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MOBILE +44 7825158947
A Professional, Highly Skilled Mechanical Trade Technician and Manager with 12 years
experience working safely in a highly critical environment within the military aviation sector.
A methodical thinker with proactive problem solving skills. Able to test, diagnose and rectify
mechanical faults whilst working to stringent deadlines within ever changing, hostile
environments. A confident and highly motivated team leader with excellent communication
skills, able to lead both small and large teams to ensure projects are completed on time and to
the highest standards, without compromising safety.
 Highly trained and skilled supervisor
 COSHH Assessor
 Carry out all form of servicing on Helicopter under slung load lifting
equipment including bringing items into service.
 Stevedore Slinger
 Engine Borescope Trained
 NDT Trained. Penetrant Testing (military Certified).
 MERLIN MK1 and MK2 Helicopter Trained Supervisor
Aircraft Engineer/Supervisor, Merlin MK1 and MK2.
ROYAL NAVY JUL 2010 to Current
 Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance on land and at sea. Including
removal, inspect, test, repair and re-fitment of all mechanical components of
Merlin Aircraft including Engines, Gearboxes, Hydraulic and Pneumatic
 Carry out any paperwork and electronic certification associated with work
carried out on Aircraft and components in accordance with Military
Aviation Authority.
 Custodian of all Tooling including specialist and precision tools used on
Aircraft and components.
 Update and monitor database for periodicity of servicing of Ground
Equipment, Tooling requiring Calibration and Precision tooling.
 COSHH Assessor, carry out COSHH Assessment on any Petrols, Oils and
Lubricants used within the working environment.
Aircraft Engineering Technician, merlin MK1
ROYAL NAVY Feb 2005 to July 2010
 Carry out Servicing, Replenishments and removal and fitment of
components under supervision.
 Act as a Firefighter when Embarked on Military Platforms (SHIPS).
 Act as a member of a movements team during Aircraft moves.
 Carry out weapon loading on Aircraft and was a part of the force protection
team onboard ship.
Domestic Appliance Engineer.
Rapid Repairs (Family Business) Jan 1996 to Feb 2005
 To Inspect, Repair and Recondition Washing Machines, Cookers, Tumble
Dryers and Fridge Freezers
Management and Leadership
 Scheduling and Supervising the maintenance of up to 6 Merlin helicopters
overseeing up to 20 engineers.
 Managed a team of engineers to enable the delivery of aircraft for
embarkation including all tooling and ground equipment.
 Overseeing the control, testing and servicing of all tooling, ground
equipment and calibration equipment for the Squadron.
 Flight Deck Supervisor Responsible for all flight deck activities and
associated man power requirements during planned flying periods, ensuring
the safety of all engineers whilst ensuring and achieving stringent deadlines
in extremely challenging and arduous conditions.
 Mentor for junior engineers including the progression of task books and on
completion was authorised to conduct their subsequent Competency Checks
before they were granted their own engineering authorisations.
Engineering and Mechanical Technician
 Carry out maintenance within trade boundaries including all associated
paperwork and electronic certification
 Carry out fault diagnosis on all mechanical systems including Hydraulic and
pneumatic components.
 Ensuring all aspects of technical electronic certification, including the
requirement for component sanctions.
 A nominated Squadron Independent Inspector responsible for carrying out
independent inspections of the installation, operation and functional testing
of aircraft flight critical components.
Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) May 2016
Foundation Degree (Distinction)
COSHH Assessor March 2013
City and Guilds
Leading Air Engineer Technician (Mechanical) July 2010
Petty Officer Air Engineer Jan 2016
Technician (Mechanical)
Additional Information & Interests
Full UK Driving Licence
Playing Golf
References Available on Request.

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  • 1. PAUL CUNNINGHAM PAULC2985@YAHOO.COM MOBILE +44 7825158947 SUMMARY. A Professional, Highly Skilled Mechanical Trade Technician and Manager with 12 years experience working safely in a highly critical environment within the military aviation sector. A methodical thinker with proactive problem solving skills. Able to test, diagnose and rectify mechanical faults whilst working to stringent deadlines within ever changing, hostile environments. A confident and highly motivated team leader with excellent communication skills, able to lead both small and large teams to ensure projects are completed on time and to the highest standards, without compromising safety. SKILL HIGHLIGHTS Highly trained and skilled supervisor COSHH Assessor Carry out all form of servicing on Helicopter under slung load lifting equipment including bringing items into service. Stevedore Slinger Engine Borescope Trained NDT Trained. Penetrant Testing (military Certified). MERLIN MK1 and MK2 Helicopter Trained Supervisor EXPERIENCE Aircraft Engineer/Supervisor, Merlin MK1 and MK2. ROYAL NAVY JUL 2010 to Current Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance on land and at sea. Including removal, inspect, test, repair and re-fitment of all mechanical components of
  • 2. Merlin Aircraft including Engines, Gearboxes, Hydraulic and Pneumatic components. Carry out any paperwork and electronic certification associated with work carried out on Aircraft and components in accordance with Military Aviation Authority. Custodian of all Tooling including specialist and precision tools used on Aircraft and components. Update and monitor database for periodicity of servicing of Ground Equipment, Tooling requiring Calibration and Precision tooling. COSHH Assessor, carry out COSHH Assessment on any Petrols, Oils and Lubricants used within the working environment. Aircraft Engineering Technician, merlin MK1 ROYAL NAVY Feb 2005 to July 2010 Carry out Servicing, Replenishments and removal and fitment of components under supervision. Act as a Firefighter when Embarked on Military Platforms (SHIPS). Act as a member of a movements team during Aircraft moves. Carry out weapon loading on Aircraft and was a part of the force protection team onboard ship. Domestic Appliance Engineer. Rapid Repairs (Family Business) Jan 1996 to Feb 2005 To Inspect, Repair and Recondition Washing Machines, Cookers, Tumble Dryers and Fridge Freezers SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Management and Leadership Scheduling and Supervising the maintenance of up to 6 Merlin helicopters overseeing up to 20 engineers. Managed a team of engineers to enable the delivery of aircraft for embarkation including all tooling and ground equipment. Overseeing the control, testing and servicing of all tooling, ground equipment and calibration equipment for the Squadron.
  • 3. Flight Deck Supervisor Responsible for all flight deck activities and associated man power requirements during planned flying periods, ensuring the safety of all engineers whilst ensuring and achieving stringent deadlines in extremely challenging and arduous conditions. Mentor for junior engineers including the progression of task books and on completion was authorised to conduct their subsequent Competency Checks before they were granted their own engineering authorisations. Engineering and Mechanical Technician Carry out maintenance within trade boundaries including all associated paperwork and electronic certification Carry out fault diagnosis on all mechanical systems including Hydraulic and pneumatic components. Ensuring all aspects of technical electronic certification, including the requirement for component sanctions. A nominated Squadron Independent Inspector responsible for carrying out independent inspections of the installation, operation and functional testing of aircraft flight critical components. EDUCATION Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical) May 2016 Foundation Degree (Distinction) COSHH Assessor March 2013 City and Guilds Leading Air Engineer Technician (Mechanical) July 2010
  • 4. Petty Officer Air Engineer Jan 2016 Technician (Mechanical) Additional Information & Interests Full UK Driving Licence Playing Golf Travelling Reading References Available on Request.