This document provides an introduction to discrete mathematics. It defines discrete objects as those that are distinct and separated from each other, such as integers. It explains that discrete mathematics deals with discrete objects and their properties. The document also outlines some key concepts that will be covered, including sets, functions, graphs, logic, and proofs. It discusses how formal approaches in discrete math can help handle large or indefinite quantities and provide reusable results.
This document discusses parent functions and transformations of functions. It defines parent functions as the simplest functions that satisfy a function definition, such as y=x for linear functions. It then explains various parent functions including quadratic, square root, absolute value, and cubic functions. The document also covers transformations including vertical and horizontal shifting, stretching and compressing, and reflection. It provides examples of writing equations for transformed graphs and combining transformations.
Ibu Mina membutuhkan waktu 3 hari untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan sendirian, sedangkan Budi membutuhkan waktu 6 hari. Jika bekerja bersama, mereka dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut dalam waktu 2 hari.
Lembar validasi RPP ini digunakan untuk menilai RPP mata pelajaran Sistem Kelistrikan Otomotif di SMK Nasional Makassar berdasarkan beberapa aspek seperti format, materi, bahasa, waktu, metode sajian, dan sarana pembelajaran dengan skala 1 sampai 4. Validator diminta memberikan penilaian umum apakah RPP dapat digunakan tanpa revisi, dengan revisi kecil atau besar, atau belum dapat digunakan beserta saran
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kinetika kimia, termasuk persamaan laju reaksi dan orde reaksi, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi laju reaksi seperti konsentrasi pereaksi dan suhu, serta hubungannya dengan teori tumbukan. Teori tumbukan menyatakan bahwa reaksi terjadi ketika molekul-molekul pereaksi bertumbukan dan memiliki energi kinetik minimum tertentu yang disebut energi aktivasi.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang definisi, proposisi, aksioma, asumsi, dan postulat sebagai perangkat ilmu. Definisi memberikan batasan pengertian suatu besaran, proposisi adalah pernyataan ilmiah yang bisa benar atau salah, aksioma dan asumsi diambil tanpa bukti untuk menjadi dasar deduksi, sedangkan postulat diambil tanpa bukti untuk menjadi premis deduksi dengan harapan dapat dibuktikan suatu saat.
This document discusses the concept of chemical equilibrium. It begins by defining chemical equilibrium as a state where there are no observable changes over time, with the rates of the forward and reverse reactions being equal. It then discusses various types of equilibrium including homogeneous and heterogeneous, and introduces the equilibrium constant K. It explains how K is used to determine the direction a reaction will shift in response to changes in conditions. In addition, it discusses the relationships between Kp and Kc, and how temperature, pressure, concentration and other factors can cause the equilibrium to shift via Le Chatelier's principle.
Sebagai bahan refrensi atau bahan dasar membuat rpp pendidikan matematika SMA/SMK kelas X Kurikulum K13 Revisi 2017. silahkan komen jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan terkaait RPP ini. dan mohon saran dan krittiknya untuk menjadikan rpp ini semakin sempurna
The document discusses complex numbers, including their definition, properties, and operations. It covers topics such as the complex number field, algebraic operations, modulus, conjugate complex numbers, polar form, exponents, roots, and examples. Various properties are examined, such as those of modulus and conjugate complex numbers, as well as the arguments of polar forms and algebraic operations involving exponents, roots, and examples.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang hubungan energi dalam reaksi kimia, termasuk jenis-jenis energi, perubahan energi dalam reaksi kimia, entalpi reaksi, dan hukum termodinamika pertama.
18. soal soal notasi sigma, barisan, deret dan induksi matematikanurul Aulia sari
Barisan, deret, dan induksi merupakan konsep penting dalam matematika. Soal-soal yang diberikan meliputi berbagai macam soal yang menguji pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep-konsep tersebut, seperti menghitung nilai sigma, menentukan suku ke-n, menghitung jumlah suku, dan menentukan rasio deret geometri.
This document defines and describes the properties of a kite shape in geometry. It states that a kite has two pairs of consecutive congruent sides, perpendicular diagonals, one pair of opposite congruent angles, one diagonal that forms two isosceles triangles, and one diagonal that bisects the other diagonal. It provides examples of using kite properties to solve for missing side lengths, angles, and finding the area of a kite given the lengths of its diagonals.
Operasi hitung vektor mencakup penjumlahan, pengurangan, dan perkalian skalar vektor. Dokumen ini menjelaskan konsep-konsep tersebut beserta contoh soalnya.
Matematika Diskrit - 06 relasi dan fungsi - 04KuliahKita
Dokumen ini membahas tentang relasi, invers relasi, dan kombinasi operasi relasi seperti irisan, gabungan, selisih, dan beda setangkup. Relasi invers dari relasi R adalah relasi R-1 dari himpunan B ke A. Matriks yang merepresentasikan relasi invers didapat dengan melakukan transpose matriks asli. Operasi kombinasi relasi diterapkan untuk relasi biner dengan menggunakan aturan operasi himpunan.
This document contains derivations of trigonometric identities. It simplifies expressions involving trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant by rewriting them in terms of other trigonometric functions or common denominators. It also uses factoring and trigonometric angle addition and subtraction formulas to derive new identities from existing ones. The document derives over a dozen new trigonometric identities through algebraic manipulation and rearrangement of trigonometric expressions.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang permutasi dan kombinasi, termasuk definisi, teorema, dan contoh soal latihan. Secara singkat, permutasi adalah jumlah urutan objek, sedangkan kombinasi adalah jumlah pemilihan objek tanpa memperhatikan urutannya. Rumus untuk menghitung jumlah permutasi dan kombinasi diberikan beserta buktinya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang analisis vektor dan sistem koordinat, termasuk definisi vektor dan skalar, notasi vektor, sistem koordinat Kartesius, Silinder dan Bola, serta transformasi antar sistem koordinat.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang suku tengah pada barisan aritmetika. Suku tengah ditentukan melalui rumus Uk = 1/2 (U1 + U2k-1) dimana Uk adalah suku ke-k, U1 adalah suku pertama, dan U2k-1 adalah suku terakhir. Contoh soal mendemonstrasikan cara menentukan suku tengah dan suku keberapanya dari beberapa barisan aritmetika.
Sebagai bahan refrensi atau bahan dasar membuat rpp pendidikan matematika SMA/SMK kelas X Kurikulum K13 Revisi 2017. silahkan komen jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan terkaait RPP ini. dan mohon saran dan krittiknya untuk menjadikan rpp ini semakin sempurna
The document discusses complex numbers, including their definition, properties, and operations. It covers topics such as the complex number field, algebraic operations, modulus, conjugate complex numbers, polar form, exponents, roots, and examples. Various properties are examined, such as those of modulus and conjugate complex numbers, as well as the arguments of polar forms and algebraic operations involving exponents, roots, and examples.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang hubungan energi dalam reaksi kimia, termasuk jenis-jenis energi, perubahan energi dalam reaksi kimia, entalpi reaksi, dan hukum termodinamika pertama.
18. soal soal notasi sigma, barisan, deret dan induksi matematikanurul Aulia sari
Barisan, deret, dan induksi merupakan konsep penting dalam matematika. Soal-soal yang diberikan meliputi berbagai macam soal yang menguji pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep-konsep tersebut, seperti menghitung nilai sigma, menentukan suku ke-n, menghitung jumlah suku, dan menentukan rasio deret geometri.
This document defines and describes the properties of a kite shape in geometry. It states that a kite has two pairs of consecutive congruent sides, perpendicular diagonals, one pair of opposite congruent angles, one diagonal that forms two isosceles triangles, and one diagonal that bisects the other diagonal. It provides examples of using kite properties to solve for missing side lengths, angles, and finding the area of a kite given the lengths of its diagonals.
Operasi hitung vektor mencakup penjumlahan, pengurangan, dan perkalian skalar vektor. Dokumen ini menjelaskan konsep-konsep tersebut beserta contoh soalnya.
Matematika Diskrit - 06 relasi dan fungsi - 04KuliahKita
Dokumen ini membahas tentang relasi, invers relasi, dan kombinasi operasi relasi seperti irisan, gabungan, selisih, dan beda setangkup. Relasi invers dari relasi R adalah relasi R-1 dari himpunan B ke A. Matriks yang merepresentasikan relasi invers didapat dengan melakukan transpose matriks asli. Operasi kombinasi relasi diterapkan untuk relasi biner dengan menggunakan aturan operasi himpunan.
This document contains derivations of trigonometric identities. It simplifies expressions involving trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant by rewriting them in terms of other trigonometric functions or common denominators. It also uses factoring and trigonometric angle addition and subtraction formulas to derive new identities from existing ones. The document derives over a dozen new trigonometric identities through algebraic manipulation and rearrangement of trigonometric expressions.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang permutasi dan kombinasi, termasuk definisi, teorema, dan contoh soal latihan. Secara singkat, permutasi adalah jumlah urutan objek, sedangkan kombinasi adalah jumlah pemilihan objek tanpa memperhatikan urutannya. Rumus untuk menghitung jumlah permutasi dan kombinasi diberikan beserta buktinya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang analisis vektor dan sistem koordinat, termasuk definisi vektor dan skalar, notasi vektor, sistem koordinat Kartesius, Silinder dan Bola, serta transformasi antar sistem koordinat.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang suku tengah pada barisan aritmetika. Suku tengah ditentukan melalui rumus Uk = 1/2 (U1 + U2k-1) dimana Uk adalah suku ke-k, U1 adalah suku pertama, dan U2k-1 adalah suku terakhir. Contoh soal mendemonstrasikan cara menentukan suku tengah dan suku keberapanya dari beberapa barisan aritmetika.
1. The document discusses mathematical logic and proofs. It introduces logic operators such as NOT, AND and OR and how they are used to construct truth tables and logical formulas.
2. Conditional statements like "if P then Q" are explained along with their contrapositive and negation. Logical equivalences between statements are important.
3. The concept of an argument is introduced, where valid arguments are those where the conclusion follows logically from the assumptions. Specific argument forms like modus ponens and modus tollens are discussed.
1- Mathematical proof (what and why)
2- Logic, basic operators
3- Using simple operators to construct any operator
4- Logical equivalence, DeMorgans law
5- Conditional statement (if, if and only if)
6- Arguments
This document discusses mathematical foundations of computer science. It covers topics such as statements (propositions), logic operators (NOT, AND, OR), compound statements, logical equivalence, conditional statements, and arguments. Specifically, it defines statements as sentences that are either true or false. It introduces logic operators and how they can be used to construct new statements from old ones. It also discusses logical forms such as truth tables and De Morgan's laws. Finally, it discusses conditional statements, logical equivalence, and valid arguments.
The document provides an overview of topics in number theory including:
- Number systems such as natural numbers, integers, and real numbers
- Properties of real numbers like closure, commutativity, associativity, identity, and inverse properties
- Rational and irrational numbers
- Order of operations
- Absolute value
- Intervals on the number line
- Finite and repeating decimals
- Converting between fractions and decimals
This document provides tips for acing the Additional Mathematics (AM) and Elementary Mathematics (EM) exams. It summarizes key statistics on topics that are highly tested, such as differentiation and integration making up 27.8% of the AM exam. It recommends focusing on the 11 chapters that make up 74.6% of the exam. Sample questions are provided for topics like trigonometry, logarithms, linear laws, and matrices. Strategies are outlined for solving different types of questions on these topics.
Understand concepts of Mathematical Logic, mechanisms of inference rules for propositional and predicate logic and their applications
Understand the concepts of Sets, Relations, Functions and their applications.
Learn the concepts of Algebraic Structures, basics of counting, Principles of inclusion/exclusion and the pigeonhole methodology.
Understand Generating Functions, Recurrence Relations and various ways of solving them.
Understand basic definitions and properties of graphs and their applications in computer science and engineering
- The document discusses some fundamental concepts in analysis such as natural numbers, zero, infinity, series, and L'H担pital's rule.
- It provides examples to illustrate issues that can arise from improperly handling concepts like division by zero, divergent series, and interchange of sums.
- The key points are that operations should not be performed on divergent series and sums can only be interchanged if the series is absolutely convergent. L'H担pital's rule also has specific requirements that must be checked before applying it.
Here are the answers to the exercises:
1. The 2007th digit after the period in the decimal expansion of 1/7 is 7, since the expansion repeats with a period of 7 digits (142857...).
2. a) and b) have finite decimal expansions, while c) does not.
3. A = [-1, 2], B = (-, -1] (2, ). C = (-, 1) (2, ). D = (-, 1) (3, ). E = [-1, 2].
The finite sets are A and E.
3. Functions
1) The document discusses fractions and rational numbers. It notes that US students struggle with fraction arithmetic compared to international peers and provides an example problem where over 42% of US students chose the wrong answer.
2) It advocates understanding fractions as sums of unit fractions (e.g. 2/7 = 1/4 + 1/28) in the same way place value is taught for decimals. This conceptual understanding enables computational fluency with fractions.
3) It distinguishes between fractions, which are written symbols, and rational numbers, which depend on value not notation. A rational number can always be expressed as a quotient of two integers.
Rational numbers can be represented as fractions or decimals. Fractions in the form of p/q where p and q are integers and q is not equal to 0 are called rational numbers. Some key rational number concepts discussed include:
- Natural numbers are counting numbers and whole numbers include zero. Integers include both positive and negative whole numbers.
- Rational numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided using the same rules as fractions.
- Two fractions are equal if their numerator to denominator ratios are equal.
- Rational numbers that terminate are called terminating decimals, while those that repeat infinitely are non-terminating or recurring decimals.
The document provides an introduction to quantitative economics and basic numeracy and arithmetic skills needed to analyze economic theory. It explains why learning math is important for economics, such as being able to critically analyze assumptions, data, and isolate factors. The document outlines how to properly learn and apply mathematics, including understanding implications, equivalencies, deductions from assumptions rather than facts. It provides examples of logical implications, linear equations, and arithmetic rules. It demonstrates solving systems of linear equations using substitution and elimination methods. It also gives examples of using linear equations and functions in economic models of supply/demand equilibrium, national income, and a firm's demand function.
This document provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in a discrete mathematics course for computer science. It includes:
- Administrative details like the instructor's contact information, textbook, exam dates, and policies on cheating and late homework.
- The course objectives which are to learn basic discrete mathematics tools and techniques like propositional logic, set theory, counting, and induction, as well as rigorous mathematical reasoning and proof writing.
- Advice for students on how to study effectively and keep up in the course by practicing problems and examples.
- An outline of the topics to be covered, beginning with propositional logic - including truth tables, logical connectives, tautologies, and translating sentences -
Rise of the Phoenix: Lesson Learned Build an AI-powered Test Gen Enginestevebrudz1
In this talk, I give an overview and demo of Phoenix, an AI-powered test generation engine for Ruby on Rails applications, and share lessons learned while building it. I presented this at the Artificial Ruby Meet Up in NYC on March 4, 2025.
How John started to like TDD (instead of hating it) - TED talkNacho Cougil
John, a typical developer, used to dread writing tests, finding them boring and unnecessary. Test Driven Development (TDD)? Even worsehe couldnt see how it worked outside of basic exercises. But something clicked. Through his journey, John discovered the magic of writing tests before the production code: fewer bugs, quicker feedback, and cleaner code. Now, hes hooked and wont code any other way. This is the story of how TDD turned a skeptic into a believer.
PS: Think of John as a random person, as if he was even the speaker of this talk !
Presentation shared at Talent Arena '25
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AI/ML Infra Meetup | Optimizing ML Data Access with Alluxio: Preprocessing, ...Alluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events:
- Bin Fan (VP of Technology @ Alluxio)
In this talk, Bin Fan shares his insights on data access challenges in ML applications, with particular emphasis on how Alluxio's distributed caching helps bridge the gap between storage and compute in preprocessing, pretraining and inference.
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Code or No-Code Tests: Why Top Teams Choose BothApplitools
Explore practical strategies to unify your teams and achieve high-quality products. Session recording and more info at
Eric Terry, Senior Director of Quality Control at EVERSANA, shares real-world insights on how his teams leverage code and no-code tools to streamline test automation, bridge skill gaps, and integrate manual and automated workflows seamlessly.
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Examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality and some solutions. This presentation presents some examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality, in particular how poor software quality led to the direct deaths of 89 people. It then provides some background on software quality, especially the concept of Quality Without a Name. It then discusses many principles, their usefulness, and their positive consequences on software quality. Some of these principles are well-known in object-oriented programming while many others are taken from the book 97 Programmers. They include: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, types, polymorphism, SOLID, GRASP, YAGNI, KISS, DRY, Do Not Reinvent the Wheel, Law of Demeter, Beware of Assumptions, Deletable Code, coding with reason, and functional programming. They pertain to dependencies, domains, and tools. Concrete application on a real-world software systems, with examples and discussions.
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AI/ML Infra Meetup
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Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events:
- Chongxiao Cao (Senior SWE @ Uber)
Chongxiao Cao from Uber's Michelangelo training team shared valuable insights into Uber's approach to optimizing LLM training and fine-tuning workflows.
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AI/ML Infra Meetup | Deployment, Discovery and Serving of LLMs at Uber ScaleAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events:
- Sean Po (Staff SWE @ Uber)
- Tse-Chi Wang (Senior SWE @ Uber)
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3. What is Discrete Math?
Discrete mathematics is mathematics that
deals with discrete objects.
Discrete objects are those which are
separated from (not connected to/distinct
from) each other.
4. Discrete objects
Integers, rational numbers (ones that can be
expressed as the quotient of two integers),
automobiles, houses, people etc. are all
discrete objects.
On the other hand real numbers which include
irrational as well as rational numbers are not
between any two different real numbers there is
another real number different from either of them.
So they are packed without any gaps and can not
be separated from their immediate neighbors. In
that sense they are not discrete.
5. Discrete Objects
In this course we will be concerned with objects
such as integers, propositions, sets, relations
and functions, which are all discrete.
We are going to learn concepts associated with
them, their properties, and relationships among
them among others.
6. Why Discrete Math?
Through DM, we learn formal/theoretical
approaches in computer science.
Why formal approach is important?
we can handle infinity or large quantity and
indefiniteness with them
results from formal approaches are reusable.
20. K=4
Now we have reduced to the k=3 configuration, but one level higher
20 circles (not 16) to reach level 4!
21. K=5?
a. 39 or below
b. 40-50 circles
c. 51-70 circles
d. 71- 100 circles
e. 101 1000 circles
f. 1001 or above
It turns out that it is impossible to move to level 5,
and there is a very interesting mathematical proof of it.
22. Graph Theory
How to color a map?
How to send data efficiently?
How to schedule exams?
23. Objectives of This Course
To learn basic mathematical concepts, e.g. sets, functions, graphs
To be familiar with formal mathematical reasoning, e.g. logic, proofs
To improve problem solving skills
To see the connections between discrete mathematics and computer science
24. Introduction to logic
Basic Definitions
Logic formula
25. 2 2 2
a b c+ =
Pythagorean theorem
26. cb
(i) a cc square, and then
(ii) an aa & a bb square
Good Proof
We will show that these five pieces can be rearranged into:
And then we can conclude that
33. Mathematical Proof
To prove mathematical theorems, we need a more rigorous system.
The standard procedure for proving mathematical theorems is invented by
Euclid in 300BC. First he started with five axioms (the truth of these
statements are taken for granted). Then he uses logic to deduce the truth
of other statements.
1.It is possible to draw a straight line from any point to any other point.
2.It is possible to produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line.
3.It is possible to describe a circle with any center and any radius.
4.It is true that all right angles are equal to one another.
5.("Parallel postulate") It is true that, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the
interior angles on the same side less than two right angles,
the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, intersect on that side on which are the
angles less than the two right angles.
34. Statement (Proposition)
A Statement is a sentence that is either True or False
Non-examples: x+y>0
2 + 2 = 4
3 x 3 = 8
787009911 is a prime
They are true for some values of x and y
but are false for some other values of x and y.
36. Compound Statement
p = it is hot q = it is sunny
It is hot and sunny
It is not hot but sunny
It is neither hot nor sunny
37. Exclusive-Or
coffee or tea exclusive-or
How to construct a compound statement for exclusive-or?
p q p q
Idea 1: Look at the true rowsIdea 1: Look at the true rowsIdea 1: Look at the true rows
Want the formula to be true
exactly when the input belongs
to a true row.
The input is the second row exactly if this sub-formula is satisfied
And the formula is true exactly when the input is the second row or the third row.
38. Exclusive-Or
coffee or tea exclusive-or
How to construct a compound statement for exclusive-or?
p q p q
Idea 2: Look at the false rows
Want the formula to be true
exactly when the input does
not belong to a false row.
The input is the first row exactly if this sub-formula is satisfied
And the formula is true exactly when the input is not in the 1st
row and the 4th
39. Logical Equivalence
p q
Logical equivalence: Two statements have the same truth table
Idea 3: Guess and check
As you see, there are many different ways to write the same logical formula.
One can always use a truth table to check whether two statements are equivalent.
40. Writing Logical Formula for a Truth Table
Digital logic:
Given a digital circuit, we can construct the truth table.
Now, suppose we are given only the truth table (i.e. the specification),
how can we construct a circuit (i.e. formula) that has the same function?
41. Writing Logical Formula for a Truth Table
p q r output
Use idea 1 or idea 2. Idea 1: Look at the true rows
and take the or.
The formula is true exactly when the input is one of the true rows.
42. Writing Logical Formula for a Truth Table
Idea 2: Look at the false rows,
negate and take the and.
The formula is true exactly when the input is not one of the false row.
p q r output
43. DeMorgans Laws
Logical equivalence: Two statements have the same truth table
Statement: Tom is in the football team and the basketball team.
Negation: Tom is not in the football team or not in the basketball team.
Statement: The number 783477841 is divisible by 7 or 11.
Negation: The number 783477841 is not divisible by 7 and not divisible by 11.
De Morgans Law
De Morgans Law
46. Tautology, Contradiction
A tautology is a statement that is always true.
A contradiction is a statement that is always false. (negation of a tautology)
In general it is difficult to tell whether a statement is a contradiction.
It is one of the most important problems in CS the satisfiability problem.
How this is a negation of the first tautology?
47. Quick Summary
Key points to know.
1. Write a logical formula from a truth table.
2. Check logical equivalence of two logical formulas.
3. DeMorgans rule and other simple logical rules (e.g. distributive).
4. Use simple logical rules to simplify a logical formula.