At Stone Lake Lodge you can enjoy great apartment design managed by a warm friendly group of caring professionals. People who live here are #lovinLODGElife! Enjoy this feature slideshare on our beautiful 2 Bedroom 2 Bath apartment.
At Stone Lake Lodge you can enjoy great apartment design managed by a warm friendly group of caring professionals. People who live here are #lovinLODGElife! Enjoy this feature slideshare on our beautiful 2 Bedroom 2 Bath apartment.
Tobacco Policy in Indonesia after FCTC_Center for Anthropological Studies Res...Muki Trenggono Wicaksono
Regulasi tembakau di Indonesia menimbulkan berbagai perdebatan mengenai kesehatan, pertanian, dan industri. Ada desakan kuat untuk meratifikasi FCTC namun perangkat regulasi belum memadai untuk mengantisipasi risiko FCTC. Persoalan pertanian dan ketenagakerjaan juga terjadi pada komoditas dan industri lain. Diperlukan skema regulasi yang mengakomodasi pengendalian kesehatan dan perlindungan pertanian serta industri tembakau.
The document discusses India's pharmaceutical exports and the Pharmaceutical Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil). It notes that India is a major global manufacturer and exporter of pharmaceuticals, exporting to over 200 countries. Pharmexcil is the government agency that promotes pharmaceutical exports and organizes trade delegations and meetings. The top importer of Indian pharmaceuticals is the US, accounting for 25% of exports. Exports have grown in recent years and India aims to further increase its share of global pharmaceutical exports.
This power point file prepared by Dr. Greg Acciaioli, an anthropologist from the University of Western Australia in "Regionalism in State and non-State Perspective" seminar on Seminar Week Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, September 10th 2014. He shared his findings from ethnography research in Sulu Zone, the area termed by James Francis Warren. In this presentation, Acciaioli was showing to the audience how social exclusion happen in stateless local community in the area Borneo, Sulawesi, and the Southern Philippines. This presentation are showing to the audience about autocritic while the countries in Southeast Asia have campaign to build ASEAN Community 2015.
Seminar Week_Center for Anthropological Studies_Book Launch_Negara vs Santet_...Muki Trenggono Wicaksono
This power point file presented by Dr. Greg Acciaioli, an anthropologist from the University of Western Australia in Seminar Week Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. He gave his perspective as Dr. Nicholas' supervisor and as an anthropologist after read "The Entangled State" (English version from "Negara vs Santet" - translated version).
Teks tersebut membahas tentang kerangka kerja pengendalian tembakau (FCTC) sebagai rezim internasional dan implikasinya terhadap kebijakan tembakau di Indonesia. FCTC telah berhasil mendorong penerapan aturan-aturan pengendalian tembakau meskipun Indonesia belum meratifikasinya secara resmi. Namun, penerapan kebijakan tersebut berisiko memberikan dampak negatif terhadap industri rokok dan petani tembakau di Indonesia.
This document defines an expository narrative as a first-hand account of events told through written or spoken words. It discusses how narratives can appeal to different audiences, such as through genres like comedy, drama, or tragedy. As an example, it analyzes the documentary "March of the Penguins" which uses Morgan Freeman's narration to effectively appeal to a general audience, including animal lovers, environmentalists, and children, by keeping them informed about the penguin's experiences. The general audience-focused narration is popular as it can be easily understood without requiring a specific audience.
Biosimilars are biopharmaceutical drugs that are similar to an original biologic drug, but are manufactured when the original drug's patent expires. Biosimilars must demonstrate similarity to the original product in terms of quality, safety and efficacy. India has advantages in manufacturing biosimilars due to lower costs and skilled workforce. Major Indian companies are developing biosimilars and targeting both domestic and international markets like the US and EU. Regulatory authorities in India approve and regulate biosimilars to ensure their safety and efficacy.
The urinary system consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The kidneys filter waste from the blood and regulate fluid and electrolyte balance. The ureters transport urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder, which stores urine until emptying through the urethra. Together this system works to maintain homeostasis by regulating waste removal, pH balance, and water levels in the body.
This document summarizes a review on the irrational use of antibiotics leading to antibiotic resistance. It introduces that antibiotic resistance emerged shortly after penicillin was introduced and has become a major public health concern. The primary cause of antimicrobial resistance is the irrational use of antibiotics, which results in a rapid increase in resistance. The review aims to study how irrational antibiotic use develops resistance and reduces drug efficacy, determine the causes of irrational medication use, examine which antibiotics are used and by whom, and identify factors influencing antibiotic use patterns and the costs and benefits of changing use.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan ringkasan dari penelitian mengenai hutan adat di Kabupaten Kerinci, Sumatra Barat. Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang luas hutan adat di Kabupaten Kerinci, asal usul, lembaga pengelola, dan peraturan adat beberapa hutan adat di sana. Dokumen tersebut juga memberikan rekomendasi untuk riset dan kegiatan lebih lanjut mengenai pengelolaan hutan-hutan adat di daerah terse
Dave Lumenta, an anthropologist from University of Indonesia, presented his findings based on ethnography research in Malaysia. He has a critic in his presentation related to "serumpunism" issue, particularly his critic on "race" as 'common values' in academic problematic concepts. He was showing in his presentation, the idea of Serumpunism looks contradictive while ASEANs goals that strives to create a new common cosmopolitan identity (ASEAN community).
Indias first compulsory license upheld, but legalHemant chandwani
Compulsory licensing is when a government authorizes a party other than the patent owner to produce the patented product or process, without the patent owner's consent.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemetaan sosial sebagai pendekatan untuk mempelajari kehidupan masyarakat setempat secara partisipatif. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur sosial, sistem tenurial tanah, dan hubungan masyarakat dengan hutan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan diskusi kelompok. Hasil pemetaan sosial bermanfaat untuk pengakuan masyarakat hukum adat dan penataan bat
Case study: Fire in IOC terminal Jaipur & IOC terminal HaziraAbhishant Baishya
This document summarizes two major oil terminal fires that occurred in India - one in Jaipur in 2009 and one in Hazira in 2013.
The 2009 Jaipur fire occurred during a fuel transfer at an Indian Oil Corporation terminal, resulting in 12 casualties and over 200 injuries. The fire raged for 11 days. The likely cause was identified as a leak during the fuel transfer process.
The 2013 Hazira fire started during welding work to repair a leak in a diesel tank. Three welders were killed. The root cause was determined to be the use of corroded plates for repairs and seepage of vapors that were ignited. Both incidents highlighted lapses in safety procedures and non-compliance