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Chiari Malformation
Dr.Usman Haqqani
Resident Neurosurgery B
Case scenerio
 A 34 year old female presents to the opd
with progressive weakness in both her
arms associated with intermittent bilateral
shoulder pain .She has not noticed any
functional impairment and is still working
normally.On further asking she admits she
has intermittent headaches over the lower
occipital area and aggravates with
coughing and sneezing.
 On physical examination, she has no
neurologic de鍖cits other than
 Reduced of sensitivity to hot and cold
sensation over her arms
 Numbness and tingling over arms
 Loss of muscle strength in her right
shoulder and hand which could not be
appreciated very clearly.
History based differential diagnosis
Operative Intervention
Post op day 4
Review in Opd at 6 months
 Power Right arm had improved from 4/5 to
 No occipital headaches with coughing and
 No other neurological deficit
 Chiari malformations are pathological
herniations of the hindbrain through the
foramen magnum and into the cervical spinal
 1890s  Hans Chiari, pathologist described
four congenital malformations
 Majority are congenital; but can be acquired
as well  secondary CIM
Different subtypes..
 Chiari O
 posterior fossa appear crowded
 No herniation
 large syrrinx that resolve with posterior fossa
 Chiari I
 caudal displacement of cerebellar tonsils > 5mm below
the foramen magnum
 Sign and symptoms commonly present in adulthood.
 may or may not have syrinx but are usually associated
with syrinx
 HCP in 10-20 % cases
 Chiari II
 caudal migration of cerebellar vermis
 almost always occurs in patients with neural tube
defects (myelomeningocele and encephalocele)
 syrinx is common
 HCP in 90% cases
 Chiari III
 rare and extreme form of hindbrain hernia
 <1% occurrence
 has low occipital and high cervical sacs containing
significant portions of the cerebellum and brainstem.
 Hydrocephalus is common and severe
neurological and developmental problems present
 Chiari IV
 cerebellar hypoplasia or aplasia
 not a form of hindbrain hernia
 its inclusion is hence debatable
Chiari I Malformation
 Theory: Difficulty in rapidly equilibriating the CSF
pressure wave seen during the Valsalva maneuver
 Prolonged intracranial hypertension relative to
intraspinal compartment  downward migration of
the cerebellar tonsils  obstruction of normal CSF
flow from 4th ventricle to cervical subarachnoid
space  CIM
 Obstruction of Foramen of Magendie by
arachnoid veils or septation might also lead to the
 Conditions artificially lowering the
intraspinal pressure relative to ICP like
lumboperitoneal shunt 
 Some derailment on chromosomes 9 and
Clinical Presentation
 S&S related to brainstem compression
 S&S related to cerebellar compression
 S&S related to spinal cord dysfunction
secondary to syringomyelia
Clinical Presentations..
 Non radicular occipital or cervical pain
 Dysesthesias in the C2 dermatome
 Neckpain and headache - exacerbated on
exertion or by coughing or sneezing (valsalva
 Non verbal children  irritability, crying, failure
to thrive, opisthotonos
 MRI  Craniovertebral junction and entire
spinal cord
 50-75% patients have syringomyeliasyrinx
 CT  bony abnormality; plain films for
evaluating stability issues
 Dynamic MRI (cine MRI)  for CSF flow
around the CVJ
 Treatment is different for symptomatic and non
syptomatic patients
 No medical treatment
 Observation in asymptomatic patients without an
associated syrinx
 Surgery: for symptomatic patients and
asymptomatic patients with syrinx
 10% patients with CIM  associated
 CSF diversionary shunt or ETV as the
initial form of therapy
 Symptomatic ventral compression out
of proportion to dorsal compression
 ventral decompression (transoral
odontoid resection)
 Most common surgical procedure: Posterior
fossa decompression
 Goal: enlarge posterior fossa to recreate
cisterna magna, thereby permitting normal flow
of CSF
 Syrinx decrease in size and does not require
direct Rx in majority after this
Posterior fossa decompression..
 Prone position and neck flexed
 Incision from below inion to the spinous process of
 Avascular plane (nuchal ligament) b/t paraspinous
muscles followed down to bone and subperiosteal
dissection performed
 Moderate suboccipital craniectomy, width of the
foramen magnum followed by removal of posterior
arch of atlas
Posterior fossa decompression..
 Dura opened
 Arachnoid adhesions obstructing flow
removed and the floor of the 4th ventricle
 Portion of occipital pericranium harvested
through a separate incision and duroplasty
Posterior fossa decompression..
 Encouraging result in long term follow up
 Early treatment tends toward better outcomes
 ~85% patients  relief of head and neck pain esp. if valsalva
 Associated syrinx decrease in size or collapse in majority
 If no improvement in symptoms and size of syrinx in 6 months
 reexploration with coagulation or resection of a cerebellar
Surgical outcome
Placement of syringosubarachnoid
shunt in cases not responding to
 Advanced symptoms  medullary dysfunction, muscle
wasting and dysesthesias in trunk or extremities 
unlikely to resolve but should not progress
 Mild to moderate scoliosis  likelihood of improvement
Chiari II malformation
 Caudal displacement of cerebellar vermis, lower
brainstem and fourth ventricle seen exclusively in
patients with myelomeningocele
 Numerous other anomalies associated in various
 vertical straight sinus
 large venous lakes in the tentorium
 fenestrations in falx, which is often not well formed  gyri
of left and right hemispheres interdigitate  Chinese
lettering on axial MRI
 Similar to CIM  difficulty in equilibrating
dynamic CSF pulse pressure induced by
 Leaking from myelomeningocele sac
lowers intraspinal pressure
Clinical presentation..
 Pertaining to brainstem, cerebellar and spinal cord dysfunction
 Usualy present in infancy/early childhood
 Worst outcome if symptoms appear before 3 months age
 Stridor, apnea and dysphagia resulting in aspiration  might cause
 Nystagmus  earliest sign of cerebellar dysfunction
 Initial spinal cord symptoms (weakness, bowel and bladder
dysfunction)  secondary to inadequate formation of the lower spinal
 MRI  cranial and spinal
 Plain dynamic cervical spine radiographs
Characteristic Chiari I Chiari II
Usual age of diagnosis Adults and older children Infants and young children
Clinical findings
Headache and neck pain (worsened by cough or
Valsalva maneuver)
Cerebellar symptoms
Lower brainstem symptoms (eg, dysarthria,
dysphagia, downbeat nystagmus)
Central cord symptoms (eg, hand weakness,
dissociated sensory loss, cape anesthesia)
In infants, signs of brainstem dysfunction
predominate: swallowing/feedingdifficulties,
stridor, apnea, weak cry, nystagmus
Weakness of extremities
Primary anatomical abnormalities
Herniation of cerebellar tonsils through foramen
magnum, producing compression of
cervicomedullary junction
Herniation of lower brainstem through foramen
Cephalad course of cranial nerves
Kinking of cervicomedullary junction
"Beaking" of tectum
Upward herniation of vermis through incisura
Nearly vertical tentorium
Myelomeningocele No Always
Hydrocephalus Less than 10% of cases Very common
Syringomyelia 30-70% Common
Associated abnormalities
Craniocervical hypermobility syndromes
Klippel-Feil anomaly
Hereditary connective tissue disorders and
neurofibromatosis type II
Callosum corpus pellucidum septum of agenesis
Hypoplasia or
Enlargement of massa intermedia
Heterotopias and gyral abnormalities
Shared associated abnormalities
Basilar invagination
Occipitalization of atlas
Bifida of C1 posterior arch
Foramen magnum variant anatomy
Basilar invagination
Occipitalization of atlas
Bifida of C1 posterior arch
Foramen magnum variant anatomy
 Thank you!!

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  • 1. Chiari Malformation Dr.Usman Haqqani Resident Neurosurgery B LRH PESHAWAR
  • 2. Case scenerio A 34 year old female presents to the opd with progressive weakness in both her arms associated with intermittent bilateral shoulder pain .She has not noticed any functional impairment and is still working normally.On further asking she admits she has intermittent headaches over the lower occipital area and aggravates with coughing and sneezing.
  • 3. examination On physical examination, she has no neurologic de鍖cits other than Reduced of sensitivity to hot and cold sensation over her arms Numbness and tingling over arms Loss of muscle strength in her right shoulder and hand which could not be appreciated very clearly.
  • 8. Review in Opd at 6 months Power Right arm had improved from 4/5 to 5/5. No occipital headaches with coughing and straining No other neurological deficit
  • 9. Introduction Chiari malformations are pathological herniations of the hindbrain through the foramen magnum and into the cervical spinal canal. 1890s Hans Chiari, pathologist described four congenital malformations Majority are congenital; but can be acquired as well secondary CIM
  • 10. Different subtypes.. Chiari O posterior fossa appear crowded No herniation large syrrinx that resolve with posterior fossa decompression
  • 11. Chiari I caudal displacement of cerebellar tonsils > 5mm below the foramen magnum Sign and symptoms commonly present in adulthood. may or may not have syrinx but are usually associated with syrinx HCP in 10-20 % cases
  • 14. Chiari II caudal migration of cerebellar vermis almost always occurs in patients with neural tube defects (myelomeningocele and encephalocele) syrinx is common HCP in 90% cases
  • 17. Chiari III rare and extreme form of hindbrain hernia <1% occurrence has low occipital and high cervical sacs containing significant portions of the cerebellum and brainstem. Hydrocephalus is common and severe neurological and developmental problems present
  • 19. Chiari IV cerebellar hypoplasia or aplasia not a form of hindbrain hernia its inclusion is hence debatable
  • 21. Chiari I Malformation Theory: Difficulty in rapidly equilibriating the CSF pressure wave seen during the Valsalva maneuver Prolonged intracranial hypertension relative to intraspinal compartment downward migration of the cerebellar tonsils obstruction of normal CSF flow from 4th ventricle to cervical subarachnoid space CIM Obstruction of Foramen of Magendie by arachnoid veils or septation might also lead to the same
  • 22. Conditions artificially lowering the intraspinal pressure relative to ICP like lumboperitoneal shunt iatrogenic/acquired Some derailment on chromosomes 9 and 15
  • 23. Clinical Presentation S&S related to brainstem compression S&S related to cerebellar compression S&S related to spinal cord dysfunction secondary to syringomyelia
  • 26. Clinical Presentations.. Non radicular occipital or cervical pain Dysesthesias in the C2 dermatome Neckpain and headache - exacerbated on exertion or by coughing or sneezing (valsalva induced) Non verbal children irritability, crying, failure to thrive, opisthotonos
  • 27. Diagnosis MRI Craniovertebral junction and entire spinal cord 50-75% patients have syringomyeliasyrinx CT bony abnormality; plain films for evaluating stability issues Dynamic MRI (cine MRI) for CSF flow around the CVJ
  • 29. Treatment Treatment is different for symptomatic and non syptomatic patients No medical treatment Observation in asymptomatic patients without an associated syrinx Surgery: for symptomatic patients and asymptomatic patients with syrinx
  • 30. Treatment 10% patients with CIM associated hydrocephalus CSF diversionary shunt or ETV as the initial form of therapy Symptomatic ventral compression out of proportion to dorsal compression ventral decompression (transoral odontoid resection)
  • 31. Most common surgical procedure: Posterior fossa decompression Goal: enlarge posterior fossa to recreate cisterna magna, thereby permitting normal flow of CSF Syrinx decrease in size and does not require direct Rx in majority after this
  • 32. Posterior fossa decompression.. Prone position and neck flexed Incision from below inion to the spinous process of C2 Avascular plane (nuchal ligament) b/t paraspinous muscles followed down to bone and subperiosteal dissection performed Moderate suboccipital craniectomy, width of the foramen magnum followed by removal of posterior arch of atlas
  • 33. Posterior fossa decompression.. Dura opened Arachnoid adhesions obstructing flow removed and the floor of the 4th ventricle examined Portion of occipital pericranium harvested through a separate incision and duroplasty performed
  • 37. Posterior fossa decompression.. result Encouraging result in long term follow up Early treatment tends toward better outcomes ~85% patients relief of head and neck pain esp. if valsalva induced Associated syrinx decrease in size or collapse in majority If no improvement in symptoms and size of syrinx in 6 months reexploration with coagulation or resection of a cerebellar tonsil
  • 38. Surgical outcome Placement of syringosubarachnoid shunt in cases not responding to decompression Advanced symptoms medullary dysfunction, muscle wasting and dysesthesias in trunk or extremities unlikely to resolve but should not progress Mild to moderate scoliosis likelihood of improvement
  • 40. Chiari II malformation Caudal displacement of cerebellar vermis, lower brainstem and fourth ventricle seen exclusively in patients with myelomeningocele Numerous other anomalies associated in various combinations vertical straight sinus large venous lakes in the tentorium fenestrations in falx, which is often not well formed gyri of left and right hemispheres interdigitate Chinese lettering on axial MRI
  • 41. Pathophysiology.. Similar to CIM difficulty in equilibrating dynamic CSF pulse pressure induced by valsalva Leaking from myelomeningocele sac lowers intraspinal pressure
  • 42. Clinical presentation.. Pertaining to brainstem, cerebellar and spinal cord dysfunction Usualy present in infancy/early childhood Worst outcome if symptoms appear before 3 months age Stridor, apnea and dysphagia resulting in aspiration might cause death Nystagmus earliest sign of cerebellar dysfunction Initial spinal cord symptoms (weakness, bowel and bladder dysfunction) secondary to inadequate formation of the lower spinal cord
  • 44. Diagnosis MRI cranial and spinal Plain dynamic cervical spine radiographs instability
  • 46. Characteristic Chiari I Chiari II Usual age of diagnosis Adults and older children Infants and young children Clinical findings Headache and neck pain (worsened by cough or Valsalva maneuver) Myelopathy Cerebellar symptoms Lower brainstem symptoms (eg, dysarthria, dysphagia, downbeat nystagmus) Central cord symptoms (eg, hand weakness, dissociated sensory loss, cape anesthesia) In infants, signs of brainstem dysfunction predominate: swallowing/feedingdifficulties, stridor, apnea, weak cry, nystagmus Weakness of extremities Primary anatomical abnormalities Herniation of cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum, producing compression of cervicomedullary junction Herniation of lower brainstem through foramen magnum Cephalad course of cranial nerves Kinking of cervicomedullary junction "Beaking" of tectum Upward herniation of vermis through incisura Nearly vertical tentorium Myelomeningocele No Always Hydrocephalus Less than 10% of cases Very common Syringomyelia 30-70% Common Associated abnormalities Craniocervical hypermobility syndromes Klippel-Feil anomaly Hereditary connective tissue disorders and neurofibromatosis type II Callosum corpus pellucidum septum of agenesis Hypoplasia or Enlargement of massa intermedia Heterotopias and gyral abnormalities Shared associated abnormalities Basilar invagination Occipitalization of atlas Bifida of C1 posterior arch Foramen magnum variant anatomy Basilar invagination Occipitalization of atlas Bifida of C1 posterior arch Foramen magnum variant anatomy