En gennemgang af udviklingen indenfor sociale medier, set fra b奪de et teoretisk og kommercielt synspunkt.
A review of the social media evolution, from both a theoretical and commercial point of view.
If you have questions or need the presentation in english, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The Impact of Mass and Social Media in People's Behavior as Reflected on Harv...Galuh Wuri Puspaningrum
Media were created to fulfill peoples need of communication and information. The variety of media in this modern era makes people consider media as one of their primary need especially in their social lives. Mass media are used as tools to gain information and social media to communicate each other. This study aims to find the impact of media on peoples behaviors in film entitled Girl Fight (2011)
Propaganda was widely used during World War 1 by all participating nations. Governments created propaganda posters to justify their country's involvement in the war, recruit soldiers, raise money and resources for the military effort, and encourage conservation. Posters were an effective propaganda tool as television and widespread radio access did not yet exist. Governments often focused propaganda posters on raising money from citizens to fund the costly war. Common propaganda techniques used in posters included name-calling, one-sided presentation of facts, bandwagon appeals, testimonials, portraying the cause as for common people, transferring respect from one symbol to another, and using vague positive language.
Role and impact of media on society final ppt............Aaryendr
The document discusses the role and impact of media on society. It notes that print media includes newspapers and magazines, audio media includes radio, and audio-video media includes television and the internet. It provides statistics on newspaper and magazine readership as well as the number of television channels and active internet users in India. The document advocates for media to be informative, positive, creative, motivating and entertaining. However, it acknowledges that some media can be negative, sensationalized, boring, or crime-encouraging. It calls for an ideal media that is free from pressure, fact-finding, and nation-building.
This document discusses the effects of social media on youth. It begins by defining social media and listing some popular social media tools like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. It then provides some statistics on social media usage and discusses how over half of India's population uses mobile platforms for social media. The document outlines some negative effects of social media like psychological disorders and distraction, as well as positive effects like communication and sharing information. It concludes by citing references used.
We held the largest ever Virtual 際際滷Share Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and 際際滷Share Marketing
This document discusses exhibiting radio as intangible cultural heritage in a museological context. It outlines that museums acquire, conserve, research, communicate and exhibit tangible and intangible heritage. While radio heritage is acquired by libraries and broadcasters, museums have a unique role in communicating and exhibiting this heritage. The document then discusses strategies for conceptualizing and exhibiting radio as an intangible artifact, and analyzing audience experiences through user studies. Fields of inquiry include museology, exhibition design, cultural memory studies, and using nostalgia as a design strategy.
Presenting radio as immaterial media heritage and the concept of scaffolding in exhibition design to bridge the knowledge gap between the modern audience and historic radio heritage.
際際滷s from my presentation at the IAMHIST Conference in Copenhagen July 7 2011.
The Impact of Mass and Social Media in People's Behavior as Reflected on Harv...Galuh Wuri Puspaningrum
Media were created to fulfill peoples need of communication and information. The variety of media in this modern era makes people consider media as one of their primary need especially in their social lives. Mass media are used as tools to gain information and social media to communicate each other. This study aims to find the impact of media on peoples behaviors in film entitled Girl Fight (2011)
Propaganda was widely used during World War 1 by all participating nations. Governments created propaganda posters to justify their country's involvement in the war, recruit soldiers, raise money and resources for the military effort, and encourage conservation. Posters were an effective propaganda tool as television and widespread radio access did not yet exist. Governments often focused propaganda posters on raising money from citizens to fund the costly war. Common propaganda techniques used in posters included name-calling, one-sided presentation of facts, bandwagon appeals, testimonials, portraying the cause as for common people, transferring respect from one symbol to another, and using vague positive language.
Role and impact of media on society final ppt............Aaryendr
The document discusses the role and impact of media on society. It notes that print media includes newspapers and magazines, audio media includes radio, and audio-video media includes television and the internet. It provides statistics on newspaper and magazine readership as well as the number of television channels and active internet users in India. The document advocates for media to be informative, positive, creative, motivating and entertaining. However, it acknowledges that some media can be negative, sensationalized, boring, or crime-encouraging. It calls for an ideal media that is free from pressure, fact-finding, and nation-building.
This document discusses the effects of social media on youth. It begins by defining social media and listing some popular social media tools like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. It then provides some statistics on social media usage and discusses how over half of India's population uses mobile platforms for social media. The document outlines some negative effects of social media like psychological disorders and distraction, as well as positive effects like communication and sharing information. It concludes by citing references used.
We held the largest ever Virtual 際際滷Share Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and 際際滷Share Marketing
This document discusses exhibiting radio as intangible cultural heritage in a museological context. It outlines that museums acquire, conserve, research, communicate and exhibit tangible and intangible heritage. While radio heritage is acquired by libraries and broadcasters, museums have a unique role in communicating and exhibiting this heritage. The document then discusses strategies for conceptualizing and exhibiting radio as an intangible artifact, and analyzing audience experiences through user studies. Fields of inquiry include museology, exhibition design, cultural memory studies, and using nostalgia as a design strategy.
Presenting radio as immaterial media heritage and the concept of scaffolding in exhibition design to bridge the knowledge gap between the modern audience and historic radio heritage.
際際滷s from my presentation at the IAMHIST Conference in Copenhagen July 7 2011.
N奪r reality bliver en karriere. Hvad er s奪
forskellen til skuespil?
Spiller succesfulde reality-deltagere en rolle? Fx
Sidney Lee og Gustav?
Sammensmeltning af front og backstage eller
simuleret backstage?
Kulturreportager: Nyhedsartikler og interviews
om litteratur, teater, film, musik, kunst etc.
Kulturanmeldelser (meningsstof)
Service-journalistik: Hvad sker hvorn奪r?
Hele det humanistiske felt (ogs奪
tro, religion, videnskab, historie, uddannelse, me
dier etc.)
Nyhed og reportage.
Nyhedsnotitsen og noten: Korte nyheder ofte
placeret I spalter.
Referater (ikke s奪 udbredt l脱ngere).
Baggrundshistorien. (ofte knyttet til nyhed).
Person- eller emneorienteret.
S淡gende eller afsl淡rende (konfronterende).
Som forscrap.
Som baggrund.
Beskrive livshistorie.
Tegne en profil.
Nekrolog og mindeord.
B奪de nyhed og portr脱t.
Vulgarisering: Tendens i mediernes
nyhedsformidling med v脱gt p奪 det
underholdende og sensationelle.
Elitisme: Kritisk og negativt ladet begreb?
Tilstand af permanent skandale?
Fremstilling: Metaforen skaber en situation,
samtidigt med, at den stiller situationen frem til skue.
Afd脱kning: Metaforen afd脱kker et bestemt aspekt
af en sag.
Tild脱kning: En afd脱kning af et aspekt er samtidigt
en tild脱kning af andre aspekter.
Intra-diskursiv koh脱rens (metafor-klynge): Mellem
udtryk der er knyttet til den samme pol fx op.
Inter-diskursiv koh脱rens (forst奪elses-net): Mellem
forskellige poler fx er op forbundet med aktiv og
Metaforer bruges ofte til subjektiveringer af
personer eller objektiveringer af h脱ndelsesforl淡b.
Magt som produktion.
Magt som orden.
Magt som metafysik.
Magt som masse.
Magt som hjem.
Magt som mulighed.
Form奪l: ge opm脱rksomheden p奪 metaforiks
p奪virkning af udsagn.
Find et eksempel p奪 brug af metaforik i
medierne, der skaber en s脱rlig udgave af en
Marker metaforerne i teksten.
T脱nk over om sagen kunne fremstilles ved en
anden metaforik.
Sendes til CHM seneste fredag den 23. marts.