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We went in Beloviste in the house of Gaby’s grandparents. They received us very warmly. We sat and they served us with juice. Than we ate with them. We also ate cookies witch Gaby’s grandma prepared. They asked us about school.
Than Gaby said “now is our turn”. She explained that we had a project at school and our task was to interview an elder person.  She asked her granddad several questions. He said “Yes of course with pleasure, why not?”. Later he told us everything we wanted to know.
He showed us a picture after he and Gaby’s grandma married.  Gaby’s grandparents told us that we were welcomed at their house every time. After the beautiful time passed with them, we left home.
We interviewed my granddad only 45 min. His name is Novak Bilbiloski and my grandma’s name is Lenka Bilbiloska.   He enjoyed when he told us his life story and told us that it was wonderful that we had projects like this.
MADE BY: Gabby Jovan Ivona Nicola  II3 class

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  • 2. We went in Beloviste in the house of Gaby’s grandparents. They received us very warmly. We sat and they served us with juice. Than we ate with them. We also ate cookies witch Gaby’s grandma prepared. They asked us about school.
  • 3. Than Gaby said “now is our turn”. She explained that we had a project at school and our task was to interview an elder person. She asked her granddad several questions. He said “Yes of course with pleasure, why not?”. Later he told us everything we wanted to know.
  • 4. He showed us a picture after he and Gaby’s grandma married. Gaby’s grandparents told us that we were welcomed at their house every time. After the beautiful time passed with them, we left home.
  • 5. We interviewed my granddad only 45 min. His name is Novak Bilbiloski and my grandma’s name is Lenka Bilbiloska. He enjoyed when he told us his life story and told us that it was wonderful that we had projects like this.
  • 6. MADE BY: Gabby Jovan Ivona Nicola II3 class