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Kymberly Chavez 1720 Ashmore Ave; Chattanooga, TN 37415
Home: (423) 505-8724chavezkym@gmail.com
Page 1 of 2
High-energy Performance Improvement/Training professional with over 28 years practical specialization in effective Performance
Improvement, Instructional Design and Organizational Development techniques that produce ROI, efficiency and productivity.  Excellent
interpersonaland presentation skills, effective communicator & creative hands-on style Enthusiastic and accomplishedchange agent;adept at
reorienting and improving organizational processes, technicaltraining and leadership development.  DDI,Dale Carnegie, Achieve Global and
IBTA Certified  Dynamic, organized self-starterAbilityto influence without authority Thrive in a fast-paced and collaborativeenvironment
__________________________________________EDUCATION _________________________________
MBA, Business Administration
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor; Belton, TX
B.S., Management and Organizations
Indiana University; Bloomington, IN
Professional Certificate in Human Resource Administration
Florida International University; Miami, FL
________________________________ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ____________________________
Performance Improvement and Training
Worked with various companies and colleges as an instructor (onlineand on-campus) and as an instructionaldesigner on a direct-hire, part-timeand contract basis.
*DaleCarnegieTraining- Salesand Instruction (CertifiedSales Professional- TopGraduate)
*Nissan- Corporate HQ. Smyrna and other locations- EssentialsSkillsSeries- 25 topics
*On-retainerwith NashvilleStateforInstructional Design and delivering training
*Boost Mobile- Marketing and SalesTraining aswell asmulti-location franchiseowner
Dean of Faculty- Chattanooga, Dalton and Atlanta
Directed the teaching, development and research efforts of 45 faculty members on three campuses for six major Undergraduate programs and two
Graduate programs.  Served as the Institutional Director for the Chattanooga Campus and Atlanta campus to ensure compliance with all state
and federal regulations.  Advised students academically.  Enforced honorcode and adjudicate when needed.  Supported the campus
recruiting and student services initiative in all actions. Taught at least a half-load per fiscal year.
Director of Training/Employee Development - VW Training Academy
Leader on a teamof 15 that conducted needsanalysis,designed,developed and implemented all the training for Volkswagen team members to
include: 18 weeks of technicaltraining for Skilled Maintenance team members, 84 hours of training for Team Leaders,40 hours ofleadership
training for supervisorsand the Orientation Common Core (5 day session)for2,000 production teammembers, skilled team, specialists and
managers.  Mapped the learning paths for 2,000 Volkswagen positions with learning solutions to include CBT, self-paced mentor,tandem, and
coaching learningPersonally facilitated the Orientation Common Core for 1,020 VW Team Members Designed,facilitated and monitored the
Team Leader Development Curriculum, graduating more than 60 production and skilled team members for 84 training hours percycle Conducted
needs analysis survey and developed a company-wide programfor teambuilding to address teamdeficiencies Facilitated 16 teambuilding
sessions across different departmentswithin VW Chattanooga Operations Certified to deliver the VW Way 14-day Supervisory Development
program, 11-day Leadership License and Supervisory Assessment Center (3 day)for all team leaders seeking their license to become a supervisor
currently piloting the programwith the first 10 Supervisory candidatesHelped manage and establish procedures to utilize the $16M State of
Tennessee grantto launch the Chattanooga OperationAssistedthe sourcing,funding and establishment ofthe LMS to allow teammembers to enroll
themselves in CBT, off-campus and on-campus trainingCreated and managed a German Language program open to all teammembers integrating
Rosetta Stone Web Training-trained 300 team members up to a CEFR Level 1BAssisted the creation ofan online room booking systemto manage
the classrooms for the 153,000 square foot VW Training Academy and Lean Manufacturing facility as well as the 10,000 square foot Conference
CenterEstablished and monitored KPIs for OJT, OFOJT and Instructor/RoomUtilization on a monthly basis. Facilitated 20 sessions for
supervisors,assistant managers,managers and executives covering:Communication, Coaching,Performance Appraisals,Managing Performance.
Kymberly Chavez 1720 Ashmore Ave; Chattanooga, TN 37415
Home: (423) 505-8724chavezkym@gmail.com
Page 2 of 2
Director of Training/Employee Development
Successfully established, directed and executed performance improvement, training and development function in a $50Mcommunity college. 
Responsible fordirection of all project teams for design,development and delivery ofall instructionaland non-instructionalperformance based
interventions Conferred with President and Presidents Cabinet to develop and administeron-going needs analysis to determine training needs and
development opportunities for700 employees at Chattanooga State Supervise alltraining staffto include contract trainersLaunched a college-
wide Customer Service Awareness initiative to increase customer-centric behaviorDeveloped a year-long leadership programcombining in-class
work, tandem learning partners,mentortraining and community project work for 30 Director-level staffmembers Developed on-going customized,
on-site training solutions within various departments in the college as well as the Business and Community Development Center and over 20
regional companiesManaged the training budget and increased income streamto college by 30%.Developed and delivered a 5-week community
leadership module for the City of Chattanooga fortheirgrassroots leaders-graduated 50leaders-one is nowa local councilpersonDesigned,
developed and delivered a management development programforleaders in Hamilton County Government over three years-graduated60-one is now
the Chief HR officer for State of Tennessee IBTA Certified. DDI Certified Facilitator. Achieve Global Certified.
Adjunct Professor& Training DesignConsultant 1997-Present
Worked with various colleges and companies as instructor (onlineand on-campus) and as an instructionaldesigner on a direct-hire, part-timeand contract basis.
*DELMAR COLLEGE Corpus Christi, TX
UNITED STATES ARMY, Variousduty posts 1988-1999
Battalion Operations/Training Officer (S3) Rank: Captain
Certified as a US Army Finance and Air Defense Officer. Established, controlled and audited all finance and accounting systems to include
payroll management and cash control. Training officer leading a 9-person team responsible for developing, programming, teaching and
assessing all levels of training for a 500-person unit Received the Volunteer of the Year Award from Marlboro Elementary and III Corps and Fort
Hood Volunteer of the Year by the Commanding General of III Corps and Fort Hood. Designed,organized and managed a unique community
outreach programcalled Adopt-A-School. Responsible forall press releases and community announcements. Programnominated for the National
Excellence in Education Award for volunteerservice.
SPECIAL SKILLS: Certified Grief/Loss Specialist, Advanced Word, PowerPoint; proficient with Excel, MS Outlook and most otherbusiness
software packages; Visio, Banner, E-mail, Internet, HTML, LMS Administration. DDI, IBTA, Achieve Global Certified. High Impact
Presentations,Dale Carnegie Leadership and Relationship Sales Credentialed. Dale Carnegie Trainer.

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  • 1. Kymberly Chavez 1720 Ashmore Ave; Chattanooga, TN 37415 Home: (423) 505-8724chavezkym@gmail.com Page 1 of 2 High-energy Performance Improvement/Training professional with over 28 years practical specialization in effective Performance Improvement, Instructional Design and Organizational Development techniques that produce ROI, efficiency and productivity. Excellent interpersonaland presentation skills, effective communicator & creative hands-on style Enthusiastic and accomplishedchange agent;adept at reorienting and improving organizational processes, technicaltraining and leadership development. DDI,Dale Carnegie, Achieve Global and IBTA Certified Dynamic, organized self-starterAbilityto influence without authority Thrive in a fast-paced and collaborativeenvironment __________________________________________EDUCATION _________________________________ MBA, Business Administration University of Mary Hardin-Baylor; Belton, TX B.S., Management and Organizations Indiana University; Bloomington, IN Professional Certificate in Human Resource Administration Florida International University; Miami, FL ________________________________ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ____________________________ CAPTAIN KYM PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT 2015-Present Performance Improvement and Training Worked with various companies and colleges as an instructor (onlineand on-campus) and as an instructionaldesigner on a direct-hire, part-timeand contract basis. *DaleCarnegieTraining- Salesand Instruction (CertifiedSales Professional- TopGraduate) *Nissan- Corporate HQ. Smyrna and other locations- EssentialsSkillsSeries- 25 topics *On-retainerwith NashvilleStateforInstructional Design and delivering training *Boost Mobile- Marketing and SalesTraining aswell asmulti-location franchiseowner BELHAVEN UNIVERSITY 2012-2015 Dean of Faculty- Chattanooga, Dalton and Atlanta Directed the teaching, development and research efforts of 45 faculty members on three campuses for six major Undergraduate programs and two Graduate programs. Served as the Institutional Director for the Chattanooga Campus and Atlanta campus to ensure compliance with all state and federal regulations. Advised students academically. Enforced honorcode and adjudicate when needed. Supported the campus recruiting and student services initiative in all actions. Taught at least a half-load per fiscal year. VOLKSWAGEN TRAINING ACADEMY/CHATTANOOGA STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE 2009-2012 Director of Training/Employee Development - VW Training Academy Leader on a teamof 15 that conducted needsanalysis,designed,developed and implemented all the training for Volkswagen team members to include: 18 weeks of technicaltraining for Skilled Maintenance team members, 84 hours of training for Team Leaders,40 hours ofleadership training for supervisorsand the Orientation Common Core (5 day session)for2,000 production teammembers, skilled team, specialists and managers. Mapped the learning paths for 2,000 Volkswagen positions with learning solutions to include CBT, self-paced mentor,tandem, and coaching learningPersonally facilitated the Orientation Common Core for 1,020 VW Team Members Designed,facilitated and monitored the Team Leader Development Curriculum, graduating more than 60 production and skilled team members for 84 training hours percycle Conducted needs analysis survey and developed a company-wide programfor teambuilding to address teamdeficiencies Facilitated 16 teambuilding sessions across different departmentswithin VW Chattanooga Operations Certified to deliver the VW Way 14-day Supervisory Development program, 11-day Leadership License and Supervisory Assessment Center (3 day)for all team leaders seeking their license to become a supervisor currently piloting the programwith the first 10 Supervisory candidatesHelped manage and establish procedures to utilize the $16M State of Tennessee grantto launch the Chattanooga OperationAssistedthe sourcing,funding and establishment ofthe LMS to allow teammembers to enroll themselves in CBT, off-campus and on-campus trainingCreated and managed a German Language program open to all teammembers integrating Rosetta Stone Web Training-trained 300 team members up to a CEFR Level 1BAssisted the creation ofan online room booking systemto manage the classrooms for the 153,000 square foot VW Training Academy and Lean Manufacturing facility as well as the 10,000 square foot Conference CenterEstablished and monitored KPIs for OJT, OFOJT and Instructor/RoomUtilization on a monthly basis. Facilitated 20 sessions for supervisors,assistant managers,managers and executives covering:Communication, Coaching,Performance Appraisals,Managing Performance.
  • 2. Kymberly Chavez 1720 Ashmore Ave; Chattanooga, TN 37415 Home: (423) 505-8724chavezkym@gmail.com Page 2 of 2 CHATTANOOGA STATE COLLEGE, Chattanooga,TN 2006-2009 Director of Training/Employee Development Successfully established, directed and executed performance improvement, training and development function in a $50Mcommunity college. Responsible fordirection of all project teams for design,development and delivery ofall instructionaland non-instructionalperformance based interventions Conferred with President and Presidents Cabinet to develop and administeron-going needs analysis to determine training needs and development opportunities for700 employees at Chattanooga State Supervise alltraining staffto include contract trainersLaunched a college- wide Customer Service Awareness initiative to increase customer-centric behaviorDeveloped a year-long leadership programcombining in-class work, tandem learning partners,mentortraining and community project work for 30 Director-level staffmembers Developed on-going customized, on-site training solutions within various departments in the college as well as the Business and Community Development Center and over 20 regional companiesManaged the training budget and increased income streamto college by 30%.Developed and delivered a 5-week community leadership module for the City of Chattanooga fortheirgrassroots leaders-graduated 50leaders-one is nowa local councilpersonDesigned, developed and delivered a management development programforleaders in Hamilton County Government over three years-graduated60-one is now the Chief HR officer for State of Tennessee IBTA Certified. DDI Certified Facilitator. Achieve Global Certified. Adjunct Professor& Training DesignConsultant 1997-Present Worked with various colleges and companies as instructor (onlineand on-campus) and as an instructionaldesigner on a direct-hire, part-timeand contract basis. *KAPLAN UNIVERSITYONLINE Fort Lauderdale, FL *COVENANTCOLLEGE/BELHAVEN UNIVERSITY Chattanooga, TN *STLEO UNIVERSITYONLINE Saint Leo, FL *DELMAR COLLEGE Corpus Christi, TX *VICTORIA COLLEGE Victoria, TX * FLORIDA COLLEGE OF NATURALHEALTH/AMERICAN FLYERS COLLEGE Fort Lauderdale, FL *BARRYUNIVERSITY Miami Shores, FL UNITED STATES ARMY, Variousduty posts 1988-1999 Battalion Operations/Training Officer (S3) Rank: Captain Certified as a US Army Finance and Air Defense Officer. Established, controlled and audited all finance and accounting systems to include payroll management and cash control. Training officer leading a 9-person team responsible for developing, programming, teaching and assessing all levels of training for a 500-person unit Received the Volunteer of the Year Award from Marlboro Elementary and III Corps and Fort Hood Volunteer of the Year by the Commanding General of III Corps and Fort Hood. Designed,organized and managed a unique community outreach programcalled Adopt-A-School. Responsible forall press releases and community announcements. Programnominated for the National Excellence in Education Award for volunteerservice. SPECIAL SKILLS: Certified Grief/Loss Specialist, Advanced Word, PowerPoint; proficient with Excel, MS Outlook and most otherbusiness software packages; Visio, Banner, E-mail, Internet, HTML, LMS Administration. DDI, IBTA, Achieve Global Certified. High Impact Presentations,Dale Carnegie Leadership and Relationship Sales Credentialed. Dale Carnegie Trainer.