Mods were a subculture that originated in London in the late 1950s and peaked in the early-to-mid 1960s. They were known for riding scooters, wearing tailored suits and parkas, and listening to ska music. Mods had a sophisticated style and often took pills, while their rivals the Rockers had a tough, biker gang image wearing leather jackets. Conflicts between the Mods and Rockers in 1964 sparked moral panic about British youth, though both subcultures faded from view by 1966 as new groups like hippies and skinheads emerged.
This document contains menus and descriptions of food items from several restaurants, including Andres Carne de Res, KFC, and Taco Bell. It provides a brief history of Taco Bell, noting that it was founded in 1962 by Glen Bell in California, starting as a hot dog stand and later selling tacos under the name Taco-Tia. The menus describe dishes like plantain with chives from Andres Carne de Res, extra crispy chicken and chicken littles from KFC, and tacos, burritos, and nachos from Taco Bell.
Estrategias para plan de marketing servic ltda.Hernando Tuta
El documento presenta la informaci坦n general de SERVIC LTDA, una empresa de asesor鱈a aduanera ubicada en la zona franca de C炭cuta. Describe la historia, misi坦n, visi坦n y valores de la empresa, as鱈 como su objeto social, organizaci坦n interna y an叩lisis DOFA. El documento concluye con la presentaci坦n de estrategias para mejorar el plan de marketing de SERVIC LTDA.
Este documento presenta un examen objetivo sobre la unidad 8 de talento humano. El examen contiene 10 preguntas de selecci坦n m炭ltiple y verdadero/falso sobre el tema del coaching de liderazgo y sus beneficios para las organizaciones. El coaching de liderazgo se define como un proceso de desarrollo personal para mejorar el 辿xito de los l鱈deres, y ayuda a las organizaciones al desarrollar su liderazgo y mejorar el desempe単o y actitud de los empleados.
Exposici坦n gerencia de mercadeo y ventasHernando Tuta
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre estrategias de mercadeo y segmentaci坦n. Explica diferentes tipos de segmentaci坦n como geogr叩fica, demogr叩fica, psicogr叩fica y por comportamiento considerando variables espec鱈ficas para cada mercado. Tambi辿n describe conceptos como posicionamiento, fidelizaci坦n, estrategias funcionales y la matriz BCG.
El documento presenta un resumen de los programas de incentivos de una empresa. Estos incluyen incentivos que generan comportamientos deseados como recompensas y remuneraci坦n variable, as鱈 como sanciones. Tambi辿n describe planes de bonificaci坦n anual y remuneraci坦n basada en competencias para motivar el desempe単o del personal.
The document provides feedback from showing a rough cut of a music video to others. Based on the feedback, the opening title was made more upbeat by adding flashes in time with the music's beat. Some location shots were removed as they seemed random and could hurt the scoring. Badly framed shots were also cut or had their screen time reduced to focus more on well-framed shots, as too many could be noticeable. The feedback helped strengthen the mise-en-scene and improve the overall final product.
The document discusses safety considerations for filming outdoors including checking weather forecasts, protecting equipment from rain, being aware of surroundings like a skate park to avoid interfering with others, checking that ground near a river and bridge is dry to prevent slipping, and ensuring sufficient lighting for late filming to avoid needing to re-shoot dark shots.
The document discusses measuring return on investment (ROI) for marketing campaigns. It defines ROI as the gain from an investment minus the cost, divided by the cost. The document notes traditional media is measured by reach and frequency, while objectives for marketing include brand awareness, engagement, and word-of-mouth. It also discusses measuring customer investments in connection, creation, consumption and control of content. An example is provided of a successful marketing campaign for Square Enix's Dragon Quest 8 that saw 30% of its online community recruited through word-of-mouth, 40% pre-ordering the game, and 510,000 units sold.
This document discusses the concept of time value of money, which refers to the idea that money received or paid in the future is worth less than the same amount today. It covers key concepts like compounding, discounting, annuities, and effective interest rates. Compounding means applying interest over interest to calculate future values, while discounting reduces future values to calculate present values. Annuities refer to equal periodic payments, and formulas are provided to calculate future and present values of annuities based on interest rates and time periods.
The document outlines a kindergarten interdisciplinary unit on life cycles that focuses on plants, frogs, and butterflies. Students will learn about the growth stages of each organism and be able to explain the needs of living things. Formative assessments include drawing pictures of growth stages, sorting activities, and completing a KWL chart. A performance assessment requires students to plant seeds and illustrate growth stages of a plant or life cycle of a butterfly or frog.
This document discusses different types of paragraphs based on their location, content, and logical structure. Paragraphs can be opening, transitioning, or closing based on their location in a text. Their content can be argumentative, chronological, enumerative, descriptive, explanatory, expository, or narrative. Logically, paragraphs can be comparative, deductive, cause-and-effect, problem-solution, sequential, or inductive based on their structural organization.
Este documento proporciona m叩s de 2000 f坦rmulas para elaborar productos de cuidado personal, cosm辿ticos, de limpieza automotriz y del hogar. Incluye f坦rmulas para shampoos, cremas, jabones, ambientadores, productos de limpieza y m叩s. Est叩 organizado en secciones como cuidado personal, cosm辿ticos, automotriz, limpieza del hogar e industriales. El objetivo es ofrecer una amplia variedad de opciones para crear productos de diferentes categor鱈as de manera casera.
Victor Troncalli started Troncalli Associates Insurance Solutions in 2010 after retiring from a successful career in women's fashion and real estate. He has over 40 years of business experience. Troncalli Insurance Solutions offers benefits solutions for medical, life, disability, and enhanced benefits for small businesses. Vic aims to do what is best for clients with his positive outlook and leadership skills. He was nominated Broker of the Year in 2015.
O filme "Fiel Jardineiro" conta a hist坦ria de um homem que se torna um aventureiro determinado a completar a miss達o de sua esposa falecida. Ele revela a cruel realidade de empresas farmac棚uticas testando medicamentos em africanos vulner叩veis, muitas vezes com resultados fatais. O filme tamb辿m critica a rela巽達o econ担mica e pol鱈tica desequilibrada entre o Ocidente rico e a frica empobrecida.
This document contains drawings of two different beanie designs with logos on the front and back. The first design has a Holzfeller logo on the front and back. The second design has a Truvativ logo on the front and back. Both designs include revisions of drawings from February 9, 2005.
The document provides feedback from showing a rough cut of a music video to others. Based on the feedback, the opening title was made more upbeat by adding flashes in time with the music's beat. Some location shots were removed as they seemed random and could hurt the scoring. Badly framed shots were also cut or had their screen time reduced to focus more on well-framed shots, as too many could be noticeable. The feedback helped strengthen the mise-en-scene and improve the overall final product.
The document discusses safety considerations for filming outdoors including checking weather forecasts, protecting equipment from rain, being aware of surroundings like a skate park to avoid interfering with others, checking that ground near a river and bridge is dry to prevent slipping, and ensuring sufficient lighting for late filming to avoid needing to re-shoot dark shots.
The document discusses measuring return on investment (ROI) for marketing campaigns. It defines ROI as the gain from an investment minus the cost, divided by the cost. The document notes traditional media is measured by reach and frequency, while objectives for marketing include brand awareness, engagement, and word-of-mouth. It also discusses measuring customer investments in connection, creation, consumption and control of content. An example is provided of a successful marketing campaign for Square Enix's Dragon Quest 8 that saw 30% of its online community recruited through word-of-mouth, 40% pre-ordering the game, and 510,000 units sold.
This document discusses the concept of time value of money, which refers to the idea that money received or paid in the future is worth less than the same amount today. It covers key concepts like compounding, discounting, annuities, and effective interest rates. Compounding means applying interest over interest to calculate future values, while discounting reduces future values to calculate present values. Annuities refer to equal periodic payments, and formulas are provided to calculate future and present values of annuities based on interest rates and time periods.
The document outlines a kindergarten interdisciplinary unit on life cycles that focuses on plants, frogs, and butterflies. Students will learn about the growth stages of each organism and be able to explain the needs of living things. Formative assessments include drawing pictures of growth stages, sorting activities, and completing a KWL chart. A performance assessment requires students to plant seeds and illustrate growth stages of a plant or life cycle of a butterfly or frog.
This document discusses different types of paragraphs based on their location, content, and logical structure. Paragraphs can be opening, transitioning, or closing based on their location in a text. Their content can be argumentative, chronological, enumerative, descriptive, explanatory, expository, or narrative. Logically, paragraphs can be comparative, deductive, cause-and-effect, problem-solution, sequential, or inductive based on their structural organization.
Este documento proporciona m叩s de 2000 f坦rmulas para elaborar productos de cuidado personal, cosm辿ticos, de limpieza automotriz y del hogar. Incluye f坦rmulas para shampoos, cremas, jabones, ambientadores, productos de limpieza y m叩s. Est叩 organizado en secciones como cuidado personal, cosm辿ticos, automotriz, limpieza del hogar e industriales. El objetivo es ofrecer una amplia variedad de opciones para crear productos de diferentes categor鱈as de manera casera.
Victor Troncalli started Troncalli Associates Insurance Solutions in 2010 after retiring from a successful career in women's fashion and real estate. He has over 40 years of business experience. Troncalli Insurance Solutions offers benefits solutions for medical, life, disability, and enhanced benefits for small businesses. Vic aims to do what is best for clients with his positive outlook and leadership skills. He was nominated Broker of the Year in 2015.
O filme "Fiel Jardineiro" conta a hist坦ria de um homem que se torna um aventureiro determinado a completar a miss達o de sua esposa falecida. Ele revela a cruel realidade de empresas farmac棚uticas testando medicamentos em africanos vulner叩veis, muitas vezes com resultados fatais. O filme tamb辿m critica a rela巽達o econ担mica e pol鱈tica desequilibrada entre o Ocidente rico e a frica empobrecida.
This document contains drawings of two different beanie designs with logos on the front and back. The first design has a Holzfeller logo on the front and back. The second design has a Truvativ logo on the front and back. Both designs include revisions of drawings from February 9, 2005.