This document discusses establishing long term support for Eclipse projects. It notes that while Eclipse targets commercial usage, the lifecycles of Eclipse releases and organizations' support needs do not always align. It proposes the Eclipse LTS concept, where system integrators would act as "general contractors" to provide long term support across multiple Eclipse projects through a single contract. This would benefit customers, system integrators, and support companies. It aims to have the LTS infrastructure in place by the end of 2011 in a way that maintains Eclipse's open source principles.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.
Graphiti is an Eclipse modeling project that provides a Java API for creating graphical editors within Eclipse. It aims to support fast and easy development of graphical tools for displaying and editing domain models using customizable graphical notations. Some key features include out-of-the-box implementations for common functionality, a flat learning curve, and a standardized look and feel. Graphiti has been used in several Eclipse editor projects and is now part of the Eclipse Indigo release.
This document discusses exhibiting radio as intangible cultural heritage in a museological context. It outlines that museums acquire, conserve, research, communicate and exhibit tangible and intangible heritage. While radio heritage is acquired by libraries and broadcasters, museums have a unique role in communicating and exhibiting this heritage. The document then discusses strategies for conceptualizing and exhibiting radio as an intangible artifact, and analyzing audience experiences through user studies. Fields of inquiry include museology, exhibition design, cultural memory studies, and using nostalgia as a design strategy.
Presenting radio as immaterial media heritage and the concept of scaffolding in exhibition design to bridge the knowledge gap between the modern audience and historic radio heritage.
際際滷s from my presentation at the IAMHIST Conference in Copenhagen July 7 2011.
Presenting radio as immaterial media heritage and the concept of scaffolding in exhibition design to bridge the knowledge gap between the modern audience and historic radio heritage.
際際滷s from my presentation at the IAMHIST Conference in Copenhagen July 7 2011.
Er medierne Breiviks Nyttige Idioter?
Kamp om definitionsmagten p奪 Wikipedia.
Gen奪bner debat om skadelige computerspil.
[] a selfconscious fetish for period stylisation (in
music, clothes, design) expressed creatively through
pastiche and citation. (min fremh脱vning)
(Reynolds 2011)
Fundamentalt skift i forholdet til fortiden.
Ignorerer den fjerne fortid og fokuserer p奪 den
n脱re fortid.
Halvt ironisk halvt l脱ngselsfuld attitude.
Ikke historisk korrekt.
Fjerner skellet mellem massekultur og finkultur.
Utilfredshed med samtiden.
Opg淡r med den moderne fremskridtstankegang
Nostalgi: Oprindeligt en medicinsk lidelse i form
af hjemve.
Nostalgi er 脱rlig, seri淡s, s淡rgelig.
Retro er ironisk distanceret, humoristisk,
At best, retro recall revisits the past with acute ironic
awareness; self-conscious in its recollection, retro
revivalism lays bare the arbitrariness of historical
memory. At its worst, retro pillages history, with little
regard for moral imperatives or nuanced implications.
(Guffey 2006)
The same costume will be Indecent 10 years before its
time, Shameless 5 years before its time, Outr辿 (daring) 1
year before its time, Smart, Dowdy 1 year after its time,
Hideous 10 years after its time, Ridiculous 20 years after
its time, Amusing 30 years, Quaint 50 years after its
time, Romantic 100 years after its time, Beatuful 150
years after its time.
(James Laver 1937)
2000erne er the Re- Decade: Revivals, reissues,
remakes, re-enactments
Nostalgien bremser vores kultur I at udvikle sig.
Retro er overfladisk og fokuseret p奪 form/stil
snarere end indhold.
Resulterer I Hyperstasis: Hektisk og