's out for summer(?)
photo: aerokay / http://aerokay.deviantart.com/art/Alice-Cooper-Wallpaper-236009268
Writer(s): Glen Buxton, Michael Bruce,Alice Cooper, Neal A. Smith, Dennis Dunaway
Copyright: Ezra Music, Ezra Music Corp.,Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.,Third Palm Music
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
Since 2000, 52 percent of the companies
in the Fortune 500 have either gone
bankrupt, been acquired or ceased to exist
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
In the future doctors might prescribe tablets
to play on rather than tablets to swallow

 Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when everything changes we
must change education and learning!
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
You have all these rules,
and you think theyll save you!

Some rights reserved by Luke M. Schierholz
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
photo: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haugenstua_skole
Change - when everything changes we must change education and learning!
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
School's out with fever
photo: aerokay / http://aerokay.deviantart.com/art/Alice-Cooper-Wallpaper-236009268
Writer(s): Glen Buxton, Michael Bruce,Alice Cooper, Neal A. Smith, Dennis Dunaway
Copyright: Ezra Music, Ezra Music Corp.,Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.,Third Palm Music
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
giving a kid a science textbook is like giving them
a game manual without the game
James Paul Gee
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
facts vs.
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
understanding & creativity
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
School's out completely
photo: aerokay / http://aerokay.deviantart.com/art/Alice-Cooper-Wallpaper-236009268
Writer(s): Glen Buxton, Michael Bruce,Alice Cooper, Neal A. Smith, Dennis Dunaway
Copyright: Ezra Music, Ezra Music Corp.,Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.,Third Palm Music
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
What If We Taught Art The Way We Teach Math?
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
We start by showing students all the colors, not to play
with, but to memorize.
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
Then, after a few years of that, we give them two or
three colors and permit them to only paint straight
lines over and over until they've mastered them.
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
Then we work on arcs and then other curved lines for
a few years. Finally, after many years of this sort of
drilling, we move on to shapes where we drill some
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
Then comes more repetitive drilling on colors, color
mixing, composition, until 鍖nally, after many tedious
years, the art student, now at a university, is 鍖nally
permitted to actually create something of his own.
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
Oh, and never, ever take a peek at someone else's paper.
It's a ridiculous, backwards idea, but in a very real sense,
this is exactly how we attempt to teach math.
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
I do know that math learning can and should be a joyful,
fully human experience, one, like art, that is not discrete
from the rest of the world, but woven through
everything we do, yet we are producing generation after
generation of young adults who "hate" math.
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
This is not a problem with people or math, it is clearly a
problem with how we expect children to learn it.
so says Teacher Tom
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces
photo: aerokay / http://aerokay.deviantart.com/art/Alice-Cooper-Wallpaper-236009268
Writer(s): Glen Buxton, Michael Bruce,Alice Cooper, Neal A. Smith, Dennis Dunaway
Copyright: Ezra Music, Ezra Music Corp.,Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.,Third Palm Music
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get:
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
problem solving
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
intuitive learning
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
continuous assessment
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
self esteem
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
social skills
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
strategic planning
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
risk taking
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
trial and error
when you 鍖ip the classroom and
introduce gaming & coding you get!heavily inspired by the legendary Ian Livingstone
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
IT-n脱ringens interesseorganisasjon ikt-norge.no
Torgeir Waterhouse
Direkt淡r internett og nye medier

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Celine George

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