1. The document discusses educational theory and concepts relevant to learning at hacker schools.
2. It promotes three main ideas: that learning is designable like coding, individual brains learn differently, and learning is not an isolated process but relies on community and collaboration.
3. Various learning theories are covered briefly, including cognitive apprenticeship and legitimate peripheral participation within a community of practice. Motivation, mindset, and overcoming challenges are also addressed.
9. Example 1: This project is a text editor, mail
and news reader, debugger, project planner,
calendar, and natural language processing
demo for simulating a human.
Example 2: This project is a distributed
version control system designed to handle
everything from small to very large projects
with speed and efficiency.
10. What is your hacker school
learning story?
(I'mlearning X because of Y. My next step is Z.)
11. Example: test-driven development
def factorial(n):
"""Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0.
>>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]"""
result = 1
factor = 2
while factor <= n: (shamelessly stolen from
result *= factor http://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html)
factor += 1
return result
12. Example: test-driven development
def factorial(n):
"""Return the factorial of n, an exact integer >= 0.
>>> [factorial(n) for n in range(6)]
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120]"""
result = 1
factor = 2
while factor <= n: (shamelessly stolen from
result *= factor http://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html)
factor += 1
return result
what should it do?
how will I know if it works?
ok, now how do I make it work?
13. Example: test-driven development
def learn_tdd(student):
"""Students should be able to analyze the relationship between
a doctest, thefunction under test, and the test output.
>>> [learn_tdd(student) for student in class]
[True, True, True, True, True]"""
student.doctestability = True
return student.doctestability
14. Example: test-driven development
def learn_tdd(student):
"""Students should be able to analyze the relationship between
a doctest, thefunction under test, and the test output.
>>> [learn_tdd(student) for student in class]
[True, True, True, True, True]"""
student.doctestability = True
return student.doctestability
content (goal)
pedagogy (activity)
Further reading: Understanding By Design
25. In a cognitive apprenticeship within a
community of practice...
zone of proximal development
legitimate peripheral participation
26. Zone of proximal development:
learning to bike
1. watching
2. somebody pushes you
3. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
27. Zone of proximal development:
learning to program
1. watching
2. somebody pushes you
3. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
28. Zone of proximal development:
learning to program
1. watching
2. pair programming, code review, etc...
3. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
29. MYTHS:
not skilled enoughnot skilled enough
not technical enoughnot technical enough
(perhaps later but surely not now)(perhaps later but surely not now)
52. Motivation (Deci, Ryan)
1. amotivation
2. external regulation
3. identified regulation
4. intrinsic motivation
(thanks to Jon Stolk, Rob Martello, Mark Somerville, and the Olin College I2E2 crew)
53. Self-efficacy (Bandura)
1. doing it
2. seeing people (like me) do it
3. social persuasion
4. your own body
(Bandura also did social learning, which is a lot of fun look it up!)
58. ''...thefirst steps on this journey do not feel like progress....thefirst steps onthis journey do not feel like progress. TheThe
voice diminishes in volume; it lacks... even the derived authorityvoice diminishes in volume; it lacks... even the derived authority
of thosewho... can assume as theyparrot... they speak theofthosewho... can assume as theyparrot... they speak the
truth... The inner voice turns critical; it tells themtheir ideastruth... The inner voice turns critical; it tells themtheir ideas
may be stupid.Women at this position think before they speak;may be stupid.Women at this position think before they speak;
and, becausetheir ideas must measure up to certain objectiveand, becausetheir ideas must measure up to certain objective
standards, they speak in measured tones.standards, they speak in measured tones.
Often, theydo not speak at all.Often, theydo not speak at all.
But this is not a passive silence; on the other sideof this silence,But this is not a passive silence; on the other sideof this silence,
reason is stirringreason is stirring.' --Women's Ways ofKnowing.' --Women's Ways ofKnowing
59. '...confirmation and community are prerequisites rather than'...confirmation and community are prerequisites rather than
consequences ofdevelopment.'consequences ofdevelopment.'
--Women's Ways of Knowing--Women's Ways of Knowing
61. that's all, folks. questions?that's all, folks. questions?
this talkthis talk